Home Forums Dogs Puppy having seizures

Puppy having seizures

Published on: April 25, 2021 • By: KylieB · In Forum: Dogs
April 25, 2021 at 05:41pm
My sister got a puppy he’s about 12 weeks old and has had him about a week He had had three seizures and when he does he foams, and empties his bowels When she got him she though he was starving, he would gorge himself when he ate so she got him a slow feeder. He’s a purebred husky. They have run many blood tests and nothing came back wrong. They can’t get any scans done because it costs about 1,000 a scan The dog has issues with going potty. He has used the bathroom in his food and then ate it. (They keep his food in his kennel, but they take good care of him) after he has the seizures he runs into things. They are going to put him on cbd to try and help him. They don’t know what the issue is or what to do.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 25, 2021 at 11:59pm
Hello!   I cannot give advice about someone else's pet, nor about another vets' patient, but I can tell you some things about epilepsy in general.  Fits in very young dogs may still be caused primary epilepsy, although most dogs develop epilepsy a little older than this (1-3 years being typical).  Fits can be confused with other clinical conditions, such as hypoglycaemia or muscle twitching.  The complete loss of consciousness, emptying bladder or bowels, a pre-fitting phase, fitting phase and post-fitting phase, suggest that a 'true' fit is happening.  Not all 'true fits' are epilepsy;  they can also happen secondary to other diseases e.g. liver disease in which any toxins are not removed from the blood in the normal way and therefore affect the brain, or secondary to issues within the brain, or with salt balance etc.  Primary epilepsy is genetic in certain breeds. When dogs are fitting, it is a good idea to significantly lower the lighting and give then pet plenty of space, away from furniture etc. they could hurt themselves on.  We would also recommend calling the vet immediately, who will give you instructions from there.  Fitting with muscle contractions etc lowers a pets' blood sugar so some dogs, especially pups are very hungry immediately afterwards.  Depending on the cause, they may need medication or special fluids.  Vets also like to find the reason for the fitting. Best of luck and we hope that the fitting has stopped by now;  fitting for an extended period can be very damaging.  Hopefully your can get in touch with your vet in order that they can triage the case and offer help as they see fit.  All the best to both of you at this distressing time.  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 26, 2021 at 12:04am
Does my dog have epilepsy? - Vet Help Direct
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 26, 2021 at 12:19am
To pick up on a couple of your comments - the period after a fit, the third stage (post-dromal) is characterised by confusion, where the pet may run into things.  This is typical of fitting dogs.   In the blog there is an article called 'Does my dog have epilepsy' which might be helpful.  There is also an article about CBD oil, which some find to be helpful, but we think that this should be used with veterinary approval, ideally after diagnosis, and only when there isn't a more effective drug available.  Questions that may be useful to ask your vet include 'what could be causing the fits?'   'What have you managed to rule out?'  'What does that leave?'  'Which seems most likely?' and 'What prognosis is there' (with different treatments) may be very helpful when trying to figure out what to do next.
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