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Home Forums Dogs Senior beagle lame

Senior beagle lame

Published on: July 19, 2024 • By: masonmarieh992 · In Forum: Dogs
July 19, 2024 at 03:31am
I have a senior beagle with hip problems. He couldn’t stand up in the hallway off the wooden floors and when he did get moved and stood up he was shaking in his back right leg and eyes looked nervous. He’s always had hip problems since he was about three. But with all the noise he made trying to get up it made me concerned it could be a seizure also.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 19, 2024 at 03:53am
Hello- there are many possibilities that might explain this.   These may include arthritis, muscle weakness / fasciculations eg for metabolic reasons, 'partial' seizure (to use an outdated term), other neurolocal complaints or indeed, a mixture of the above.   Full blown seizures involve a loss of consciousness, but not all seizure activity does.   I have no understanding of where your vet is in 'working all of this up' ie investigating to understand the symptoms. It is their job to understand what is happening, why and it sounds to me to be important to ask them about it, where your particular boy is concerned.  Second opinions are always available if you are concerned, and if thats the route then we always urge clients to seek one from somebody who can obtain more information than your vet.  This could include an expert or soneone who can carry out more in depth tests.  Beagles are prone to seizure activity in general, but specific information to your dog may be needed.   Wishing you both all the best.
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