Home Forums Dogs Small red bump on dog’s anus

Small red bump on dog's anus

Published on: August 02, 2024 • By: adwatki2 · In Forum: Dogs
August 02, 2024 at 04:24pm
20240802_094102 20240802_094051 I have a 7.5yr old Great Dane mix. She is approximately 93lbs. We noticed this small bump about a month ago. It does not appear to be getting larger or if so, not by very much. We took her to the vet and they wanted to try an oral steroid for 10 days first to see if it made the bump go away. It didn't. The next step is a biopsy to send off to the lab for results. This is a bit costly to do so I wanted to see if I could get another opinion before we went that route. She does not seem to be in any discomfort and she is using the bathroom normally. I appreciate any advice you could give.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 02, 2024 at 06:45pm
Hello and thankyou for sharing some aspects of this interesting case.  Obviously your vet is party to more aspects of this case than me, having actually met the patient.  The person who gives a second opinion needs to have at least as much information as the first opinion vet in order to make a useful contribution - and furthermore, it helps if they have their permission and co-operation.  Frequently, someone is chosen who knows more than the first opinion vet e.g. in this case, they could be an expert in surgery of that area, or in skin conditions, or in lumps.  I have less information that your vet- I know next to nothing about the patient and have only seen a photo - which immediately rules me out.  As a general rule, I like to biopsy, fine-needle or otherwise test lumps before trial treating with steroids, because after the cause of a lump is known then the appropriate treatment can be given first time.  In some cases there are tests that I would perform first - for example, if bleeding was a risk, or if there were concerns about removal.  If I happened to suspect a histiocytoma, I might wait for a while.  Good questions for your vet, before second opinions are entered into, are generally:  1) what options do we have?   2) What are the pros and cons of each option and 3) which do you reccommend and why.  I hope that something there is of help.
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