Home Forums Cats Sudden weak vocalizations and odd behavior during 3 day overnight stay at vet

Sudden weak vocalizations and odd behavior during 3 day overnight stay at vet

Published on: February 02, 2025 • By: Moonchilde2714 · In Forum: Cats
February 02, 2025 at 07:46pm
My cat is 17 years old.  He has been hyperthyroid for a few years and given methimazole but the original dosage is not apparently working now, I took him to the vet on Friday they said he's hyperthyroid again and also in kidney failure and needed a three-day hospitalization for IV fluids (along with increased medication dosage).  Before I took him there, he was acting totally normally except eating and drinking and urinating excessively, no weight loss.  Yesterday I visited after 24 hours and he was meowing a lot in his normal tone at me to let me know he was upset.  Today I visited him after 48 hours and he had extremely weak vocalizations and acted like he didn't know who I am, he was also yowling and kept trying to get off my lap and hide in the cabinets although his walking and jumping seemed normal.  The vet said he is fine, eating, drinking and defecating, but I am very concerned at this sudden change in behavior.  Is this normal because he is stressed at being at the vet or is something else wrong?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 02, 2025 at 08:04pm
Hello and I'm sorry to hear that you and your cat are facing this together.  Your cat is eating, drinking and deafevating; I trust by now that they are well hydrated again.  A good question for your vet might therefore be whether it is necessary to keep your cat in hospital any longer and, if so, why? - because if stress is the only thing left on the urgent problem list, it may be best solved if he can be discharged.  However, remember that I don't know the specifics of the case and that your vet may have other concerns that I haven't pinpointed from your description.
February 02, 2025 at 08:17pm
The vet said the hospitalization had to be for three days to give him enough fluids. Personally I think they are just after the money as they seem to be very much overcharging me (knowing I have insurance).
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