Home Forums Cats Urinating problem after getting spayed

Urinating problem after getting spayed

Published on: May 07, 2023 • By: charmanis · In Forum: Cats
May 07, 2023 at 02:29pm
My three year old cat got spayed on Wednesday. She was able to urinate the next day after the surgery. I noticed she meowed Saturday morning as she was urinating and she did so again this morning but she didn’t pee. Should I be worried?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 07, 2023 at 04:33pm
Hello - and maybe.  It is possible that your cat has cystitis - which can be brought on both by pain and by stress - and as gently as it is done, speying a cat can occasionally be painful or stressful, as can returning to a (multicat) household not smelling right to any other cats that live there.  If that turns out to be the problem, cystitis can be painful and promote anxiety, so promoting a viscious cycle.  There may be other differentials too, so we would definitely reccommend calling and talking it over with your vet, even on a bank holiday.
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