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Vomiting on alternate days

Published on: February 07, 2023 • By: fflores · In Forum: Cats
February 07, 2023 at 03:51pm
Hi, our cat has been vomiting on alternate days for the last few days. Let's say he vomited yesterday until his stomach was empty (the food he vomits does not seem to be fully digested), didn't eat much during the day, then today he'd be totally fine, eating and drinking and moving as a normal day, and tomorrow he'd vomit again. It's really weird, as it does not seem like food related (we give the same food every day), not sure if someone has experienced anything similar.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 07, 2023 at 04:17pm
Hello!   Yes - some cats do seem to be intermittent vomitters.   In the past vets used to say "its just the way some of them are" but clinicians have worked on it over the past 20 years and concluded what maybe should have been obvious all along;  that regular vomitting isn't 'normal' for cats and usually reflects some underlying dietary indiscretion or disease.  Some vomiting cats are actually regurgitating (watching the act and describing it to your vet can clear up any uncertainty there);  others may be struggling with eg underlying liver, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism or pancreatitis.  We couldnt previously detect pancreatitis in cats and they aren't very deminstrative of abdominal pain, so its possible that many of these cases were previously being missed.  Intermittent vomitting is definitely worth having a chat to your vet about, and they may ask to carry our tests.
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