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At VetHelpDirect, we aim to provide you with all the information you need to keep your dog happy and healthy. Whether you’re planning on getting a puppy, moving house or just need a vet for your pooch, our directory includes independent reviews and contact details for UK vets.
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Latest articles on Dogs

Dog DNA tests – how to prepare for your first test
DNA test kits have become hugely popular over the last decade or so. This may in part be thanks to the popular TV series ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ Over 26 million Americans have so far taken an at-home ancestry test. For many, the appeal lies in the exciting possibility of unlocking hidden information […]

Can a male dog be infertile? How is it diagnosed and what can be done about it?
While an unplanned dalliance in the woods will often lead to an unwanted litter, organised matings can require a lot of planning. Everything must be perfectly aligned for a natural mating to happen and result in a litter. Mother nature usually expertly takes care of this. When matings are planned however, us humans take control […]

Can dogs have fleas in Winter – and should they be treated all year round ?
Yes, dogs can get fleas in Winter – and treatment should continue all year round. It is summer that has typically been viewed as the main season for fleas in the UK, but it is now much more common to see flea infestations throughout autumn and winter. It is therefore important that as pet owners, […]

What is a Boerboel and do they make good pets?
Although some breeds will always remain popular as pets, others will fall out of favour while newer, more unusual breeds may start to appear. One such breed is the boerboel (pronounced bor-bull), also known as the South African mastiff. As one of many mastiff breeds, these large dogs can make good pets for some people, […]

A “wag injury” – how are tail injuries managed in dogs and cats?”
Due to our pet’s tails being somewhat ‘out on a limb’ (if you will excuse the pun!), they are very prone to injuries. The tail is an important part of dogs’ and cats’ anatomy. It serves multiple purposes but can often become injured as it is so mobile and exposed at the end of the […]

Prebiotics or probiotics for dogs and cats – which are better for your pet?
There are trillions of bacteria and micro-organisms naturally found in the gut and the “gut microbiome” is currently a hot topic within human health. Research has found that a balanced microbiome has many health benefits. Stress, illness or antibiotics adversely affect the balance of gut micro-organisms causing dysbiosis. Dysbiosis can mean a decrease in the […]