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Frequently Asked Questions – Dogs

From the serious conditions to small head-scratchers, we all have questions about our dogs. Whether they’ve eaten something that you’re not sure about or have adopted a strange new behaviour, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions we receive right here.

The answers come from our team of vets. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, be sure to check out our Ask a Vet section to search responses or to ask your own question – it’s free and you’ll get a response. There are also hundreds of articles on our Blog. For more immediate concerns, visit our Dog Symptom Checker or Poisons Guide.


Latest articles on Dogs


Owner giving a dog a worming tablet

Dog wormers – is prescription really best?

When you are at your vets for a routine visit, the veterinary surgeon will often ask you if your dog is up to date with its flea and worming treatment or would you like some while you are there. This is because dog wormers are an important subject for all pet owners. Often a lot […]

A bowl of salad leaves

Vegan diets not so good for dogs after all?

Veganism is becoming increasingly popular as a diet choice for humans in the UK. But have you heard of vegan diets for dogs? There is growing interest in which diet is actually best for dogs. With many pet owners opting to feed ‘unconventional’ diets such as uncooked meat or ‘raw’ diets as well as vegetarian […]

Senior dog bright and happy in home

Can dogs get thyroid cancer?

We tend to think about thyroid issues as being a more “cat thing”, but it’s not always the case… Because yes, dogs can certainly get nodules and abnormal growths in their thyroids. Here’s how you spot it, and what can be done about it.

Dog eating dog food

Update on Grain Free Diets

You’ve probably heard it before- “my dog is on a great diet, lots of protein and grain free”. But what does “grain free” actually mean, and is it associated with better quality food? Why are people choosing to purchase grain free diets for their dogs, and what are the risks? There has been concern over […]

Labrador swimming in water

Water poisoning in dogs – is it real?

Water poisoning… is this a thing? Well actually, yes, it is. Water intoxication is a rare condition that can happen when a dog ingests water to the point of excess. This creates some serious problems in the body and may even result in death. Let’s explore what causes water poisoning and how you can avoid […]

Dog having a bath

Why cold water could save your dog’s life. In a heatwave – wet then vet

It’s a hot summer’s day, and your dog is struggling. Perhaps they’ve over-exercised in the sun or been in a warm and humid environment for a while without enough ventilation. These are the typical scenarios that can lead to heatstroke, a condition that can prove rapidly fatal. If this happens to your dog, would you […]