Lilies are beautiful flowers, exotic in appearance and heavily scented. They are often included in bouquets and floral arrangements, but cat owners need to know that they are extremely poisonous if eaten, or even if pollen is accidentally swallowed whilst grooming after brushing against a lily.
It is thought that all parts of the lily flower and plant are poisonous to cats if eaten, and the effects are very serious and very fast. Only a very small amount needs to be eaten to cause devastating effects. Unfortunately kittens are most susceptible, not only because of their size but also because of their natural curiosity and tendency to investigate everything.
Impact of Lily Poisoning on Cats
The poison acts mainly on the kidneys and is absorbed very rapidly. The first sign is usually severe vomiting but cats may also show loss of appetite, depression, salivation, twitching or collapse. Sadly, a high number of them will die due to irreversible kidney damage. Others will survive but have permanent kidney damage. Only a lucky few will survive without long-lasting effects.
The most important factor in treatment is seeking rapid veterinary help. Any cat which has been seen to eat part of a lily or is vomiting and has had possible contact with lilies, should be considered a veterinary emergency. There is no specific antidote to lily poisoning, but the chance of survival will be increased by giving fluid therapy as early as possible.
By placing the cat on a drip, the kidneys are helped to eliminate the toxin and limit the damage to the kidneys. The rate of administration of fluids will be much higher than usual and will need to continue for several days if the cat is recovering.
If a cat is presented very early, even before vomiting has occurred, it might be useful to induce vomiting to try to stop toxin being absorbed, or to lavage, or wash out, the stomach or to try to line the stomach with a charcoal substance to reduce further absorption. Other drugs may be given as well, particularly if there are neurological symptoms such as twitching, salivating or fitting.
Take Care with Cats & Plants
I have seen several cases of lily poisoning in cats over the years, and sadly, at least half of them died or were put to sleep because the effects were so severe.
In my opinion, the warnings on lilies sold in some shops are not obvious enough. Some labels may carry a single line such as “Lily pollen is harmful to cats if eaten”, but this does not really convey the seriousness of the situation or advise the buyer that immediate action is needed. Some supermarket lilies have had the pollen-bearing parts removed, but this does not change the fact that all parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten rather than just brushed against.
If you own a cat it is worth considering keeping lilies out of your house altogether, or at least out of reach. Bear in mind that a healthy curious cat can reach most things if it puts its mind to it!
If you are worried that your cat may have eaten part of a lily, or about any other health problems, please contact your vet immediately.
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My daughter has two Rag doll kittens and knows the risk that lilies pose. She had some visitors and for what ever reason the children had lilies, leaves and flowers in their backpack, took them out without my daughter noticing and was playing with the kittens. Kittens were covered in the brown centre stems. Drip and shaving required,. Currently at vets £700 per kitten. Overnight at emergency vets £800 per kitten. They have said possibly 2-3 days. Total cost £4,600 to £6,200 with no insurance. Just be warned.
So sorry to hear that – hope they do OK.
I know this is an older thread. Both of my cats have been severely sick for about 5 days. I brought them to the vet…she gave them a couple shots (antibiotics) and sent us home with some meds. We haven’t seen any improvement at all and tomorrow morning will be 48 hours since being at the vet. So my fiancé and I just did more research because we just think it’s very odd that they are both severely sick with the same exact symptoms. Come to find out…lillies are poisonous to cats. The most poisonous one to cats grows wild in our backyard and neighborhood. I bring the cats outside for about a half hour a day on leashes. They love to eat grass and always have. They must have came in contact and possibly ate the Lilly. Is there a chance of survival? I’m calling the vet first thing in the morning and bringing them in. But since this happened 5 or 6 days ago is there a chance that they will survive? I don’t know what I would do without them. They are only 2 and a half years old.
The prognosis is poor with lily poisoning after about 12 hours. However, if the dose was very small, with aggressive treatment they might pull through, even if it is that – good luck.
I can’t believe all these years later and the warnings still don’t exist on the packaging. A friend of mine gave me a sweet gift of an Easter Lily for my birthday as we’ve been trapped inside due to Covid-19 and she wanted to brighten my day. I’ve owned cats and know that certain plants can be dangerous to cats, but it didn’t click with me that this was one and there was zero warnings on the packaging and plant tag. I typically keep plants out of reach of my beautiful boy Tyrion because he destroys them. This past Saturday, I noticed the lily was dying due to poor sunlight, so put it on top of the entertainment stand for better light thinking it wouldn’t be an issue because I’d be able to keep an eye on it. Well, sure enough, the moment I left the room to make lunch, Tyrion was making lunch of the leaves of the plant. I heard him on the stand so scooted him away, not realizing how much he got. Lucky for us, I had also just refilled his extended feed bowl and he tends to overeat on that initial fill to the point he makes himself vomit. I never would have thought that bad habit was a good thing… But this time around, it made him throw up the lily leaves in less than an hour of eating them. I saw how many leaves there was and was worried thinking that wouldn’t be good regardless of the plant type, so googled “are lilies dangerous to cats.” I cannot even describe how deep my heart sank when I saw how dangerous lily consumption was for cats. I immediately started crying, called my vet, and was out the door. He was treated for 48 hours at the emergency vet clinic and is now home… I think I cried the entire time he was gone. He’s having trouble with feline idiopathic cystitis now that he’s home, but they think it is stress induced and not directly related to the lily toxin. Luckily his blood work for his kidneys have come back normal so far. Getting checked again next week. I don’t know what was looking over us, but he seems to somehow be one of the lucky few who may come out of this with full recovery… And I couldn’t be more grateful for it. I am still so gutted with guilt that this happened at all.
Our cat just got home from four days in emergency ICU because of lily. We had a vase out that had just two Lilys with roses and did not know how extreamly toxic they were. I had an idea that they might make him sick but I thought he would puke and be done with it. So when I caught my cat looking like he was chewing on one i jumped up and grabbed him and opened his mouth to see if he had injested any but it didn’t look like he did. I looked at the flower and there were a couple nibbles on the petal and some petal pieces on the table but I still don’t think he actually ATE any, just nawed on it a second. Well – apparently that’s enough. We rushed him to the ER after googling it and finding out it could be a live or death situation and good thing we did. By the time we got there an hour later his kidney function was already into overdrive. Just from mouthing it?!? Yes! They gave him charcole and started him on am IV. He started to get better but the third day they tried to ween him off the IV and he got worse and had to stay another night. Then he stabalized today finally and I was able to bring him home. So scary. It cost $1450 for the four days, I took him to the university med clinic so it was probably more expensive than other places but he is alive! My heart is with all of those who were not as fortunate as us.
I hope your Kitty continued to do well. $1450 for four days is a great price for dialysis. My cat had a suspected sniff of pollen (not even sure if she ingested any of it, sniffed it, or not at all.) But I saw her standing over a lily filament with some pollen on it, that had fallen off the countertop and onto the floor. I brought her to the emergency vet clinic within the hour. Her bloodwork panel was fine and she showed no symptoms of illness. But we admitted her overnight for IV fluids, which was recommended. We are looking at a price tag of $1600 for that, and, $3500 for two nights (which is the recommended duration). I’m going to call her regular vet tomorrow to see what she thinks, or if they can perhaps administer them there for cheaper. Probably not, but who knows. All I keep thinking is, she may not have even ingested any lily. But the risk is there, and we couldn’t take the risk of doing nothing and possibly losing our girl. But the more I think on it, the more I think she maybe didn’t consume any of it…
I just left my 1 yo kitty at the vet…saw a piece of leaf chewed and rushed her out the door to the hospital. Someone sent us this flower and I’m furious they don’t put more warnings. Maybe some lawsuits are what’s needed. Please pray for my little Gracie.
I know this is an old thread but my heart is so heavy for my little kitten tonight that I feel I need to reach out to someone who has been through this nightmare. We have a 3 month old kitten who began having tremors a few nights ago. I thought she was cold, but the next morning they continued so we took her to the vet who took xrays and thought she may have a blockage or constipation. Came home and monitored her overnight night. She got worse so back to the vet this morning. He gave us bad news that her kidneys are not functioning. I am heartbroken and praying she pulls through. We have pinpointed it back to a bouquet of flowers we had on our kitchen table that had the dreaded lilies in it. I had no idea they were deadly. I remember seeing her messing with some of the flowers and I shooed her away. She is now receiving IV fluids and we wait and see if her kidneys heal. It’s torture. I’m so sad.
I’m so so sorry that this is happening to you 🙁 I’m going through something similar with my 3 month old kitty Lulu. I’ve had a peace lily plant in my living room sitting up on a plant stand slightly above her reach the whole time that I’ve had her and I’ve never had any problems with it. I woke up this morning and noticed that she had knocked the plant off of the stand while she was playing at night and had chewed one of the leaves. Not knowing the dangers of lilies to cats, I didn’t think anything of it and just cleaned it up and continued with the day. I noticed she started acting a little weird, wouldn’t eat breakfast and gagged like she was going to throw up. I was a little worried but wanted to wait a couple more hours and see if she would eventually feel better and get back to her normal self. She went in her usual spot by the window to nap for a couple hours and I went to check on her and she was breathing really weird and was very lethargic and still refused to eat. I then took her to the vet where they told me she had lily toxicity and needed to be in the hospital for the next 2-3 nights to flush out her kidneys. I’m so so so heartbroken and I feel so stupid and guilty that I let this happen to my baby. I’ve been in tears all night and am just praying she will be alright. I pray your baby will pull through too, best wishes and much love.
God Bless you and your poor little kitty. We are praying for you both
I’ve just left my baby girl ‘Bella’ at th vets…this morning she’d obviously had a sniff of the Lilly’s that my parents had and had a yellow moustache, chest and one paw. I immediately tried to wash it off her and called the vet who said to bring her in straight away, it’s extremely serious. The really sad thing is that she’s only 2 1/2 and she’s only recently been having tests and been taken to and from the vet being diagnosed with with kidney disease. I’m so worried about her, it’s bad enough for cats with normal kidneys so for her it’s horrific and she’s such a little honey. I just couldn’t bare it if something happens to her because of some stupid flowers after what she’s been through recently.
The vet said the fatal time is between 24-72hours so I’ve got a long wait ahead, I just hope that by us getting her there within a couple of hours will have made the difference.
We have another cat and he seems absolutely fine…he’s white so it would be extremely evident if he’d been at them.
Obviously I don’t know yet what the outcome is for Bella but what I do know is don’t wait for anything (especially not symptoms) get your cat to the vets immediately x
So she’s home and hopefully all ok. The key really was getting her to the vets so quickly.
I am going to look into contacting supermarkets about labelling their lillies as there really should be a warning on there….these flowers can kill our beloved pets!
Good luck to anyone who posts after me, I hope you have a good outcome too x
I have been in the process of setting up a live planted terrarium, Today i bought a peace lilly. and also an anthrum which i believe is also a type of lilly.
I had absolutaly no idea lillies were toxic to cats, when i got home and put my bags down. the cat had a tiny smell of the green leaves and just continued doing her usual stuff.
I started reading online about how to properly care for lilles only to read they were toxic to cats. !!! EMERGENCY OVERDRIVE !!!!
I have put the peace lilly and the anthrum in a room the cat cannot get too while i done some more research. I have read the peace lilly at least is not a true lilly and doesnt cause liver faliure, never the less its still toxic.
I have been monitoring my cat all day, she had a tiny smell of the green leaf at around 2pm today, its now 10pm and she still seems absolutaly fine.
Now this leads me to more questions in regards to the lillies, id still like to use them in my terrarium, which is a glass fish tank with lid. I understand that eating, or just chewing any part of the lilly is toxic, i also understand the pollen is toxic.
Once the lilly is in the tank the cat will never have access to the lilly, but shes always in the same room that they will eventually be housed. My question is if i cut the flower heads off, and never allow the lilly to flower again, would my cat be safe with the risk of pollen removed? or will just the act of cutting the flowers off release some of the toxins from its shoots.
Should i be concerned that the cat had a small smell of the green leaf? she still seems fine, but i will be watcing her very carefully for the next few days.
Hi Brian, fortunately, these two “lilies” are not as toxic as the true lily family. A single sniff is unlikely to cause any problems, although if they took a bite, both Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) and Anthurium could case pain, swelling, and vomiting. The “true” lilies (Lilium and Hemerocallis) cause kidney failure within hours, so I would have expected your cat to become very poorly, very fast if she was exposed to a toxic dose of it.
I would suggest you keep the plants in a terrarium, so the cat cannot nibble at them (although most cats wouldn’t be interested, I wouldn’t take the chance).
If your cat shows ANY unusual symptoms, however, contact your vet immediately – it is not unknown for a true lily to be mistaken for an Anthurium; even if not, ingestion of either of these plants can be unpleasant, although not usually fatal.
also in addition, sort of off the topic.
Are you aware of any orchids being fatal to cats? i plan on buying a few small species of orchid, but not if they are anything like lillies i wont be.
All the orchids I’m aware of are described as being non-toxic to cats – there’s a list here:
However, I wouldn’t want them to eat large lumps of any plant, as our toxicology data for cats is fairly limited as unlike dogs they don’t usually nibble strange flowers!
So much of a relief thank you for the response.
I’ve kept the plants locked away since bringing them home, and ive made sure the cat has always been in my sight. Shes just her usual self still, no signs of anything out of the ordinary.
I guess ive dodged a bullet on this one, well the cat has. It’s certainly an eye opener to see how quick something can turn from a seemingly harmless decoration, into a potentially fatal situation.
They should clearly label all kinds of lillies with warnings on effects to pets, it could have saved so many people from so much heart ache.
Thank you again for replying, i see its an old thread.
I will be keeping the lillies locked away until the very moment they go into the tank, flowerless of course.
Hi, I had to rush my 7-month old kitten Luna to the emergency vets tonight. I didn’t realise there were lilies in the house until this evening and it was only when my mum said ‘oh Luna’s had a go at my flowers again’ I realised what they were. Less than an hour later, Luna was really sick (there was part of a lily petal thrown up). I rushed her to the vets, and she’s now been admitted and is on an IV drip, and they’re flushing out her kidneys.
I’m sick with worry at the moment… I can’t bear to lose her.
Has anyone had a positive outcome from their cats coming into contact with lilies??
Hello I know these posts are old and hope mine gets read but my cat has been really poorly now for a week so taken her to the vets today and he asks me if their are Lillys in the house and I said yes and he was concerned cause I have had them for 10 days but gone in in now I didn’t even know they were poisoness to cats I am so worried that my cat is going to die and their is nothing to help her
Hi Claire. I can appreciate why you’re so worried, but I’m sure your cat is in the best possible hands and your vet will be doing all they can to help her. We try to raise awareness of poisonous plants as there are so many that people aren’t aware of unfortunately, many people don’t know that lilies are toxic to cats. I really hope your cat makes a good recovery, if you’re worried, just keep talking to your vet as they’re there to support you.
my cat seems to have all the symptoms and we have had lilies in our house for about the last week. I am quite certain that she didn’t eat any of the plant but it is possible she did (quite unlikely) but she’s lost her appetite and has basically slept for the last few days. My parents are not agreeing on taking her in to the vet (we live quite far away from town) I’m worried is she gonna die?
If you’ve had lilies in your home and she is displaying signs of poisoning she really needs to go the your vet ASAP. Lily poisoning can be fatal and will at least make her very unwell. Please explain this to your parents and urge them to take her to a vet ASAP. Best of luck
my cat seems to have all the symptoms and we have had lilies in our house for about the last week. I am quite certain that she didn’t eat any of the plant but it is possible she did (quite unlikely) but she’s lost her appetite and has basically slept for the last few days. My parents are not agreeing on taking her in to the vet (we live quite far away from town) I’m worried is she gonna die?
If you’ve had lilies in your home and she is displaying signs of poisoning she really needs to go the your vet ASAP. Lily poisoning can be fatal and will at least make her very unwell. Please explain this to your parents and urge them to take her to a vet ASAP. Best of luck
How many bites of a leave does it take to kill a cat. I got an Eastwr Lily for a present and had it in the house one night, on the table. I didn’t think to look up if poisonous to cats but once I thought of it. I immediately got rid of it. I haven’t noticed mg cat in it but I looked through the 3 plants and found the tips of 2 either bitten or broken off. Can 2 tips of leaves kill a 3 yr old cat? Idk if she truly ate them or not.
Hi Jenny, it’s hard to answer exactly how much of a leaf of each kind of lily plant it would take to kill a cat however if you suspect she’s eaten some then there’s the potential for it to be life threatening or make her very poorly so I’d suggest that you contact your vet ASAP. Best wishes.
How many bites of a leave does it take to kill a cat. I got an Eastwr Lily for a present and had it in the house one night, on the table. I didn’t think to look up if poisonous to cats but once I thought of it. I immediately got rid of it. I haven’t noticed mg cat in it but I looked through the 3 plants and found the tips of 2 either bitten or broken off. Can 2 tips of leaves kill a 3 yr old cat? Idk if she truly ate them or not.
Hi Jenny, it’s hard to answer exactly how much of a leaf of each kind of lily plant it would take to kill a cat however if you suspect she’s eaten some then there’s the potential for it to be life threatening or make her very poorly so I’d suggest that you contact your vet ASAP. Best wishes.
I just returned from the vet with two of my cats. They had both vomited, though one had been having problems for a couple weeks throwing up right after eating or a little later. My husband brought an easter lily home yesterday, and when I noticed a couple of the cats had thrown up, I caught one of them chewing a lily leaf from the plant on the table. I didn’t have a clue they were poisonous but had just a feeling to go look it up. I shooed him away from the plant and got on line. There it was… lethal to cats!!!! I called the vet and took the two cats – the one that had thrown up and the one I actually saw eating it- to the vet where they were tested for a baseline, got lots of fluids, allopril to help flush the kidneys, and I have to go back over the next three days for treatments. They are acting fine, eating, but not happy about having been at the vet. Keeping my fingers crossed… if only I’d known, I’d never have had that plant in our home.
I just returned from the vet with two of my cats. They had both vomited, though one had been having problems for a couple weeks throwing up right after eating or a little later. My husband brought an easter lily home yesterday, and when I noticed a couple of the cats had thrown up, I caught one of them chewing a lily leaf from the plant on the table. I didn’t have a clue they were poisonous but had just a feeling to go look it up. I shooed him away from the plant and got on line. There it was… lethal to cats!!!! I called the vet and took the two cats – the one that had thrown up and the one I actually saw eating it- to the vet where they were tested for a baseline, got lots of fluids, allopril to help flush the kidneys, and I have to go back over the next three days for treatments. They are acting fine, eating, but not happy about having been at the vet. Keeping my fingers crossed… if only I’d known, I’d never have had that plant in our home.
In short, I gave my mother money to go grocery shopping, and she said she was going to grab some flowers for the house. I reminded her not to get certain types because of Locke (my cat), because last year I had a meltdown when I saw lilies in the house. Fortunately then, nothing happened. They were high up, and he had no access to them whatsoever.
So. She comes in with an Easter bouquet. And I had a meltdown. I snagged them, threw a plastic bag over them, and ran out of the house. The cat wasn’t in the area when this happened, and no petals had contact with the ground, but I did lightly shake the flowers out of frustration. I didn’t see any visible pollen on the ground. My question is: how much pollen can cause damage, and should I be as panicked as I am?
Hi Chris, we understand your concern. Only a little is required to make a cat very unwell. If you think they might have come into contact with the lilies then please see your vet ASAP for more advice. Try not to panic but make a judgement, how long were the flowers in your house? Could the cats have come into contact with them? Did you clear up well once the flowers were gone? If in doubt, give your vet a ring. Best wishes.
In short, I gave my mother money to go grocery shopping, and she said she was going to grab some flowers for the house. I reminded her not to get certain types because of Locke (my cat), because last year I had a meltdown when I saw lilies in the house. Fortunately then, nothing happened. They were high up, and he had no access to them whatsoever.
So. She comes in with an Easter bouquet. And I had a meltdown. I snagged them, threw a plastic bag over them, and ran out of the house. The cat wasn’t in the area when this happened, and no petals had contact with the ground, but I did lightly shake the flowers out of frustration. I didn’t see any visible pollen on the ground. My question is: how much pollen can cause damage, and should I be as panicked as I am?
Hi Chris, we understand your concern. Only a little is required to make a cat very unwell. If you think they might have come into contact with the lilies then please see your vet ASAP for more advice. Try not to panic but make a judgement, how long were the flowers in your house? Could the cats have come into contact with them? Did you clear up well once the flowers were gone? If in doubt, give your vet a ring. Best wishes.
Hi all, i know its a pretty old thread but last night my cat was taken to the emergency vet because my partner and I had noticed yellow stains on his paws and face. I knew straight away what it was so I cut the flower and put it in a ziplock bag and rushed my Monty to the vet. He’s been on a drip since 10pm yesterday night and i haven’t seen him since. I’ve been getting regular updates from the vet saying that shes not noticing any clinical signs of ingestion but they are monitoring his kidney function , have made him vomit and are keeping his fluids up. Monty is only 1 years old so I assume he was very curious of the flowers. We are hoping to bring him home tomorrow, thousands of dollars later and a loan because we couldn’t afford to pay the bills but i really would do anything for him! I spent all night crying after worrying so much that he would pass away. Ive only had him since october and it would crush me if he passed away. Fingers crossed he didn’t ingest any or if he did that they have flushed it out of his system.
Hi all, i know its a pretty old thread but last night my cat was taken to the emergency vet because my partner and I had noticed yellow stains on his paws and face. I knew straight away what it was so I cut the flower and put it in a ziplock bag and rushed my Monty to the vet. He’s been on a drip since 10pm yesterday night and i haven’t seen him since. I’ve been getting regular updates from the vet saying that shes not noticing any clinical signs of ingestion but they are monitoring his kidney function , have made him vomit and are keeping his fluids up. Monty is only 1 years old so I assume he was very curious of the flowers. We are hoping to bring him home tomorrow, thousands of dollars later and a loan because we couldn’t afford to pay the bills but i really would do anything for him! I spent all night crying after worrying so much that he would pass away. Ive only had him since october and it would crush me if he passed away. Fingers crossed he didn’t ingest any or if he did that they have flushed it out of his system.
I had a bouquet of flowers on the table this week and they contained a pair of yellow lilies. I have a 7 month cat who was poking around the flowers but I didn’t see her touching none of the lilies nor did I know how poisonous they were until I looked it up. Yesterday I noticed a little part of the Lilly on the floor so now I’m worried if my cat had ate any part of it or had ingested any pollen. She is showing no symptoms and is currently fine. Should I go to the vet and have them check it out?
Klaudia, if you think there’s any chance your cat has eaten or been in contact with the lilies then we recommend you take her to be checked by your vet. With lily poisoning, it is important to act swiftly. Best wishes.
I had a bouquet of flowers on the table this week and they contained a pair of yellow lilies. I have a 7 month cat who was poking around the flowers but I didn’t see her touching none of the lilies nor did I know how poisonous they were until I looked it up. Yesterday I noticed a little part of the Lilly on the floor so now I’m worried if my cat had ate any part of it or had ingested any pollen. She is showing no symptoms and is currently fine. Should I go to the vet and have them check it out?
Klaudia, if you think there’s any chance your cat has eaten or been in contact with the lilies then we recommend you take her to be checked by your vet. With lily poisoning, it is important to act swiftly. Best wishes.
Been to visit Prep tonight. She is normally a very petite little thing but is all swollen from the fluids they are pumping into her.
This will be her 4th night in the vets. They have been monitoring her heart as she is not passing a lot of fluid at the moment. I have just checked and they have said her heart is still nice and clear.
It’s so sad leaving her there, she is very affectionate and just wants to be cuddled all the time.
I’m hoping she has a big wee tonight. Further Blood results come in tomorrow…everything crossed!
Been to visit Prep tonight. She is normally a very petite little thing but is all swollen from the fluids they are pumping into her.
This will be her 4th night in the vets. They have been monitoring her heart as she is not passing a lot of fluid at the moment. I have just checked and they have said her heart is still nice and clear.
It’s so sad leaving her there, she is very affectionate and just wants to be cuddled all the time.
I’m hoping she has a big wee tonight. Further Blood results come in tomorrow…everything crossed!
Sadly we had to put our 6 month old kitten Dottie to sleep yesterday due pollen toxins in her blood from lily’s. We only got the flowers on Thursday and by Friday she could hardly walk and kept drinking water. We are absolutely devastated that we caused her death, all it would of took is a label on the flowers and we would never of purchased them. Her kidneys had shut down and the vet said their was no chance of her making a recovery so we had to help her on her way.
Kevin, we are sorry to hear of your loss, have very sad. Thank you for posting at this most difficult time, not everyone knows that lilys are poisonous to cats so thank you also, for helping to raise awareness.
Best wishes
Sadly we had to put our 6 month old kitten Dottie to sleep yesterday due pollen toxins in her blood from lily’s. We only got the flowers on Thursday and by Friday she could hardly walk and kept drinking water. We are absolutely devastated that we caused her death, all it would of took is a label on the flowers and we would never of purchased them. Her kidneys had shut down and the vet said their was no chance of her making a recovery so we had to help her on her way.
Kevin, we are sorry to hear of your loss, have very sad. Thank you for posting at this most difficult time, not everyone knows that lilys are poisonous to cats so thank you also, for helping to raise awareness.
Best wishes
Hi I have an 18 month old cat who ate part of a lily plant of Saturday. I managed to get her into the emergency get within 2 hours.
She was originally sick but this has now stopped. She seems happy and is eating and drinking regularly and also going to the toilet without an issue.
I have just called vet for next set up blood results and these are showing some signs of problems. They are going to try and continue giving her fluids for the next 48 hours to see of they can bring her levels down again.
Has anybody has this case before where cat seems fine a few days later but results worrying?
Heartbroken and worried sick for my little Oreo
Can I ask what the outcome was?
We’re so sorry to hear about your poorly cat Kirsty, thank you for posting your story and helping to raise awareness of the damage that lilys can cause. Lilys are toxic to a cat’s kidneys and the damage isn’t necessarily immediately apparent, therefore your vet is sensible to monitor and treat as necessary over time.
We wish you and Oreo all the best
Hi I have an 18 month old cat who ate part of a lily plant of Saturday. I managed to get her into the emergency get within 2 hours.
She was originally sick but this has now stopped. She seems happy and is eating and drinking regularly and also going to the toilet without an issue.
I have just called vet for next set up blood results and these are showing some signs of problems. They are going to try and continue giving her fluids for the next 48 hours to see of they can bring her levels down again.
Has anybody has this case before where cat seems fine a few days later but results worrying?
Heartbroken and worried sick for my little Oreo
We’re so sorry to hear about your poorly cat Kirsty, thank you for posting your story and helping to raise awareness of the damage that lilys can cause. Lilys are toxic to a cat’s kidneys and the damage isn’t necessarily immediately apparent, therefore your vet is sensible to monitor and treat as necessary over time.
We wish you and Oreo all the best
I saw my four month old kitten eating the pollen from a Lilly, I didn’t realise they we poisonous!!! It’s was 18 hours after until I found that this was the case. So I took him to the vets, even though he didn’t have any symptoms. He is there now, has to stay in for three days!! Fingers crossed he’s okay! We also have a four year old cat, and I’m really worried that in those 18 hours he could have groomed the kitten and ingested some too, he’s a fussy eater normally, he’s been eating, have not seen him drink though, and he’s been quite lazy today, has anyone else had this experience and if so how did the cat that you did not see eat the Lilly do? Worried is an understatement 🙁
I saw my four month old kitten eating the pollen from a Lilly, I didn’t realise they we poisonous!!! It’s was 18 hours after until I found that this was the case. So I took him to the vets, even though he didn’t have any symptoms. He is there now, has to stay in for three days!! Fingers crossed he’s okay! We also have a four year old cat, and I’m really worried that in those 18 hours he could have groomed the kitten and ingested some too, he’s a fussy eater normally, he’s been eating, have not seen him drink though, and he’s been quite lazy today, has anyone else had this experience and if so how did the cat that you did not see eat the Lilly do? Worried is an understatement 🙁
My dear boy Dickens was pts just over month ago si th grossly enlarged kidneys and renal failure. He had been off and on sick for 2 months before that with some unknown ailment in and out the vets with little in his test results to go on. He had been extremely fussy about food and eating less and less and had a few episodes of crashing and hyperesthesia. Unfortunately the events around the end are a bit of a blur but at some point my husband said Dickens might have mouthed some day lily leaves outside, not sure if he had eaten them. We thought his sides were swollen and then he started drinking and peeing profusely. I can’t say what order this happened in to know if it is related. We called the vet who because he had been sick already said she thought he needed to see a neurologist but his symptoms continued so I bullied my way into the vet for an X-ray. I mentioned the possible lily incident to her and she said only antifreeze would cause a toxic reaction that lilies would not do this to his kidneys. She also said because the kidneys had a pronounced bumpy edge it was renal lymphoma. My choices were to take him to a specialty clinic an hour away or bring him home for palliative care. I opted for the latter as I thought as that is a terminal disease I didn’t want to put him through all the trauma of diagnosis and treatment. At least 2 -3 days had passed and I thought even if it wasn’t that his kidneys were destroyed. Ever since the pts I have been haunted by the ‘what ifs’ and wondering even if he was sick with something else did he eat the lilies and cause this final blow?! I am sick and heart broken about my poor boy and so scared I could have done something for him. Do the kidneys show bumpy edges with lily toxicity and do they continue to drink and pee? He did not vomit and did not have a fever. If anyone can shed any light on this to help Understand what might have happened I would appreciate it. I am insane with grid and guilt. I will definitely be asking get about this and telling everyone I know about the dangers of lilies. I knew they were toxic to cats but had no idea it was this fatal. He never bothered with them (6 1/2 years old) before but I think maybe because he was unwell. I just don’t know. Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help.
My dear boy Dickens was pts just over month ago si th grossly enlarged kidneys and renal failure. He had been off and on sick for 2 months before that with some unknown ailment in and out the vets with little in his test results to go on. He had been extremely fussy about food and eating less and less and had a few episodes of crashing and hyperesthesia. Unfortunately the events around the end are a bit of a blur but at some point my husband said Dickens might have mouthed some day lily leaves outside, not sure if he had eaten them. We thought his sides were swollen and then he started drinking and peeing profusely. I can’t say what order this happened in to know if it is related. We called the vet who because he had been sick already said she thought he needed to see a neurologist but his symptoms continued so I bullied my way into the vet for an X-ray. I mentioned the possible lily incident to her and she said only antifreeze would cause a toxic reaction that lilies would not do this to his kidneys. She also said because the kidneys had a pronounced bumpy edge it was renal lymphoma. My choices were to take him to a specialty clinic an hour away or bring him home for palliative care. I opted for the latter as I thought as that is a terminal disease I didn’t want to put him through all the trauma of diagnosis and treatment. At least 2 -3 days had passed and I thought even if it wasn’t that his kidneys were destroyed. Ever since the pts I have been haunted by the ‘what ifs’ and wondering even if he was sick with something else did he eat the lilies and cause this final blow?! I am sick and heart broken about my poor boy and so scared I could have done something for him. Do the kidneys show bumpy edges with lily toxicity and do they continue to drink and pee? He did not vomit and did not have a fever. If anyone can shed any light on this to help Understand what might have happened I would appreciate it. I am insane with grid and guilt. I will definitely be asking get about this and telling everyone I know about the dangers of lilies. I knew they were toxic to cats but had no idea it was this fatal. He never bothered with them (6 1/2 years old) before but I think maybe because he was unwell. I just don’t know. Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help.
Wow. I’m approaching the 72h mark with my beloved little guy. I knew lillies were toxic but my mother did not so she had no idea when she got a “get well” bouquet containing lilies it would end like this. My little guy’s BUN has stabilized but his creatinine has continued to increase steadily. He also has a catheter since e was SO upset and peeing in himself. He’s 12yo and the sweetest little guy ever. It’s killing me that there isn’t anything I can do to make this better. My mom’s first question to me was “why wasn’t there a warning?” I should also add that I didn’t find out for 6h because my mom had no idea and just casually mentioned it on the phone. Anyway, I feel the pain and frustration of everyone else who has commented. I hope to do all I can to call attention to the lack of warning.
Hi Holly, I am so sorry to hear that has happened to you. My furry baby is 15 this year, and she has just been found to have eaten some of the petal off a bouquet of flowers. I would love to hear how your cat is doing now? I am hoping she is well and healthy
Wow. I’m approaching the 72h mark with my beloved little guy. I knew lillies were toxic but my mother did not so she had no idea when she got a “get well” bouquet containing lilies it would end like this. My little guy’s BUN has stabilized but his creatinine has continued to increase steadily. He also has a catheter since e was SO upset and peeing in himself. He’s 12yo and the sweetest little guy ever. It’s killing me that there isn’t anything I can do to make this better. My mom’s first question to me was “why wasn’t there a warning?” I should also add that I didn’t find out for 6h because my mom had no idea and just casually mentioned it on the phone. Anyway, I feel the pain and frustration of everyone else who has commented. I hope to do all I can to call attention to the lack of warning.
I got lilies for Mother’s Day. I intended to plant them outside but they sat in my window for a few days. I saw my cat picking at the plant a little. A few days later I noticed my cat had thrown up but seemed otherwise fine. Three days after I got the plant my cat was very lethargic I took it to the vet not thinking anything was seriously wrong. We found out he was in kidney failure. He was only 4 years old despite their best efforts to save him it was too late. We are heartbroken, and wish there had been a warning tag on the plant. We had no idea it was toxic.
I got lilies for Mother’s Day. I intended to plant them outside but they sat in my window for a few days. I saw my cat picking at the plant a little. A few days later I noticed my cat had thrown up but seemed otherwise fine. Three days after I got the plant my cat was very lethargic I took it to the vet not thinking anything was seriously wrong. We found out he was in kidney failure. He was only 4 years old despite their best efforts to save him it was too late. We are heartbroken, and wish there had been a warning tag on the plant. We had no idea it was toxic.
My 11 month old cat had lilly pollen on her nose and mouth. When I noticed, she was trying to lick it off. I wiped as much as I could away with a wet cloth (she didn’t like that too much). I looked at the flowers and nothing has been eaten. I called an emergency vet and they advised that she come in. I am watching her at the moment and she seems normal. She has ate some food, had a little sleep and is wandering around at the moment – doing normal cat stuff really. It has been 2hrs 30 since the pollen was on her. Will all cats be poisoned by this? I don’t know what to do? Should I take her to the vets or wait and see how she is feeling? Thanks.
My 11 month old cat had lilly pollen on her nose and mouth. When I noticed, she was trying to lick it off. I wiped as much as I could away with a wet cloth (she didn’t like that too much). I looked at the flowers and nothing has been eaten. I called an emergency vet and they advised that she come in. I am watching her at the moment and she seems normal. She has ate some food, had a little sleep and is wandering around at the moment – doing normal cat stuff really. It has been 2hrs 30 since the pollen was on her. Will all cats be poisoned by this? I don’t know what to do? Should I take her to the vets or wait and see how she is feeling? Thanks.
I begged my mom to keep her Easter Lily in our loft but she refused because she liked the way it smelt in her room. I stressed how important it was to me and my dad who is a retiree kept close watch for weeks to keep them out of her room. Tonight she fell asleep with her door open. Needless to say I caught my 8year old, his name is Why, chomping on leaves. Of course I panicked and read everything I could online. I don’t really have money so I thought if maybe I kept a close eye on him it would only take him if I saw symptoms, he was happy and purring and didn’t know why I was freaking out. But thE more I read the more I realized that once your cat shows symptoms it’s almost too late. I called the ASPCA hotline. I provided the scientific species of the lilium, his age and weight and some health history. She gave me a diagnosis code and a phone number to pass along to the emergency room vet. (It’s disheartening they collect payment before you even get to call your vet, I thought it was a bit insensitive, she already had my mailing address info so I’m not sure why it was imperative when I think my car is critical) I got to the emergency exactly after two hours from digestion. Why has been on IVs since 12am it’s almost 4am and i have no peace not knowing what will happen. Please send us your prayers!!. I will definitely post an outcome to follow.
I begged my mom to keep her Easter Lily in our loft but she refused because she liked the way it smelt in her room. I stressed how important it was to me and my dad who is a retiree kept close watch for weeks to keep them out of her room. Tonight she fell asleep with her door open. Needless to say I caught my 8year old, his name is Why, chomping on leaves. Of course I panicked and read everything I could online. I don’t really have money so I thought if maybe I kept a close eye on him it would only take him if I saw symptoms, he was happy and purring and didn’t know why I was freaking out. But thE more I read the more I realized that once your cat shows symptoms it’s almost too late. I called the ASPCA hotline. I provided the scientific species of the lilium, his age and weight and some health history. She gave me a diagnosis code and a phone number to pass along to the emergency room vet. (It’s disheartening they collect payment before you even get to call your vet, I thought it was a bit insensitive, she already had my mailing address info so I’m not sure why it was imperative when I think my car is critical) I got to the emergency exactly after two hours from digestion. Why has been on IVs since 12am it’s almost 4am and i have no peace not knowing what will happen. Please send us your prayers!!. I will definitely post an outcome to follow.
Our little 5 month old ragdoll ate a lily leaf today my daughter saw her and looked it up on the internet. She got her to the vet within half an hour we are praying that she will be ok. We lost our dog 3 months ago and I can’t stand the thought of loosing her she is so beautiful. The flowers were a birthday present and I didn’t know they could kill her. Devastated at the fought that we could loose her. If only the breeder, vets had warned us I would have taken a picture and sent the flowers home with my friend. Tears are poring from my eyes as I write this heartbroken.
Our little 5 month old ragdoll ate a lily leaf today my daughter saw her and looked it up on the internet. She got her to the vet within half an hour we are praying that she will be ok. We lost our dog 3 months ago and I can’t stand the thought of loosing her she is so beautiful. The flowers were a birthday present and I didn’t know they could kill her. Devastated at the fought that we could loose her. If only the breeder, vets had warned us I would have taken a picture and sent the flowers home with my friend. Tears are poring from my eyes as I write this heartbroken.
I have had lilliums in my garden for many years. Between my 2 cats and a total of 8 other cats belonging to neighbours in and out of our garden all summer not one of them has ever been ill and I have big patches of lillies in the garden.
Surely some of them would have got pollen on them at some point and cleaned their fur.
Is it poisonous to ALL cats or just some ?
Hi Tina, lilies are poisonous to all cats if ingested…
I have had lilliums in my garden for many years. Between my 2 cats and a total of 8 other cats belonging to neighbours in and out of our garden all summer not one of them has ever been ill and I have big patches of lillies in the garden.
Surely some of them would have got pollen on them at some point and cleaned their fur.
Is it poisonous to ALL cats or just some ?
Hi Tina, lilies are poisonous to all cats if ingested…
Hi, my little Esme, just one years old ate an old lily leaf and I saw her vomitting. I took her straight to the vets. She is now on fluids. Has anyone experienced this and their cat survived? Its all looking very worrying on the internet at her chances of survival. Any form of hope would be greatly appreciated
Hi, my little Esme, just one years old ate an old lily leaf and I saw her vomitting. I took her straight to the vets. She is now on fluids. Has anyone experienced this and their cat survived? Its all looking very worrying on the internet at her chances of survival. Any form of hope would be greatly appreciated
I didnt realise lily pollen was so deadly either. Im very worried reading these posts as this morning my indoor cat had lily pollen on her nose from a vase of flowers. I wiped it off straight away and then I thought Id check on internet if it would affect her as I vaguely remembered some flowers are poisonous. I have given her a bath and I’m pretty sure she didn’t actually eat some because she was only in the living room a few seconds before me. She seems okay at the moment, no sick, no lack of apetite, etc – do you think I should take her to the vets just in case?
Hi Rachel, we suggest to monitor her closely and make sure she is not showing any signs… if you want peace of mind give your vet a call and explain what has happened, even if it’s for more advice.
I didnt realise lily pollen was so deadly either. Im very worried reading these posts as this morning my indoor cat had lily pollen on her nose from a vase of flowers. I wiped it off straight away and then I thought Id check on internet if it would affect her as I vaguely remembered some flowers are poisonous. I have given her a bath and I’m pretty sure she didn’t actually eat some because she was only in the living room a few seconds before me. She seems okay at the moment, no sick, no lack of apetite, etc – do you think I should take her to the vets just in case?
Hi Rachel, we suggest to monitor her closely and make sure she is not showing any signs… if you want peace of mind give your vet a call and explain what has happened, even if it’s for more advice.
My Kiwi had gotten into my flowers from valentine’s day. I hadn’t realized about the lilies until she woke me up one night crying. I took her in once I realized how bad the lilies were and she was started on IV fluids for 72 hours. I couldn’t be sure when she had last ate the flowers (She had been munching on them for 2.5 days), but her initial blood work came back really good. Once they were weaning her off the IV fluids her creatinine levels doubled, within normal range, but enough to worry the vets. Finally after 6 days of IV fluids and draining my funds I finally got her back last night. I am paying close attention however, because her water intake seemed to be a lot this morning, however it could have just been she wanted me to leave the sink on for her, since she likes to have options of where to drink from.
My Kiwi had gotten into my flowers from valentine’s day. I hadn’t realized about the lilies until she woke me up one night crying. I took her in once I realized how bad the lilies were and she was started on IV fluids for 72 hours. I couldn’t be sure when she had last ate the flowers (She had been munching on them for 2.5 days), but her initial blood work came back really good. Once they were weaning her off the IV fluids her creatinine levels doubled, within normal range, but enough to worry the vets. Finally after 6 days of IV fluids and draining my funds I finally got her back last night. I am paying close attention however, because her water intake seemed to be a lot this morning, however it could have just been she wanted me to leave the sink on for her, since she likes to have options of where to drink from.
I had no idea Lilly’s were harmful to cats, when my boyfriend brought me some flowers on Valentine’s which had Lilly’s in them, since I got them my 11 month old kitten had been eating the roses and the other flowers as I knew he would as he eats everything, Tuesday morning I noticed the Lilly’s had opened, by Tuesday evening I was sent a picture from my boyfriend of my kitten with pollen all over his face and told he was just finishing off the last of the pollen in the open flower and one of the pettels, I still wasn’t aware him eating this would do him any harm until my friend who I mentioned it to when I received the picture said how harmful they were, I ess straight on the phone to the vet who said to bring him down straight away! on my way home I had a call to say he was throwing up, I drove home and got him to the vets within an hour, they checked him over and took him for fluid treatment for 48 hours, he was very unhappy there but blood tests came back ok they said it didn’t reach his kidneys, I brought him home yesterday and he seams happier than ever, my only concern is that although he was peeing ok while he was there, he hasn’t been since he came home. I am on high alert so if he hasn’t been by tomorrow I will be straight back to the vet.
I read this thread after dropping my cat if to the vet and was convinced he would die, I was in tears up until I got him back 2 days later.. so so happy to have him home, will never have Lilly’s in the house again, I just hope he is ok and doesn’t have to go back to the vet
I had no idea Lilly’s were harmful to cats, when my boyfriend brought me some flowers on Valentine’s which had Lilly’s in them, since I got them my 11 month old kitten had been eating the roses and the other flowers as I knew he would as he eats everything, Tuesday morning I noticed the Lilly’s had opened, by Tuesday evening I was sent a picture from my boyfriend of my kitten with pollen all over his face and told he was just finishing off the last of the pollen in the open flower and one of the pettels, I still wasn’t aware him eating this would do him any harm until my friend who I mentioned it to when I received the picture said how harmful they were, I ess straight on the phone to the vet who said to bring him down straight away! on my way home I had a call to say he was throwing up, I drove home and got him to the vets within an hour, they checked him over and took him for fluid treatment for 48 hours, he was very unhappy there but blood tests came back ok they said it didn’t reach his kidneys, I brought him home yesterday and he seams happier than ever, my only concern is that although he was peeing ok while he was there, he hasn’t been since he came home. I am on high alert so if he hasn’t been by tomorrow I will be straight back to the vet.
I read this thread after dropping my cat if to the vet and was convinced he would die, I was in tears up until I got him back 2 days later.. so so happy to have him home, will never have Lilly’s in the house again, I just hope he is ok and doesn’t have to go back to the vet
I had a bunch of lilys in my house, my cat usually does not go near any flowers or plants and i keep them up on the table where she never usually ventures. This being said, yesterday (sunday) I noticed staining on her chest and forepaws… I immediately showered her off and removed the pollen however I wasn’t sure if she may have licked herself already. I called the emergency Vets and they said to bring her down to be safe. it’s important to note that she was not showing any signs of being unwell. I took her and they suggested a full blood work up then two subsequent blood tests to check kidney function also to be hospitalised and given intravenous fluid therapy to flush out the toxins. She has been in for 26 hours and is said to be absolutely fine apart from a little frightened (she is a scardy cat anyway). I am going to visit her this evening in a hope that I can encourage her to eat. She may well have used up one of her 9 lives – fingers crossed…I can take her home tomorrow. I think it’s safe to say I will now NEVER have lilys in the house because in this case curiosity really can kill the cat.
I hope this gives some people hope that there is a chance for survival – you just have to catch it very early and don’t wait for symptoms.
I had a bunch of lilys in my house, my cat usually does not go near any flowers or plants and i keep them up on the table where she never usually ventures. This being said, yesterday (sunday) I noticed staining on her chest and forepaws… I immediately showered her off and removed the pollen however I wasn’t sure if she may have licked herself already. I called the emergency Vets and they said to bring her down to be safe. it’s important to note that she was not showing any signs of being unwell. I took her and they suggested a full blood work up then two subsequent blood tests to check kidney function also to be hospitalised and given intravenous fluid therapy to flush out the toxins. She has been in for 26 hours and is said to be absolutely fine apart from a little frightened (she is a scardy cat anyway). I am going to visit her this evening in a hope that I can encourage her to eat. She may well have used up one of her 9 lives – fingers crossed…I can take her home tomorrow. I think it’s safe to say I will now NEVER have lilys in the house because in this case curiosity really can kill the cat.
I hope this gives some people hope that there is a chance for survival – you just have to catch it very early and don’t wait for symptoms.
My gosh April I am so so sorry for your loss is absolutely horrible and yes it can happen within hours so that’s why it’s urgent to get them to the vet right away but if you don’t know they ate it and that’s the problem with me I didn’t know my cat ate one because they were up high one Patel must’ve dropped to the ground because that’s what she threw up with a hairball.anyway I’ve watched a lot of vet shows and new that poisoning they give him activated charcoal and I did have some in house for my own health so I did quickly mixup one capsule with 1 mL of water and poke it down her and she is on sub Q fluids once a week because she has mild kidney issues anyway so I gave her 100 mL of sub Q fluids and then called the vet but my vet had an emergency with both doctors involved so I had to take her to urgent care vet. Where it will cost me twice as much but the cost is nominal compared to losing my baby I am always so good about keeping things up and out-of-the-way never bringing things into the house that could harm my babies but he’s read daylilies sure did blend in with this okay check every flower that comes into your house on the Internet to make sure it won’t harm your kids fur her or otherwise. Also while we’re on the subject the horrible thing of button batteries and off love to chew on and swallow button batteries there the little round silver batteries that go in a lot of things like Tamagotchi’s and such if those are swallowed the pet is pretty much dead please keep all batteries away from your kids fur and otherwise. Because shockingly enough I did see emergency show on the discovery channel for a little two-year-old had eaten a button battery and it didn’t kill her before they finally figured out what happened just so shocking.thank you for groups like this and forums and blogs so we can reach out to others if they can save one Pet or child it’s worth it God Bless!
My gosh April I am so so sorry for your loss is absolutely horrible and yes it can happen within hours so that’s why it’s urgent to get them to the vet right away but if you don’t know they ate it and that’s the problem with me I didn’t know my cat ate one because they were up high one Patel must’ve dropped to the ground because that’s what she threw up with a hairball.anyway I’ve watched a lot of vet shows and new that poisoning they give him activated charcoal and I did have some in house for my own health so I did quickly mixup one capsule with 1 mL of water and poke it down her and she is on sub Q fluids once a week because she has mild kidney issues anyway so I gave her 100 mL of sub Q fluids and then called the vet but my vet had an emergency with both doctors involved so I had to take her to urgent care vet. Where it will cost me twice as much but the cost is nominal compared to losing my baby I am always so good about keeping things up and out-of-the-way never bringing things into the house that could harm my babies but he’s read daylilies sure did blend in with this okay check every flower that comes into your house on the Internet to make sure it won’t harm your kids fur her or otherwise. Also while we’re on the subject the horrible thing of button batteries and off love to chew on and swallow button batteries there the little round silver batteries that go in a lot of things like Tamagotchi’s and such if those are swallowed the pet is pretty much dead please keep all batteries away from your kids fur and otherwise. Because shockingly enough I did see emergency show on the discovery channel for a little two-year-old had eaten a button battery and it didn’t kill her before they finally figured out what happened just so shocking.thank you for groups like this and forums and blogs so we can reach out to others if they can save one Pet or child it’s worth it God Bless!
My darling Charlie passed yesterday – kidney failure. I missed the signs – drinking so much water and I thought his infrequent and random yowls were hairballs. My son witnessed what must have been a seizure less than a week ago. I watched him sway and stumble, but only for a moment two days ago… yesterday morning – I witnessed him having a seizure – we rushed him to the vet. All the indicators shoeed in the bloodwork. By 5pm, after 9 hrs iv, all if his organs were shutting down and an xray showed fluid in his abdomen. We lost our baby. > I just want to know so badly what this came on from..<
Ignorant of the possible effects of Stargazers upon our cat – they were present in the home around 14 weeks ago. Charlie was a notorius plant lover – even plastic plants.. Are the effects Always immediate when a cat ingests these toxins? Could he have made it through the a cute state without me recognizing – only to progressively develop CRF that lead to his death yesterday???? I really must know if this is possible.
My darling Charlie passed yesterday – kidney failure. I missed the signs – drinking so much water and I thought his infrequent and random yowls were hairballs. My son witnessed what must have been a seizure less than a week ago. I watched him sway and stumble, but only for a moment two days ago… yesterday morning – I witnessed him having a seizure – we rushed him to the vet. All the indicators shoeed in the bloodwork. By 5pm, after 9 hrs iv, all if his organs were shutting down and an xray showed fluid in his abdomen. We lost our baby. > I just want to know so badly what this came on from..<
Ignorant of the possible effects of Stargazers upon our cat – they were present in the home around 14 weeks ago. Charlie was a notorius plant lover – even plastic plants.. Are the effects Always immediate when a cat ingests these toxins? Could he have made it through the a cute state without me recognizing – only to progressively develop CRF that lead to his death yesterday???? I really must know if this is possible.
Im looking for a “charitable” place currently…as for the current vet, i have an appt for thursday. So one day from now for more blood and urine tests. It would be a shame foe anything to happen to this kitten. I like him more than most humans. Anyway thanx.
P.s. I will never buy a plant or flower again.
Im looking for a “charitable” place currently…as for the current vet, i have an appt for thursday. So one day from now for more blood and urine tests. It would be a shame foe anything to happen to this kitten. I like him more than most humans. Anyway thanx.
P.s. I will never buy a plant or flower again.
Also I was not approved for carecredit and vet wont do payment plan…..and ideas?
Rob, are there any charitable organisations you could approach for assistance? It’s impossible to predict his outcome, as each animal is different… it’s really a case of speaking to the vet for honest answers. Best wishes, Dave.
Also I was not approved for carecredit and vet wont do payment plan…..and ideas?
Rob, are there any charitable organisations you could approach for assistance? It’s impossible to predict his outcome, as each animal is different… it’s really a case of speaking to the vet for honest answers. Best wishes, Dave.
My 14 week old kitten ate 2 tiger Lilly petals…. I only noticed it because it was in his vomit, so I brought him to the vet they gave him charcoal some fluids and did blood and urine tests….everything was normal but they said he should be on an I’v for 48 hours. I just cant afford it I’ve spent well over 1000$ on this cat. Anyway any ideas onto his out come? Urinating fine eating fine drinking fine.
My 14 week old kitten ate 2 tiger Lilly petals…. I only noticed it because it was in his vomit, so I brought him to the vet they gave him charcoal some fluids and did blood and urine tests….everything was normal but they said he should be on an I’v for 48 hours. I just cant afford it I’ve spent well over 1000$ on this cat. Anyway any ideas onto his out come? Urinating fine eating fine drinking fine.
My 1 yr old cat was put to sleep at the weekend with kidney failure. Blood tests were done that confirmed ethylene glycol (antifreeze) ingestion however I am concerned that since there are lilies in the neighbours garden that it may have been that instead. The symptoms are the same and I’ve read that lily toxication can sometimes be confused with antifreeze. Is it possible the lilies may have been the cause even though vets said it was the chemical? Or was this ruled out when the blood results came back? I know it’s too late to do anything now but just knowing would put my mind at rest as we are devastated. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Hello, we are so sorry for your sad loss. The blood tests that are analysed are pretty accurate. Many illnesses can take the same symptoms and unfortunately cats seem attracted to antifreeze (much more than lilies). Best wishes, Dave @ Vet Help Direct.
My 1 yr old cat was put to sleep at the weekend with kidney failure. Blood tests were done that confirmed ethylene glycol (antifreeze) ingestion however I am concerned that since there are lilies in the neighbours garden that it may have been that instead. The symptoms are the same and I’ve read that lily toxication can sometimes be confused with antifreeze. Is it possible the lilies may have been the cause even though vets said it was the chemical? Or was this ruled out when the blood results came back? I know it’s too late to do anything now but just knowing would put my mind at rest as we are devastated. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Hello, we are so sorry for your sad loss. The blood tests that are analysed are pretty accurate. Many illnesses can take the same symptoms and unfortunately cats seem attracted to antifreeze (much more than lilies). Best wishes, Dave @ Vet Help Direct.
My little Bella is currently in kitty hospital after suspected lily poisoning. I noticed last night that she had yellow pollen on her Paws and around her mouth. I looked on this website for further information and as advised I called my vet who said to bring her up immediately. The vet bill was going to be £210 but I have managed to get it for a donation at a charity! She has been in for nearly 24 hours, I am aware they have made her sick and put her on a drip to get the fluids into her. I have been told that she is using the litter tray and eating (she has also got enough energy to be naughty) so I am hoping and praying that she Is ok. She means the world to me and if I lost her id be distraught. I am also considering writing to local news papers to ensure this whole city are aware of these dangers from something so stupid!!! I will keep you updated. I hope I can say she is sitting here on my lap in less than 48 hours. Fingers crossed!
My little Bella is currently in kitty hospital after suspected lily poisoning. I noticed last night that she had yellow pollen on her Paws and around her mouth. I looked on this website for further information and as advised I called my vet who said to bring her up immediately. The vet bill was going to be £210 but I have managed to get it for a donation at a charity! She has been in for nearly 24 hours, I am aware they have made her sick and put her on a drip to get the fluids into her. I have been told that she is using the litter tray and eating (she has also got enough energy to be naughty) so I am hoping and praying that she Is ok. She means the world to me and if I lost her id be distraught. I am also considering writing to local news papers to ensure this whole city are aware of these dangers from something so stupid!!! I will keep you updated. I hope I can say she is sitting here on my lap in less than 48 hours. Fingers crossed!
My beautiful semi long furred tabby with white bib, cheeks & paws was found in a neighbours garden evening before last. She had died not even 2 yrs old. I had lilies in the house. Some of the flowers had died & dropped on the carpet. She wasn’t that fussed about her food the few days before & her breathing was a bit rapid but I had no idea she was dying. I now blame myself as didn’t know about lily poison until a friend told me last night. I didn’t see yellowing on her paws but she licked them a lot. I will never know for sure but I am devastated that it’s an easy thing I could have avoided if the warnings were there in Tesco. Grief stricken
My beautiful semi long furred tabby with white bib, cheeks & paws was found in a neighbours garden evening before last. She had died not even 2 yrs old. I had lilies in the house. Some of the flowers had died & dropped on the carpet. She wasn’t that fussed about her food the few days before & her breathing was a bit rapid but I had no idea she was dying. I now blame myself as didn’t know about lily poison until a friend told me last night. I didn’t see yellowing on her paws but she licked them a lot. I will never know for sure but I am devastated that it’s an easy thing I could have avoided if the warnings were there in Tesco. Grief stricken
My young cat is now on a drip at the vets after touching some lily pollen. Beside myself.
I hope all the stories above of cats in vets had happy endings x
My young cat is now on a drip at the vets after touching some lily pollen. Beside myself.
I hope all the stories above of cats in vets had happy endings x
My wife tells me that apart from Lillys there are other flowers which can be harmful for cats and these are labelled as such by Marks & Spencers when buying such flowers at their stores so keep a watch out. Regrettably we have now had to exclude Lillys etc from our house as we have two young cats, Quinn and Maisy, who sniff everything.
My wife tells me that apart from Lillys there are other flowers which can be harmful for cats and these are labelled as such by Marks & Spencers when buying such flowers at their stores so keep a watch out. Regrettably we have now had to exclude Lillys etc from our house as we have two young cats, Quinn and Maisy, who sniff everything.
I brought home some leftover lilies from a party I went to, I was lucky enough to have heard that cats were allergic to lily pollen, so i looked it up just in case and I now have moved the lilies to a safe place where my two cats, Bubbles and Twilight, can not reach them. stores should provide a large notice on lilies and any other plants that are a threat to our pets.
deeply sorry if anyone’s cat has been harmed or killed in this consequence.
I brought home some leftover lilies from a party I went to, I was lucky enough to have heard that cats were allergic to lily pollen, so i looked it up just in case and I now have moved the lilies to a safe place where my two cats, Bubbles and Twilight, can not reach them. stores should provide a large notice on lilies and any other plants that are a threat to our pets.
deeply sorry if anyone’s cat has been harmed or killed in this consequence.
Our 5 yr old Gray longhair cat, Cupcake, ate part of a lilly leaf from a bouquet I got from being in the hospital. Immediately we took her to the emergency vet–within 30 minutes of ingestion–and she is spending her second night at a vet hospital. It is a horrible thing, not knowing if she will make it. She is such an important part of our small family and the unknown is killing me. The bill will be the cost of a car, but it is worth it if she survives. (Not like I have the money, but as my daughter’s sole parent and Cupcake being her angel with four legs and fur…I would do anything to bring Cupcake back!!!) Cupcake is doing her second night at the vet hospital and may have a few more days–we will continue visiting her 2x per day.Just hope she makes it and I will personally pass the word to Animal Shelters, Pet stores and Florists about the horrific deadly consequence of lilies around cats. Wish is well and I will keep you posted.
Our 5 yr old Gray longhair cat, Cupcake, ate part of a lilly leaf from a bouquet I got from being in the hospital. Immediately we took her to the emergency vet–within 30 minutes of ingestion–and she is spending her second night at a vet hospital. It is a horrible thing, not knowing if she will make it. She is such an important part of our small family and the unknown is killing me. The bill will be the cost of a car, but it is worth it if she survives. (Not like I have the money, but as my daughter’s sole parent and Cupcake being her angel with four legs and fur…I would do anything to bring Cupcake back!!!) Cupcake is doing her second night at the vet hospital and may have a few more days–we will continue visiting her 2x per day.Just hope she makes it and I will personally pass the word to Animal Shelters, Pet stores and Florists about the horrific deadly consequence of lilies around cats. Wish is well and I will keep you posted.
Just came back from emergency.. I suspected that my little Lilly ate lily! I didn’t know its poisonous otherwise I will not buy it!
I took her to the vet after 3 hrs and she is there now.. I hope she will be fine.. She was eating drinking and went to her litter box after that.. However I couldn’t take the risk to Lise her..
I believe warning sign should be their if this is poisonous plant..
Just came back from emergency.. I suspected that my little Lilly ate lily! I didn’t know its poisonous otherwise I will not buy it!
I took her to the vet after 3 hrs and she is there now.. I hope she will be fine.. She was eating drinking and went to her litter box after that.. However I couldn’t take the risk to Lise her..
I believe warning sign should be their if this is poisonous plant..
The day before yesterday I noticed my cat had pollen on her nose and paw, I new it had come from the bouquet of flowers my boyfriend had bought me for valentines day, Lilly’s were the only flower in it that the pollen would have come from, my cat is 15 an old loving girl, I vagley remember my mum telling me that Lilly’s can harm cats, I went on the Internet straight away and found this colume, at the end it says to contact your vet and I did, inky was rushed in and given treatment, I was told last night to prepare for the worst, amazingly my strong girl made it through and quiet honestly and can say is sitting on my lap at this very moment while I’m writing this.
The main reason she is alive is because I acted on it so fast and I feel I have this sight to thank for that. So a massive thank you for informing people of this, you have saved my cats life, xxxxx
The day before yesterday I noticed my cat had pollen on her nose and paw, I new it had come from the bouquet of flowers my boyfriend had bought me for valentines day, Lilly’s were the only flower in it that the pollen would have come from, my cat is 15 an old loving girl, I vagley remember my mum telling me that Lilly’s can harm cats, I went on the Internet straight away and found this colume, at the end it says to contact your vet and I did, inky was rushed in and given treatment, I was told last night to prepare for the worst, amazingly my strong girl made it through and quiet honestly and can say is sitting on my lap at this very moment while I’m writing this.
The main reason she is alive is because I acted on it so fast and I feel I have this sight to thank for that. So a massive thank you for informing people of this, you have saved my cats life, xxxxx
My 6 month old kitten is at the vets as we speak, having come in close contact with some lilies, he has been on a drip for 24 hours and needs to be kept on this now for at least another 24 hours, the vet said he is bright in himself but not passing urine, which is not a good sign, i never thought that lilies would cause this, i will be writing a letter to tescos explaining what has happened as i also think the labeling needs to be more clear for cat owners
My 6 month old kitten is at the vets as we speak, having come in close contact with some lilies, he has been on a drip for 24 hours and needs to be kept on this now for at least another 24 hours, the vet said he is bright in himself but not passing urine, which is not a good sign, i never thought that lilies would cause this, i will be writing a letter to tescos explaining what has happened as i also think the labeling needs to be more clear for cat owners
I recently received a bouquet of lilies (orange – Tiger?)when I returned home from the hospital. My cat, 8 yrs. of age, has NEVER vomited, but started vomiting and in the vomit was part of a Tiger Lilly. I looked up poisoning, saw one symptom is no urine. I checked his box, and no urine was in it. We rushed him to the vet, and he is being given intrveinous treatments, etc. WHERE WAS THE WARNING ON THE FLOWERS???
Where was the warning at the vets? They tell you about everything they can charge you to protect them against…but not the common house hold Lilly.
I recently received a bouquet of lilies (orange – Tiger?)when I returned home from the hospital. My cat, 8 yrs. of age, has NEVER vomited, but started vomiting and in the vomit was part of a Tiger Lilly. I looked up poisoning, saw one symptom is no urine. I checked his box, and no urine was in it. We rushed him to the vet, and he is being given intrveinous treatments, etc. WHERE WAS THE WARNING ON THE FLOWERS???
I cannot believe the lack of publicity concerning the terrible danger these flowers are to cats. Something needs to be done. My daughters 2 kittens are at present be treated for this and the RSPCA are doing what they can…….. we are very worried after reading all the facts. Not only is all this very distressing it is very expensive as vets fees are not cheap. Hopefully they will survive but then will they have kidney or other problems in later life which will be awful for the cats and further treatment costly!!!!! The lilies came from Tescos and there are no large signs to says DEADLY TO CATS!!!!!!! Will let you know the outcome……..
I cannot believe the lack of publicity concerning the terrible danger these flowers are to cats. Something needs to be done. My daughters 2 kittens are at present be treated for this and the RSPCA are doing what they can…….. we are very worried after reading all the facts. Not only is all this very distressing it is very expensive as vets fees are not cheap. Hopefully they will survive but then will they have kidney or other problems in later life which will be awful for the cats and further treatment costly!!!!! The lilies came from Tescos and there are no large signs to says DEADLY TO CATS!!!!!!! Will let you know the outcome……..
The reason the vets don’t tell you is because if they did it would cost then tens of £1000s…..
So worried. Looking after a friends 3 month old kitten, while they are out of the country, and about an hour ago I caught her eating a stamen from a stargazer lily on the windowsill. She had a small amount of pollen on her nose, which I washed off immediately. Called the vet, who said to bring her in if she started becoming unwell, but she seems fine so far.
I owned a Siamese cat for 16 years, and never heard of lilies being poisonous to cats!! I often had lilies around the house. I have now removed the flowers to a place the kitten can’t get to, but I really wish that a large print notice would be placed on any flowers that are dangerous to pets, and intend to write to all supermarkets to ask them to do this.
So worried. Looking after a friends 3 month old kitten, while they are out of the country, and about an hour ago I caught her eating a stamen from a stargazer lily on the windowsill. She had a small amount of pollen on her nose, which I washed off immediately. Called the vet, who said to bring her in if she started becoming unwell, but she seems fine so far.
I owned a Siamese cat for 16 years, and never heard of lilies being poisonous to cats!! I often had lilies around the house. I have now removed the flowers to a place the kitten can’t get to, but I really wish that a large print notice would be placed on any flowers that are dangerous to pets, and intend to write to all supermarkets to ask them to do this.
I have just picked up my 10 week old kitten from the vets after he ate some lilly flowers! i came home to find him covered in pollen and suspected he may have eaten the flowers. I rang the vets to see if there we’re any dangers with what he had done and they told me to bring him down straight away wiyhin 2 hours he had had an injection to make him vomit that confirmed he had eaten 2 lilly petals and one stalk. they washed all the pollen off him and after being on a drip for 24hrs hes back home with activated coal. he’s had blood tests this morning that we’re all clear and i will be taking him back next week for more to check his renal function. so fingers crossed! I am so appauled that these flowers do not come with a warning on them!
What happened to your kitty? Did he/she survive? My cat ate ate some unknown amt of a lily. I witnessed him dry heaving then vomited 2 yellow petals, called the vet straight away, he’s been in the vet hospital for 5 days now on IVFs, he was given something to induce vomiting the first day, however he did not produce anything. Urine and blood testing has been done everyday. His appetite has been fine and he is urinating with the IV fluids. Yesterday, the vet tried to titrate off the fluids but his renal test jumped up so he went back on fluids. Now that we are on day 5 this will be his last evening at the hospital. The doctor said that the kidneys have been hit for sure, however do regenerate over time. We cannot afford nor is it practical to keep our cat in the hospital until this regeneration occurs, so the plan is to decrease the fluids which started today, they pushed as much as he could handle, today a slight heart murmur was detected (can happen with fluid overload) not serious, just means we at the max rate. So Tomorrow he will be off the IV or titrated way down, bld and urine will be tested. Then I will most likely be given IV fluids to administer at home subcutaneously. In addition I am fortunate to live near a UC Davis Veterinary hospital that even does full blood dialysis, however we do not have the money to afford that treatment. What we can do is the home fluids, see a nutritionalist for a consult at Davis and prepare foods at home individualized for him. He is a large Bengal and seems to be fine, still his numbers are not great, not horrible, but he is still getting fluids. I will be taking him for bld work as ordered. Monitor and keep up this regime until further notice. The doctors thing he will survive, but we just don’t know. So so scary and horrible. The cat means the world to me. I am curious how your cat made out as the more stories I read the better idea I am getting about survival depending on treatment, timing, age of cat and preexisting disease. He is playing and seems happy. I just don’t know what I will do if he cannot survive without IVFs. I have a neighbor who happens to be a vet tech also and she administers her 17y/o cat SQ fluids every day and doing fine. The other issue is the food. Cats are carnivores. My cat has been on a raw meat diet his entire life. Meat is all protein, protein is a large molecule and essentially contraindicated in renal disease, yet it is needed for healing. So I just don’t know, I am trying not to worry, still here I am at 3am as have been every night since this event. Searching the internet and looking for hope and exploring what others have done, remedies, etc. I do hope you cat survived. I also noticed this blog was posted several years ago, so perhaps, hopefully everything turned out ok and you are living as a happy normal family. Tnx for any input or advice.
Hi Carol,
I live in Oakland. My cat Shiloh come in contact with “possible” lily insult.
I’m wondering what creatine levels your cat went to?
Shiloh has been at the hospital for 72 hours getting IV. His level was 12 on Saturday. Down to 9 on Sunday. And today the level is 7.0
I’m really scared. Please provide some insight.
Hope your cat is doing well!
I have just picked up my 10 week old kitten from the vets after he ate some lilly flowers! i came home to find him covered in pollen and suspected he may have eaten the flowers. I rang the vets to see if there we’re any dangers with what he had done and they told me to bring him down straight away wiyhin 2 hours he had had an injection to make him vomit that confirmed he had eaten 2 lilly petals and one stalk. they washed all the pollen off him and after being on a drip for 24hrs hes back home with activated coal. he’s had blood tests this morning that we’re all clear and i will be taking him back next week for more to check his renal function. so fingers crossed! I am so appauled that these flowers do not come with a warning on them!
hello iv just rushed my two 5month old kittens to the vets as i saw them both sniffing around some lily’s that my mum got me, they both seemed fine in themselves but they did both have pollen around there faces im so worried about them 🙁
hello iv just rushed my two 5month old kittens to the vets as i saw them both sniffing around some lily’s that my mum got me, they both seemed fine in themselves but they did both have pollen around there faces im so worried about them 🙁
Dear Andy,
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your cat through suspected lily
poisoning. It is a very distressing condition and I welcome all efforts to
make people more aware of the risks. Well done for your determination to
make this more widely known which can only help to save cats lives in the
My condolences once again.
Dear Andy,
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your cat through suspected lily
poisoning. It is a very distressing condition and I welcome all efforts to
make people more aware of the risks. Well done for your determination to
make this more widely known which can only help to save cats lives in the
My condolences once again.
I am entirely in agreement with your penultimate paragraph that there are insufficient warnings about the risks that lilies pose to cats. We lost one of our young Bangali cats (only 18 months old) to lily poisoning only yesterday. Our vet battled for 5 days so save her but when multiple organ failure and haemorrhaging set in on Sunday afternoon we decided the kindest thing was to put her to sleep. We feel awful that we were the cause of her death. My wife had been presented with a bouquet of flowers just before Christmas containing lilies, and it is too much of a co-incidence for there to be any other cause of death. There was no warning on the packaging at all. I am currently drafting an article that I intend submitting to our local press and village magazines in an effort to raise the profile of this danger. We are very relieved that our other Bangali cat (sister to the one that died) is still alive, well and showing no symptoms of poisoning.
Regards, Andy Henderson.
I am entirely in agreement with your penultimate paragraph that there are insufficient warnings about the risks that lilies pose to cats. We lost one of our young Bangali cats (only 18 months old) to lily poisoning only yesterday. Our vet battled for 5 days so save her but when multiple organ failure and haemorrhaging set in on Sunday afternoon we decided the kindest thing was to put her to sleep. We feel awful that we were the cause of her death. My wife had been presented with a bouquet of flowers just before Christmas containing lilies, and it is too much of a co-incidence for there to be any other cause of death. There was no warning on the packaging at all. I am currently drafting an article that I intend submitting to our local press and village magazines in an effort to raise the profile of this danger. We are very relieved that our other Bangali cat (sister to the one that died) is still alive, well and showing no symptoms of poisoning.
Regards, Andy Henderson.
My 6 month old kitten recently ate part of a lily. I rushed her to an out of hours emergency vet who very quickly started if fluids and charcoal treatment. She was in the vet and started treatment within the hour. I was unaware of the dangers and just had a feeling I should see if lilys were dangerous to cats. She spent 2 nights in the vet’s and aggressive treatment was given to her. Thankfully last night she returned home she is doing very well, she needs another blood test in a few days to ensure her kidneys are ok. Please all be so careful with your cats I would be lost without my little baby. I have contacted my local paper to run a story to try to give more coverage and awareness to this as I didn’t know and only by pure gut feeling did I look it up, if I hadn’t she would have died. I now have insurance for her as I didn’t have any and it has cost me £800 in vets fees meaning I now can’t pay my Rent or bills for the next month and its cleared out all I had but i would pay anything to save her. There are success stories out there but timing is everything. I hope this may bring hope to others in this predicament.
I’m pretty sure my kitten (4 months) ate a lily or sniffed it.
I’m terrified as he is part of my life and family.
Any help?
If there’s any realistic chance he ate any part of a lily – call your vet, or an emergency vet, ASAP. Urgent treatment makes a HUGE difference in lily poisoning.