There are many different benefits of having different breeds of dogs. For many dogs, going for walks is something they really look forward to each day. But some dogs prefer shorter walks and less frequent walks. Whilst going for walks is one of the most physically exerting things you have to do with a pet dog regularly, there are many other physically demanding activities involved in having a dog. Being physically impaired does not mean you can not be a responsible, good dog owner. You just need to be prepared and have a backup plan for those scenarios when it’s needed. 


Some breeds like exercising a lot more than others so choosing breeds that do not need a high amount of exercise is advised. Gun dogs and working dogs would not be recommended due to the high amounts of exercise that they need. Brachycephalic dogs (any dog with a flat face) such as pugs, bull dogs, shih tzu, might seem attractive as they have low exercise requirements. However, this is because they struggle to perform lots of physical activity due to the breathing difficulties experienced from having very narrow and congested airways, and can have increased care needs which would need to be considered.

Personality and age

Getting to know a dog before purchasing it would be a sensible idea. This is because your dog’s personality will play a key factor in how often they want to exercise. Once you’ve got to know a dog and know how much exercise they require, you can decide whether you are able to provide that. 

The age of the dog is important too because adult dogs often require less supervision and less exercise. Younger dogs need short, frequent walks and may demand more attention around the house too. As dogs age, many start to suffer from arthritis which affects their mobility meaning they require shorter, less intense walks. Getting an older dog may be better suited to you. 

Thinking about getting a dog that is already toilet trained would be useful. If your dog could use a dog flap, this would eliminate the need for you to go and open the door every time your dog needs to go outside to the toilet. A dog flap also means your dog can let itself outside for a wander round the garden whenever they want to. However, you must ensure you have a safe and secure garden in order to do this. Poo picking in your garden may become a problem if your dog goes out alone. So having someone who regularly checks your garden for faeces is important. Canine faeces can contain worms and their eggs, which can be contracted by us humans.

Other ways to help get them out and about more

Having a regular dog walker is a great way to ensure your dog gets enough walks at the correct intensity. Dog walkers will collect your dog directly from your house and bring them back to you after their walk. Many dog walkers will provide you with pictures so you can see what your pet has been up to! 

Toys are a great way of keeping your pet active. You can give your dog good exercise without moving much yourself using appropriate toys. Throwing a ball with a ball thrower and getting your dog to fetch the ball creates a great exercise option for many dogs. Food kongs and food bowls which incorporate games into their operation enable your pet to play, use their brain and move more whilst eating, making eating more fun, time consuming and also encouraging more movement.

Doggy day care is also a good option and this allows your dog to meet and socialise with other dogs. Doggy day care can be very fun for your dog and they often return home very snoozy! It does come with additional costs and many day cares will require the non-compulsory kennel cough vaccine. In addition to this, dogs who require extra exercise may be more energetic in the house on days when they do not go to doggy day care!

Other things to consider

There may be instances when you need to carry your dog. This includes when lifting your dog in and out of the car. There are many different pieces of equipment that can help with this, like ramps or mechanical lifting equipment. Look at the price of these different pieces of equipment prior to getting your dog and make sure you are happy to buy them. Your dog would need to be happy using these methods and training may be required. Thinking about the size of your dog is important because smaller dogs are lighter, making these tasks easier.

There are many different benefits of having a dog such as the social interactions, the companionship, motivation to get up and move, feeling of purpose. Being physically limited does not mean you should not get a dog at all, but it does mean you should be more careful and selective when choosing which dog you decide to have. Good luck finding a new best friend!

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