Many companies now offer flea and worming subscriptions; where you pay a monthly fee and in return, you receive your products in the post. This monthly package can be a great reminder for you to administer your flea and worming products. So for many people it does help to provide a routine for preventative health care. We strongly recommend preventative flea and worming treatments for your dog, as infestations can be very challenging to overcome. Below we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of flea and worming subscriptions. 

Check the actual cost

A monthly subscription may work out as the cheapest method of providing preventative parasitic control for your dogs. Prevention is better than cure and if this is your only option then we urge you to do this. In addition, please remember that insurance policies will not cover this kind of treatment. 

Flea and worming products are dosed according to your dog’s weight. As your dog grows up, their weight will change rapidly, so you will need to keep altering their dosage. If you are using an online subscription, be sure to regularly weigh your dog as underdosing your dog will not allow the drug to work properly. Be sure to weigh your dog monthly in order to dose your dog correctly. You can do this at home by weighing yourself, then holding your dog and weighing both of you together. This combined weight, minus your individual weight, will give your dog’s weight. Vets normally weigh dogs in kg. So ensure you are using the correct units when inputting their weight if you are ordering online. 

Generally though these subscription packages are cheaper than purchasing flea and worm treatments from your vet, so there is a definite upside to them… Especially as we face seemingly constant bill hikes for everything from food to fuel.

How good is the product?

Check the active ingredient of the product and contact your vet to see whether this product actually works… Many older flea and worming products do not seem to work as effectively as we might hope. This might be due to resistance to the drug; where ectoparasites and endoparasites have mutated and developed methods in which they can survive through the drug’s method of action. However, changes in the way we care for our pets is probably as important, as most of the older drugs are water soluble and wash off when your dog goes swimming. Another consideration is that, even at their best, the older generation of products were often less effective against parasites. While newer drugs are generally faster acting and more effective.

Your vet will be able to advise as to what the most appropriate active ingredients (rather than brands) are for your pet. So do have a chat with them.

How much hassle do they really save you?

Whilst the arrival of these products in a monthly delivery can act as a reminder that you must administer them, many veterinary practices have the facilities to send reminders via text message to flea and worm your dog. This means you can obtain veterinary prescription flea and worming products prescribed specifically for your dog and receive a monthly reminder too!

One size doesn’t fit all

Some areas of the country have areas which are more susceptible to different ectoparasites and endoparasites, meaning specific products may be recommended to you. Your veterinary practice is able to offer advice as to which parasites are most abundant in your area. As well as which parasites your dog is most likely to become exposed to, given their specific lifestyle and where they walk. Some breeds of dog should not be exposed to certain active ingredients due to varying toxic dosages and an increased susceptibility to adverse reactions. Your vet will identify the best product for your pet and is able to offer products in tablet or spot on form. 

If you buy a prescription only product, you must see your vet every 12 months for a routine health check. This applies for any prescription product and allows your veterinary practice to keep up to date records regarding your dog’s weight, health and response to the treatment.  If your dog suffers from any adverse reactions from a drug, be sure to tell your vet as there are many different products that can be administered to prevent fleas and worms; meaning we can change the product preventing your dog from suffering. 

To conclude, giving flea and worming products as frequently as your product is supposed to be administered is important. Monthly subscription protocols are a good idea if you are on a budget. But prescription parasitic control medication from your local veterinary practice will have better efficacy and be much more specific to your dog and their lifestyle. Plus they are often available as part of a monthly subscription to a practice health care plan.

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