Question from Gillian Richards
I have a American bull dog and every couple of weeks as worms I have giving 1 dose wormer tablets but is to many wormer tablets bad for her or is their another wormer I could use to treat it many Thanx
Answer from Shanika Winters MRCVS, Online Vet
Hi Gillian and thank you for your question about worming your dog. I will start by discussing the common worms that affect dogs and then treatment options.
When we say a dog has worms we are usually talking about intestinal (gut) worms but we are now much more aware that worms can also affect the lungs and heart of dogs. Worms have a life cycle and this can include other species sometimes such as cats, foxes, sheep, slugs, snails and mosquitoes. The worms are a parasite, the animal it is living in is called the host. If the worm, as part of its life cycle, has to pass through another animal then this animal is called an intermediate host.
Common worms affecting dogs include the round worm Toxocara canis, tapeworm Dipylidium caninum, whip worm Trichuris vulpis, hookworm Ancylostoma caninum, heart worm Dirofilaria immitis and the lungworm Angiostrongylus vasorum.
The life cycle of the roundworm is as follows:
Worm eggs are eaten or licked up by the dog, these hatch in your dog’s stomach and develop into larvae. These pass into your dog’s blood and are carried to the lungs where they climb up the trachea (windpipe) and are coughed up and swallowed. These larvae then mature into adult worms. Larvae can also remain inside your pet in an encapsulated (protected stage) in different body tissues.
Adult female worms produce eggs which are then passed out in your dog’s faeces (poo). These eggs can then be eaten by your dog or other animals. Worm eggs can survive in the environment for a long time.
Roundworms can be passed directly from pregnant bitches to the puppies both before and after birth.
How can you tell if your dog has worms?
Most healthy adult animals show little or no signs of having intestinal worms. Passing worms in the faeces, segments in the case of tapeworms around your dog’s bottom which look like grains of rice, intermittent diarrhoea, vomit plus or minus worms, weakness and anaemia may be seen. Very young animals, those which are severely infected or with a weak immune system may show the more severe signs listed when infected with intestinal worms.
If there are no obvious signs of worms or we are trying to work out which exact type of worms your dog has then test can be carried out of faeces and blood samples from your dog.
How do we treat intestinal worms?
Most pregnant bitches are given several doses of an appropriate worm treatment throughout pregnancy and lactation (milk production). We advise regular worming of puppies from birth to 6 months of age. Puppies 6 months of age and adult dogs are advised to be routinely wormed three to four times a year.
It is safest to discuss which wormer to use with your vet to ensure it is safe for your dog, its life stage and that the correct dose is given. Worm treatments tend to kill the adult worms and larvae inside your dog, the encapsulated larvae are only killed by certain worm treatments. It is very easy for your dog to pick up worms soon after treatment from eggs in the environment, faeces and other animals.
Worm treatments:
The worm treatment drugs come in the form of tablets, pastes, granules and spot on preparations. The exact type you use should be decided after discussion with your vet especially in the case of recurrent infestations. It is always important to use the correct dose of a drug and one that is safe for your pet’s age and health status. Reasons a worm treatment may not appear to be working include: pet reacts badly to certain drugs, the worms they have are not being killed by the drug given, their immune system is weakened by other conditions or they are being exposed to a high level of worms.
Many combination drugs are available that treat different types of worms and some other parasites also. A list of drugs commonly found in worm treatments include, fenbendazole, praziquantel, milbemycin, pyrantel, moxidectin, selamectin and flubendazole.
In conclusion regular worming of your dog with a suitable drug is important for dogs of all ages, the exact drug used can be chosen after discussion with your vet based on your dogs needs. If worm infestation is recurrent then your vet may suggest performing tests to work out exactly which worms are present, helping to choose the best drug to use and an individual worming regime can be set. Worm treatment is a constant battle as re infestation occurs to easily. I hope this has helped you and that your dog’s worms are soon under control.
Shanika Winters MRCVS (online vet)
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Hola, lleve a mi gato al veterinario le mando el desparasitante endovet. Y me dijo que le diera una pastilla a cada uno y media pastilla a la gata que solo pesa 5kilos. Por error le dí la pastilla completa. Ya ha pasado 12 horas desde que se la suministre y le consulte a su veterinario pero es de noche y no le llegan mis mensajes. La vida de la gata estará en peligro? El compuesto de la pastilla es ivermectina 2mg y prazicuantel 50mg.
Me temo que no hablo español, así que estoy traduciendo esto. Como esto es potencialmente grave, el riesgo de una traducción errónea es alto, por lo que recomiendo contactar a un veterinario local. Con esta dosis, la toxicidad es poco probable para un gato de tamaño promedio, pero no imposible. Por lo tanto, se recomienda contactar a su veterinario pronto.
Why has my vet told me my 5 month old cockerpoo only needs worming with Milpro every 6 months? Thought it was monthly till 6 months then 3 monthly. She hasn’t been wormed since 3 months old
Because the old “every 3 months” advice is now widely seen to be contributing to substantial damage to the environment – we wrote an article about it recently. There is ongoing research in the area, but the ideal interval for worming is rather controversial, since the original data behind the 3 month worming was obtained from experimental dogs kennelled in their own faeces, and is probably not representative of the risks faced by most pet dogs in the UK!
Your vet will have carried out a lifestyle and location risk assessment on your dog, and decided that she is relatively low risk for worms and that every 6 months is adequate to minimise the risk. Remember too that many of the worms we treat for are more of a concern to us than to our adult pets.
I cannot get my American Bully to take her wormer tablet for a 35kg dog. Could I give her 3 small tablets that equate to the one large tablet instead?
In most cases yes, but you’d need to check the exact datasheet or label instructions.
Can Simparica Trio and Quad dewormer be given days apart?
I had not given my Boerboel his flea and tick meds for a couple of months. I gave it to him on friday. Then noticed he had flea dirt in his fur and this morning I have his a “Quad Dewormer” I usually give it to him 2 times a yr as a preventative without issues.
I wouldn’t, as they contain similar and overlapping ingredients. It’s unlikely to be a problem, but I wouldn’t recommend it, and I’d check in with your prescriber first.
My dog is 3.5 year old border collie, weight around 22kg. he takes worming and flea prevention tablets every 3 months by the book (bravecto 1mg – 1 tablet & Milbemax Dog Large Chewy (48) (per tab)x 1 tablet. My dog was minded by someone else and as it is very difficult to give dog those tablets she managed to give him aprrox not less than half of each tablet. Rest she chopped in large amount of food which he simply won’t eat. That was 2 days back. he is protected sufficiently ? Thanks in advance,
If this was Bravecto 1000mg, then he will probably have cover, but it almost certainly won’t last the whole 3 months. In the case of the Milbemax, half a tablet is a significant underdose, so you should definitely check in with your vets.
We have used Prinocate spot on for the last 3 months because my dog vomited terribly every time after taking the worm and flea pill she had been on. I picked up her next 3 months of Prinocate today and found later that the bag included a milprazon pill to be given once every 6 months. I see both meds prevent lungworm and roundworm, but the milprazon also prevents tapeworm. I’m concerned that I’m effectively double dosing her by giving her both meds. Does she really need the milprazon? The point of the spot on treatment was to avoid the pill.
The Milprazon will cover for tapeworms that the Prinocate won’t. The other active ingredients are related, but don’t hang around in the body for long, so I would double check with the vets how far apart ot give the 2 treatments, especially if she’s got any collie or other herding dog ancestry.
Gave my 4lb dog a 7 way dewormer pyrantel pamoate/ praziquantel I didn’t realize it was for 6-12 lbs. has 30mg of each should I be worried?
Although it depends on any other ingredients included, for most wormers with these ingredients, a 50% overdose is very unlikely to cause problems.
My dog got a double dose of dewormer ?
It depends what dewormer – i.e. what the active ingredient is. Few are toxic at only twice the dose, but there are one or two that could be.
My dog on fipronil had fleas during annual exam and vet prescribed Brevecto then Droncit after 7 days. No tests were given for worms. Never had either of these drugs for a 12 yo border collie with heart murmur. Brevecto made her sleepy for a day. Wondering if Droncit is safe and necessary. Is Droncit given prophylactically?
Yes, Droncit contains praziquantel which is used to break the life-cycle of tapeworms (a dog with fleas almost certainly has tapeworms, that’s how the life-cycle works). And praziquantel is incredibly safe, so I really wouldn’t worry about it!
However, I would report to the vet and potentially to the VMD (the medicines regulator) the sleepiness on Bravecto – it’s unlikely to be related to the drug, but any unexpected effect should always be reported.
My dog was given a collection of worming products including Credelio, Prinovox, Dronit and Milbemax. Should I be concerned with the mixture of active ingredients? My dog was not well a couple of days later.
Some of these products wouldn’t normally be given together, but there may be a reason why they were: I would definitely go back to the prescriber and ask what the rationale was; as well as reporting the adverse reaction to your vet.
You might also want to report it directly to the VMD – you can do so here.
Helpful. Thank you. Vet is saying all the drugs were not given, but only added to the record based on the new guidance. I’m left with a reaction to the vaccine booster, or just circumstance for the seizure.
I gave my 53 pound lab mix two 7 way dewormer pills, they contain the ingredients Praziquantel and Pyrantel Pamoate. WHen I then gave my German Shepherd her two, i think its possible he grabbed one or both when she dropped them. Do I have anything to be concerned with if he did?
I doubt it – those ingredients are pretty safe up to 10 times overdose, so I think the worst that is likely to happen is that one dog didn’t get wormed!
The vet gave my 1.6 kg puppy milbevet dewormer for round worm 1 week ago. They have now also prescribed him panacur 10% to take once a day for 3 day only 1 week after previous treatment. Is this too much?
I doubt it – these are 2 very different drugs that don’t really interact. If the same vet has prescribed both, it’s clearly what they feel your pup needs, and those medications would usually be safe together anyway.
I gave my mini aussie a dewormer for a 25 to 50 lb dog. And I’m not sure completely on his weight. Will he be ok
It depends on the active ingredient in the drug and how big your dog is! For example, if he’s only 5lb, that’s a massive overdose, and side effects are more likely. If he’s 30lb then it’s spot on the right dose.
It’s unlikely that it will cause very serious side effects, but without knowing those two pieces of information, it’s impossible to say!
Hi I have a english bull dog puppy he weigh 17.35kg got his flea and wormer tablets yesterday from the vet gave flea tablet yesterday and gave him the wormer today didn’t release I had to do it a week after now he has diarrhoea
Without knowing what the active ingredients are, I can’t tell you how serious it’s likely to be, so I’d suggest going back to the vet who prescribed the meds on that one!
Hello please I need help I live in a village and is very hard to get medical help I gave my cat Dewormer one tablet but after couple hours He started licking his lips and sticking his tongue out and won’t eat and he vomits and is not moving what should I do please help me
Without knowing what the product is it’s hard to give advice, but it does sound like a toxic reaction from what you’ve said. Try and minimise stimulation and seek veterinary help from someone who can examine him if at all possible!
I gave Wormrid tablet to my dog last july 30. Now, he has fleas. Can I give Nexgard for fleas even only 8days apart from the Wormrid I gave?
It is not a product I am familiar with directly. I would not anticipate nay major side effects, but I would recommend getting advice from the prescriber before going ahead.
Hi, I gave my French bulldog two different wormers at once. I didn’t realise it said 48 hours after. Do I need to worry? Or will it just be a bad belly?
It depends what the active ingredients in the two wormers are, unfortunately! For most, it’s not likely to be serious, but some may be much more so.
We gave our puppy wormer and we also gave his sister wormer at the same time. He ate his dose into halves, which was a liquid dose that we put in his food.. she ate her dose all at once. The sister had worms in her stool the next day our puppy did not. Should I worm him again before the two weeks is up or should I wait?
I don’t think so; if he had the full dose there shouldn’t be any need.
It’s a bit of a myth that you’ll always see worms coming out if the wormer has worked; with most modern wormers, the worms die and are digested, it’s only with the very old and weaker ones where the worms aren’t killed by the drug but are regularly passed whole. In most cases, worms in poo after worming = a very high worm burden!
After deworming my dog can she passed the worms and not see them in her stool? Or should I see the dead worms in stool?
If you’ve used a modern wormer, you won’t normally see them – they’ll be dead and digested well before they reach the faeces, unless the worm burden was very high.
Hi, Ive just found out that my frenchie has been under wormed since a puppy due to the vets giving her the incorrect dose. After being changed to a different worming tablet she wont stop scooting even after having her anal glands expressed twice, she has been seen by the vets who is certain the scooting is from allergies and not worms. Im not sure what to do as this only started after her worming meds was changed
Well, perhaps consider a different wormer, in case that triggered things, although I’ve not seen any reports of it happening before. Unfortunately, Frenchies are very prone to skin allergies – and that’s probably what’s going on here. I’d be suspicious that the wormer issue was a red herring…
Can I give my 50 lb dog two 25lb dewormer tablets??
Almost certainly, but just check on the packet leaflet first.
My 1 ur cockapoo stole extra wormer tablet, so had too much. Should I be worried what to look for
It depends what the active ingredients were! In most cases, it’s very unlikely to be an issue, but there are some drugs where you could see a serious stomach upset, or even neurological signs.
The vet gave my lab inceptor plus then 2 weeks later gave him drontal plus for hookworms. Now he is breathing heavy should I be worried?
It’s unlikely to be directly related to the drugs – although we don’t have inceptor plus here, it looks pretty similar to the prescription wormers we use, and they’re pretty safe, while Drontal is generally very safe too.
I also don’t know what species of lungworms or heartworms you have in your location, but you could get signs like this from death of a mass of worms in the lungs or great vessels of the chest, which can be pretty serious.
I would say though, that unexplained heavy breathing is always a worry, whatever the cause, so I’d definitely get him checked over by your vet ASAP.
Hi, I gave my 12lb dog his normal monthly dose of wormer (pyrantel pamoate (30mg) and praziquantel (30mg). He threw up within 15 minutes of giving him the pill, I looked through what he threw up and didn’t see the pill. Its been 2 days since then and he is now rubbing his butt on the floor. I’m worried that he still has worms. Is it OK to give him another pill or should I wait? Thanks for helping!!
Thank you for the help!! I have one more question please. This is a different dog I have, she’s an adult Morkie that also weights 12lbs, I recieved her as an adult and she had skin issues that I cured with medicated shampoo. Its been 4 months since and she still digs and itches like crazy, I have tried benadryl but it didn’t seem to help very much. I use medicated wipes and that doesn’t seem to do much either. I also changed her to a very strict diet but that hasn’t helped. I don’t know if there’s any advice you can give me on what may help her itching subside but if so I truly appreciate it. Thanks again for all your help!
Hmmm – I’d say definitely vet time, it does sound like either a parasitic or allergic problem (benedryl isn’t very effective in animals and has quite a lot of side effects, which is one reason we say only use on vet advice). Definitely time for a full skin workup I’m afraid!
In all probability, it would be safe to give another one – those are both very safe agents, and even if some had been absorbed, he clearly vomited up most of it! That, of course, is assuming that he’s adult and otherwise healthy – if not, check with your vet.
Firstly, can I say what a hero David Harris is for answering all these questions, particularly trying to help people in the US who have been given or bought a variety of medicines, not all available in the same form in UK. A huge thank you for helping all the worried pet parents.
My feedback is on the original article. This does not answer the original question about worming frequency where the dog has not been dignosed with worms.
My understanding is that puppies at 8 weeks need to be wormed monthly. After that, most UK vets seem to recommend worming quarterly. There are some vets and breeders who say that 3-monthly worming is excessive and there is no need to worm an adult dog unless they show symptoms of having worms. I have looked at RCVS guidance and cannot find definitive information on best practice. Please will you clarify whether quarterly worming in ordinary circumstances is necessary?
Further, in the UK, we do not have heartworm and I am told the incidence of lungworm is vanishingly low with most vets never having seen a case. Given the risks and safety profile of the various wormers, what is the safest active ingredient for worming (most data and known to have least side effects)?
It is sad that most vet practices in this country are being bought up by Private Equity companies who practise a rapacious testing and prescribing regime so that trust in the veterinary profession is being undermined. It’s almost impossible to find a private practitioner where I live and to get good veterinary advice and treatment untainted by the influence of corporate considerations. In this environment, it would be helpful if there were more resources for pet owners on the RCVS website, as well as a beefing up of oversight.
Many thanks
Thank you Kiara, I got a prescription for lung worm .prevention.milbevet and it said monthly.. but online said 3 monthly.. so to be safe I followed the 3 monthly advice.. but good yo know its rare.. and maybe once in the summer might be enough..
3-monthly will break the life-cycles of the intestinal worms, but will NOT prevent lungworm – you need monthly treatment for that. Milbemycin (the active ingredient) cannot kill adult lungworm reliably, only the larvae.
Firstly, thank you!
Secondly, the RCVS is the regulator, rather than an information body – although I don’t disagree with you…!
OK, so in terms of worming, the reason for the 3-monthly advice is two fold. Firstly, it’s very easily remembered; and secondly, it’s sufficient to break the life-cycle of the majority of worms that cause us problems in the UK. Different countries may well have different advice, based on the specific parasites and their risk factors, but let’s stick to the UK. The other thing to remember is that for many of the worms (especially Toxocara), we’re actually worming more to protect human health than dog health, and this interval is sufficient to minimise (although nnot eliminate) shedding of Toxocara eggs in most cases..
If the dog is constantly at risk of reinfection, with very high numbers of roundworms (or tapeworms), then there is a high chance that enough will slip through the 3-monthly net to cause issues, so we recommend more frequent worming. Likewise, if the dog lives with very small children, or people with a compromised immune system, more frequent worming may be indicated because of the high severity of zoonotic disease.
As against that, there is increasingly concern about environmental damage from the use of small animal wormers; and while resistance among tapeworms and most roundworms is pretty rare, resistant hookworms are described.e specially in the US.
The bottom line is that three-monthly is a rule of thumb – it’s not a guideline for all time set in stone. For almost any effective wormer in the UK (NFA-VPS or POM-V), you need to obtain it from an RQP (a vet, a pharmacist, or a Suitably Qualified Person), and they have to factor in all of these considerations and give specific advice based on them.
In terms of what’s the best active ingredient – again, it depends what you want to achieve! The vast majority of worming products contain multiple active ingredients to cover different groups of worms, or to get a synergistic effect against them. In terms of safety, praziquantel is probably the safest product on the market – but it only does tapeworms. Fenbendazole is also very safe, but there are a lot of resistance reports in farm animal species and it requires a course of treatment in most cases, not a one-off. Milbemycin appears very safe in most dogs, as do pyrantel/febantel combinations. Moxidectin has a lower safety margin in a few breeds, but within that, it seems both effective and safe (as well as treating lungworm which has a very patchy distribution – some areas see a LOT of cases others see very few: it depends where you are in the country!).
Once again – how long’s a piece of string?!!! And that’s why most of these agents are classified as NFA-VPS or POM-V, because the safety will depend on the dog’s genetic heritage, the previous worming history, the dog’s current health status, and their current worm burden.
One last point about worm egg counts – these work really well in horses, cattle and sheep, but they have not been validated (despite a LOT of research) in dog and cats. The reason is that the parasites of carnivores seem to shed eggs less reliably and less consistently than those in herbivores, making it really hard to assess. There is some research into blood tests for worm burdens – but I suspect it’ll be a while before that is sufficiently validated to justify regular treatment.
My dog has resistant hookworm. He was supposed to get Drontal Plus and Advantage Multi together. But, the Advantage Multi did not arrive till 7 days later. Is it going to do any good if they were not given together?
Probably not, but double check with the prescribing vet!
I gave my 10 month dachshund drontal plus as prescribed by my vet 1 day and then gave the second dose the next day when I was supposed to wait to give in 14 days Will this hurt my dog!!!
Fortunately, it’s a very safe combination (assuming it’s the same product as marketed as Drontal Plus here in the UK) – and some vomiting is the only likely side effect. If anythign else happens, contact your vet ASAP for advice, but I wouldn’t expect any real issues.
My dog toot some sios of water just after taking deworming medical,is the medicine still going to work??
Drinking a couple of swallows of water isn’t going to make any difference to the medicine, don’t worry!
Hey, I am not sure which tables to buy for my 7 months Dog. 1 conditioning tables or 2 Dewormer tables
These drugs are worked out on body weight, so his age is less important than his size. However, many of the over-the-counter wormers aren’t very effective; I’d recommend a prescription one which your vet can put up for you.
My child dumped out the entire bottle of dewormer. Dog licked most of it up. Will he be ok?
It depends what the active ingredient is, and the dog’s breed. A few can be fatal in overdose, although most will just cause a severe stomach upset.
I would strongly advise contacting your vet with the bottle in your hand so you can tell them what the active component is!
Hi . I’m Nina my dog has been having worms & I went to get him a dewormer & I got him a liquid one & yesterday in the morning I gave him a teaspoon , then like at 10pm I gave him another teaspoon. I read the instructions & it didn’t say how much time to give it to him all it said was a teaspoon. Then today in the morning again & then like at 9 . But then I realized he was getting kinda fat so idk what to do. Oh & btw I mixed it with water
I’m afraid it depends what the exact product was! However – if the dose wasn’t specified exactly in terms of the dog’s size or bodyweight, then it’s unlikely to be a particularly effective product; if there were no warnings on the package about overdosing, I wouldn’t be worried about you giving him too much. I think it would be a good idea to double check the instructions in the packet for the exact volume of the liquid needed per kg or lb of dog body weight – if there aren’t any, I really wouldn’t use that product again, but go to your vet and get their advice on what to use.
Hi, i didn’t deqromed my shiranian dog before mating. She just mate yesterday. So i qanted to ask if it is okay or will there be a problem during/after concieving? Please suggest.
Worming a dog during pregnancy is really important to minimise the transmission of Toxocara to her puppies while still in the womb. You should however seek expert advice as to which wormers (and there are a number) in your area are licensed and tested as safe for this purpose. In general, most wormers based on benzimidazoles (such as fenbendazole) are safe, but it will depend on the exact strength and license terms.
Hi..can I feed sky worm tablet to my 5 month old cat ..I brought it online..bc of my cat constantly pooping and there are of worms in her poop…and I’m afraid to feeding her that tablet…if it any cause some problem…is that safe for cat to feed those tablet
It’s not a drug I’m familiar with. However… if it is a drug licensed for use in cats, you obtained it legally, and the package leaflet doesn’t list any contraindications for your cat as an individual, then I don’t see any reason not to use it!
If it’s a dog form, or she is in a contraindicated group – definitely do NOT give it to her and call your vet for advice.
hello! i have two 7 week old pomeranians and i dewormed them at 2 and 4 weeks with Strongid T (from my vet) and at 6 weeks old they started to go down hill, i could tell right away that it was worms so i bought quad dewomer that treats roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworm. gave it to them and they’re doing better now but i want to deworm them again with Panacur to make sure all the worms are gone but i’m not sure if i can because i just dewormed them 5 days ago with a different dewormer. i appreciate anyone who can help me out, thank you.
It depends what the active ingredients are in the quad and the Strongid: generally, Panacur (fenbendazole) mixes quite well with other drugs, but I’d just double check with your own vet who will be more familiar with US products than I am!
thank you so much! i appreciate it😊
I bought PetAmour dog chewable wormer but it is for 25.1-200 lbs dogs and my dog is 22.5 lbs. Can I still use it and cut it in 1/4-12 or do I need to get the right size product for my dog?
I’m not familiar with that exact product, but in general, it’s not a good idea to split tablets unless the packaging or the manufacturer’s instructions say you can. The reason is that many tablets have a film or modified absorption coating to control the rate at which the drug is absorbed or broken down. If that coating is broken, then the drugs can’t work properly.
Hi is ivermectin good for dogs to get rid of worms?
It’s not really ideal – a number of dogs carry a mutation that means that ivermectin is fatal to them; while this is most common in breeds such as Collies and other herding dogs, it can affect other breeds as well, and without genetic testing its impossible to know whether a dog has the mutation or not until they have side effects. Vets will sometimes use ivermectin for managing severe infestations of, for example, heartworms (where the worms will kill so it’s worth taking the risk), but not normally for routine treatment, unless there is no other option.
We used Drontal deformed for our 6 year old rottweiler 5 days ago and since giving it to him he won’t eat properly, he is lethargic and he’s usually sure a hyper playful dog but hes just laying there looking sad a mopey. Is this normal and if so how long does it last.??
No, definitely not normal – Drontal is usually a pretty safe medicine and any side effects are very rare. Definitely vet time now!
I gave my American bully xl puppy a dewormering pill on a Wednesday it’s Sunday and his symptoms gotten worse he’s not eating his poop straight liquid he loss his appetite I tried feeding chicken with rice and he doesn’t want it what should I do me and my husband doesn’t have money to take him to the vet I cried I feel like I did this to my dog
It sounds more like there’s something else more serious going on than a simple case of worms: he needs veterinary treatment ASAP; it is likely that his life is in danger if he has constant watery diarrhoea and is unable to eat. Find a local charity who can help IMMEDIATELY; find someone who can take him on who has the resources to get him veterinary care, or if all else fails, find someone who can end his suffering.
I gave my 6 months Siberian husky his deworming tablets which he was due to take them every 3 months, Gave him 2 tablets as package says “2 tablets for over 10kgs” Now he seems Weak, Crying at night, lost all interest to things around him, he wouldn’t eat or drink unless forced too, now he seems like in a paralysed state where he can’t barely walk and if he does he’s in pain. Will he die? and why does these deworming pills seem to be quiet harsh on our dogs 🙁 isn’t there a safer way to deworm our beloved pets? I hate to see my little pup this way it breaks me into tears seeing him this way.
Take the dog to the vet straight away to get treatment. What you’re describing does not sound like a dewormer being harsh! It is not normal or expected after taking a wormer. Again, take your dog to a vet straight away for treatment! Best wishes to you
That is not a normal reaction to any worming tablet I’ve ever heard of – get him checked out by your vet ASAP as this is serious and definitely not an expected reaction.
Hey I found a cat near my Street so I adopt it and after taking to vet I found that the kitten is few days baby and it’s weight is 500g nd the vet recommend to give skyworm tablet…I mixed in cerelac but it doesn’t eat just licks a bit and then after that my cat sleeping alot what to do ?
Getting tablets into a cat isn’t always easy, and very, very few cats will willingly eat most tablets even hidden in food (unlike most dogs)! You usually have to put them down the cat’s throat; however, I’d suggest contacting the vet and talking about alternative medications – in a cat of that age, a liquid syrup might be easier to get into her!
I gave my dog liquid wormer two weeks ago. Can I give her simparica trio?
It depends what the active ingredient in the liquid wormer was, and whether it will interact with any of the ingredients in Simparica Trio! The answer is that it’s probably safe, but you should always tell the prescribing vet and seek their advice before mixing any meds.
Hi I need to deworm my 2 week puppies. Do I give the mom the wormer to pass to the puppies through her milk? Or do I give the wormer directly to the puppies?
Almost all wormers need to be given to the puppies.
My almost 13 year old labrador female was diagnosed with toxocara worms in her stool. The vet gave her 2.5 tablets daily of skyworm for 5 days. Within the first two days she showed signs of lethargy, disinterest in all of her favourite foods and didn’t want to get off the bed. I concerned this to the vet and he reduced the days to 3. Which means 7.5 tablets in total. It’s been 2 days since and she isn’t moving at all. What could it be? This has disturbed me alot. Pls advise. Thanks
If your dog is unable to move at all, call your vet IMMEDIATELY – this is not a normal side effect of any medication that would be used for treating worms
my 2 year old took day 1 of her deworming powder from the vet with her dinner. i have found multiple diarrhea piles around the house which I’m reading can be expected with taking dewormer. She refused to eat day 2s(in all honestly every now and then she won’t eat her dinner-maybe 1x a month). Is it super important to get to the vet to get a replacement and should i bring up the excessive diarrhea? thanks
It depends what the active ingredient is; if it needs a course to be effective and she didn’t get the course, then yes it’s really important to get an alternative. Otherwise, the worms can become resistant to the medication. If she did react badly to the drug, in most cases that means that she had a lot of worms in her system when the first dose was given – so all the more reason to make sure she gets an effective dose into her.
You should also report this back to the vet, as all countries have pharmacovigilance systems to report side effects.
We mixed a deworming tablet in my 1 month old puppy’s food. A day later, my puppy is foaming in the mouth and keeps running around barking and growling. Is this a side effect of the deworming tablet?
It’s very unlikely after so long, although it would depend on the exact drug in the tablet. However, in general, Id say probably not – but whatever’s going on, sounds like he needs veterinary attention!
Hello, I have a 9 week old puppy. I’ve had him four days now. The day I got him I was told he had wormer the night before. I’ve checked his poop each time since he has been here and no obvious signs until this morning. Quite a few flat, white, wiggly worms. I wanted to get more dewormer but if she’s telling the truth then I know it’s too soon. Vet doesn’t open back up for three more days. I have three dogs and several cats here right now. I need to worm them. Wondering if I should be concerned about the puppy though or if it would hurt if I worm him today too. Any help appreciated, thank you.
Most modern wormers don’t result in lots of wriggling worms being expelled – that’s usually only seen in the older and less effective drugs, or if there was a massive worm burden before you started. However, without knowing exactly what drug was used, it’s not really safe to recommend another dose on top!
My 8 year old labrador usually has droncit and simparica trio. I have just realised this time the vet has given drontal. Is it safe to give drontal and then simparica trio a few days later please?
It’s unlikely to cause a problem; there is no specific contraindication for using these products together, and although they contain one of the same ingredients, pyrantel s active locally within the gut rather than systemically.
As long as the vet prescribed these specifically and it wasn’t a dispensing error, then there shouldn’t be a problem; but if in doubt, just double check!
Milprazon 12.5/125mg worming tablets why are two different packaging for same product ie white and blue assuming they are the same tablets
Having heard back, I think it’s probably just a packaging change between two batches – you used a reputable online dispensary (which is a really wise move!) so no more worries! But it was a very good idea to double check.
I’m not sure exactly what you mean – can you explain? Are you saying that you’ve got 2 different coloured boxes of the same strength? If so, where did they come from, and are they the same date of manufacture (sometimes the manufacturers make minor packaging changes in between batches)?
If not, there is the chance that one is a forgery – it’s uncommon with this particular product, but unless it came direct from your vet or from a reputable dispensary or pharmacy, that is a distinct possibility.
I have a 3.5lb chiweenie, 12 weeks old. He definitely has worms. The only dewormer I can find is for 6-25lbs, 30mg tablets. Would half of a tab, (15mg) be ok to give him??
No, not necessarily – many of the tablets have a film coating and if broken, may prevent the active ingredients from working normally. Contact your vet or other medicines supplier for an appropriate medication for him – a liquid or syrup would probably be best.
My dog took fenbendazole tablet amd today after 1week he did vomiting in early morning why ?
Probably coincidence: fenbendazole doesn’t hang around long, and half is removed from the bloodstream every 15 hours, so a week after a single dose, there wouldn’t be much (if any) of the drug left in his system.
It is possible that the death of the worms caused a gastrointestinal upset, but that would usually occur within 48 hours, not a week later.
can i give probios and pyrantel at the same time
Usually yes, but it depends to some extent what else is in the wormer. Check with the prescriber or supplier!
My husky, 4 years old, 26kg,had itching on his skin of belly, doctor got sample and the result was coccal infection, he prescribed methylprednisolon for 8 days, first 3 days four tablets per day and 5days 2tablets per day,and amoxiclav for 2 weeks. My dog sometimes eat from the ground, when we go for walking, After 4,5 days my dog started vomiting and stool was greenish, he was getting worse, after the course finished i took him to Vet, he had many injections serum therapy for 2,3 days, they got sonography there was gas indside, now after 4 days he hasn’t vomiting but stool is loose, he hasn’t diarrhea but still stool is not normal, it was a day after treatment blackish but then brown with greenish part, and today i saw mucous. His is on antibiotic Metronidazole once in a day for 2 weeks, Enterozgel for 3 days twice per day, Espumizan 3 tablets twice per day for 3 days, Denol 1 tablet 3times perday.Actually i forgot to mention that Blood analysis was normal,everything was in normal range, his appetite is good. He hasn’t energy the same as the time before getting sick.
I want to know this type of poop is normal after these medications?. Is he getting better? And can i take him Milbemax? Or i should wait…
Diarrhoea and abnormal faeces are very common after antibiotic treatment; many vets will prescribe a dog-specific probiotic to help re-establish normal gut bacteria, although the evidence base isn’t strong. If that’s all it is, it will settle down – although I would check with your vet if it lasts more than a week or so. However, I would strongly advise chatting to your vet before using any additional medications, as it could make it worse!
Hi. I mixed my kitten’s deworming tablet in food. She ate some but not all, and now the food has gone stale so she won’t touch it. She probably only got half the recommended dose. How long do I need to wait before I can give her another tablet? I will use a different method of administration this time to make sure she takes the full dose.
It depends what the active ingredient was – you’d have to check with the prescriber or the packaging instructions, as some only last 24 hours, while others have a persistent action protecting against parasites into the future as well.
I lost my puppy today. As he was given the medicine for deworming and we didn’t know that it was a side effect. 🥺… missing him
Sudden death isn’t a common side effect of any licensed wormer I’m aware of… With the exception of ivermectin use in dogs with the MDR1 mutation (which is why it is very rarely used in dogs at all). In any case, DEFINITELY report this to your vet and your local medicines regulator – and I’m really sorry for you loss.
what if i gave my puppy a medicine for worms when she has a bloat ? Also how can u tell if it is bloat of worms?
If she has a bloat, she will probably be dead before the worming medication works. If you suspect bloat, call your vet IMMEDIATELY.
For more about it, check out this article which is specifically about bloat/GDV
URGENT i gave my cat a whole enduvet wormer tablet when i was supposed to give him half, later in the day almost 10 hours later he is stumbling, making light growling sound, and his heart is beating extremely fast i gave him sugar water As the vets are all closed so i can contact neither of them. What else can i do to help
Endovet contains a drug called ivermectin which can cause very serious poisoning, resulting in seizures, convulsions and even death. While a double dose would not usually be fatal, some animals are more sensitive than others. Ideally, try to get to a vet or emergency clinic that is open; if that isn’t possible; keep him in a quiet, dark place, and do not offer food or water until you can get him to an open facility. Hopefully he will be able to break down the medication and make a full recovery. Good luck!
My dog is 10 months old he has his wormer every 3 months …. I gave him his wormer treatment this morning only later in the day realised I already gave it to him last month too ….. Will he be OK
Although it depends to some extent on what the active ingredients are, I’m not aware of any products currently on the market that would be dangerous if you accidentally gave them a month apart instead of three months as a one off – so if he seems fine, I wouldn’t be too worried unless the packaging had specific warnings about it!
I accidentally took my dog’s praziquantel tablets.
Then you should seek attention from a medical professional. This product is very safe in most animals, but I do not know what the safety margins are in humans!
9 month old puppy, I made a mistake & only gave one tablet of milpro worming as I read the vet note incorrectly. He has now had the second tablet but a month late, will this cause a problem? Could he have worms this quick, there’s no signs.
It won’t be a problem in terms of harming him, but it won’t work properly, because neither the praziquantel nor the milbemycin active ingredients will reach the concentrations needed to be fully effective against the worms. I’d suggest giving the vet a ring and asking for another dose to be put up for him so he gets the full amount he needs.
Can I give my puppy antibiotic and bob Martin at the sometime
It depends on the exact antibiotic, the dog, and which type of Bob Martin’s! Always talk to the vet who prescribed the medication before mixing drugs, though.
My puppy is super restless because he has worms. Gave him treatment but he won’t even walk cause his heinie itches
It might be worth having a chat with your vet – there are other possible causes, including anal gland disease; plus some wormers are more effective than others for particular types of worms.
Hi, I give my 3 months old puppy 2.5 ml cetirizine , is that dangerous, he still acts fine tho
It’s not a licensed drug and legally should only be given under veterinary advice as it can have a range of side effects. The most common side effects are sedation and behavioural changes, but other issues are possible. I’d advise having a chat to your vet before using it again!
can I smash a drontal tablet to give to my cat he’s a pretty big boy and fights me pretty good, he is the alpha for the 4 males , he knows I’m the boss but sometimes he really has a hard time swallowing anything at times, but my main thing is to get some medicine in him now, his dukey is kind of wormeyI can’t get him to the vet until next month
It’s licensed to be broken in half, but the license and datasheet don’t mention breaking it up further. As it’s a film-coated tablet, there is a risk that doing so would change it’s activity – potentially making it less effective or even harmful. I’ve never heard of any issues, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen! It might be worth talking to your vet about spot-on wormers next time though…
My puppy is 5 weeks old. She was born undernEath the apartment I live in.. she was the baby of the littler. Her brother passed away after pooping blood and throwing up next door. I kept her and her sister . Her sister passed earlier today from the same thing. She has become that way sine her sister passed away. Her blood loss is not as sever as the other 2. Q she has 3 brothers that have not had any symptoms as far as I know.. they have also been lethargic had loss of appetite
Won’t drink much. My puppy was fine until today after her sister passed away. They have all been dewormed and have had no wormsin their feces. She keeps going to the spot to where her sister took her last breath. I’m not sure if she’s got them also or if she’s just upset because her sister passed away or bith.
Get her to a vet AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This sounds like an infectious condition, quite possibly parvovirus. If puppies are dying you don’t wait to see what happens next, you should always seek urgent veterinary attention.
Can I give my dog a wormer as well as a flea pill if so, what are the side effects?
It depends on what the active ingredients in the wormer are, what the active ingredients in the flea tablet are, and what breed your dog is! I’d strongly advise talking to your vet before mixing medications.
My cat was prescribed pancur for round worms. I mixed some in with her food yesterday and she at it no problem. Today she is being more difficult and slowly snacking on it. I am wondering if it ok for the medicine to be administered slowly through the day instead of all at once as she snacks on the food.
With Panacur, as long as she gets the whole dose it should be OK – however, double check with the prescriber if possible.
My dog is 4years old(labrador).. His last Dewarming date was 26th oct.. But forget the date.. What should I do now?
Most dogs can be wormed monthly with most products without any issues, so a dose of a suitable safe product now wouldn’t be a problem.
my dog is just 2months old.. i gave him 2pills to avoid stomach worms.. now he is getting too weak and is not eating anything since today morning and sleeping the whole day. .. how can i cure him now
That’s not a normal response to the meds – definitely he needs vet attention ASAP; try to take the packaging for the worming tablets so the vet know what drug was in them.
How many days gap for dewormer and antibiotic for a 8 month yrs old kitten
It depends on the antibiotic and the dewormer! It’s best to check with the prescriber.
My 16week puppy had worms 3 days ago, treated by double dose of tablets at the vets and now is absolutely fine in himself just poo is not a solid as it should be. Will he be ok to mix with a friends dog tomorrow or should I keep them seperate? Thanks
If he was treated with a vet-strength wormer, then he should be fine, especially if you pick up any poos after him.
My 6yo GR, approx 29kg, gets 1 Drontal Plus Tasty Bone tablet every 3 months usually with no problems. Today she vomited approx 30mins after administration. The vomit contained some breakfast, tiny chicken pieces I use as training treats and a few blades of grass as we were just back from our walk. I couldn’t see the tablet in the vomit but realise it may have dissolved down by that time. My concern is she may have vomited the medication out, perhaps not, but probably most likely she did. In this situation when should I retreat? I read elsewhere to wait 3 days and re-dose with same medication…is this ok to do? Thank you in advance for advice.
The active ingredients in Drontal are very safe, and it would be very hard to overdose on it even if it had been absorbed. That said, legally I can’t advise you to repeat after 3 days as that is off license use, and only your own vet is permitted to advise you go off license. The product authorisation, however, permits a repeat dose at 14 days and that would be the other option.
My kitten was wormed onst October half a Beaphar tablet he sticked up a worm today first one since we wormed him should we give him the other half
It depends which type of Beaphar tablet was used (there are several!). Most of them require repeat dosing at a set interval, but the interval varies between types. Check the packaging and leaflet for the specific instructions. It might also be worth having a chat with your vet – none of the Beaphar cat worming products are terribly effective (hence the need for multiple treatments), and a prescription wormer might be more suitable given that there’s clearly an established worm infestation.
After a positive worm count result for both my dogs I’ve given them panacur to treat. I was wondering if it is advisable to give panacur monthly (or quarterly?) as a routine treatment or if its better only after a positive test. I’ve been told there is the possibility of immunity developing to the drug but I’m not sure how accurate this is. As panacur is a gentler and reliable product my preference would be to use it, so I don’t want my dogs becoming immune to its effects.
It’s a really interesting question. Fenbendazole (the active ingredient) is very widely used, and in farm animals there are major problems with the worms being resistant. So far, this is less of a problem in dogs and cats and the general advice is to routinely worm. However… fenbendazole isn’t the wormer of choice for adult dogs and cats in most situations, as its spectrum of action is quite narrow, and it has no effect on lungworms or tapeworms, and is quite limited against some of the other worms such as hookworms.
The other concern to bear in mind is that worm egg counts for dogs are still a very immature technique, and how reliable they are at detecting active infestations isn’t yet all that clear. .
While I think you’re looking at this the right way – and everyone is going to have to move to it once the tests are better validated, I suspect! – I’d be inclined to talk to your vet about tapeworm treatment in addition, at the very least (as worm egg counts are notoriously bad at picking up tapeworm infestations).
My birth puppies were perfectly fine before going for their six weeks vaccines and deworming. After that they are so sick of diarrhoea and vomiting. The worms are out through their stool and vomit. They are not eating and even not keeping water down.
OK, definitely time to ring the vet back – it might be coincidence, it might be they picked something up on the way to or at the vets, it might be that they had massive worm burdens and this is the effect of the wormer killing them, or it might be an adverse reaction to one or more of the medications. But either way – ring the vet back!
Dog is weak, does not eat, vomiting and its poop is more like liquid with blood. What could it be?
Lots of options, but heamorrhagic gastroenteritis (which can be infectious to humans if due to e.g. Salmonella) or parvovirus (often fatal without treatment) are most likely.
Seek urgent veterinary advice and make sure you observe excellent hygiene around the dog to protect yourself and your family from infection.
My dog is not eating,its vomiting and poop is more like liquid, its weak. I took a deworming pill mixed it with pumpkin, forcefully gave it but then it did vomit the pumpkin later. Someone told me that’s not how I should administrator deworming pill and that I should have just given it the pill without mixing it with food. I’m afraid to give it the pill now another. Will I not overdose,?
I think it’s time to see a vet rather than try to force medication into the dog, as they’re clearly very unwell.
If I gave my dog the 3 days amount of dewormer, can go few days more, or stop wait a few weeks then worm again ?
It depends on the drug and the dose. Check with the vet or prescriber!
My little dog is given a pig dewormer will she passed away
It depends what was in the wormer and how much there was, and whether you can get your dog urgent veterinary treatment.
Hi I accidentally mixed up the dewormer tablets… I have a small dog and a medium dog I mistakenly gave my small dog the medium dog pills please help me
It depends on the active ingredients, the exact size of the dog, the exact concentration of the active ingredients in each tablet, and even the breed of dog.
Our best advice would be to ring your vet and give them the details, so they can decide what the risk is!
My vet gave my dog a flea pill for dogs 24- 60 pounds and he is only 21 lbs will it hurt him?
It depends on the specific drug, but probably not – for most flea treatments in dogs, the safety margin is quite wide. Your vet will have considered the risks and decided that a slight overdose is OK in this case.
My kitten Milo is 5 weeks old. I saved him for the street. He was diagnosed with severe anemia ( RBC 2.5) and roundworms. My vet told me she will not start with deworming medicine b/c his immune system will be lowered and he would be more susceptible to infections. But right now he isn’t eating well and I forced feeding him formula milk. His belly is increasing in size. I am afraid that this is b/c of multiplication of the parasites. Please help what to do
Definitely back to the vet I think!
I gave my one year old dog two tablets of quad dewormer from Bayer. He didn’t check them so i made him swallow half at a time. Will that be effective or does he need to chew.
It depends how big the dog is and which size of tablets (there are 3 on the market)!
So I barley got this puppy she is 3 months and 30 days and when I got her she had worms that look like rice so I got her dewormer pill and I gave it to her on the 3rd of this month when should I give her her other pill
It depends what the tablet is and what the active ingredient is. Follow the advice on the product label or datasheet, or the advice given to you by the prescriber!
I gave my pregnant dog goat dewormer the first week after mating or becoming tied… Will that harm pregnancy or developing pups
Quite possibly. Most off-license products are off license for a reason: they aren’t tested or aren’t safe.
Please help ! I think my lab accidentally ate an extra chewable dewormer pill that my other dog should of had- they each were suppose to eat 1 big pill n a smaller pill- will she be ok if she had a lil more bigger dose?
It depends on the exact medication and what the active ingredients were – ring your vet with the label and double check, although it’s likely to be fine for most products.
Pls help i have a gsd of 15 month old . Its weight is 25 kg . I give 3 tab of deworming after that dog was not eating properly.pls suggest a medicine for eat.
Any change in appetite after deworming could be due to death of worms, blocking the gut, or a reaction to the medicine. I’d advise a chat with your vet; there are no medicines that will stimulate appetite in dogs that can I can legally advise as they are all prescription only – so again, see your vet!
Pls help. I gave my dog 5ml dewormer syrup and he’s more than 5kls. But the thing is, i mixed the syrup a pinch of antibacterial powder and now his back legs are having tremors. He cant walk properly i dont know what to do.
Get him to a vet ASAP. Neurological signs may be a sign of nerve toxicity, which can occur when some worming products (harmless on their own) are combined with other drugs. Remember, you should never be giving antibacterial drugs except under your vet’s advice, and some of them don’t mix well with other medicines.
Hi Dr, we recently adopted a shelter puppy . He’s 8kgs and we estimate roughly 10-12 weeks old. He was given a few doses of Prazifen dewormer while at the shelter. 07/03, 08/03, 10/03, 12/03, 24/03, 10/04, and 12/04. When we brought him home on Saturday, 17th April we noticed he has diarrhea with some bright red blood in his stool. Took him to our vet, who did a blood test, and confirmed parasites. We are now giving Quantel, we have 5 tabs to give. Started on Monday so this is day 2. Also a probiotic and DioMec Plus paste to help. His stool looked good early hours this morning, but it’s back to VERY runny and more signs of blood. Is this normal? He is completely fine otherwise, eating and drinking. I just want him to be 100% 🥺
Any severe worm infestation will tend to give alternating diarrhoea and more normal faeces. If it doesn’t resolve as you continue the course of medications, or continues to be bloody, or he develops any more signs , or you are concerned – call the vet for advice – it may be that there’s something more serious hidden underneath the parasites. Good luck!
I accidentally gave my 3 weeks old kittens puppy dewormer. Do i need to take them to the vet
Definitely call the vet – some of the active ingredients are safe, but others could be quite dangerous.
My Grandson has four puppies one dad I told him to deworm them he gave them one medicine and now the other two are dying is there anything to do to save the fourth one
Get them to a vet as fast as possible.
My dog got a hold of the deworming tablets for her and our two other dogs and ate them all. There were probably about 6-9 left? She is a 7 month pit bull, my two other dogs are very small and older so their doses aren’t the same. We don’t know what to do though…
It depends on what drug was in them and what dose. My best advise – call your vet immediately with the packaging.
I gave my 6 minth puppy a Bob Martin worming tablet this morning with his breakfast and 3 hours later he was sick 3 times and brought up his breakfast, not sure whether his tablet came up too. It’s the first time I have used Bob Martin, this is the first time he has been sick after working him. Will I need to worm him again as he was sick 3 hours after?
Probably, but it will depend on the exact dose and active ingredient (Bob Martin do a wide range of different tablets with different active ingredients, all with almost identical branding). Id;s suggest a chat with your vet, who will be able to recommend a product that doesn’t interact with the original dose.
My dog eats my cats poop and the cat has worms. So how often can I give my dog dewormer med
It depends on the active ingredient – never give more, or more often, than is recommended. The most effective products available are those sold on prescription from your vets; these often last for 2-4 weeks, killing any worms in this time. So my advice would be to talk to your vet about the most appropriate worming programme for your dog – and just as importantly, for your cat!
I overdose my puppy with deworming Syrup
So what can i do now
It depends what the active ingredient was, how much was given, how big the puppy is, and what their breeding is.
Best answer – call your vet and ask for advice, urgently!
My puppies have had worms at the 2 4 and 6 week deworming… shouldn’t the medication have killed them all.. why am I still getting worms every two weeks? Strongdid was given by the vet at these times
This is why we recommend worming every 2 week in young kittens – because one dose will never kill all the worms, especially if he was infected by a heavily infested mother. Keep up the good work – and if you’re concerned, ask your vet about prescription-strength treatments once he’s old enough for them.
Hi who many day can I worm b4 mating she is due to m8 on Saturday ?
It depends what the worming agent is – there are lots of different products out there and some are suitable, some are not! Your vet or a Registered Animal Health Advisor/SQP will best be placed to advise you.
I have a two week old puppy and the two of them has diarrhea and the worm is coming out of them last night… They has worm infestation because the other puppy has hard tummy and in pain while the another puppy vomiting milk with worm… Should I gave them a dewormer? After treatment of antibiotics?
That sounds like quite a complicated situation, with antibiotics being prescribed and worm infestations. I’d strongly advise you to talk to your vet for advice as to what wormers can safely be used with the antibiotics, or whether further tests are needed.
Hey I have a 5 year old dog and she weighs 30 kg can I give her 2 tablets
It depends what the drug is! There are many hundreds of different worming products, in different strengths, containing different active ingredients.
I have a 5 week old pit that I took to the vet yesterday with worms. The vet gave her a pill to take and then my gf’s gma gave her a liquid dose of dewormer today. Is this going to hurt my dog?
There’s no way to know because there are lots of different worming products, with different ingredients. Many of them are safe together, but some can be dangerous if mixed. You need to let the vet know ASAP what drug your girlfriend’s grandmother gave the dog, so they can check for any dangerous contraindications or interactions.
I diluted the deworming tablet in water and tried to deworm my 2 months old puppy by putting the liquid in her mouth with a needless syringe. Bt as soon as i put the dewormer inside it’s month, it spit off most part of the dewormer. Should i deworm her again by any other way?
Check with your vet, who will be able to recommend a suitable product that won’t interact with the drug you’ve already used. But yes, there are tablets, even spot-ons, available now!
Hi is there pills or medication to make my puppy grow bigger and stronger
It depends why your puppy is small. If it’s genetic – then no, there aren’t. However, stunting can be due to a wide range of medical conditions, including congenital heart disease and liver shunts, so I’d STRONGLY advise you talk to your vet about your puppy’s failure to grow as you’d expect. Many of these conditions can be treated if detected early, and the puppy will catch up on their growth once the underlying problem is resolved. Good luck!
Oh shit ive just dewormed my cats with a deworming tablet suitable for dogs and puppies. What should i do?
Call your vet ASAP with the name of the products – many dog products are toxic to cats, but fortunately most of the really lethal ones are flea treatments not wormers.
My puppy ate a dewormer pill for a dog of 25 pounds instead of one for 6. What will happen?
What happened to your puppy when this happened? Something similar happened to our puppy.
It depends what the active ingredient in the tablet was – there are lots of different wormers on the market with a wide range of actives. Some are more dangerous than others. However, the first step is always to contact your vet, or failing that the prescriber, with the name of the product and the packaging, for advice.
i gave my dog 2 worm tablets instead of one
will this harm him
It depends on what the tablets were, what the active ingredients were, how old, how big, and what breed your dog is, and what other medicines he’s on!
What can i do or give it to make it better?
Get to a vet NOW and the puppy might be able to be saved. RIGHT NOW.
Hie i need your help…..i accidentally used a cow dewormer on my puppy and its been vomiting and now its weak what can i do to help it ?
Can i do deworming of my puppy two days in row if he is two weak and showing the symptoms of having worms.
It depends on the specific drug – with most, though, double dosing is a really bad idea, as it can lead to overdose and even toxicity.
If the worms are still there after a dose, it suggests that the product used wasn’t very effective, so I’d strongly advise talking to your vet and getting a prescription-strength effective medication.
Is my dog more likely to get a pancreatic attack if I give worm tablets.
Probably not; drug induced pancreatitis is fairly uncommon in dogs (although it does occur). If however he’s had pancreatitis episodes following medications before, or the trigger for his episodes isn’t clear, I’d advise chatting to your vet for their advice first.
hiya, i have accidentally given my 14 week old puppy his worming & flea treatment on the same day will he be ok.
i’m super worried that something is going to happen to him and i’ll never forgive myself if it does
It depends on which drugs you’ve used. Some medications (the macrocyclic lactones) are sold as both flea and worm treatments, and so there is a risk of overdose if given together. For others, there’s no risk. Best thing to do is contact your vet with the names of the two products and ask for advice.
Hi. I have my puppy a deworming dose last week at 11 weeks because I didn’t know too give her one at 10 weeks. He is 12 weeks today an was wondering if I can give him his week 12 deworming pill or wait tell next week
It’s usually best to leave the correct gap in between doses, unless your vet advises otherwise.
We just got a new puppy last week. After questioning the breeder which worming medication she had used she told us she doesn’t bother worming her pups because the mother doesn’t have worms and she’s never had a problem with them before. 😱
After my OCD gland had exploded I bought some drontal puppy syrup and administered the dose specified. And also some flee treatment in the back of her neck.
My questions are: how long do I now need to worm this puppy for if the breeder should have given 4 doses by now
How long before she is worm free and when can I let her out the cage to play with my other dog.
I should add I have made an urgent vet appointment for this week!!
It’s worth bearing in mind that many dogs will never be 100% worm free – because they picked up larvae while still a puppy. However, the aim is that these larvae aren’t active and reproducing in the gut. A single dose of Drontal is likely to eliminate any adult worms, unless he had a really heavy burden, but you will of course need to continue dosing on the normal schedule as larvae come to adulthood, to prevent them from laying eggs that will contaminate the environment. As long as your other dog is being wormed regularly, there shouldn’t be any problem medical with them playing together, just make sure you support a safe introduction… Hope that helps!
I just got a 7 week old pit bull and he has tapeworms i called the vet and I have a appointment Wednesday will my puppy be ok for 5 days
Tapeworms are rarely dangerous in short infections and small numbers. They need treating, but your dog is likely to be OK for a few days – although watch out for vomiting or bloating, which can be caused by intussusception due to the tapeworms.
Hey! I was wondering if I can give my 9 week old pit puppy a de wromer chewable if the back of the packaging says 12 week old puppies to small dogs? Would it be risky and too early?
Never go off license – these medications are fairly safe but only if used within the terms of the license. If it says not less than 12 weeks, then don’t use it less than 12 weeks. It isn;t until that age that the liver and kidneys are developed enough to cope with most medications.
My dog is under 25 lbs and I have the heartguard for the 51 -100 lbs dog because of my bigger dog. I split the chew into thirds and gave him 1/3 as his monthly dose since I don’t have the money to purchase right now due to corona. Would splitting it like this equal the right dosage for his size or is that still too much?
We really wouldn’t recommend splitting a tablet or chew like that – many pharmaceuticals have a protective layer incorporated into them, and if that’s broken, the drug may not work as expected. In particular, it might not be safe to store it until next time.
What drugs can be used to treat and prevent lung and heart worms in dogs.
Thank you
There are a huge range of active ingredients in wormers, but relatively few are effective against lungworm or heartworm. Under UK law, though, it’s illegal for us to recommend a product, so we’d suggest talking to your vet, based on the risk profile in your area.
I have a kitten she’s about 10-12 weeks old. And she has worms coming out her butt constantly throughout the day. I’m low on money can’t afford vet or med but I do have prosense puppy wormer nd was wondering if it would be safe to give it to her nd of so how much nd how would I dilute if so it’s not to much for her ect.
NEVER give a dog product to a cat. A cat’s metabolism is very different from a dog’s and many of the drugs used in dogs are highly toxic to cats – it isn’t an just issue of “strength”.
Seek a local cat charity who can help, and vets will also do free of charge flea and worm checks. There are also over the counter medications in many jurisdictions which can be supplied by a pharmacist. If your cat has visible worms, she needs treatment, or be prepared to surrender the cat if you cannot care for her properly.
My little dog of 6 was given a worming tablet, 6 days later she passed away, she started to throw up 7 days later and get really lethargic, vets said something toxic has caused it , onlLy thing she had was a new worming tablet from a different vet due to covid
It’s very, very unlikely; licensed worming products are actually very safe. The drug company will usually pay for an autopsy in these cases to determine what the cause is, but sadly, it’s more likely that she found something unexpected somewhere to eat.
How many doses of deworming medication do I need to give my dog? I gave him the medication yesterday. Do I need to give him another dose in 2 weeks? He is a British terrier
It depends on the exact drug you used! Check the label, it should give advice; but in any case, your vet is best placed to advise you.
Hi my dog is 7 months old and his breed is German shepherd.he was given 3 tablets of deworming v have him at night as consulted by the dr. But is not eating anything since next morning he is very dull
OK, ring the vet and talk to them – unexpected adverse reactions to any medication can occur, but many other conditions could cause this – your vet is the person best placed to advise you
Hello. Two days a go i notoced my dog wasn’t doing so well and it had been long since he was dewormed. I had a tablet and i crushed it and mixed it with a bit of food for him to eat. He didn’t eat much. He had stopped eating as usual a few days before that. He was weak. So i called the vet and he came and gave him a shot of ‘broad spectrum’ drug. Yesterday the doh seemed weaker than before, he only wants to eat rice and that’s what I’ve been giving him in small portions regularly…today he’s worse he can’t stand without swaying (like he’s drunk), he’s disoriented and it’s like he’s shuddering when breathing. I’m very very worried. Please tell me what to do. Is it an overdose? Is the drug this strong? Was it too late for deworming? Please help me out.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Although toxic side effects are possible from any medicine, I would say it’s more likely that this is an effect of some underlying condition, rather than the drug. One possibility might be that there was a different disease causing the original signs; another might be that he had so many worms that now they’re dead, they’re blocking his intestine. Whether it’s an overdose will depend exactly what the active ingredients were in the wormer you gave and the injection the vet gave, but it seems unlikely.
However, whatever the reason – he needs another vet check, this is not a normal reaction!
Good luck!
Hey, I was wondering does a dog have to poop after a deworming pill? I gave her the pill like 5hours ago and she still hasn’t pooped.( The vet says that after an hour after taking the pill the dog should poop a more soft to liquid like poo) She usually poop in the morning , (and now is night time), can this have any effect on way she hasn’t poop yet?
It depends exactly what the active ingredient in the pill was! Some just paralyse the worms for a short time, so if the dog doesn’t defecate, the worms just swim back to where they were. Other medications may kill the worms outright, so it doesn’t matter.
I brought my 2 dogs when I visited a friend. She has a cat. My dogs found her litter box and ate the cat poo. Yuck! My friend said her cat has worms. The worms look like little pieces of rice. I think it is tapeworm. I bought over the counter dewormer that works for tapeworms, round worms, and hook worms. How soon after their exposure to the worms can I give this to my dogs?
It depends what the product is – there are lots of different worming agents out there! The good news is that not all tapeworms can be caught by dogs through faeces; however, you are right to be cautious. If the product contains praziquantel, then dosing at any time 24-48 hours after exposure is likely to be effective. For other active ingredients, it’s more variable, so check the packet label for details.
Hi, my Labrador has got some small white worms in his faeces, he has just had his drontal wormer tablets that he would usually have, is it ok for me to give him another dose and then check his faeces again? And how many days should it take for the worms to go away?
This product is usually a very effective wormer with 3 separate ingredients. However, I wouldn’t advise repeating the dose immediately. You may sometimes (but not always) see fragments of dead worms after worming if there was a really heavy infestation present. In this case, the licensed treatment is to repeat the dose 14 days later. If 2-3 days after that you’re still seeing worms, book and appointment with your vet to get him checked out, but I think it’s unlikely!
Hi I think I’ve given my puppy to much worming syrup I do have a puppy check tomorrow she’s already drowsy.
Unfortunately, it depends exactly what the medication was – there are many different types of worming liquids, some of which are very safe and very hard to poison a pet with, but others that are potentially a little harmful. If you think she’s behaving abnormally you should contact your vet immediately for advice, and be ready to tell them exactly what the medication was and how much she had.
Hi I have a 10 month old lab how many worming tablets should I give him I have bob Martin clear 3 in 1 worming tablets
It will depend on his weight, as doses for animal medications are based on weight, not age. You can find the dosage guide in the Summary of Product Characteristic (“SPC”) at the VMD’s product database, here.
Hello! my dog is 50lb he got warms like 2 months ago. they look like white rice very small. I already gave him 3 dosis of dewormed but I still can see some white rice and small little white balls on his stools. what should I do? Should I gave him another dosis? My vet says he wants to send a sample of his poop to an expert and see what it is. what do you suggest?
The most common reason for white rice-type worms is a tapeworm infestation with the worm Dipilidium caninum. While this worm is usually quite easy to kill with dewormers, dogs contract the worms through fleas and lice, so can be constantly re-infected. However, if the worms aren’t responding to the normal treatment, then further tests to see exactly what type of worm they are is really important – some tapeworms in dogs are infectious and potentially dangerous to people. I think I’d follow your vet’s advice on this one – if the wormer isn’t working, you need to know why!
Hi i gabe our cat a 50mg droncit tablet, it should of been a half tablet, her stomock looks bloated and she feels thirsty which she drinks water.i know she has worms because i spoke to our vet, thats she feels hungry, constantly eating all the time
The active ingredient in Droncit is praziquantel which is a fairly safe drug – I’m not aware of any common side effects from it. However, if she bloated up after the tablet and it didn’t resolve in an hour or so, or if she’s showing any other symptoms, you should call your vet for advice.
Remember, Droncit will only cover tapeworms, not roundworms, so won’t necessarily solve the problem if there’s a heavy roundworm burden inside her as well.
Hi my cat os 14 months old i gave her a doncit tablet with her food it should have been half a talblet but i gave her 50 mg its been three hours now, her stomack seems to have bloated she keeps drinking water, and feels hungry im a bit worried please help
What time of the day should I give my dogs de-wormer
It depends on the formulation. If it’s a tablet or a liquid that they have to swallow, it doesn’t really matter as long as you can check that they’ve taken and not cleverly spat it out!
If it’s a spot-on, it’s worth checking the packaging to see what the recommendations are; some, for example, mustn’t come into contact with fabric as they may damage the dyes in upholstery etc, in which case it’s often best to give before a walk – but never before a swim or in wet weather, as it may wash off before its absorbed properly.
Hi my dog just turned 6 weeks he has his first 5 in 1 shots the people who had the puppy before said they treated him twice for round worms when I got him he pooped out few worms and threw up 3 worms but its been like a week and nothing anymore do I still treat him again??
Yes, you should definitely continue to treat.
It’s important to remember that pretty much all puppies have worms which they contract from their mother in the milk, or even in the womb. It’s also vital to be aware of the fact that the vast majority of intestinal worms are not passed int he faeces or vomited up – this is usually evidence of a very high worm burden.
I’d advise contacting your vet for advice on the most effective, safe, product that is available, as this might suggest that the wormer previously used may not have been that effective.
I treated my dog for worms with dewormer and I also treated her for fleas with a flea and tick chewable is that ok that I treated her for both at same time?
It depends on the exact drugs that were used, and on the breed of dog. Some flea/tick treatments contain similar ingredients to some wormers, and shouldn’t be combined (typically moxidectin or selamectin flea products with milbemycin based worming products), especially in high-risk dogs (such as Collies and other herding breeds). I’d advise you to contact your veterinarian for advice if you’re not sure whether the drugs can safely be combined.
I rescued a dachshund that someone didn’t want he is around 7 yo . Will it hurt to give him the 7 way De-Wormer even though I do not see anything in his facies?
This isn’t a product that is licensed for use in the UK, and so it’s not something I can really give you advice on (although the active ingredients look to be fairly effective and safe).
In general, though, you won’t see worms in the faeces of a dog even with a heavy worm burden, as the adults are all hiding further up in the bowel. Their eggs will be passed out, but are usually microscopic, so no worms in the faeces does NOT mean no worms in the dog! However, while this looks like a suitable product, I would advise you to check with your own veterinarian, as there may be a different medication available in your jurisdiction that would be more appropriate in a dog with an unknown worming history.
Will it hurt a dog to get dewormed twiced in one day and if so what do I do
It depends on the exact drug, and to some extent to dog. Some dogs are genetically more sensitive to some types of wormers than others. Although in general most wormers are fairly safe, I would advise you to contact your vet for advice, and tell them the exact brands of wormers used.
Yes i gave my cat the dewormer medicine on Wednesday and he has not gone to the bathroom yet also he is eating and drinking water but is still losing weight what do i do thanks.
OK, you need to contact your veterinarian for advice as soon as possible – there may be a serious medical problem that needs urgent attention.
I wormed the dog 2weeks ago, can I worm her again straight away
I wouldn’t advise it in general, because it depends on what wormer was used (some last for a long time in the dog’s system still working, others are cleared in a few days), your dog’s breed (some breeds are more sensitive to toxic effects from some drugs if given too often), and why you think they might need re-worming (sometimes worms become resistant to the effects of wormers, especially over the counter ones; sometimes dogs have a more serious health problem that just looks like a high worm burden). The best person to talk to about this is your vet, who will usually be happy to give free advice over the telephone.
Yesterday I gave my 15 yr old Jack Russell Terrier 1 pk of prosense for 40 lbs. Then last night he started breathing fast and he is still doing it this morning. Is this a side effect and should I continue to give him the medicine?
Hi Shelly, always if you have any concerns you should contact your own vet – this is because they will have access to all the medical records for your animals. We can’t afraid comment on cases such as yours, as it’s both dangerous and unethical – we don’t want any harm to come to your pets advising on medication!
Hello, does anybody know if I can worm my dog if she has pancreatitis as I don’t want it to cause a flare up , please help ASAP
Hi Olivia, some medications can cause a flare up – please check with your vet for their advice on the wormer type.
My vet gave my 4lb kitten a double dose of wormer lastnight and now he is not feeling well and cries what should I do
If he seems unwell or in pain, we’d strongly advise you to call your vet. It might well have nothing to do with the worming tablets, but nevertheless, he should be checked over.
I’ve been worming my dogs every month because they are outside a lot and they both eat anything and everything. They are both on Drontal is this ok to do.
Hi Zena, it’s not licensed for monthly use, so we can’t recommend it, we’d suggest to double check with your vet who knows your dog’s medical history as an individual.
I dewormed my pregnant dog 1 week after mating.spoke to the breeder and said i should have not dewormed her while pregnant. Will her puppies die now?
Essentially, it depends what wormer you used – some are licensed for use in pregnancy, others are not. We’d suggest you contact your vets and double check with them, making sure you know what the active ingredient in the wormer you used was.
My dog has been dewormed and yet he has the worm.
He vomit when injected with different vaccation required. He shivers and vomit white forms!
Will he be ok???
Hello, sometimes it takes a while for the worms to be expelled from the body, however, please consult your own vet, as they are best placed to advise, as they provided the treatment.
Hi I have a 7 weeks puppy been flea and dewormed. I’m very concern as i’ve found him eating a worm. I could not tell what type it was as it was at dark at night in the garden. Will he be ok?? Thanks
Hi Lisa, it sounds like he was eating an earthworm? In which case he should be fine. If you have any worries about him, please speak to your vet for further advice.
How often can u deworm a 7 week old puppy without overdoseing them? 1 week? I know your supposed to deworm them 2,4,6,8 weeks but my puppy I feel is so full, can I give him dewormer once a week to help this process hurry up or will that hurt him?
Hi Ashley, please do not worm them more than the product recommends. A heavy worm burden can take some time to go – our advice is to return to your vet if you are still concerned and NEVER overdose, or try to speed up the process. Dave RVN
hello, im very concerned. i have 5 week old pits i gave them all their first shots and dewarmer together at the same time. They all seem fine but two of them woke up next day not steady they run and fall their legs are week and it happens more once they wake up from nap. They eat good they play with the other puppies is just that , that has me worried their eyes are droopy can yu please help tell me what i can do. i just want to think its gonna wear off in time.
Hi Alida, I’d recommend taking the puppies along to your vet for a check-up as soon as possible. They’ll need a thorough clinical exam in order to find out what’s causing this sudden problem
Hi just wanting to know if I give or have given my dog too many work tablets does it affect them in any way? Like a tablet everyday for 7-10days would that hurt them…
Hi Tina. It depends on many factors, including the dosage and type of wormer. If you’re worried, I’d recommend giving your vet a call who will have more clinical information to hand and should be able to discuss any concerns you have fully.
I have a 1.4 kg pup 8 weeks. Tried to give her worming paste. Got some in not all. Should I leave it and continue with the next 2 daily doses hopefully with better luck or give more?
Hi Rachel. It can be very difficult! Carry on with the two doses and if you’re having any problems I’d recommend giving your vet a call to see what they’d recommend.
I have given my 3.5 month rottweiler puppy 1 dewormer tablet because i have thought that his weight is 10 kg but when i checked his weight his weight was 16 so what should i do i should give him 1 more tablet or it is oky
Hello, I’d recommend giving your vet a quick call to check, as they will know the tablets that are being used and the dosage for that particular wormer.
will it be alright to give drontal tablet to my puppy even though he’s having anemia. he’s 3 months old.
Hi Aksha. I’d recommend giving your vet a call to double check as they’ll be aware of his full history and any treatment he’s on, and will be best placed to answer your query
I have a question. I know my dog has worms and I’ve treated her once already in the last couple of months. Is it too early to treat her again if it didn’t get rid of it the first time? And if so what do I do?
Hi Elizabeth. No, it’s not too early to treat again, so I’d recommend checking with your vet which product is most suitable for your dog and also treat for fleas (as fleas play a role in the life cycle of tapeworm). Regular preventative treatment throughout the year will help to keep on top of things and keep your dog protected.
I gave my dog his worm tablets on same day as his vaccine. What will it do to my dog.
Hi Dawn. That shouldn’t cause any problems at all, but if you’re worried about your dog or he seems unwell in any way, I’d recommend giving your vet a call for advice.
Hi there,
Before you refer me to my vet, I have already spoke to them so was asking advice off of someone different. We have accumulated a 5 week old puppy who has a swollen belly and had worms in his poo on the first day. I purchased bob martins de wormer and have not noticed any worms in his poo since, this was 3 days ago he had it. I found one stray worm on the kitchen floor…not sure how it got there? Anyway, I would assume I see the dead worms in his poo now but I am not seeing any and his belly is still swollen? His belly went down and was a little swollen still, he has drank and ate a little this morning so wonder if that is why it appears more swollen? Does wormer work as quickly as a day and should I be seeing dead worms in his poo? He seems ok, – bit Whiney but he has left his mum and siblings at such a young age. We have a 3 year old dog who is the dad so I am hoping he will teach him biting inhibition and all that. A reply without a referral to my vets would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards.
Hi Tom. Wormer should work quickly, and you should then see the worms passed in the faeces. We’d always recommend using a vet-recommended product for fleas and worms as they’ve been clinically tested, so we know that they not only work, but are safe to use. With this in mind, we would still recommend taking your puppy in to see your vet. They can get an accurate weight for your puppy – this is really important for dosing your puppy correctly, and they can also give your puppy a general check-over. The whining is likely due to the fact he’s been taken away from his mother too early, but it would be a good idea for your vet to rule out any other problems.
Hello, my name is Bunny, iam frm India, I have a female lab of 1yr 2 days, what kind of deworming medicine should i use, the last dose was on 28.11.16 of 3 tabs of Praziquantel, company Skyworm, my question is that if iam doing it wrong what health problem my dog would face, and how long does these kinds of medicines comes in effect. Thank you
Hi Bunny. There are various wormers you can use for your dog, and the best thing to do is speak to your vet or vet nurse directly, as they’ll be able to advise you on the most effective type of wormer for your dog based on her weight. They’ll also be able to help guide you as to the best flea and worm treatments year-round for your dog, and let you know, depending on the treatment used, how often you need to treat her.
Hi im fostering a 10 weeks old daschund mix, male that is 7.8 lbs…when I was giving him and his sister Panacur, the bottle spilled and the male drank about 7-10 ml’s. Should i rush him to the vet?
Hello, it’s always worth giving your vet a call in a situation like this as they’ll know the dose that they recommended and whether or not they’ll need to see your dog for a check up.
I have a labrador who is 4 yeras old. He usually feels weak by the end of 3 months when his deworming is due. He gets fainted and feels very weak and after taking the deworming medicines, he gets normal.
However, this time he got fainted almost after 2 months and Vet has advised to give him deworming tablets after every 10 days. Is it safe to give medicines after every 10 days. Please advice
Hi Tarsheen. We’d recommend speaking to your vet again, as it will depend on the type of wormer you’re using for your dog as to how often it can be given. Your vet will be best placed to advise you, as they will know the product you’re using and how regularly it can safely be given.
Hi ya,I have an American bulldog 8 weeks old,our vets gave us 2 worm tablets and I gave him 1 but then didn’t realise my partner gave him the other one 2 days later,he has had bad diahrea the last week,would this be the reason why
Hi Mark. It could be the wormers that have upset his tummy, but we’d recommend giving your vet a call for advice as they’ll know the type of wormer he had and the dose he needed. You may need to pop your puppy in to see them if he’s still got diarrhoea, as at such a young age they can become dehydrated quite quickly so he may need some treatment to settle his tummy down – again, if you speak to your vets they’ll be able to let you know if they feel he needs to be seen.
My dog at all his worm meds at once. Will he be OK? Will it work it’s way out? He is an 11 month old 101 pound pit bull. Hasn’t eaten his breakfast and is just laying around
We’d recommend contacting your vet for advice as they’ll know all of the factors involved in your dog’s care, including the wormer dispensed and will be able to give you the best advice on next steps.
Hi, I gave my 2 year old shit zhu wormer this morning, dosage was 1 tablet for 5-10 kilos, i gave her 1 tablet and she has since been sick few times, does anything happen if its been to much for her??
Hi my 1 year dog is not eating food so I took him to vet he gage a slayworm tablet, still he is not eating food so I gave him another slayworm tablet after a month is good for him and please suggest what to do to feed him
Hi Harika, he needs to be seen by the vet again by the sound of it. There are many potential reasons that he’s not eating. Please take him soon and explain your concerns. Best wishes
Hi, I bought some safeguard 8 in 1 dewormer for my 9 month old micro teacup schnauzer. I followed the directions and fed her the treatment only to realize that this specific medication did not treat Diplidium Caninum tapeworm. One week later she still has tapeworm segments coming out obviously because the dewormer did not treat the specific tapeworm she had. Is it okay if I buy a different dewormer that will treat Diplidium Caninum and treat her right away? It has only been a week since I gave her the full treatment of the other dewomer. But she definitely needs to be wormed because segments are coming out daily. But I don’t want to overdose her on wormer. Is one week later too soon to treat her again? If it is how long should I wait before I treat her? Thank you so much 🙂
Hi Jesse,
Worms are so horrible! As there are so many types of dewormers I’m afraid we cannot give specific advice about dosages, and strongly suggest you contact your own vet for advice as they will have the latest details on your schnauzer.
Hi, I bought some safeguard 8 in 1 dewormer for my 9 month old micro teacup schnauzer. I followed the directions and fed her the treatment only to realize that this specific medication did not treat Diplidium Caninum tapeworm. One week later she still has tapeworm segments coming out obviously because the dewormer did not treat the specific tapeworm she had. Is it okay if I buy a different dewormer that will treat Diplidium Caninum and treat her right away? It has only been a week since I gave her the full treatment of the other dewomer. But she definitely needs to be wormed because segments are coming out daily. But I don’t want to overdose her on wormer. Is one week later too soon to treat her again? If it is how long should I wait before I treat her? Thank you so much 🙂
Hi Jesse,
Worms are so horrible! As there are so many types of dewormers I’m afraid we cannot give specific advice about dosages, and strongly suggest you contact your own vet for advice as they will have the latest details on your schnauzer.
Hi I’m Lisa and I have a question my puppy was pooping out worms I gave them more medicine about 3 days ago should I give them more today
Hi Lisa,
You don’t say if the worms were still alive? Most wormers kill the worms in the intestine and sometimes they are shed in the poop which owners can see, but are in fact dead worms…
Hi I’m Lisa and I have a question my puppy was pooping out worms I gave them more medicine about 3 days ago should I give them more today
Hi Lisa,
You don’t say if the worms were still alive? Most wormers kill the worms in the intestine and sometimes they are shed in the poop which owners can see, but are in fact dead worms…
Hi I’ve got a 9 week old shih tzu only had him for 1 week he’s had very loose poos was due injections yesterday but vet said because of loose poos it could be worms so would rather treat that first before injections, it was just 1 tablet, my worry is day after he had 2 loose poos that nite and early hours but following day his poo started to firm up but as I went to get cleaning wipes he ate the poo, does this mean he will be infected with worms again?
Hi Dawn, if your puppy is shedding live worms/worm eggs then there is the potential to re-infest himself. Give your vet a ring for advice as they’ll know what you’ve treated him with and will be able to advise you more specifically. Best wishes, enjoy your new pup!
Hi I’ve got a 9 week old shih tzu only had him for 1 week he’s had very loose poos was due injections yesterday but vet said because of loose poos it could be worms so would rather treat that first before injections, it was just 1 tablet, my worry is day after he had 2 loose poos that nite and early hours but following day his poo started to firm up but as I went to get cleaning wipes he ate the poo, does this mean he will be infected with worms again?
Hi Dawn, if your puppy is shedding live worms/worm eggs then there is the potential to re-infest himself. Give your vet a ring for advice as they’ll know what you’ve treated him with and will be able to advise you more specifically. Best wishes, enjoy your new pup!
Hi was just wondering if I can give my dogs worming tablets today as they had there flea tablets yesterday just needed abit of advice thanks
Hi Carol, it depends which flea tablets/worm tablets you use. Give your vet a ring and they will happily advise we’re sure. Many thanks.
Hi was just wondering if I can give my dogs worming tablets today as they had there flea tablets yesterday just needed abit of advice thanks
Hi Carol, it depends which flea tablets/worm tablets you use. Give your vet a ring and they will happily advise we’re sure. Many thanks.
we picked up a dewormer for our puppy. my husband misread and gave her one pill for an adult dog instead of a pill for puppy. Will the adult pill hurt her?
Hi Stephanie, without knowing the details, we’d recommend you contact your vet. Puppies by nature are delicate and any illness/poisoning is better acted on early. Best wishes.
we picked up a dewormer for our puppy. my husband misread and gave her one pill for an adult dog instead of a pill for puppy. Will the adult pill hurt her?
Hi Stephanie, without knowing the details, we’d recommend you contact your vet. Puppies by nature are delicate and any illness/poisoning is better acted on early. Best wishes.
My puppy is 3 months old and manage to get into cat wormer and drunk the whole bottle is there anything I can do
Please take him to the vet ASAP, without knowing the details, he could become rather poorly. Thanks and best wishes
My puppy is 3 months old and manage to get into cat wormer and drunk the whole bottle is there anything I can do
Please take him to the vet ASAP, without knowing the details, he could become rather poorly. Thanks and best wishes
Hello. I have an 8 week ols bichon frise and I took him tobthe vet forvhis 2nd round of shots and wormer. Tonite he was throwing up and it was a white and foamy. He has been wiening and crying. Should I call my vet? Should I be worried? Could it be the wormer making him sick? He had his first wormer 3 weeks ago and oopped out some spagetti looking worms. So far he hasn’t popped out any more just throwing up.
Hi Delsie, I think you should take him to be checked over by your vet again. Something’s obviously going on and with such young puppies it’s important to address illness sooner rather than later. Best wishes
Hello. I have an 8 week ols bichon frise and I took him tobthe vet forvhis 2nd round of shots and wormer. Tonite he was throwing up and it was a white and foamy. He has been wiening and crying. Should I call my vet? Should I be worried? Could it be the wormer making him sick? He had his first wormer 3 weeks ago and oopped out some spagetti looking worms. So far he hasn’t popped out any more just throwing up.
I have a 6year old boxer he has hook worms and round worms and has had the frist round of dewormer it’s doesn’t seem to be working is it possible that he’s telling me it’s time to go?
I think it depends exactly what’s going on – for example, he may have a species of worm that that wormer doesn’t cover; or there may be some underlying disease process making him more vulnerable. I think this is something you need to have a conversation about with your vet, as it really depends what the underlying problems are!
Hi Delsie, I think you should take him to be checked over by your vet again. Something’s obviously going on and with such young puppies it’s important to address illness sooner rather than later. Best wishes
I gave my dog Praziquant according to the dosage. It does not seem to be working. Do I give her more praziquantel or wait longer.
Hi Shawna, I recommend that you take her to your vet and discuss the best plan of action with them. There may be a requirement for different or additional treatment. Best wishes
I gave my dog Praziquant according to the dosage. It does not seem to be working. Do I give her more praziquantel or wait longer.
Hi Shawna, I recommend that you take her to your vet and discuss the best plan of action with them. There may be a requirement for different or additional treatment. Best wishes
I overdosed my dog with dewormer….he isnt eating…please tell solution…too worried….
I overdosed my dog with dewormer….he isnt eating…please tell solution…too worried….
I gave my puppy too much dewormer medicine and she is walking around like she is very drowsy but still eat and drink water . Will it eventually get out of her system ?
It will eventually, however it’s best to call your vet and ask them for advice as they have all the records, weight etc.
I gave my puppy too much dewormer medicine and she is walking around like she is very drowsy but still eat and drink water . Will it eventually get out of her system ?
It will eventually, however it’s best to call your vet and ask them for advice as they have all the records, weight etc.
Hi I have an adult dog and a 5 month old puppy.I had different worming tablets for both of them to suit their ages but they ended up eating each other’s.The puppy ate one with 144mg pyrantel embonate,50mg praziquantel and 150mg febantel will he be ok
Hi I have an adult dog and a 5 month old puppy.I had different worming tablets for both of them to suit their ages but they ended up eating each other’s.The puppy ate one with 144mg pyrantel embonate,50mg praziquantel and 150mg febantel will he be ok
Hi I have a 35 kg shar pei x and I wormed her a month ago and is still showing symptoms of having worms, can I deworm her again so soon or should I wait? Cheers
Hi, you should be able to worm her again soon, but it’s best to check with your own vet as well before you do!
Hi I have a 35 kg shar pei x and I wormed her a month ago and is still showing symptoms of having worms, can I deworm her again so soon or should I wait? Cheers
Hi, you should be able to worm her again soon, but it’s best to check with your own vet as well before you do!
My miniature jack Russell had 4 puppies nearly 6 weeks ago she is still feeding them even tho they are weaned can I give her a wormer whilst she is still feeding or wait another 2 weeks wen they have gone to their new homes x
My miniature jack Russell had 4 puppies nearly 6 weeks ago she is still feeding them even tho they are weaned can I give her a wormer whilst she is still feeding or wait another 2 weeks wen they have gone to their new homes x
My puppy is 4 months old & weighs 3.3 kg how much drontal working tablet should she be given, she is a Maltese cavalier x
Hello Adele, she sounds fabulous! Unfortunately we cannot give advice on drug dosages and will always refer you to your vet. Safety is a priority!
My puppy is 4 months old & weighs 3.3 kg how much drontal working tablet should she be given, she is a Maltese cavalier x
Hello Adele, she sounds fabulous! Unfortunately we cannot give advice on drug dosages and will always refer you to your vet. Safety is a priority!
Hiya.. I just notices loads of slugs in my garden at nite.. My pup ( 16 wks) smells them the runs away frm them.. Am i better to give her lung worm tsbs just to be safe. She.s on her usal worming tab for het age.. Thanks linda
Hi Linda, speak to your vet for advice and check whether the wormer the pup is on covers lungworm. It’s good for peace of mind!
Hiya.. I just notices loads of slugs in my garden at nite.. My pup ( 16 wks) smells them the runs away frm them.. Am i better to give her lung worm tsbs just to be safe. She.s on her usal worming tab for het age.. Thanks linda
Hi Linda, speak to your vet for advice and check whether the wormer the pup is on covers lungworm. It’s good for peace of mind!
I gave my dog a reformer for tape worms she’s 15lbs but the tabs sd 114mg I gave her half well she die recommended dose was 30mg
I gave my dog a reformer for tape worms she’s 15lbs but the tabs sd 114mg I gave her half well she die recommended dose was 30mg
My 3 month old puppy eat a dewormer tablet for my 3 year old yorkie will he be fine . He was wormed around 3 weeks ago.
My 3 month old puppy eat a dewormer tablet for my 3 year old yorkie will he be fine . He was wormed around 3 weeks ago.
I have an approx 1 yr old dog I got from HS. Shes very malnourished & has lots of watery stools. I’ve tied all sorts of diets . Chic/rice, hypoallergenic, grain free. Well she did end up having tapeworms & was treated but shes still sick. I talked to HS who said they had also treated 3 times. I’ve heard too many doses can cause liver disease. Should I check labs, eg liver, pancreatic enzymes etc. Wouldn’t they all be off anyway with so much diarrhea. (she occasionaly has formed stools) or should I do xray to look for blockage (no vomiting, only once) . Sometimes stools are tarry sometimes not. Shes very lethargic. Had low grade fever 102. I’v espent so much money not sure what to do next? Thanks, Kris
Hi Kris, your poor dog, it seems like you are really trying to help sort her out. We would suggest you have a blood sample and faecal analysis completed, especially for bacteriology (Campylobacter, Salmonella) – bacteria along those lines. It doesn’t sound like a typical blockage, so we would suggest lap work first. Hope that helps a bit, good luck.
I have an approx 1 yr old dog I got from HS. Shes very malnourished & has lots of watery stools. I’ve tied all sorts of diets . Chic/rice, hypoallergenic, grain free. Well she did end up having tapeworms & was treated but shes still sick. I talked to HS who said they had also treated 3 times. I’ve heard too many doses can cause liver disease. Should I check labs, eg liver, pancreatic enzymes etc. Wouldn’t they all be off anyway with so much diarrhea. (she occasionaly has formed stools) or should I do xray to look for blockage (no vomiting, only once) . Sometimes stools are tarry sometimes not. Shes very lethargic. Had low grade fever 102. I’v espent so much money not sure what to do next? Thanks, Kris
Hi Kris, your poor dog, it seems like you are really trying to help sort her out. We would suggest you have a blood sample and faecal analysis completed, especially for bacteriology (Campylobacter, Salmonella) – bacteria along those lines. It doesn’t sound like a typical blockage, so we would suggest lap work first. Hope that helps a bit, good luck.
I have guven my bitches 3 wk old puppies to much wormer.will they be ok?
I have guven my bitches 3 wk old puppies to much wormer.will they be ok?
Hi..i gave my dog 2 tablets of dewormer friend told me that it only needs 1 tablet per it possible that he will be overdosed?.what shall i do?
Hi..i gave my dog 2 tablets of dewormer friend told me that it only needs 1 tablet per it possible that he will be overdosed?.what shall i do?
My friends dog are half a bottle if 18.1 mg Drontal tab. Our vet said no problem, but she might poop a lot. Do you agree?
My friends dog are half a bottle if 18.1 mg Drontal tab. Our vet said no problem, but she might poop a lot. Do you agree?
I wormed my 10month old staff 1week ago can I re worm here aweek on just to double check they’ve all gone don’t wana over dose here etc so is 7days on ok to do so ???
I wormed my 10month old staff 1week ago can I re worm here aweek on just to double check they’ve all gone don’t wana over dose here etc so is 7days on ok to do so ???
Hi my bitch has not long had pups she is perfectly healthy and had a litter 8 healthy pups, but she sees lost alot of weight I’ve upped her food intake and dewormed her again today, but how long would it take till she starts putting it back on ( Pups are 5weeks old and weaned very chuncky pups)
Hi my bitch has not long had pups she is perfectly healthy and had a litter 8 healthy pups, but she sees lost alot of weight I’ve upped her food intake and dewormed her again today, but how long would it take till she starts putting it back on ( Pups are 5weeks old and weaned very chuncky pups)
hi i gave my dog worming tabs this morning and it says do not feed for 8 hours but hubby came in and forgot and fed him after 4 hours will this affect the tabs
It shouldn’t really make too much of a difference. Four hours should be fine!
hi i gave my dog worming tabs this morning and it says do not feed for 8 hours but hubby came in and forgot and fed him after 4 hours will this affect the tabs
It shouldn’t really make too much of a difference. Four hours should be fine!
hey dr.I have white boxer male..he isn’t well since one week..I gave him deforming tablets morning…and I thinking to give him antibiotic tablets also
tell me will he face anyproblems..with those medicines
Hi Nancy, I’m afraid we cannot give information for medicines here, due to legal and safety reasons. Please speak to your own prescribing vet for any concerns.
hey dr.I have white boxer male..he isn’t well since one week..I gave him deforming tablets morning…and I thinking to give him antibiotic tablets also
tell me will he face anyproblems..with those medicines
Hi Nancy, I’m afraid we cannot give information for medicines here, due to legal and safety reasons. Please speak to your own prescribing vet for any concerns.
Hello, my puppy was born November 10 and on December 26 he was given a home injection of parvo but my dad said my puppy was to small and wanted a vet to do the job. We took my 1.25 lb dog to the vet on January 31st he was given a dewormer and a day later he got very ill. Took him back they told me he had parvo. I did my research and he had diarrhea for about two days, no bloody stool or vomit. He was vomiting and he was very active! I was giving him fluids “pedi light” some food given to us and antibiotics. It seemed to be working but then it didn’t. We wasn’t eating on his own still it was forced at times he would but rarely. by like Wednesday he had no more diarrhea but vomiting water because of all the fluids. On Thursday my dad gave my puppy a vomiting pill that was given to my other dog a while back but he cut it up, he said when he did he foamed at his mouth. He didn’t mean to and he doesnt know if that’s what messed him up. This past Friday morning February 6, 2015 he was on the floor with no control over his body couldn’t lift his head or move he’d take his fluids but wouldn’t open his mouth he had very short and long breaths he passed later that day around 3pm. Where did it go wrong…. The dewormer? The doctor saying he had parvo? Or the pill? I can’t seem to let it go, I need closer. My little puppy touched my heart the few time I had him and I just need to know.
Hello we are sorry to hear about your puppy. From what you say, it strongly suggests that your pup died from Parvo. It is very highly unlikely that a dewormer caused it or the anti sickness pill. The possible reason your pup foamed at the mouth is the pill is covered with a coating to stop a bitter taste, therefore the coating was broken causing foaming. The symptoms you have described all point towards parvovirus. David RVN
Your answer about the dog or puppy having parvo virus well puppies that have parvo virus also foam at the mouth because I had a puppy that had formed at the mouth while she had parvo virus luckily I got her treated for that and she’s okay but puppies do foam at the mouth when they have parvo virus
Hello Marlee, pups with parvo can foam around the mouth, however it is the product of severe nausea, resulting in hypersalivation which can also make them dehydrate.
Hello, my puppy was born November 10 and on December 26 he was given a home injection of parvo but my dad said my puppy was to small and wanted a vet to do the job. We took my 1.25 lb dog to the vet on January 31st he was given a dewormer and a day later he got very ill. Took him back they told me he had parvo. I did my research and he had diarrhea for about two days, no bloody stool or vomit. He was vomiting and he was very active! I was giving him fluids “pedi light” some food given to us and antibiotics. It seemed to be working but then it didn’t. We wasn’t eating on his own still it was forced at times he would but rarely. by like Wednesday he had no more diarrhea but vomiting water because of all the fluids. On Thursday my dad gave my puppy a vomiting pill that was given to my other dog a while back but he cut it up, he said when he did he foamed at his mouth. He didn’t mean to and he doesnt know if that’s what messed him up. This past Friday morning February 6, 2015 he was on the floor with no control over his body couldn’t lift his head or move he’d take his fluids but wouldn’t open his mouth he had very short and long breaths he passed later that day around 3pm. Where did it go wrong…. The dewormer? The doctor saying he had parvo? Or the pill? I can’t seem to let it go, I need closer. My little puppy touched my heart the few time I had him and I just need to know.
Hello we are sorry to hear about your puppy. From what you say, it strongly suggests that your pup died from Parvo. It is very highly unlikely that a dewormer caused it or the anti sickness pill. The possible reason your pup foamed at the mouth is the pill is covered with a coating to stop a bitter taste, therefore the coating was broken causing foaming. The symptoms you have described all point towards parvovirus. David RVN
I found a stray puppy (about 8 weeks old) about three weeks ago. I took her to the vet who gave her a deworming pill and got her to a foster. The foster gave her another deworming pill yesterday (so at roughly 11 weeks), and she passed away several hours later. Could she have overdosed, or is this likely something else? I live in a very difficult areas for strays, and parvo and distemper are pretty common. I’m heartbroken and wondering of this could have been prevented. Thank you.
I found a stray puppy (about 8 weeks old) about three weeks ago. I took her to the vet who gave her a deworming pill and got her to a foster. The foster gave her another deworming pill yesterday (so at roughly 11 weeks), and she passed away several hours later. Could she have overdosed, or is this likely something else? I live in a very difficult areas for strays, and parvo and distemper are pretty common. I’m heartbroken and wondering of this could have been prevented. Thank you.
Hi took my puppy to the vets a bought and was given a worming tablet and to take half of it .when I give it to him he was sick 5 mins later aint sure if it’s working and to give him the other half cause he has worms in his poo one was alive in one lot .The other it was dead .don’t know wot to do .
Hi took my puppy to the vets a bought and was given a worming tablet and to take half of it .when I give it to him he was sick 5 mins later aint sure if it’s working and to give him the other half cause he has worms in his poo one was alive in one lot .The other it was dead .don’t know wot to do .
hi i worm my dogs on drontal was just wondering if dogs get immune to worming tablets like we do on antibiotics ??
Hi Magenta,
Your dog should not get immune to Drontal, however if you have concerns that they might still have worms, then trying a different wormer is always an option.
hi i worm my dogs on drontal was just wondering if dogs get immune to worming tablets like we do on antibiotics ??
Hi Magenta,
Your dog should not get immune to Drontal, however if you have concerns that they might still have worms, then trying a different wormer is always an option.
Hi I just want to no what affect it has on a dog if they hav to many tablets at once wormed my dogs this morning and dropped on and one of my other dogs (that I already done ) ate it I tryed to get it out but was to late is it harmful should I take her to the vet. Thanks in advance
Hi I just want to no what affect it has on a dog if they hav to many tablets at once wormed my dogs this morning and dropped on and one of my other dogs (that I already done ) ate it I tryed to get it out but was to late is it harmful should I take her to the vet. Thanks in advance
Hello, I was just wondering if it would be dangerous to my cat if I have him one too many deworming pills I put them in his wet food but he just hasn’t been acting himself very drowsy and I’m not sure if it’s from the de wormers
Hi, our advice would be to give your own vets a call – tell them the tablet type and the symptoms. They might want to see your cat as a check-up just to be sure! Thank you, David RVN
We gave our dog a very large overdose of wormer by mistake. It’s been 16 hours and she’s acting normal. She running around and chasing things. Should we see side affects
It depends on the type of wormer you’re using and the extent of the overdose. We’d recommend giving your own vet a call to check, as they’ll know her weight and the dose of wormer she should have had, and can advise you whether she needs to be seen, and if so, how quickly.
Hello, I was just wondering if it would be dangerous to my cat if I have him one too many deworming pills I put them in his wet food but he just hasn’t been acting himself very drowsy and I’m not sure if it’s from the de wormers
if the high dose of given to the bitch..and the very tension … then how to treat.
Definitely talk to your vet if you’re worried about an overdose in a pregnant dog!
Hi, our advice would be to give your own vets a call – tell them the tablet type and the symptoms. They might want to see your cat as a check-up just to be sure! Thank you, David RVN
Hi I think my dog and cats are just over 5 kilos or just on 5 kilos I’m not sure I don’t have a weigh machine but I only gave them a 5 kilo worm tablet they are indoor animals they don’t go near other animals poop I clean out there poop out of there tray as soon as I see it and my dog goes out the front but I don’t pick up her poop but she isn’t to thin she seems ok should I go back to the vet and get another half of a tablet or do I have to start again and give them a whole 10kg tablet they only had the half just the day before
Hi Suzanne. It sounds as though they’ve had around the right dosage for their weights, but you may want to give your own vets a call just to double check, as they’ll have the weights of all of your pets on record so will be able to confirm if they’ve had a sufficient dose of wormer or not.