There are many things that can cause your dog to drool. Some maybe less worrying, but dribbling can be an important clue, and a sign that something is wrong with your pet.
Table of contents
Reasons for dog drooling
Some dogs with short muzzles, like Boxers and Bulldogs, may drool or dribble normally. Their saliva collects in their cheeks and then is released when they shake their heads. These breeds are also likely to dribble after having a drink of water for the same reason.
Others will also dribble in response to certain triggers. So sometimes, if they anticipate their meal for example, the body will produce saliva as they get excited. Some dogs will also drool in response to stress – if they are nervous or anxious dribbling more can be a subtle cue that they are feeling uncomfortable.
Signs of a problem if you dog is drooling
If your dog starts drooling, or their drooling gets worse than normal, it can be a sign that they need a checkup or even veterinary treatment. Vets will sometimes call drooling “hypersalivation” or “ptyalism”.
Dental disease and dog drool
The most common cause of drooling is dental disease – if your dog has dental disease in their gum tissue, or problems with their teeth they often start to dribble.
This is common with slowly developing dental issues like tartar build-up, but can also be seen with sudden changes. For example, if a bit of food, piece of stick or other foreign object becomes stuck in the mouth or causes damage, then dogs can suddenly start to dribble more profusely.
Most people with dental pain will stop or struggle to eat, but our canine companions are a little bit tougher than we are. Going off their food is actually a very late sign of dental problems. So if you’ve noticed your dog dribbling it’s well worth getting a dental check with your veterinary practice.
Nausea and canine drooling
Another common cause of drooling is nausea. If your dog is feeling unwell the body will often produce more saliva. Should your dog appear nauseous, you will need to think about why; for example, one common cause is motion sickness (dogs can indeed get car sick!).
Diet and why your dog drools
Drooling can also be caused by licking or eating something they shouldn’t. Two common substances which can cause temporary dribbling are a flea or worming spot-on treatment, or a toad. These amphibians have nasty-tasting skin as a defence mechanism against predators.
A number of other noxious (nasty tasting) or even toxic and poisonous substances can also cause drooling. These include some plants, and household chemicals. If you think there is any chance your pet may have eaten something poisonous, or potentially poisonous, please do not delay, and immediately contact your vet!
In some circumstances, it is also possible for allergic reactions to cause your pet to drool.
Heat as a cause of drooling
In summer months, or hot conditions, drooling can also be a sign of heatstroke, which can be very dangerous. Always make sure your dog has access to shade and fresh water. If you’re concerned your dog is spending a lot of time ‘sunbathing’, you may need to encourage them into the cool.
Other signs of heatstroke which you may see along with drooling include heavy panting, restlessness or agitation, a very red tongue, pale gums, vomiting and or diarrhoea. If you think your dog may have heatstroke contact your vet immediately.
Less common causes of a drooling dog
There are a number of other causes of drooling which are much less common. Dribbling can be a result of an issue with your dog’s salivary glands, such as infection or blockage, but in some cases, drooling can also be a sign of Liver disease or sadly Kidney failure.
In older pets, it is also possible that a growth inside the mouth – which may be cancerous – can also cause excessive drooling. These growths can be benign (and do not spread) or malignant (meaning they can spread to other areas of the body).
Oesophagus problems and drooling
Finally, there are some much rarer causes of drooling – if your dog’s oesophagus (the pipe which carries food down the to the stomach) is malformed or has nerve problems, it can cause excessive dribbling. If there are problems with the nerves which supply the head, jaws and throat with the ability to move, and feel things, it can be a rare cause of drooling too.
As you can see there are many things to consider if your dog is drooling more than usual, and our list doesn’t include everything.
What should I do if my dog is drooling non-stop?
So if your dog has been, or is drooling profusely, please talk to your own vet for advice. They can then decide if an appointment is needed to examine your pet and take the best care of your dog.
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A sudden change like that is always a worry – it might be worth checking she hasn’t hurt her mouth or nose in the game; if it continues, though, definitely seek veterinary advice.
My eight month old Yorkie has just finished bleeding from being in heat it’s now very watery but each time she cleans herself she dribbles profusely is this due to hormones or should I take her to a vet thank you
This is probably a normal part of the heat process, but if it goes on for more than a week; or if she seems at all unwell or sick (especially if she seems to have a temperature, is very thirsty, or starts vomiting) then vet ASAP as this could be an emergency.
My 1 year old beagle everytime he smells his butt he would start jaw-chomping and drooling. Sometimes a smell might follow along with him going back to lick his drool up and he might start drooling again.
That’s very odd! I have to say, it could be a seizure behaviour, but it sounds more like it might be behavioural. I would suggest you get a full veterinary examination to make sure there’s no medical issue, and then if it continues, consider talking to a good clinical animal behaviourist – your vet will be able to recommend one. Good luck!
I started new joint supplements for my dog. He normally doesn’t drool or anything and now he is dripping everywhere. Is this an allergic reaction or something? Otherwise he seems perfect
It could be an allergic reaction, that would explain it – or it could be a coincidence, and there’s another cause (like a dental or mouth injury). If he seems 100% fine otherwise, try stopping the supplements. If it is a reaction, I’d expect the drooling to stop rapidly (a day or two); if not, or if anything else develops, or your worried, get a vet check and see what else is going on.
Good Day
My English bulldog is licking excessively as if she she wants to vomit. I have checked her mouth for foreign objects but don’t see anything. What can be the cause of this please? It just started suddenly.
The most likely cause, after a foreign object, is nausea – she might be starting with a stomach upset! Next most common, an injury to teeth or gums (which is remarkably hard to see!) Time for a vet check, I think… Good luck!
My French bulldog will only very occasionally excessively drool. But when she does it’s a lot. She’ll be completely soaked where she’s been lying, as will her bed/ sofa etc. it usually lasts for 40mins- couple of hours and then stops. It’s happened occasionally in the past but seems to be a bit more frequent recently.
My Frenchie does the same thing which is how I found your post. I’m trying to figure out why it’s happening. It happens randomly and only last an hour or two. Concerns me every time it happens.
Very strange! Has your vet done any investigations?
My Boerboel drools from the left side of her mouth and have difficulty eating but still laps on water. I tried feeling its oesophagus for any blockage but there’s none. However, she shows a sign of pain when I touch her lower jaw. What should I do.
OK, difficulty eating and pain under the jaw means she needs a vet – there are a number of possibilities, but I’d be worried about dental disease or injury, or even a stick injury.
I have a 7 year old female Doberman. Couple days ago she started acting like she hurting when she walked and started to drinks lots of water and when I mean lots of water she acted like she couldn’t get enough of it. She was peeing fine and didn’t act like peeing hurt. Today was the same but she didn’t want to move anywhere only to drink and pee. About a hour ago she got in her chair and laid down, I walk up and She was drooling, I wipe it and she acted like nothing was going on.
I would STRONGLY recommend getting her seen by a vet ASAP if she is entire, as this change in drinking and urinating behaviour is commonly seen with a pyometra.
Hi i have a mini chihuahua who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She also had cluster seizures. All thos happened suddenly!
Shes on meds.
Today she started drooling and pacing and acting like she doesn’t know where she is or who i am. She is pacing non stop! We just had a vet check up. He said she was doing well and her issues are not progressing.
She is a very calm dog extremely calm. She fights me when i try to pick her up just to hold her. HELP??
Any sort of sudden change in behaviour like this in a dog with a heart condition is a real worry, as there are lots of things that can go wrong and could cause it (like a stroke, for example, or “just” a bad reaction to medication). I would DEFINITELY get her checked out again ASAP to see what’s suddenly changed!
I have a 10 yr old Lab/pit that i rescued 7 yrs ago. Hes has severe Anxiety Attacks on & off from day one. (Constant licking of anything, the floor, rugs, blanket paws and he’ll walk back & forth looking anxious to go out. If i tak him out when hes having an attack he’ll eat leaved. Now i noticed that hes gets a watery mouth dripping with saliva. Its happen twice. Hes eating, drinking water, peeing & pooping. The Anxiety is so hard to watch. Now the watery mouth dripping concerns me. Its new, it starts them stops once he relaxes. Anything to worry about?
Anything new with that history is a bit of a concern. I’d suggest a vet check over to make sure there’s no new physical disease process, and then try to find a good qualified clinical animal behaviourist to see if you can help with the anxiety – after that long, there might not be, but I’ve seen dogs respond incredibly well to a good gentle positive-reinforcement programme even in older age, so I’d say it’s definitely worth it, for his sake!
Have a 7 year old gearman shepherd he is acting really down and lazy his breathing is little heavier has really thick drool and will kinda cough/ hacks every now and then won’t drink water and not eat much at all
Right, definitely vet time, ASAP!
Our Bulldog has a drooling problem but it is not all the time. We had her to the vet who we have been dealing with for 30 years and always with our Bulldogs. They did blood work and they said that everything looked fine but last night her drooling was so bad that it soaked the bed, any help or advice, thank you.
This can be really frustrating to get to the bottom of. Sometimes they spontaneously resolve, but it’s always worth monitoring closely to see if anything else is going on.
My boxer is dribbling but only after eating. She is 6 she’s hasn’t got any plaque and I can’t see a broken tooth. It’s not like her normal drooling. What else can it be?
It could be a foreign body trapped somewhere in the mouth where you can’t see it, or even mouth ulcers from an injury; or a partial blockage to the oesophagus (gullet). It could also be due to nausea from an internal problem – such as stomach ulcers, kidney problems, or liver issues. If this is a new sign, I think a vet check would be a really good idea!
My 6 yr old beagle ate something tht didn’t agree with his belly h had diarrhea 2x and just doesn’t look like he feels good I gave him some pesto bismal but he still doesn’t look like he feels good
Giving human medication to a dog without veterinary advice is a really bad idea – Pepto-Bismol contains aspirin, and can worsen any gastric bleeding or irritation – especially if he’s on any other medication. So he doesn’t look good, but it’s now difficult to say whether that’s because of the original condition (presumably gastroenteritis, although there are other possibilities) which hasn’t been resolved, or because he’s suffering salicylate toxicity.
Dogs with diarrhoea who are bright and well in themselves don’t worry me too much – you can usually get them through it with a bland diet and lots of water – but if they’re ill in themselves (and it sounds like he is), I would advise getting him checked out by your vet. Make sure you tell them that he’s had the Pepto-Bismol, as it can affect the results of some tests, and can also be a cause of gastric bleeding that needs to be identified early on.
Mmy 10 yr old pit lab mix recently started staggering like he’s drunk. His head his tilted to the right now. And it’s like his right side of his body isn’t working. He can’t pick up his dog food or treats from. His bowl or floor. He can’t lap water.i have to hand feed him with his head up. My vet has done everything they can . They are suggesting it is nurilogical. And thinks he needs an mri and CT. I ama veteran and I don’t have a lot of money. Canyon suggest somewhere I can take him here in Central Illinois.
It is old dog vestibular diseasr. Typically resolves on its own within 2 weeks
If the vet says it’s something else having investigated, it probably isn’t! Vestibular disease doesn’t usually cause paralysis, just severe ataxia.
We’re UK based, but does anyone local have any ideas?
My 10 year old beagle (male) is salivating and refusing to eat or drink anything since the last two days.
This suggests a gastrointestinal problem, but if it’s been 2 days it’s easy – he needs a vet ASAP; whatever the cause, the dehydration alone can become dangerous in that timeframe.
I have a 9 month old Rottweiler, recently he
is drooling excessively (chest is completely wet with drool/ leaves actual puddles from where he rests). He still has an appetite and drinks plenty of water, very active still.
I don’t understand what could have caused this, any insight is appreciated
There are a few reported cases of primary hypersialosis (excessive dribbling with no other cause) but they are rare. I’d strongly suggest a vet check to look for medical causes – dental or mouth injuries are a common cause, and in dogs of that age, their appetite is usually unaffected, at least initially.
Our Pit/Boxer Mix just started dribbling drool. He never drools and is licking his mouth a lot. I travel for work so I’m wondering if he is stressed because I’m leaving for work or he ate something? Any thoughts.
Stress can cause drooling, but it’s not the most common sign – and if it only just started, I’d suspect something else. The most likely culprit is either the early signs of a digestive upset, or a dental problem, but he will need a vet check to see what’s going on.
My dog is shaking and drooling badly and he’s old 9 years old and it’s werid for him and he’s acting every weak what is this ??
there are lots of possibilities – but he DEFINITELY needs vet attention NOW.
My dogs suddenly drooling on the left side of his mouth only, I think the left side of his face is also dropped- not sure what it is?
This is typically due to damage to the facial nerve – it can be due to trauma, but most commonly it’s due to infection or a tumour in the ear. I’d definitely advise a vet check!
2 year old Pittbull, wants attention all the time, and during the night constant licking on its leg, and blanket and everything she gets to lick on. What can I do, was she taken too early from her mother?
The constant licking might be due to a medical problem, especially if it’s always the same leg, so getting her checked out by your vet to make sure there aren’t any underlying physical health issues is a good start. However, the probability is that this is a behavioural issue: and so, assuming nothing is found on clinical examination, the next step is for your vet to refer you to a good clinical animal behaviourist for a full assessment, and then go from there. Anecdotally, I think early-weaned dogs often develop behavioural issues, but in most cases they can be managed with appropriate expert assistance. Good luck with her!
My 5 year old lab/Shepard mix just suddenly started drooling a lot he is still eating and drinking and acting normal. Any advise on what could be going on?
Sudden onset drooling in an otherwise healthy dog of that age suggests an oral or dental problem – a foreign body in the mouth or a broken tooth, for example. It doesn’t really suggest nausea as that would usually lead to reduced or absent appetite. Vet time I think – if it’s sudden onset, hopefully it can be treated promptly! Good luck!
My 1 year old dog jus starting drooling heavenly I woke up to a wet bed from dog drool? Y is this happening
Lots of possible reasons – as a one off, without any other symptoms, I suppose it might just be a food dream (!), but if it is persistent, then a vet check is probably a good idea, to see if there is any injury or problem in the mouth or throat.
My 6year old cocker spaniel has started to produce thick drool from one side of her mouth, I recently started her on yudigest probiotic and I’m wondering if this could be the cause. She has had dental work done 2 months ago so I don’t think it’s her teeth. Her eyes are a bit glassy looking also.
I think that needs seeing by a vet – one-sided drool usually means a local problem like a broken tooth (rather than normal dental issues) or even a tumour, so I’d definitely get that ruled out before I started wondering about dietary changes.
My 8 year old Golden/GSD mix started drooling excessively yesterday (stringy drool hanging from mouth, etc.) She also doesn’t seem to have any appetite, and is a bit lethargic. I gave her a few treats just to get something in her belly and though she ate them, she chewed them very slowly which is not normal for her.
This does sound like either her mouth hurts, or she’s got a stomach upset. I think a vet check is a good idea to determine what you’re dealing with; if she’s drinking water and keeping it down, it’s not an emergency, but I think she does need seeing.
My 2 yr old american bulldog had some swelling on his lip yesterday, today he started excessive
drooling, gagging vomiting saliva. He acts hungry but when food or water is introduced he starts gagging. I can’t see anything in his mouth.
Hi there! My 5 month old German short haired pointer has been drooling excessively, his mouth was also swelling earlier but has gone down since. We went on a walk earlier this morning and are not sure if he got stung by a bug.
It does sound like he might have been, doesn’t it! If the swelling’s gone down, then he’ll probably be OK, but watch out for any delayed symptoms like reluctance to eat or, worse, difficulty breathing, which may suggest that the internal swelling is still ongoing.
My 5 months Teddy bear has started drooling out of nowhere, yesterday he puked what it seemed like saliva or a clear liquid and today he started to salivate more than normal should I wait a while to see if it continues or take him to the vet?
If it’s started suddenly, I’d definitely get him checked out, as injuries or foreign bodies in the mouth or oesophagus are a real concern. Good luck with him!
I have a 13 yr. Old chow/beagle mix. The past month she has been choking more often on her own saliva and in some instances she will spit up. She also recently has started drooling more and that is not how she is normally.
mmm, that is odd – could be a problem in her throat or gullet, or the muscles of them – definitely vet time sooner rather than later!
Hello, My 2 1/2 year old golden retriever has been drooling excessively for 3 1/2 days now, but he is acting totally normal. We have taken him to the vet, they said he seems fine and gave him a shot for nausea and two pills for nausea to take 24 hours later. Help! Not sure what to do next.
If the meds aren’t working, then I’d suggest a follow up. There are other causes than nausea (although 99+% are due to feeling sick!) so it might be time to start looking into that.
My puppy id drooling and not acting right he won’t play or nothing its like belly aches hes at belly ache before but im scared
If he seems to be in pain and isn’t acting right, I’d STRONGLY advise a vet check as soon as possible – drooling and abdominal pain can indicate a torsion or GDV.
Have seven month old corgi and drooled heavily last nite and neck and chest and blanket was soaked this morning. Still drooling when he lays down today. Acts normal.
I think a vet check would be a good idea, to rule out obvious causes, such as foreign bodies in the mouth or oral/gum disease.
My 6yr old aussie/collie has just started hypersalivating for the past 4 hours. Had her teeth cleaned 8 months ago, eating, playing fine. She played a lot yesterday with other dogs on a long hike. But she is soaking everything. Been with me every minute. Its not like her.
That is odd – nausea or a mouth injury would be my first guess, and I’d suggest a vet check.
Hello, my 8 mnth old maltipoo is pacing around the house and drooling…her mouth is so wet like she can’t swallow. I tried giving her some water with a syringe and it just came out, she didn’t swallow it..I’m concerned..any advice please
Sounds like she can’t swallow – it could be a blockage of the gullet or a foreign body, but definitely vet time! Good luck
My dog has drool coming down from one side and it’s moist on the side of her mouth also looks a tiny but swollen because her other side looks smaller not sure what it is
Hmmm, I think it’d be worth getting that checked by your vet – drooling can be due to facial or mouth swelling, for example, after an injury or allergic reaction, but also if there is a tumour growing in the mouth. It’s probably nothing too serious but I would advise getting it looked at sooner rather than later – and as an emergency if you think the swelling is spreading or getting worse, or her breathing seems to be changing.
My 11 yr old heeler is having vertigo-ish imbalance and episodic excessive drooling. My vet is puzzled. She has had a senior blood panel, chest x-ray, abdominal x-rays, urinalysis, fecal all normal. It appears she is having episodes where her head is rocking and than she wobbles when walking followed by excessive drooling. Then sometimes she just drools excessively for no reason while lying or sitting. Any ideas?
This sounds a bit like nausea linked to vestibular syndrome or some other inner ear problem. It sounds like your vet has managed to rule out most of the peripheral issues, so perhaps time for a referral to a specialist ENT or neurology vet?
Does anyone have experience with a dog who trembles and drools in fear of someone? Our Staffy is afraid of a family member and he won’t even take a treat from him (and he’s very good motivated). Any tips on how to make our dog feel calmer when this family member is around?
It’s not uncommon, sadly! I’d suggest using pheromones (DAP) to reinforce a calm environment, but that degree of fear might need more focussed work. My advice would be to seek a referral to a qualified clinical behaviourist to work through the issues – good luck.
I have a 3 year old pitbull he took off he was around horses, and goats and he keep drooling bad he seem nervous and on guard he doesn’t want my female around him but he is fine with the kids
I suggest a vet check to rule out medical issues, but this sounds more like a behaviour or anxiety issue; my advice would be that if there aren’t any underlying health problems, get a referral to a clinical animal behaviourist – your vet will be able to advise you of a qualified practitioner in your area.
Hello people, i have 10 months old lab. She is drooling since 8 hrs . She normally drools when she sees some exciting food infront of her. But suddenly from today afternoon, shes getting excessive saliva from her mouth. She is active and normal. But excessive saliva worrying me a lot. Also the main point i am missing – this happening after she mistakenly had little tandoori chicken. I am doubting its a stomach upset but not sure.
It does sound like nausea caused by a stomach upset; and it’s hard to say how severe it is. If she’s not vomiting and no other signs, I’d normally advise getting her onto a bland diet (white meat and rice, boiled) for a few days and see how she goes; if any other signs develop, give your vet a ring.
I have a 2 year old dog she might weight 5 lbs and she just had puppies 6 weeks ago and one is still nursing on her now my dog is sick she is cold , drooling and she jumps when I go to touch her she doesn’t want to walk either can you please help me
Not over the internet – you need to get her to a physical vet who can care for her.
I have just adopted a 5 year old dog .part sheperd , and he drools all the time . any idea why .. the agency never mentioned his drooling to me .
Some dogs just drool! However, I’d always advise a vet check to make sure there isn’t a serious underlying health problem like dental disease.
I have a 6 yr old Boxer she has been fine tell the last yr she started drooling profusely and paces and will not eat or drink this last about 6hr than she is fine for about three days .we had her to the vet.
I have a 12 yr old Red/Blue Heeler who suddenly started drooling (this started yesterday). He never drools. He wont hardly eat or drink. And when he has eaten or drank he gets foamy drool around his mouth. We tried to look in his mouth which he hates and we couldn’t see anything. What could be the cause?
It could be a foreign body or an injury to the mouth, or alternatively some gastrointestinal problem. Either way though, it sounds like you’ve done all you can at home – vet time now!
I have a 9 year old English Bulldog. The past few years when he would eat snow, he would drool excessively and for hours. Now I’ve noticed that when he’s outside playing, and we’re running around he’s starting to drool. Literally dripping non-stop as he lays calm on the bed. This goes on for 3+ hours. He has been diagnosed with kidney disease. I’m just wondering if there’s a way to stop it when it starts?
He has been to my vet over the years. But they are unable to find any answers. I trust my vet completely- but wanted to reach out to see if anyone else has come across this? This has been going on for the past 5 years or so.
Again, it started with only snow. He could eat an ice cube with no issues. But now it’s cooler outside, and he’s running around. The other day it happened and now again today.
We noticed our bulldog has the same issue but we do not think it’s from eating snow since he barely eats any. We think perhaps it might be from running in deep snow for a period of time and that his paws or legs might be in pain but he does not seem to be showing any other signs other than the excessive drooling for 3-4 hours. It only seems to occur after a prolonged period of playing outside.
I have a 9 year old English Bulldog as well and he’s doing the same thing. He did have a lick of an ice cube earlier but we were also outside walking for a while. Even though we was giving him water throughout the walk. He’s been drooling for a little bit now. But honestly this happened before to me and I was worried at first but I really think it’s the long walk. The first time this happened he woke up in the morning and had stopped drooling. I think maybe there bodies need to calm themselves down. Idk 🤷🏽♀️ maybe.
We do sometime see drooling as a result of heatstroke, yes, and that would be a worry for me with a Bulldog, who are very prone to severe heat stress.
My 5 year old Cane Corso girl, goes outside running around and then comes in and drools for a long time, she won’t leave my side! Like she’s not feeling well, this has been going on I think maybe two years!! I’m wondering if it’s her food or treats. She doesn’t get cheap dog food
Did you find any answers? My 5 year old English bulldog just started doing this as well. I’ve noticed she just wants to go out and eat snow and tonight she has been drooling for hours after she was also licking like she was going to throw up but never did.
That’s really odd – I’ve never come across that before! Anyone else?
I have the same issue with my four year english bulldog…it first happened with snow (or what i think is Snow related) but then i took him to
Play in ballfield and it happened with no snow..lasts for hours!!! My last bulldog did the same ..took him to emerg and they found nothing!! Had all kinds of tests
And soent loads of money to find nothing!!!
I have a 7 year old Labrador, he has been excessively drooling, where there are puddles of saliva on the floor. It will come and go, and over the past two weeks about 5 days of it. We have went to the vet and there was nothing stuck in his mouth or his glands were not inflamed/irritated. They told us it could have been a small item and he worked his way out. But the drooling has now returned and he hadn’t been out of my sight to chew or swallow anything unusual. Any advice on the next step? I read liver disease or kidney failure. Would there be other symptoms for those things if it were the case?
Normally yes, but sometimes this can be an early sign. I think the next step is more workup (e.g. blood tests) to rule out other issues, and take it from there: good luck!
Thanks for the Post. I am a big fan and i appriciate the information
I have a four month old German Shepherd bull massive mix and he started throwing up today first he threw up his dog food I let him go outside for a little bit with his brother and when I went outside to get him he was throwing up grass I’ll bring him inside and he hasn’t really wanted to do anything he also threw up some clear white foamy looking stuff. I contact in the clinic already and they said they gave him some Pepto I did so any other suggest on what I could give him
Or what this could be
Many dogs will have episodes of this, especially at this age when they’re experimenting with different things they find in the garden! If he’s bright, happy, keeping water down, and has vomited less than 4 times in 24 hours, I’d withold food for 12 hours but still give plenty of water, then gradually reintroduce bland food (white meat and rice or a gastrointestinal diet). If he keeps vomiting, or seems unwell in himself, or isn’t keeping water down, then back to the vet. Good luck!
Our dog Titus who is almost 10 yrs old, just started drooling and smaking his mouth, and I can tell he’s not feeling well??
OK, if there’s no obvious reason, definitely time for the vet!
Hi vets! my 7 month old catahoula pup started drooling outside just like the dog in the pic here, and a few days later I noticed blood, her vet checked her out and sent me home with 10 days of medicine, I believe she hurt her top canine chewing a knee cap treat, by the 2nd day of meds there was no more bleeding, I’ve been softening her kibble for meals but I started giving her hard kibble on walks to help with leash training and it makes her drool like she did before going to the vet so I am wondering if this could be a more serious dental issue or if it just takes longer to heal. and should I stop using kibble on walks? thank you for any advice!
I think it would be worth raising your concerns with your vet – damaged canine teeth often don’t heal fully on their worn, but it can take a prolonged period for the infection to become fully established. In any case, if the symptoms have returned despite medication, it’s worth having a chat with the vet about next steps. Good luck!
Hi my 9 year old pitty/Boxer started drooling and doesn’t usually, he seems fine otherwise
I had a BBQ 3 days ago, and he does have anxiety, so I thought that’s what it was from.. but it’s 3 days now and he is still drooling.
I’d definitely get him checked out by your vet, especially with a history of BBQ – he might have been able to grab something that wasn’t good for him!
Hi, I have a 1yr old catahoula-lab mix. He is happy all the time. He began hypersalivating last night. Drool pouring from both sides of his mouth. He is not a drooler! He is eating and drinking, and playful still.. no vomiting or retching. He is acting very normal but drooling excessively. Soaking everything clear through. It doesn’t have a nasty smell or any blood in it. We took him to the ER vet today they said they didnt see anything in his mouth. No broken teeth or cuts and gave him injections for anti-nausea and an antacid but he is still drooling. The way he has been eating makes me think this isn’t an upset tummy. What else could it be? I have an appt in 2 days with my normal vet. Is there anything different she can do from the ER?
I appreciate any help you can give me
Kylie – Did you find out? My lab is going through something similar and now has hot spots on her jaw on both sides…. Vets can’t figure out the cause.
That’s odd… Your vet will be able to do a wider range of diagnostics (as it isn’t an emergency, the ER wouldn’t usually do things like X-rays or barium swallows). Good luck!
Pls help my dog he is not eating anything for two days and I feed it some milk with pillar and now he is drooling so much and shaking badly what do I do and due to this covid situation we can’t even go to vet hospital
Right – you need to call your vet and talk to them for advice. This is too serious to be left to internet comments – good luck with him.
My 17 week old puppy is drooling quite alot she is still eating drinking going to the toilet she plays as normal what could be wrong
It could be that she’s teething, or there could be something more serious. I’d suggest check her mouth for any problems (such as foreign bodies, wounds, or loose teeth), but if there’s nothing obvious, probably best to get a vet check.
My 5 month girl chow chow has just started excessively drooling today. Not sure if teething or needs medical advice? Bonnie has been normal self eating, drinking alert and playful.
If it’s started suddenly, I’d definitely advise a vet check – teething can cause drooling but foreign bodies are another possible cause.
My dog tyson was drooling from the mouth he wont eat he had some blood come from his bum
Get him checked by your vet ASAP – rectal bleeding or bloody diarrhoea is always an issue that needs addressing fairly urgently.
My 9 month old golden has started drooling a lot lately. There’s no vomiting and no diarrhea. Gums and tongue look fine. Is this normal?
It can be, but I’d suggest a check up by your vet in case there’s some injury or problem in his mouth. Drooling isn’t uncommon in the breed but it doesn’t usually start suddenly unless there’s an underlying cause such as an injury or foreign body (like a stick) in the mouth.
My dog is getting more saliva in her mouth during this summer season what should i do to her
I’d get her checked out by your vet – there are lots of causes, many are painful or serious, but most are very treatable.
My dog had 6 puppies, one got sick and died we couldn’t save her even after 7,000$ at the vet. Now all my other dogs are showing same symptoms. I have saved four of them with long nights, I’ve and antibiotics. My last pup finally started showing symptoms and hasn’t gotten better. Vomit, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gums still look healthy. He won’t eat or drink and he keeps drooling. I have been doing everything possible. Any advice? I just don’t want to spend another 7,000$ for him to die like my girl did.
Without knowing what the cause is, there’s no advice I can give you except – get to the vet. If it was Parvovirus, for example, about 20-50% of puppies die with treatment, but about 95% will die without.
My dog is 7 months and only today she puke a few times & had diarrhea once. She’s salivating a lot & seems she got into some of the chicken I left out for dinner. She’s moving around when needed and wags her tail too. I think she puked up all the chicken and has drank some water .
If she’s been sick more than once or twice, I’d advise giving your vet a call – dogs can get dangerously dehydrated rally fast with vomiting and diarrhoea together
Hi! I have a 4 month old French bulldog,Boston terrier mix. He’s not a drooler, never drools actually, the other day I noticed his face twitching and him drooling excessively. Although he was totally conscious, I’m worried this could be a seizure.
That is definitely possible. I’d advise a vet check to rule out underlying disease.
Hi my dog is a 7 month old lab mix. She is drooling non stop. It is soaking everything she lays on. Pours out of her mouth. She acts fine besides that. We dont know what to do. We Took her to the vet and they did exam and x rays and blood work everything came back normal. So a bunch of money later they still don’t know what’s wrong with her. Any ideas?
If the standard workup isn’t giving answers, it might be time to look at a referral to a specialist, who is an expert in upper GI issues – or possibly a neurologist. Definitely worth talking to your vet about that option, because it sounds like they’ve done all the standard tests, and if nothing’s showing up, time to call in the big guns!
Good luck with her!
I have a Cur Dog she’s 5 years old she was born deaf, in the last couple of months she haven’t been eating much, but the last couple of days she want eat nothing, we tried different kinds of food. She was drinking a lot of water but this morning she is drooling and will only drink a little water. We took her to the Vet about a 12 days ago and he said all her blood work came back good, he did pull a couple of he teeth and he clean her teeth too. But he said he couldn’t found nothing wrong with her. She was on some Antibiotics but finish them a few days ago. So what do you think we need to do. Thank you.
I’d advise going back to the vet and explaining that the problem hasn’t resolved – more tests and investigations may be needed to get to the bottom of her problem. Good luck!
My dog is a 5 year old pit bull, he’s been completely normal up until this morning and he seems to be drooling a bit more than normal. But he’s been eating drinking playing and going to the bathroom normally. I find he’s a little more tired then usual. Is this normal does anyone know ?
Any suddenly appearing new symptom is potentially a worry; it might be due to dental disease, but there are other options… I’d be inclined to make an appointment to see your vet for a check-over.
We have a 7 year old English Bulldog. We are extremely cautious when we take him on short walks, avoiding any time when the temp is over 70 and under 40 degrees. He goes at his own pace and takes plenty of breaks. Lately we have noticed that he has a very watery drool most nights after we get back from his walk. The drooling will last through the night and he is good ij the morning. Almost seems like he is over exerted, but he’s not panting or breathing heavy. Like I said, it’s perfect temp and he takes his time. His labs and all vet checks have always come back clean. He has had a vet look at his gums and teeth and they all checked out as well. The only time this ever happens is following a a fetch session with his fur sibling or mainly on these walks I mentioned.
That’s very strange… might be an over-excitement response?
My 7 yr old lab is dribbling excessively. She had 5 teeth out 2 weeks ago and has been fine since, just today it has really been alot. What should I do? She is wearing fine and has been out for her usual walks all day so no other obvious problems??
I’d suggest getting a follow up check at the vets – while delayed problems to dentals are pretty rare, within 2 weeks of the procedure I’d be wondering if there’s something going on there.
Our 2 yr old lab pitbull mix just started drooling excessively out of nowhere. She’s leaving a trail wherever she walks and all over the furniture. She’s never done this before. She ate tonight and doesn’t seem lethargic and hasn’t vomited.
Anything I should watch for before deciding on an ER/vet visit?
Any signs of distress, discomfort, or swelling of the face or head are the key markers – any of them mean an ER/OOH visit is needed. Otherwise, a vet check is a good idea because it’s come on suddenly, but if she’s behaving normally otherwise, it’ll probably wait for an in-hours appointment. Good luck!
I have an 8 year old Weimaraner who will sporadically drool excessively which in turn causes licking. It’s always at night and resolved by the morning. It’s been happening more and more frequently, the first time was almost 2 years ago. Even though it resolves itself, it stresses me out every single time. The only thing I can think of is nausea or anxiety but she never vomits/retches and doesn’t do any of her other anxious behaviors. The consistency is really watery. I do a low dose of Benadryl (50 mg & she weighs 70lbs) and one famotidine. I don’t really know if it does more than allow her to fall asleep. Like I mentioned, it’s been happening more and more frequently though and it really makes me nervous. She soaks everything through the excessive drooling and subsequent licking and I don’t know what more to do.
Hi! Did you ever find a reason for this? My 8 year old lab has been doing this for 5 years now. I’ve taken notes on when they happen for potential triggers but nothing is the same. He’s has so many types of medicine and blood work to rule things out. He had an endoscopy that showed his esophagus was irritated but all they could guess was that it was from acid reflux. I stopped pushing the issue because it got so expensive, but it is really scary when it happens! I feel you. There’s nothing to do but wait it out. I’m at my wits end trying to figure anything out. And yours is the only comment on the entire internet that I’ve seen is like my situation!
I think a veterinary workup is indicated – if you’re having to use a very potent and potentially toxic sedative to get her to sleep, that suggests there’s a problem (it would also be illegal to do that under UK law, except with a veterinary prescription, but that’s a different argument). The signs could be explained by a stomach ulcer, in which case you really need that diagnosed and treated. Good luck!
My dog has thrown up multiple times and its Drooling excessively shes a black lab and I dont know what’s wrong
Lots of possibilities – but black labs are notorious for eating odd things! Take a look at the Vomiting in Dogs Factsheet.
Hi, my wonderful senior pup Luna, who is about 10 1/2 has been drooling and panting excessively. When she sleeps you can hear her breathing that sounds similar to someone with allergies. She is still a healthy eater, and her overall disposition seems to be okay. I made an appointment for her next Tuesday, but my anxiety is getting to me and I’m not sure if I need to try and get an appt. sooner. Any thoughts are very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Can you tell me what the vet said to you for your dog? My 10 year old has the same issue now.
Personally, I’d say that any dog with breathing difficulties could do with seeing sooner rather than later – but if her disposition and behaviour is otherwise normal, it probably isn’t a dire emergency.
My 4 year old presa canario is dribbling from both sides of his mouth. He is having stomach issues at the moment due to change in food (past 2 days) He has had diarrhea, but its getting better today. Do you think the drooling is related or its something completely on its own? It just started happening today.
One of the most common causes of drooling is nausea; if he’s having stomach problems, that seems a good explanation. However, if it started suddenly, I’d suggest a vet check to make sure there’s nothing else going on.
Hi my 2 year old beagle is drooling out of nowhere, she’s completely wet her bedding and I don’t know what to do.. do I take her to the vet ? should I be worried?
I think a vet check would be a good idea – sudden onset drooling typically suggests a mouth or throat problem, or pretty severe nausea.
Hi I have a 6 year old lab. From last night he does not want to eat and he’s drooling excessively and making a funny barking sound. Don’t know what to do pls help.
Loss of appetite and a change in behaviour suggests a vet appointment is urgently needed. Possible causes include a blockage in the gullet or the intestine, or even a bloat or GDV.
I have a 7 yr old pug and occasionally she will drool profusely, it happens every so often and she never has any other symptoms. It happens for a while then by morning its gone. The first time it happened I brought her to thr vet because I have never seen her drool that much as she never does normally, they gave her some doggy gravel for an upset stomach. What could this be.
One of the most common causes of drooling is nausea – and many dogs are prone to stomach upsets! Take a look at the factsheet here for some more ideas:
I am Dog Owner and Finding Solution of my American Bulldog Drools
Thanks David Harris BVSc MRCVS For Sharing These information with Us
my 7 month old Dachshund started drooling (only on the right side) when he eats yesterday, and wasn’t eating as fast as he normally does. we looked in his mouth and under the right side of his tounge was red and inflamed. he also love to chew on sticks when hes out side which when we catch him doing so we stop him. thought maybe he got a piece stuck in his mouth. also he did throw up the night before. any advice would be much appreciated!
We’d very strongly advise getting him to a vet as soon as you can – this is a very common problem with dogs who chew sticks and often means that a splinter has been embedded under his tongue.
My 6years old scobby refused to eat like 3 days ago,just yesterday it started drooling seriously which never happened before. Only today I realised how hungry it was but couldn’t even do so….what can I do because we have not vet clinic around us….please help
Drooling and refusing to eat together are often a bad sign. It may suggest severe pain in the mouth (for example, an infected tooth), or difficulty swallowing (for example, something stuck in the throat or gullet). It can also be a sign of a stomach upset, or a potentially fatal bloat. I’m afraid that I’d be advising you to contact a vet, even if they’re a way away, and seek urgent advice.
Hi! My dog was so surprised when my mom opened the door then he suddenly can’t stand and drooling. We don’t know what’s wrong with him
Surprise shouldn’t mean a dog can’t stand up – I’d be suspicious of an ear problem like Vestibular Syndrome, or even a stroke. Strongly advise a vet check up ASAP!
At 9:30 p.m. tonight my dog started drooling excessively with bubbles and making a weird coughing sound as if she’s trying to clear her throat. She is 8 years old, is a Maltese and about 12 lb. She’s never drooled before and she’s been eating normally. She’s been urinating normal, but it had been a whole day and a half that she hadn’t pooped until just 5 minutes ago it was very loose and dark stool which isn’t normal for her(my grandmother just advised me that yesterday she ate a chicken bone I don’t know if that might be the problem). I’ve been checking every two to three minutes to see if she’s still drooling and her bed on the side is wet. I also did give her some water with a needleless syringe just to make sure because I haven’t seen her drink water. As of right now she stopped doing that coughing thing. All the vets around here are currently closed and there is no emergency vet nearby. Please help
Your dog may need emergency treatment – this could be a sign of an obstruction or a twisted stomach. I hope it worked out OK, but you need to find the number of the closest emergency vet so that you can get urgent help in future. In the UK, it’s a legal requirement for all vets to provide emergency services – either themselves, or have a contracted hospital facility.
My 10 month old cavapoo is drooling much more than usual. We wipe his face down and a little while later his chin is completely soaked. He is drinking and eating as normal, as well as using the bathroom. I feel like he might be sneezing a little more than usual, but unsure. Any advice?
Worth a vet check – there might be a dental issue there, or even something in his mouth, not sore enough to stop him eating, but enough to make him drooly!
My 8 year old small crossbreed started salivatin a day ago she is blind, can’t really hear and barley have any n teeth, she drinks a lot of water but always urinates big buddles. I think her kidneys are failing her, I think it’s time to put her down
Sadly, you might well be right. I think it’s time to talk to your vet; you might possibly want to do more tests though to see if the underlying issues are treatable or manageable, e.g. Cushing’s disease or Diabetes.
My 6 month old small dog is whining and won’t drink this morning and has bubbles saliva running from her mouth and nose wet. Her eyes are strange. It’s been this way about 2 hrs now. Daughter did give her orange juice sips yesterday and she ate a piece of a nut in it off the floor. What do I do. Usually wide open jumping puppy. Shes just laying there.
Get her to a vet ASAP – this is a major problem and needs urgent attention. Possible causes include poisoning so DO NOT DELAY.
My 7 year old lab is drooling excessively tonight. All his bedding is wet. He appears listless. He was able to go outside and urinate. He eats everything. I’m afraid he may have gotten into something in my yard last night. Should I take him to emergency now? I do have an appt a vet appt at 10:00 this morning. He is being treated for Addison’s disease.
Yes – if he has Addison’s and shows any unusual signs like this, treat it as an emergency. It might be unrelated, but an Addisonian Crisis can be fatal without rapid treatment, and I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
Hi my bulldoghas been puking white foamy white yellowish bile. She has been throwing up like 6 times today could she has gotten into something
Vomiting 6 times in a day = she needs the vet!