Is your pet in pain? Are they are no longer moving as well as they used to? Have you noticed any reluctance during their normal activities? Wondered if their back needs “aligning”? Read on to find out more about veterinary chiropractors and whether they can help you and your furry friend! 

Chiropractors are therapists who work with our pets and provide supportive, non-invasive therapies focused on the optimal functioning of the skeletal and muscular systems. Unsurprisingly, this discipline deals primarily with mobility and pain, not only helping manage it but also working towards preventing it from reoccurring. If problems are caught early enough, it aims to stop them from becoming a major hindrance in the first place. 

 Is it safe?

Animal chiropractic therapies are non-invasive, and when performed correctly, they are claimed to be safe. However, research has demonstrated that moderate to severe “adverse events” in humans are surprisingly common. We do not yet know if this is true in dogs and other animals.

These are complementary modalities, and they are meant to be used alongside traditional medicine. The term chiropractor is protected by law. This means that only licensed professionals with the proper training and certifications can use this title. This provides some protection, but your vet must be involved in any referral of an animal for chiropractic therapy.

What is it?

These treatments consist of the guided manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. The idea is that low impact adjustments are made to muscles and bones that may be “misaligned” or off their functional positions. This is claimed to help solve a lot of acute and chronic pain as well as movement problems without resorting to more invasive therapies like, for instance, surgery. 

Here is what you can expect from a trip to the chiropractor:

  • Thoroughly examine your pet for issues with mobility and posture;
  • Ask you all of the necessary questions to collect a comprehensive history;
  • Assess all of your pet’s medical information;
  • Formulate a personalized treatment plan;

This helps therapists determine all of the issues that might be affecting your pet. And, in case something comes up that is beyond the scope of chiropractic care, they will refer back to the vet for further investigation.

Depending on the underlying problem, there might be more than one session required to complete the entire treatment. 

Will my pets benefit from chiropractic care?

The number of conditions and situations that can potentially benefit from chiropractic treatment is huge. Ranging from solving minor issues with posture, to alleviating pain during the course of complicated diseases like damaged spinal discs or fractures. 

However, there is still debate over how effective the therapy is in humans, let alone animals. Critics point out that chiropractic as commonly defined is by definition a pseudoscience, as the concept of “realigning” misaligned or vertebrae is anatomically impossible. And that, at best, the therapy is doing something other than what its practitioners claim. Historically, chiropractic therapists have also claimed effectiveness against a wide range of conditions, such as asthma, which the evidence does not support. This led to a well-publicised libel trial about ten years ago!

That said, there is some evidence that chiropractic manipulation can aid human lower back pain. So it may be effective at improving mobility in animals with some conditions. However… more recent research is suggesting that its effectiveness even in humans is somewhat doubtful, and there is strong debate as to whether it can ever be appropriate in animals given the concerns about safety and effectiveness.

When might chiropractic care be appropriate?

Some of the most common applications are: 

  • Managing painful, chronic conditions such as spinal disc disease, osteoarthritis, or hip dysplasia; 
  • Managing acute episodes discomfort in the muscles or joints; 
  • Helping pets recover from complex surgical procedures; 
  • Supporting high athletic and working performance in sporting animals; 
  • Maintaining fitness and mobility for older pets.

Dogs, cats, and horses are the species where this discipline is performed most often, but it can be applied on many exotic animals as well, so don’t discount getting help for your rabbits or reptiles!

How can I find a chiropractor for my pet?

It’s important to mention that a veterinary chiropractor can only perform treatments on your pet with authorisation from your vet. This ensures that the highest standards of care are met and that everyone involved in your pet’s health is in communication, which is why a referral is a vital step during this process. 

If you’re looking to try a chiropractic approach with your pet, you can start by asking your vet for a recommendation. Vets often work closely with other veterinary service providers, and some vets have even undergone further training and are qualified animal chiropractors themselves. 

However, you are also free to seek out therapists that work independently. As we’ve mentioned, chiropractors are highly qualified professionals, so when looking for chiropractic help for your pets, don’t forget to check if they are properly licensed! You should also check the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners for a list of reputable therapists.

Another thing to consider for a potential chiropractor is if they have enough experience with your pet’s species and if they are comfortable working with their health issues. A more specialized professional can be harder to find but if your pet has particular problems, it can make a world of difference. While many insurance plans support chiropractic treatments, we recommend that you always check your pet’s plan, so you don’t get surprised with unexpected expenses.  

If you’re curious about what this holistic and non-invasive approach can do for your pets, talk to your vet, and they’ll help you decide if this is the right step to help with their problems.

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