What do you do if your dog has decided to favour you instead of your other half? It can be awkward, and your partner may end up feeling left out. Or maybe you have a new partner in your life, and your faithful canine companion is not too impressed. Here are some simple steps your other half can take to try and steal your dog’s affections. 

1) Get them to do walkies

Most dogs’ favourite activity is going for a walk. If your partner hardly ever walks your dog, but you do, then it’s only natural your dog will favour you. Your other half could try and take your pet out more often, or at least join you on walks. Not only is walking a good way for them to bond but it is an excellent form of exercise and good for mental health.

2) Your other half could feed your dog

One of your dog’s other favourite things to do is eat! Naturally, they will look up to the person that delivers them their dinners, so this is an easy win. Get your partner involved with preparing the meal as well as handing it over to your pet. Just make sure you know who’s fed the dog and that no one accidentally feeds him twice!

3) Get your other half to play with your dog

Playing frisbee on the beach, ball in the park or tug of war in the garden are all excellent ways to play with your dog. He will start to see your other half as good fun and look to them for more interaction.

4) Change their aftershave or perfume

Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, so there is a chance they’ve taken an aversion to your partner’s scent. Try going aftershave- or perfume-free for a while, or swap to an alternative brand to see if this makes a difference for your pet.

5) Look at how they communicate with your dog

Communication is key, both verbal and non-verbal. If your other half frequently shouts at your dog or is overly stern with them, this could put them off. Instead, your partner should concentrate on praising your dog for anything positive that they do. Similarly, if your other half gives off negative body language like folded arms, turning away from your pet and a tense posture, then your dog may not warm to them.

6) Get them involved in training

If your partner can get involved with your dog’s training then this is a great way for them to work on their relationship. Attending dog training classes or even agility classes can be a good way of having fun together. Your dog will start to learn to trust your partner the more they work together, especially if treats are involved!

7) Show your dog affection

Simply being affectionate to a dog will help, try stroking them, fussing them and praising them. Perhaps just sit nearby to them or invite them onto your lap. Showing some positive, loving attention can really help make a dog like someone.

8) Spend time in each other’s company

Get your partner to include your dog in their day-to-day routine. Don’t have the dog shut in a different room, let him mill around in the kitchen at breakfast time or take him for a walk to the post-box. Some cafes and pubs also allow pets. Find everyday ways to spend more time together.

9) Your partner should groom your dog occasionally

If your dog enjoys being brushed then let your partner have a go at it. A gentle brush and lots of fuss and stroking can be a good bonding exercise. Obviously, if your dog hates being groomed this one might not work so well!

10) Get them to treat your dog to a new toy

Treating your pet to a new toy or chew can help to win them over. It’s even better if your partner also plays with it and engages with your dog! Bonding over new toys and games can help to build their relationship.

There are lots of ways your other half can try and get your dog to like them! Hopefully, they can give some of our suggestions a try and will start to notice an improvement in their relationship very soon.

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