Christmas is all about family and love. As our cats are important family members, always being there for us all year, they deserve a Christmas present! As the festive season approaches, you might be wondering what your cat would enjoy as a Christmas present this year. Don’t worry. We can help! There are many safe, delicious, and fun options, from treats to cat toys!

Delicious Treats!

Every cat would love a tasty treat for Christmas!

Commercially available treats

You can find many cat treats at pet shops or even at your vets. Some pet food companies even have cute Christmas packaging for their treats during this festive season. However, be mindful of the number of treats you feed your cat at once, as these treats can be highly calorific… Small amounts per day should keep your cat happy and healthy (and this way, your cat even gets to celebrate Christmas for longer!).

Cooked meat

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their primary source of energy is animal protein, so you can give them cooked meat as a Christmas treat! Since it’s Christmas, you can give your cat some turkey if you wish, but you can also offer them chicken, fish, beef, and many other types of meat. Ideally, it would help if you gave your cat just a small portion of plainly cooked meat without adding any salt or other flavourings, as these can upset your cat’s tummy.

Homemade baked treats

You can even make homemade cat-friendly baked treats for your cat! There are many recipes available on the internet where you can search for the perfect homemade biscuit recipe for your furry friend! However, always check if all the ingredients are safe. Here’s one we found that we really liked…

Toys and other items your cat will love!

Treat-dispensing Ball

This ball is a great option to keep your cat mentally stimulated and do some physical exercise simultaneously! Treat-dispensing balls have holes from which the food gets out. Fill it with your cat’s food (a healthier option) or treats, and watch your cat trying to figure out how it can get their food out of the ball. It’s an excellent present option for all cats, as they can express their natural hunting behaviour, especially for those needing to lose some weight, as it keeps them moving.

Puzzle Feeder

A puzzle feeder is another great option to keep your cat entertained and mentally stimulated while getting their food! With a puzzle feeder, your cat is challenged to figure out which part of the puzzle it needs to move to find food. You can start by hiding food in the most accessible sections and gradually turn the challenge trickier! These feeders are also great for cats that eat their food very fast and get sick after, as it slows down how quickly they can eat.

Scratching post or pad

Cats have a natural urge to scratch, so they will love a scratching post or pad! There are many types of scratching posts. Some have platforms with different levels for your cat to climb to, and some even have hiding places. Scratching pads are horizontal and perfect for older or arthritic cats, as they don’t have to stand up on their back legs. Your cat will have a lot of fun while maintaining their claws, and you will keep your furniture safe!

A fluffy and warm bed

A cosy bed is always a good option – Cats sleep for many hours each day and will love a soft and warm spot to snuggle, especially during winter!

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