As we know, cats come in all different shapes and sizes – and there are a huge range of breeds to choose from. But are there any that vets particularly like to see on the waiting list… or any that make them want to go and find something, anything, else rather than see that patient?! We asked a panel of our vets about cats and cat breeds, and this is what they told us…

What breed of cats do you have? And why?  

Samantha Coe

I have always owned domestic short hair cats because cats seem to  choose me and not the other way around! I think ordinary domestic cats  are great, characterful pets.  Although I have always owned domestic cats I do have a secret soft spot  for Ragdolls. They have a tendency to be quite bonded to their people and  the ones I have met through my work always seem to be really good natured.  

Cassandra Longhi-Browne

I have two regular house moggies, came together as barely socialised 3 months old sisters. Although I had pedigree cats in the past, I was looking to rehome a pet in need.

Lawrence Dodi

A domestic short hair. I didn’t specifically go for any particular breed.

Lizzie Youens

I have two short-haired moggies. I didn’t necessarily choose this for any specific reason, but I’m a huge moggie fan: they’re fabulous! Loads of different personalities and types, without the health issues that sadly many pedigree breeds are known for. 

Louisa Marcombes

At the moment I have a moggy, AKA a Domestic Short Hair (DSH), and she is called Kitty” (yes, I know, the name’s original!). All the cats I have ever had were moggies and I think the reason is partly sentimental (my first ever pet as a child was a very sweet little DSH called Poppy) and partly because it always seems to be the strays that need homes are moggies. 

Sarah Cooper

I am the lucky owner of two gorgeous moggies. I love the fact that they are very independent and low maintenance but at the same time friendly, playful and always ready for some snuggles. They are the perfect cats for a busy young family and are generally happy to fit around our hectic lives. Not all moggies like to live with other cats but we are lucky that our boys adore each other and can often be found cuddled up together.

Sarah Hunter

I have a 7-year-old semi-longhaired cat called Tiffin. 

David Harris

I have a pair of “moggies” who live (mostly…!) out in the stables. They were farm cat bred and were (allegedly) feral and unhandlable – which was fine as I wanted them to live in the barns and eat mice and rats. They are now two of the tamest “ferals” I’ve ever met!

What breeds of cat do vets secretly prefer working with? And why?  


I do enjoy working with Ragdolls as they seem to be such friendly and  placid characters. It is usually a pleasure to have these cats in the  practice. However, for me, it is the individual cat themselves rather than  the breed which is important. I have met some really charming individuals  of all breeds and just like with people we can bond and engage with some  characterful types more than others!  


I would say most vets prefer any cat that isn’t going to rip you to shreds! I must admit to having a soft spot for Exotic Shorthairs, because I used to have one when I was little. However I am now conscious of brachycephalic types and wouldn’t get another.


There aren’t any specific cat breeds that I prefer working with. I prefer well-adjusted domestic cats rather than the sometimes more fractious feral cats that can come into the clinic.


Moggies, moggies, moggies! Definitely my favourites! I love the variety, and that they don’t have any predisposition for specific diseases or problems. 


My secret pleasure in terms of feline patients when I am working in the clinic is the Maine Coon. Apart from them all being, down to the last cat, striking animals, I have always found them to be unusually placid and generally less feisty than their feline brethren for things like injections and ultrasound scans. So the Maine Coon ticks all the boxes for me in the clinic setting, I just don’t think I could cope with all that fur at home. 

Sarah C

I’m not sure most vets have a favourite breed to work with. We certainly see more inherited illnesses in some of the purebred cats as opposed to moggies who are perhaps in general a little hardier. On the other hand, breeds like Siamese and Burmese tend to be real people lovers and so often to cope better with all the handling we need to do.  

Sarah H

We mostly just see the typical moggy cat so I really like it when someone brings a big fluffy cat in like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon. However, the best cat is one that doesn’t get too stressed when you examine them, it makes things difficult and I worry about how it affects their health.


I like cats who are chilled out when you try to examine them! Although actually I really do enjoy working with big laid-back Maine Coons. I’m not such a fan of exotic or hybrid cats – they often don’t seem to settle into domestic life very well and are prone to a wide range of stress related behavioural and medical issues.

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