New year, new dog bed? With so many dog beds on the market, trawling through them all to find the cosiest can seem like no mean feat. So, we’ve done some of the hard work for you. Welcome to our top five in creature comforts…

1. The cave bed

A relative newcomer to the market, this style of bed does what is says on the tin. It’s a ‘climb-in’ option which might be the ultimate in cosy comfort for your mutt, just so long as they have the wherewithal to actually climb into it. Some come with hoops to hold open the entrance, making it slightly easier for the comfort seeking creature. 

The natural diggers and buriers of the canine kingdom, such as Jack Russel terriers, are likely to make light work of gaining access. And even the gangly gang such as sighthounds and lurchers can be taught to work it out. Depending on the specific bed, the whole thing may be flipped over or adjusted to make a cooler sleeping option for the summer months. Could be worth considering whether this is suited to the old and arthritic, for whom stooping and crouching can be awkward or even painful. 

2. High-sided heaven

A primary source of the winter chills comes from draughts wafting about the house. Doorways and even poor fitting skirting boards are classic examples; blocking the path between draughts and pet sleeping areas can make all the difference for dozing dogs. Pooches with short, fine fur will thank you for a good, sturdy, padded, high-sided bed which will do just this. They have the added benefit for hounds and others who are blessed in the neck length department. This is because they can loll their head over the side for maximum neck support.   

3. Doughnut beds

Heavily advertised on social media, the soft doughnut bed is something which a dog basically melts into and becomes at one with. They’re often made from materials so soft you can hardly even comprehend the feel of it with human skin. These things conform to the shape of the lucky user, providing maximum contact with the body by the bedding material. And therefore crazy levels of cosiness. They look good too; like little puffs of cosy clouds, they bring a sense of luxury and comfort to make any living room look and feel like doggy heaven.     

4. Thermal beds

Some are ‘self-warming’ utilising heat reflecting materials, and some use microwaveable inserts. (We urge great care when heating these; especially when it comes to old or less physically able canines who might not easily move away). Both can do wonders to help ease the burden of arthritic joints. Puppies too, who have recently left the comfort of the litter, and miss sleeping as part of a puppy pile, can find comfort in a warmth source to replace that of their puppy littermates and mother. 

Electric heat mats are also available to buy, which might be useful in a handful of cases. However we urge great care with these too; especially when it comes to chewy youngsters (in our experience, electric cables and bitey puppies don’t mix well) and physically challenged canines alike (these things can get really very warm and risk burning pooches who are unable to move off of them).

5. Mats matter

A bed can have all the high sides, rooves, and soft fluff it likes, but if there isn’t a deep layer between your floof and the floor, there’s a good chance that they will feel the freeze. Much of the cold felt by our furry friends comes up from below (24 hour underfloor heated floors excepted of course) and therefore you need to put distance between them. A good wedge of wadding is not only vital for warmth, but is also key to comfort. Deep, soft, and supportive bedding will have your pooch snoozing soundly through the night.

If you and/or your dog do not deem their bed winter-wonderful, then the January sales could be the perfect time to make a positive change. One final word to the wise; size matters. Despite the need for cosy quarters, a dog must be able to stretch their legs out fully. So, it’s a Happy New Year from us, and Happy Snoozing too!

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