There are many different pet insurance policies out there allowing us to pick and choose which one is best for our pets. Insurance policies can come with lots of added extras. Besides paying for veterinary care, which is the most important reason to take out pet insurance, you should think about what other added bonuses might be useful to you. One of those possible benefits is a “lost and found” service.

The purpose of pet insurance is to pay a smaller, fixed monthly fee to an insurance company. And in return, they will pay for veterinary care if it exceeds your excess. This helps to reduce the risk of you having to pay out large, unpredicted values of money. Because these monthly prices are so competitive, many insurance companies have started to offer additional add-ons to their policies.

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How lost-and-found usually works

Some policies will offer a ‘lost and found’ clause, whereby they will help to find your pet by offering financial rewards. This encourages other people to start looking. The financial incentive may help people decide to return your pet should they have stolen it from you, or cover travel costs if they have to bring them from afar.

Some insurance companies will offer to cover advertising costs

You can do paid online social media pleas, print off posters and organise search parties. Check with your insurance provider what they offer with regards to financial support prior to paying and expecting to be reimbursed.

Other benefits to watch out for

It’s not just lost and found – watch out for: 

Third party liability cover is offered in some policies

This covers the price for care that may be needed due to the action of your pet. This could include the scenario where your pet accidentally injures another animal or person who then needs medical treatment. In addition, this could also cover belongings. So if your pet caused damage to furnishings, an expensive item of clothing or even in an accident with a car, you may be covered to pay for the replacement or repairs.

Some insurance companies are starting to offer dental care on their policies

Dental treatment can be very expensive and is a common medical procedure required in middle age or older pets. Many policies will cover traumatic dental issues caused by accidents. So looking for policies who cover progressive dental disease, such as periodontal disease, is great.

Emergency triage lines are increasingly being offered

Some insurance policies now employ vets who answer calls throughout the day and night. This service is often free of charge. This gives you access to veterinary advice whenever you need it without having to leave your home. This service is best used for cases where you are unsure of whether your pet needs to be seen by a veterinary professional or not. If you are worried your pet needs emergency treatment, please seek veterinary help by going to your local veterinary practice or out of hours service, immediately.

Direct claims support and payments

Some insurance companies make you pay for the veterinary bill at the veterinary practice and then ask you to try to claim the money back from the insurance company directly. This means you have to pay a large amount of money in one payment to the veterinary practice and risk the insurance company not paying you back. The ability to make direct claims between your insurance provider and the veterinary practice is therefore important. You will always be required to pay for your excess fee but then the insurance company would directly pay your veterinary practice. This approach is also much more hassle free and minimises stress on your behalf when your pet is undergoing health problems. 

To conclude, insurance policies are very competitive on prices

Perform thorough research and think about what you want to prioritise in your insurance policy. Ensure companies have good reviews and response times. You need your pet insurance company to pay out in the case of an emergency – this is always the most important factor in choosing which policy to opt for. Be sure to read terms and condition policies very clearly so you understand what you are paying for. You should ask any questions to your insurance company prior to signing up. 

Further reading: