Breeding a litter of puppies can be both exciting and worrying in equal measures! Added to this rollercoaster, there is the cost to think about. Having standard pet insurance for your bitch is not enough, since most pet insurance policies will not cover any costs related to breeding. Since these can quickly mount up, it’s a good idea to make sure you have the right cover in place before you consider breeding.

Does pet insurance cover pregnancy costs?

Almost all standard pet insurance policies will not cover any costs or vet bills arising due to complications during pregnancy or giving birth (whelping). For example, if your bitch needed a caesarean, it’s almost certain that your usual pet insurance would not cover this. It’s really important that you read the fine print of your insurance policy, so that you know what is and isn’t covered. 

Before you consider breeding, you need to consider how you would cover the costs of any possible complications. Unless you have several thousand pounds to spare, it’s a good idea to look into specialised insurance policies.

Can you get pet insurance for breeding dogs?

There are some specialised insurance policies that do cover pregnancy and whelping. Some insurance companies offer a breeding add-on, so you pay extra to have breeding risks included in your insurance policy. However, it’s important to note that even these policies rarely cover any ‘elective’ procedures. (Procedures that aren’t considered medically necessary, but you choose to have them). So, again, it’s always important to read the fine print of any insurance policy, to make sure that it meets your needs. An example of an elective procedure could be antenatal exams, or artificial insemination (AI).

So, what sort of things can be covered by breeding insurance policies? 

Depending on the policy, pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia (high blood pressure) and dystocia (difficult or blocked birthing) can be covered. Some policies will cover the cost of an emergency caesarean, if needed. Although any bitch may end up needing one, a caesarean is more likely to be needed in immature bitches and in certain breeds. For example, brachycephalic (flat faced) breeds such as Pugs or French Bulldogs are much more likely to need intervention. 

An emergency caesarean may be needed in order to save the life of the bitch and/or the puppies. So it’s important to consider how you would pay for one if needed. Vet bills for dystocia can quickly add up to thousands of pounds. 

Some insurance policies will also pay a lump sum should the worst happen, and you lose your beloved pet to a pregnancy or whelping complication.

Some insurance policies will cover the puppies too, either up until a set age, or up until they go to their new homes. Puppies love to play and explore… which makes them accident prone! They can also have health issues during the first few weeks of life. Having insurance cover for them can give you peace of mind, so you aren’t worrying about the potential cost of veterinary care. Naturally, no insurance policy will cover routine vaccinations, flea and worm treatment for the puppies. So you’ll need to have that money set aside already.

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Puppy transitional cover

Many insurance companies offer 4-5 weeks free insurance for puppies; from the point that they leave your (the breeder’s) home and go to their new owners. This gives the new owners time to make sure they have appropriate pet insurance in place. However, these policies usually only apply once the puppy leaves for their new home, and won’t benefit you while the puppies are with their Mum. So, while arranging the free insurance for the new owners is definitely worthwhile, you still need to make sure you have insurance in place to cover the puppies while they are at home with you.

 In conclusion…

It’s crucial that you research the financial implications of breeding a litter, alongside all of the medical and care requirements. Pregnancy and whelping complications can, and do, happen in bitches. You also need to plan for the cost of veterinary care for the puppies, should they be injured, unwell or failing to thrive. 

Specialist breeding insurance policies, or add ons, can provide peace of mind in the event of unexpected vet bills. As with all insurance policies, it’s crucial that you read the small print, so you understand what is and isn’t covered.

Further reading: