Checking to find your perfect pet? It can be a difficult decision when these lovely counterparts steal your heart whenever you look at them. The most important factor in choosing a pet can be as much about matching your personality as it is about your lifestyle. That’s where the Enneagram Test, a system of 9 different personality types, comes in handy. By understanding your Enneagram type, you can become aware of your needs and lifestyle and decide what pet might best compliment them.

Each Enneagram type has distinct traits that might align better with certain pets and their requirements. Let’s find out by following this fun guide to help you find your animal counterpart!

Enneagram 1 – Cats

Enneagram Ones, known for their principle-driven approach and keen sense of right and wrong, will find a kindred spirit in the discerning and independent cat. Cats, with their preference for cleanliness and order, resonate with One’s values of integrity and perfection. This pet choice offers a serene companionship that appreciates the quiet and structured environment Ones provide. The mutual respect for personal space and a shared need for a tranquil habitat fosters a deeply satisfying relationship between the disciplined Enneagram One and their feline friend.

Enneagram 2 РBichon Fris̩

The nurturing and empathetic nature of Type Twos finds a joyful match in the Bichon Frisé. This breed’s cheerful disposition and affectionate behavior align perfectly with the Two’s love of caring and connection. Bichons thrive on social interaction and return their owner’s care with loyalty and companionship, fostering a deep, mutually beneficial relationship. Their capacity for empathy and understanding makes them ideal pets for the emotionally intelligent and giving Enneagram Two.

Enneagram 3 – Border Collie

Type Threes, known for their drive and efficiency, will find an eager and intelligent partner in the Border Collie. This breed’s remarkable intelligence and need for activity resonate with the Three’s goal-oriented approach to life. Training and engaging in competitive activities together can reinforce the bond and provide mutual satisfaction. The Border Collie’s responsiveness to challenges and eagerness to achieve makes them the perfect companion for the ambitious Enneagram Three.

Enneagram 4 – Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers, with their deep capacity for empathy and unwavering loyalty, are the perfect match for the emotionally rich and complex Type Fours. These dogs provide the unconditional love and understanding that Fours often seek, creating a safe space for emotional expression. The mutual appreciation for loyalty and depth of connection enriches the lives of both, making the Golden Retriever a truly complementary companion for the introspective and expressive Enneagram Four.

Enneagram 5 – Hamster

Type Fives, who prize privacy and independence, may find the hamster an ideal pet. Hamsters require minimal social interaction, aligning with the Five’s need for solitude and contemplation. The observant and self-sufficient nature of Fives harmonizes with the simple care needs of hamsters, allowing for a comfortable coexistence. This pairing respects the boundaries of both, providing Fives with a pet that complements their introspective lifestyle without demanding constant attention.

Enneagram 6 – Golden Fish

For the security-oriented and loyal Type Six, an aquarium full of golden fish can provide a serene and comforting presence. The predictable nature of maintaining an aquarium filled with golden fish aligns with the Six’s desire for stability and routine. Watching fish swim has a calming effect, offering a sense of peace and reliability that Sixes often seek. This tranquil coexistence brings a reassuring rhythm to the Six’s life, requiring low maintenance, making golden fish an ideal choice for those who value consistency and tranquility.

Enneagram 7 – Parrot

Adventurous and spontaneous, Type Sevens will find a vibrant and intelligent companion in a parrot. Parrots’ colorful personalities and ability to mimic speech reflect the Seven’s love for fun and novelty, offering lively interaction and endless amusement. This pairing caters to the Seven’s desire for stimulation and variety, with the parrot providing a sense of companionship that evolves with their shared experiences. Together, they form a dynamic duo that thrives on creativity and exploration, making the parrot a fitting feathered friend for the enthusiastic Enneagram Seven.

Enneagram 8 – Snake

Type Eights, embodying strength and self-confidence, might resonate with the power and independence of snakes. This unconventional pet choice symbolizes the Eight’s boldness and resilience. Caring for a snake can be a profound experience, reflecting the Eight’s inner strength and control. The respect for mutual autonomy defines this relationship, offering an Eights a companion that mirrors their intensity and fortitude without challenging their authority.

Enneagram 9 – Bunny

The peaceful and accommodating Type Nines will appreciate the gentle and quiet nature of bunnies. These creatures offer a sense of calm and comfort, aligning with the Nine’s desire for harmony and avoidance of conflict. The nurturing care bunnies require the Nine’s innate kindness and patience, while the bunny benefits from a safe and loving environment. This reciprocal relationship increases the peace and tranquility of both, making bunnies the ideal pet for the peace-seeking Enneagram Nine.


Leveraging your Enneagram to select a pet ensures a symbiotic relationship that goes beyond mere companionship, enriching both your lives with joy and understanding. This tailored approach fosters a deep connection, reflecting your personal growth journey and enhancing your well-being. To maintain this bond, accessing reputable care advice is key. Our local directory connects you with vet professionals who understand the importance of nurturing a healthy, fulfilling partnership with your pet, ensuring a thriving life together.

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