Rats make fantastic pets, and they really have a lot to give in terms of personality! Often regarded as ‘mini dogs’, rats can make a great starter pet and even a brilliant first pet for children.

Rats are intelligent creatures and need to be stimulated both mentally and physically. Giving rats the correct housing requirements is paramount to ensure they are happy and healthy. Let’s delve into the wonderful world of rats and see what enclosures and housing items will suit them best.

The bigger, the better

Rats love to explore, run, jump and hide in their enclosures. So, what is the maximum size of a rat cage? – There isn’t one! Generally bigger is better. After all, in nature rats are not confined to a specific enclosure measurement. 

At the absolute minimum, a rat cage should be at least 120cm in height, 90cm in length and 60cm depth. This size cage would be most suitable for a pair of rats. Just remember, these are minimum measurements and rats would appreciate a larger home.

Bar size

With rats having the urge to explore, it also makes them fantastic escape artists. Ensure that bar sizes of the cage itself are around 1cm – 1.5cm in diameter. If the bar spaces are bigger than this, it is likely that an escape will happen!

So, unless you fancy searching your home for the Houdinis of the rat world, it’s probably best to make sure that they can’t escape in the first place.

Use plenty of levels

Rat cages should have plenty of levels so that rats can be as high or as low as they like. Levels also allow for different toys to be placed around the cage, as well as hiding food on different levels for some mental stimulation.

There are lots of different levels that can be purchased online. The best levels to buy should be made from plastic, as this allows for easy cleaning. Wooden levels are available, but these can hold onto smells as well as harbouring bacteria that can seep into the wood.

Hides, tunnels and hammocks

You should offer rats plenty of places to hide, sleep and explore. Tunnels can help to connect different levels. Food and toys can also be hidden within the tubes. Rats love to curl up and sleep together and you’d be surprised at how many rats can all squash into the same tube for a cuddle!

Rats also love hammocks. You can hang a hammock from the top of the cage, and they will find a way to jump in there and have a nap. Hammocks are usually made from fabric, which makes them easy to handwash when they get a little messy.

Different hides should be placed around their enclosure so that they have plenty of opportunity to curl up and feel safe. Plastic is a good option as it is easy to keep clean, but cardboard boxes can also be used.

The flooring

Make sure that the floor of the cage is not made of the same metal bars as the sides of the cage. This can cause the rats’ feet to become injured and sore. If your cage does have a base that is made of bars, then cover the majority of the floor with hides, mats, or substrate, such as dust free shredded paper.

Cage placement

The best rat home should be kept in the perfect spot. Make sure that your rat cage is:

  • Out of direct sunlight
  • Is not close to windows or doors
  • Kept clear from wires and electrics
  • Is not near a loud radio or TV

Rats can become stressed if the conditions of their cage are not suited to them. Loud noises can keep them awake and draughts from windows can cause respiratory problems.

Rats do, however, enjoy plenty of social interaction. It may be worthwhile placing your rat cage in a family room, so that they also feel like part of the family!

The cage itself

There are so many rat cages out there to choose from that it can be hard to know what is best. As a general rule of thumb, go for a metal wire cage that is as large as you can get. Avoid glass type enclosures as these can cause respiratory problems and promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

Often, large bird cages on a stand can be used and make great rat enclosures. 

Yaheetech – The Yaheetech is a brilliant large rat cage that encompasses everything your rat colony could want. It even comes on a handy stand with wheels that makes it easy to move. The cage also comes with ladders and levels that can be customised as needed.

Cozy Pet – This Cozy Pet cage is also a great rat cage that can house 2 – 5 rats. It comes with different levels and ladders, along with bars that cannot be chewed through. Similar to the Yaheetech, it comes on a stand with wheels.

Facebook marketplace – Facebook is a fantastic way to get a large enclosure for sometimes half the price that they are advertised for online. Not only are you getting a bargain, but you’re helping to repurpose and reuse items which may just be thrown away.

Final thoughts on rat homes

Rats are fascinating little creatures that truly are a rewarding pet to own. For the best rat home, make sure you have the biggest enclosure possible and supply them with plenty of hides, hammocks and toys to keep them entertained.

As rats can be prone to respiratory infection, make sure that you purchase items that are easily cleaned and disinfected. Most of all, enjoy your little rat colony and offer them the best enclosure that you possibly can!

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