Question from Janine Anne-Ruby Law:

How often should an 8-week old kitten be using the litter tray, I got my kitten on Saturday afternoon and she has only pooped twice is this normal? She seems to have settled in really well but I am a bit concerned about this help please?

Answer from Shanika Winters:

Hi Janine and thank you for your question regarding your kitten and toilet training.  From what you are describing how well your kitten is settling into her new home and the fact that she is using her litter tray you probably have very little to worry about.

How often do kittens poop?

Cats and kittens will pass faeces (poo) when they receive a signal from their bowel (large intestines) that faeces are present and ready to be passed. The exact frequency with which faeces are passed will depend on each individual, their diet, and if they are stressed or have any underlying problems such as bacterial, viral or parasitic infection.

It is normal for kittens to pass faeces as often as they are fed a meal. So at eight weeks old, your kitten is probably being fed 3-4 times a day and could, therefore, be expected to pass faeces up to four times a day. However, as your kitten’s digestive system becomes more efficient and dealing with food and waste products, this may well decrease down to once or twice a day.  An adult cat would usually pass faeces once or twice a day.

More important than how many times a day your kitten is passing faeces is whether the faeces look normal, are passed easily and without any pain or distress.

What might cause my kitten problem passing faeces?

Although there can be many causes for constipation or difficulty passing solids, these are some of the most common;

Introducing new food

If your pet has a change of diet her digestive system might take some time to adjust to this change, the result may be an increase or decrease in the number of times they pass faeces and changes to the consistency (harder or softer).

Dehydration/lack of water

If your kitten is not drinking enough water or getting enough moisture from its diet, then the faeces may become dry and more difficult to pass. This may lead to less frequent passing of faeces, straining and discomfort passing faeces and possibly the passing of some blood with the faeces.


Infection of bacterial and viral causes can lead to soft faeces with or without blood/mucous being passed more often than normal.

Parasites, including worms

Parasites such as roundworms are a common finding in the digestive tract of kittens; this can cause constipation, diarrhoea with or without vomiting.  Most kittens are wormed (treated for worms) before you collect them and further worm treatment will be advised by your vet either in the form of paste, liquid, granules, tablets or spot-on treatments.

Physical issues

Lack of an opening at the anus is a very rare condition that can prevent a kitten from being able to pass faeces or a lack of the development of part of the intestine which means the faeces cannot get to the anus.  This is usually detected in very young kittens prior to weaning and can sometimes be treated surgically by your vet.


Blockages of the digestive system such as a foreign body, hairballs and even tubes of gut stuck into it (intussusception) can all lead to abnormalities in faeces production.

Conclusion – watch out for changes

In conclusion, it sounds as though you have a healthy kitten that is using her litter tray well and regularly. So long as this continues then you should not need to worry.  I hope that what I have discussed in my answer gives you an idea of how many different factors can affect how often your kitten will pass faeces. 

The most important thing is to look at how your kitten is in themselves. If they appear bright, are eating, drinking, and toileting normally then do not worry. If there are any changes that worry you, then ask your vet for advice.

Shanika Winters MRCVS Online vet

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