Spaying or neutering a female dog is not a small operation. So owners should think carefully about all the pros and cons before deciding.
Deciding whether to spay – pros and cons
The main advantages of spaying are preventing pregnancy, preventing infection of the uterus (pyometra), preventing ovarian or uterine cancer and reducing the likelihood of mammary (breast) cancer, all of which can be life-threatening. It also prevents the inconvenience of having a bitch in season with unwanted attention from male dogs.
The main disadvantages are major surgery with associated risks, an anaesthetic with associated risks and the increased likelihood of urinary incontinence in later life. Fortunately, the risks involved in anaesthesia and surgery are very small indeed compared with the risks of the other conditions which are prevented by spaying. Urinary incontinence in later life is a nuisance but not very common, and can usually be controlled by drugs.
Table of contents
There is no medical reason to let a bitch have one litter before spay. In fact, some of the benefits like protection against mammary tumours, are lost if the operation is delayed. Unless an owner is committed to having a litter, with all the work and expense that can be involved, and the bitch is also suitable in temperament and free of any hereditary problems, then breeding should not be considered.

Some people expect that their bitch will get fat after spay, but in fact this is entirely preventable with a healthy diet and proper exercise.
My own opinion is that most bitches should be spayed because of the health benefits. My boxer bitch Tilly was recently spayed.
Deciding when to spay
It is not a good idea to spay when a bitch is in season or about to come into season, because the blood vessels supplying the uterus and ovaries are all larger and this will increase the risks of surgery. The other time we try to avoid is the 8 weeks after a season, when a bitch may suffer from a hormonal imbalance called a false pregnancy.
If this happens, she may be acting as if she is nursing pups and the operation at this time would cause such sudden changes in hormone levels that it would be unfair to her. Also if she was producing milk, the enlargement of the milk glands would make it more difficult for the spay wound to heal.
For all of these reasons, the time chosen to spay is usually either before the first season occurs, or 3-4 months after a season. A physical examination by the vet will determine whether a 5-6 month old bitch puppy is mature enough to spay before her first season.
Before the operation
As well as timing the operation carefully to reduce any risks, it is also important that the bitch is not overweight. Because this increases the difficulty of the operation, it may well be advised that an overweight bitch should lose weight before the operation.
Another important way of spotting avoidable risks is by taking a blood test before the anaesthetic. This could be done on the day of the operation or a few days earlier. This is used to check the liver and kidney function (both vital when dealing with anaesthetic drugs) and to rule out any unsuspected illnesses.
Before going to the surgery
Before any anaesthetic, the patient should be starved for a number of hours, according to the instructions of the surgery. This prevents any problems with vomiting which could be dangerous. It is also a good idea to allow the dog enough exercise to empty the bladder and bowels. Apart from that, it is best to stick as closely as possible to the normal routines of the day so that the dog does not feel anxious.
Being admitted for surgery
On arrival at the surgery, you can expect to be seen by a vet or a veterinary nurse who will check that you understand the nature of the operation and will answer any questions you may have. They will ask you to read and to sign a consent form for the procedure and ask you to supply contact phone numbers. This is very important in case anything needs to be discussed with the owner before or during the operation.
Before the anaesthetic
Your bitch will be weighed to help calculate the dosages of drugs and given a physical examination including checking her heart. If a pre-anaesthetic blood test has not already been done, it will be done now and the results checked before proceeding. If any abnormalities are found, these will be discussed with the owner before deciding whether the operation goes ahead or not. One possible outcome is that extra precautions such as intravenous fluids may be given.
A pre-med, which is usually a combination of several drugs, will be given by injection. This begins to make the dog feel a bit sleepy and ensures that pain relief will be as effective as possible.
The anaesthetic
There are several ways in which this can be given, but the most common is by an injection into the vein of the front leg. The effects of the most commonly used drugs are very fast, but don’t last for very long, so a tube is placed into the windpipe to allow anaesthetic gas and oxygen to be given. The anaesthetic gas allows the right level of anaesthesia to be maintained safely for as long as necessary.
Various pieces of equipment will then be connected up to monitor the anaesthetic. This is a skilled job which would usually be carried out by a qualified veterinary nurse. Apart from the operating table, the instruments and the anaesthetic machine, a lot of specialised equipment will be on “stand by” in case it is needed.
The area where the surgical incision is to be made will be prepared by clipping and thorough cleaning to make it as close to sterile as possible. The site is usually in the middle of the tummy, but some vets prefer to use an incision through the side of the tummy.
The operation
While the bitch is being prepared for surgery as mentioned above, the surgeon will be “scrubbing up” and putting on sterile clothing (gown, gloves, hat & mask) just as in all television surgical drama programmes. The surgical instruments will have been sterilised in advance and are opened and laid out at the start of the operation.
The operation involves removal of the ovaries and uterus (ovario-hysterectomy). The surgeon carefully opens the abdomen by cutting through the various layers. The first ovary is located and its blood vessels are tied off before it can be cut free at one end, then this is repeated with the second ovary. It is a delicate and fiddly job, needing great care and attention.
The main body of the womb or uterus is then tied off as well before the whole thing can be cut free and removed. After checking for any bleeding, the layers of the tummy can then be sewn closed again. A dressing might be applied to the wound. Further drugs may be given now as needed.
When the operation is finished, the gas anaesthetic is reduced and the bitch begins to wake up. She will be constantly monitored and the tube removed from her windpipe when she reaches the right level of wakefulness.
Like humans, dogs are often a bit woozy as they come round, so she will be placed in a cage with soft warm bedding and kept under observation. Usually they will wake up uneventfully and then sleep it off for the rest of the day.
The bitch will not be allowed home until she is able to walk and is comfortable. Full instructions should be given by the surgery concerning after-care. The most important things would be to check the appearance of the wound, to prevent the bitch from licking it (with a plastic bucket-collar if necessary) and to limit her exercise by keeping her on the lead. Any concerns of any kind should be raised with the surgery.
Any medication supplied should be given according to the instructions. Pain relief can be given by tablets or liquid on the food. Antibiotics are not always needed, but may be supplied if there is a need for them.
Usually there will be stitches in the skin which need to be removed after about 10 days, but sometimes these are concealed under the surface and will dissolve by themselves.

After a couple of weeks, if all goes according to plan, the bitch can be allowed to gradually increase her exercise levels. This is the stage that Tilly has now reached and she is thoroughly enjoying a good run again now that she is feeling back to normal.
You may also be interested in;
- Neutering and breast cancer in dogs, what’s the link?
- When to spay – When is the best time to spay or neuter?
- Does neutering dogs prevent prostate disease?
- Ask a vet online – ‘my dog only has one testicle down – what is the best age to have him neutered?’
- Does neutering dogs cause cancer?
Mi forgot to mention my dog it is 7 years all
Hi ! My dog had uter infeccion then she had the surgery spay neutered I pic her up for recovery she didn’t eat but she drink a lot water , now she is trying to pee but she cannot! Why is that? Is that normal , when she was in middle her dr call me saying she fine little tumor wich were remove it !! How I helped please
If she cannot urinate, this is an emergency and requires urgent veterinary attention – call your vet NOW.
Swelling post-operatively can occasionally obstruct the urethra, making it impossible to urinate normally.
I had to have my female dog spayed because she had an infection in her uterus should it have cost £1000 it seems extreme
Actually, for treatment for a pyometra, that’s very reasonable!
It’s important to remember that in dogs an infection of the uterus (pyometra) isn’t like a urine infection or an infected wound in a human, it’s an incredibly serious, life-threatening condition that usually results in sepsis (it’s more equivalent to acute appendicitis). This means that removing the uterus is very difficult and time consuming, because the dog is less stable and more difficult to anaesthetise safely, and the tissue is already damaged and liable to rupture into the abdomen (think like a burst appendix but about 10 times worse). To stabilise her and then perform safe surgery to remove the uterus is a relatively prolonged, difficult procedure, that needs more staff, has a longer recovery time, and needs a LOT more medical treatment than a simple spay. In addition, most practices offer spay and neuter surgery near or even below cost price, because it’s so important to dog welfare. The emergency surgery in a dog with a pyo is charged out at normal surgery rates, as well as being a much more complex procedure.
If it helps, that’s less than half the cost of removing the appendix in a human (which is usually a rather easier and less risky procedure!).
Hello, i have taken on a rescue puppy with a heart murmur. (not serious enough to operate) She has just had her first season, what are the risks for her when having an anesthetic ? Was hoping to get her spayed in 2-3 months time.
I’m afraid I really can’t tell you that: a heart murmur is a symptom, not a specific disease. Without knowing exactly what is causing it, what the impact on heart and circulatory function it’s having, what the resting perfusion and oxygen saturation levels are, and whether there are any other secondary complications, it’s impossible to say how she’ll respond to anaesthesia! I’d suggest chatting with your vet, and considering an assessment by a veterinary cardiologist to see what the exact underlying disease is and what impact it’s having one her.
My bitch had to have her uterus removed due to being full of pus. 3 days later her 2 front paws are still swollen is this normal
It can happen due to the severe infection involved in a pyometra, or the emergency fluid lines needed to keep her stable for surgery. However, I’d give the vets a call and let them know, as they may want to check her over again if there were concerns around complications at surgery.
My month old Cane corso was spayed about 3 weeks ago wound healing nicely noticed last night her licking her private area has
A lot of clear fluid leaking why
Could be due to the changes in hormone levels but DEFINTIELY call your vets and let them know – some complications of surgery (such as stump infections) can occasionally start like this.
my dog was spayed 10 years ago and I currently lost her paperwork due to moving, I need to renew her license and it says I need proof, what do I do?
If you’re in a country where that paperwork is mandatory, I would advise you to contact the clinic where she was spayed; they should have copies of the records and be able to issue a replacement.
How soon can my Hungarian Viszlador come off the lead from recovering from her spay operation? She’s now day 17 post op! The stitches are out and she’s dying to come off!
Generally, we’d say a week after stitches come out – but it will depend on the exact details of the procedure, so perhaps double check with the vets?
We rescued three puppies from a bin at the end of October, they’re around 4 1/2 months old now and I’m thinking about when to get them spayed. When would you expect them to come into season, I’d rather get them spayed before that because three girls will be quite a lot of work. I’m also worried that during their recovery, they may lick one another stitches, should they be separated after the surgery?
It’s very variable between individuals and breeds. Generally, small breed dogs start cycling in the spring around 6 months, whereas large or giant breeds might not come into season until 18 months or so.
Regarding after-care, talk to the vets – there are surgical techniques (such as subcuticular sutures) that reduce the risk, and pet T-shirts are often used to prevent friends from licking!
Thank you for this, my 4 year old border collie is being spayed tomarrow and I’m so anxious and nervous about it I’ve almost cancelled. Knowing the step by step of what is actually going to happen instead of it just being this daunting major surgery my mind couldn’t get around is helpful.
I just got my girl spayed today , if ur not going to breed them ? Then get them fixed male or female! It is so worth it in the long run ! I got her home and she was sooo sleepy it is 8 pm and she went out to poo but came back in and layes down on he bed and is sleeping agian they say this is normal. Day by day it will get better
I had my 6 month old speyed 6 days ago. Since then she won’t get off her bean bag. She will eat and drink but only if you bring the food to her. She won’t get up to go to the toilet but if you carry her out she will put her tail up and sniff around to find somewhere to go. If you give her favourite treat she still won’t get off the bean bag. If you put the treat just out of her reach she stretches and reaches out for it but won’t take it if at least some of her isn’t on the bed. I took her to the vets yesterday and there are no issues with the wound. How can I re motivate her please. Its as though she sees her beanbag as a place of safety. I hate seeing her so down. Thank you
In most cases, it’s about 7-10 days before dogs fully bounce back after major abdominal surgery. However, that much lethargy suggests she might still be in pain – it might be worth having a chat to your vet about pain scoring and pain management. Some dogs are more sensitive than others!
I agree that breeding shouldn’t be considered unless the owner is ready for all the work and expenses that are involved with taking care of a litter. I want my dog to be spayed soon so that I don’t have to worry about that. While a bunch of puppies sounds like fun, I’m sure it’s a lot of work.
hi i had my dog spayed 2 weeks ago as she was rushed in with pyometra she is 13 and was wondering when she will be able to go up and down stairs and on / off the bed
In general, I’d expect her to be more or less back to her normal mobility by now; if in doubt though, chat too your vet or the vet nurse who did the post-op checks.
I like what you shared about making sure dogs aren’t overweight before undergoing spay or neuter surgery. I think that spaying and neutering is a healthy practice to make sure that population is controlled and sex-hormone cancers are diminished in pets. My wife and I are thinking about adopting a puppy, so we’ll put effort into finding a great place to get this surgery done.
Hi I have a miniture Yorkie. She is very small. Like just over 2kg. She would grow anymore. She is now in her first season. We want to spray her. Only thing she is so small I don’t think she Wil make it thru the op.
Hi Sue, it’s best to talk with the vet about your concerns as they will be able to answer your questions and check her over prior to any surgical procedures.
Hi i have a 12 month old labradoodle who i have booked in to be spayed she has not had a season yet, i dont know how i will keep her quiet has she is like a box of fire works, i am a bit worried i asked the vets that if she is opened and she has blood in her body due to come in season what will they do and they have said they will carry on with operation do you agree
Hi Kathleen. Your vet will give your Labradoodle a thorough check on admission to see if there are signs of a season and I can assure you that they will only go ahead with the operation if they are confident that it is the right thing to do and safe to do so. If you are worried though, please don’t hesitate to give your vet a call to discuss further as they will be happy to talk through any worries you may have.
my doggie is one yr old and getting spayed in the morning and tbh, im really nervous about it , shes all ive got , I don’t want to see her in pain, and I don’t want her to die, she makes me want to get up in the morning
Try not to worry Jaye, I completely understand your worries as it’s a big thing for you both to go through, but your veterinary team will take a huge amount of care with her and do absolutely everything they can to keep her safe. Before you know it, she’ll be back to her old self and bouncing around – that’s when it gets a bit more difficult to keep them quiet while the wound heals. Do discuss your worried with your vet and nurse though and they’ll keep you updated throughout the day.
Its two weeks since our 10 month old Samoyed was spayed (approx. 12 weeks after first season). She gradually improved over first few days and is going for short walks. The problem is she is very sleepy, sleeping and dozing most of the day (and 12 hours overnight). she is very reluctant to get up, struggles to do so and is very stiff for a while after getting up. She is fine once up and is walking ok but it feels like she has aged 12 years and got arthritis symptoms as a result of the operation. Am I expecting too much too soon.
Hi Sylvia. Try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know!); many dogs bounce back quickly, but we should remember it’s major abdominal surgery, and for some dogs, they will take a little longer to recover. She may still be feeling a little tender from the op which could be why she’s a little slower getting up. I assume you’ve probably had some post-op checks with your vet? However, if you are still worried, and she just doesn’t seem herself, I’d recommend that you do just give your vet a call for a quick chat – they’ll be able to look at her clinical notes and see how she was doing at post-op checks, and they’ll be happy to talk to you and advise you whether or not they’d like to see her again.
hi we had our little yorkie spayed as well , she died also, we wasn’t happy with how the vets let her home she couldn’t walk and had to be carried home , later that morning we complained to vets ,he was to busy to talk to us so we took her for a postmortem, which proved she died of neglect, to me anyway , she died of peritonitis ,caused by the bile duct being ruptured and causing septicemia , we are now seeking legal advice from VCMS , i am hoping we seek justice for our little elle rose.
I’m really sorry to hear about Elle Rose. Overall, spaying is a very safe operation, but of course, no surgical procedure is without some risk, and although as vets we all try to minimise that risk, sometimes things do go wrong. As you’re seeking mediation, I don’t think it would be proper to say any more here, except to express our deepest sympathies for your loss.
I had my 10 year old collie spade on the Friday and she died on the Saturday morning she was so fit and well she had never been in I am so heart broken
That’s so sad, its terrible to lose a pet unexpectedly.
Just got back with my 1 yo border collie after having her spayed and she is still very groggy.
Decided to have the spaying done as I don’t want her to have any complications down the road.
She is normally full of beans and I know that it is going to be difficult to keep her relaxed and calm for ten days. But onward we go.
We are looking for another rough coated Female J R T having lost ours at 10yrs old ! we have seen a bitch that we like, however she has had 1 litter of pups & not been speyed She is 3 yrs 4 months old is it ok to spey a bitch at that age ?
Hi Richard, yes, subject to a health examination by your vet, there should be no reason that a bitch of this age can’t be spayed.
I had a Chinese Crested female of 11 years of age spayed due to a prolapse and she one year later still keeps having a prolapse
What is it that prolapses is it the vaginal wall?
It has been stitched in with very strong thread sutures and last a few months then the stitches break and she prolapses again
Hi Sharon, it is indeed protrusion of vaginal tissue. A tricky and uncomfortable condition which can leave your dog with difficulty urinating, therefore it is serious. Stay in touch with your vet and let them know any time you suspect it has happened again.
I had a Chinese Crested female of 11 years of age spayed due to a prolapse and she one year later still keeps having a prolapse
What is it that prolapses is it the vaginal wall?
It has been stitched in with very strong thread sutures and last a few months then the stitches break and she prolapses again
Hi Sharon, it is indeed protrusion of vaginal tissue. A tricky and uncomfortable condition which can leave your dog with difficulty urinating, therefore it is serious. Stay in touch with your vet and let them know any time you suspect it has happened again.
We had our Jack Russell,spay but she is still bleeding,no enlargement but freely this common?We have been back to the vet who tells us that a tiny particle of inside could still be within to rectify means opening again We do not wantt to put dog thru again.Any answers”?
We had our Jack Russell,spay but she is still bleeding,no enlargement but freely this common?We have been back to the vet who tells us that a tiny particle of inside could still be within to rectify means opening again We do not wantt to put dog thru again.Any answers”?
Hello I have just fetched my dog home from been spayed at 4 pm . Is it normal for her not to move as she as done nothing since she come home
Hello I have just fetched my dog home from been spayed at 4 pm . Is it normal for her not to move as she as done nothing since she come home
Hi, my 11yr old German Shepherd got a hysterectomy 2 days ago, due to her being diagnosed with diabetes 3wks ago and it not stabalising, op went well but she will not eat and she has lost the use of her rear right leg, also her right lip is drooping, they will not discharge her until she stands, which is understandable, but in scared incase we lose her, they say it’s arthritis in her leg but I’m unsure as she could walk and run fine before. Can this happen in a few hours??, any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks lorna
Hi, my 11yr old German Shepherd got a hysterectomy 2 days ago, due to her being diagnosed with diabetes 3wks ago and it not stabalising, op went well but she will not eat and she has lost the use of her rear right leg, also her right lip is drooping, they will not discharge her until she stands, which is understandable, but in scared incase we lose her, they say it’s arthritis in her leg but I’m unsure as she could walk and run fine before. Can this happen in a few hours??, any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks lorna
Hello my dog had pyometra removed 2weeks ago op went well .had her stitches out Monday just gone but vet said her inside stitches will desolve as you can see the sticking , I’ve just seen she has started bleeding is this normal please any answer get did say she would bleed and loose discharge my question is why 2 weeks after and is this right my poor baby been threw so much
Hello my dog had pyometra removed 2weeks ago op went well .had her stitches out Monday just gone but vet said her inside stitches will desolve as you can see the sticking , I’ve just seen she has started bleeding is this normal please any answer get did say she would bleed and loose discharge my question is why 2 weeks after and is this right my poor baby been threw so much
@Mary Collins, please take her to your vet for a check up as soon as you can. We can’t help you over the forum but there are several possible things that could cause symptoms you have described, she could be in pain or ill. Your vet will be able to check her over and help you.
@Mary Collins, please take her to your vet for a check up as soon as you can. We can’t help you over the forum but there are several possible things that could cause symptoms you have described, she could be in pain or ill. Your vet will be able to check her over and help you.
justlost my lovely was clear she wasn’t wel on the morning could not stand up took her o vet emergency, he said to let her go ?, he said she was anaemic bleeding somewhere she was a staffie, so loyal., so obedient, well liked vet but don’t understand what he meant ?
justlost my lovely was clear she wasn’t wel on the morning could not stand up took her o vet emergency, he said to let her go ?, he said she was anaemic bleeding somewhere she was a staffie, so loyal., so obedient, well liked vet but don’t understand what he meant ?
my female pekinese has had bothth her utérus and ovaries removed and is still acting as she is going to have puppies I.e. scratchinbg in corners, panting and follows me everywhere – has anyone had this experience?
Thank you,
my female pekinese has had bothth her utérus and ovaries removed and is still acting as she is going to have puppies I.e. scratchinbg in corners, panting and follows me everywhere – has anyone had this experience?
Thank you,
Just bought a 10 week old bitch not sure about when to get her spayed so much conflicting advice ? Before or after her 1st season
Hi Keith, like you say there is a lot of conflicting advice out there. Like many things there are positives and negatives for when to spay and different studies. Some say before the first season to reduce the incidence of mammary tumours, while some vets prefer to wait until after the first season, when everything has developed. We’d strongly suggest you have a chat to your own vet, as each surgery has their own ideas and express your questions/concerns to them.
Just bought a 10 week old bitch not sure about when to get her spayed so much conflicting advice ? Before or after her 1st season
Hi Keith, like you say there is a lot of conflicting advice out there. Like many things there are positives and negatives for when to spay and different studies. Some say before the first season to reduce the incidence of mammary tumours, while some vets prefer to wait until after the first season, when everything has developed. We’d strongly suggest you have a chat to your own vet, as each surgery has their own ideas and express your questions/concerns to them.
my 7 year old bichon has been spayed this week [Thursday] opp went ok. Saturday post opp had pain/anti/sickness injections to day sunday she seems to being worked up as if she is having a phantom pregnacey scatching the floor and whinning please tell me what to do because I am worried thank you sandra
Hello Sandra, we hope she has settled down now, but if she still seems upset, please ring the surgery for more advice – they will be best placed to assist as she is in their care.
my 7 year old bichon has been spayed this week [Thursday] opp went ok. Saturday post opp had pain/anti/sickness injections to day sunday she seems to being worked up as if she is having a phantom pregnacey scatching the floor and whinning please tell me what to do because I am worried thank you sandra
Hello Sandra, we hope she has settled down now, but if she still seems upset, please ring the surgery for more advice – they will be best placed to assist as she is in their care.
Please can you advise me, I have a 12 year old female Jack Russell she is in heat at the moment, she started her bled last Thursday 13th Aug 2015, yesterday I noticed she had small prolapse like a small cherry, it went back in with slight pressure. Would the vet be able to do anything while she is in heat ? would this likely be a sturture or would she require spaying after her heat, at 12 years old I am not keen. Thanks x
Hello, it is something probably best dealt with by you vet – they can give you the best advice with an examination of her – its difficult to say as it is according what the prolapse is etc. Please call your vet and make an appointment for her to be checked. Best wishes, and please update us!
Please can you advise me, I have a 12 year old female Jack Russell she is in heat at the moment, she started her bled last Thursday 13th Aug 2015, yesterday I noticed she had small prolapse like a small cherry, it went back in with slight pressure. Would the vet be able to do anything while she is in heat ? would this likely be a sturture or would she require spaying after her heat, at 12 years old I am not keen. Thanks x
Hello, it is something probably best dealt with by you vet – they can give you the best advice with an examination of her – its difficult to say as it is according what the prolapse is etc. Please call your vet and make an appointment for her to be checked. Best wishes, and please update us!
Hi all, my 6 yr old pug has just had a emergency spay after what I was thought was a long season. After taking her to vets it was diagnosed as a uterus infection ( im assuming pyometra) she was spayed yesterday but stayed in overnight but brought her home tonight but is still loosing blood and clots very dark in colour. We have to take her back tomorrow for blood count but has anyone else had this complication? She won’t eat or drink, giving her water with syringe! X
Hi all, my 6 yr old pug has just had a emergency spay after what I was thought was a long season. After taking her to vets it was diagnosed as a uterus infection ( im assuming pyometra) she was spayed yesterday but stayed in overnight but brought her home tonight but is still loosing blood and clots very dark in colour. We have to take her back tomorrow for blood count but has anyone else had this complication? She won’t eat or drink, giving her water with syringe! X
I need some advice our Lhasa has finished her first season. Going for her op next month August. She was nearly a year till she had her season. Since she has finished about 10 weeks ago she seems very unhappy. Has gone for me a couple of times and our other dog who she was ok with. Her appetite is normal it’s almost as though she’s depressed any ideas please. Thanks in advance
I think it is best to have her checked with your vet – there may be a hormone type problem or there could be something else triggering her behaviour. Please chat to your vet for more advice.
I need some advice our Lhasa has finished her first season. Going for her op next month August. She was nearly a year till she had her season. Since she has finished about 10 weeks ago she seems very unhappy. Has gone for me a couple of times and our other dog who she was ok with. Her appetite is normal it’s almost as though she’s depressed any ideas please. Thanks in advance
I think it is best to have her checked with your vet – there may be a hormone type problem or there could be something else triggering her behaviour. Please chat to your vet for more advice.
Why is it necessary to remove the uterus? Why can’t the tubes be tied to prevent pregnancy?
Hi Clive,
Although there are some occasions where vets do this, most will remove the uterus as it stops the life threatening conditions such as pyometra. Just this week a report of a dog having over a 2kg infected uterus removed is in the industry news. Lucky dog!
Why is it necessary to remove the uterus? Why can’t the tubes be tied to prevent pregnancy?
Hi Clive,
Although there are some occasions where vets do this, most will remove the uterus as it stops the life threatening conditions such as pyometra. Just this week a report of a dog having over a 2kg infected uterus removed is in the industry news. Lucky dog!
@ John, the above blog lists health risks like certain cancers which are more common in unspayed / neutered dogs.
@ John, the above blog lists health risks like certain cancers which are more common in unspayed / neutered dogs.
My Yorkie x is due to be spayed in the next month and I am having second thoughts. When do the growth plates in bones close naturally? My older x breed dog was neutered at 6 months and has had endless problems, both crutiate ligaments went in his first year and he has arthritis in all his joints since her was 1. I wonder if his neutering contributed to his problems.
Any advise welcome.
My Yorkie x is due to be spayed in the next month and I am having second thoughts. When do the growth plates in bones close naturally? My older x breed dog was neutered at 6 months and has had endless problems, both crutiate ligaments went in his first year and he has arthritis in all his joints since her was 1. I wonder if his neutering contributed to his problems.
Any advise welcome.
Lindsay & Susan, what happened with your poor dogs? Did they have a post op infection, hope everything is okay! I would ask for a second opinion from a different vet if you don’t get anywhere. Blood tests, temp, etc. please update on here…
Lindsay & Susan, what happened with your poor dogs? Did they have a post op infection, hope everything is okay! I would ask for a second opinion from a different vet if you don’t get anywhere. Blood tests, temp, etc. please update on here…
Lindsay the exact thing has happened to my dog. She was fine and so full of life. Had her spayed she was ok for a couple of days afterwards gone off her food (she always loved her food) and now she is going lame. Not sure what to do 🙁
We would suggest speaking to your vet again with your concerns. Ask them to check her over including temperature etc.
Lindsay the exact thing has happened to my dog. She was fine and so full of life. Had her spayed she was ok for a couple of days afterwards gone off her food (she always loved her food) and now she is going lame. Not sure what to do 🙁
We would suggest speaking to your vet again with your concerns. Ask them to check her over including temperature etc.
Hi my 2 gorgeous border collie pups are 5months old and scheduled for spaying in 2days times. I am now unsure if I am doing the right thing yet or should I wait a little longer? I don’t know when they would be having there first season? I am nervous they are too young and that I am putting them uneder in neccassery risk? Any advice greatly appriciated
Hi my 2 gorgeous border collie pups are 5months old and scheduled for spaying in 2days times. I am now unsure if I am doing the right thing yet or should I wait a little longer? I don’t know when they would be having there first season? I am nervous they are too young and that I am putting them uneder in neccassery risk? Any advice greatly appriciated
My mother got her 18 month old bitch spayed on May 12th. She was fine for a few days after the procedure but now she won’t eat or drink and is having trouble standing and walking. She took her back to the vet that said he doesn’t know what is wrong and initial blood tests came back normal. Is this a possibly delayed reaction to anesthesia? The only thing the vet told her was it was a central nervous system issue.
My mother got her 18 month old bitch spayed on May 12th. She was fine for a few days after the procedure but now she won’t eat or drink and is having trouble standing and walking. She took her back to the vet that said he doesn’t know what is wrong and initial blood tests came back normal. Is this a possibly delayed reaction to anesthesia? The only thing the vet told her was it was a central nervous system issue.
My bitch is 9 and was spayed a month ago due to concerns of her getting pyometra now she’s older and irregular seasons (every 3 months). After a few failed attempts of beginning surgery due to phantom pregnancies after seasons she had medication to stop producing milk and was able to be spayed. She looked terrible when I picked her up due to the anaesthetic but healed very quickly and recovered well. Well worth getting it done for older dogs as long as they’re fit and healthy like mine.
My bitch is 9 and was spayed a month ago due to concerns of her getting pyometra now she’s older and irregular seasons (every 3 months). After a few failed attempts of beginning surgery due to phantom pregnancies after seasons she had medication to stop producing milk and was able to be spayed. She looked terrible when I picked her up due to the anaesthetic but healed very quickly and recovered well. Well worth getting it done for older dogs as long as they’re fit and healthy like mine.
Hi, my dog susie got neutered 2 days ago and is eating fine, but refusing to drink water. I am having to make her drink water through a syringe. She done her first poo today since the operation but it was very hard. Any suggestions to encourage her to drink by herself? She loves milk so would probably drink it, but not sure if she can have milk so soon after operation? Thanks
Hi, my dog susie got neutered 2 days ago and is eating fine, but refusing to drink water. I am having to make her drink water through a syringe. She done her first poo today since the operation but it was very hard. Any suggestions to encourage her to drink by herself? She loves milk so would probably drink it, but not sure if she can have milk so soon after operation? Thanks
This article is out of date and totally overlooks the problems that can be caused by early spaying and the removal of oestrogen (or testosterone in dogs). So called ‘sex hormones’ control many other body functions, such as the closure of growth plates in growing bones. Absence of the hormone causes incorrect bone overgrowth and can lead, for example, to cruciate ligament injuries caused by incorrect joint geometry. The health benefits are debatable and spayed bitches can actually be more prone to some types of cancer.
Spaying an older rescue/problem dog is unlikely to change its behaviour that has been learned over many years. Surgery is not the answer. You need to see a qualified behaviourist who will assess the dog and suggest a behaviour modification plan – but don’t expect instant results, it’s very difficult to change the habits of a lifetime, whether in dogs or humans.
Hi John, the article covers the steps in spaying and is not out of date! Spaying is the choice of the owner and although there is some study into problems with early spaying, there is also the opposite side where dogs have life threatening problems such as pyometra. ‘Spayed bitches can actually be more prone to some types of cancer’ – this is also debatable, is there a veterinary study to back up this statement? Behaviour we agree might not change with spaying, however the general article dealt with the surgical side, not the behavioural. Dave RVN @ Vet Help Direct.
This article is out of date and totally overlooks the problems that can be caused by early spaying and the removal of oestrogen (or testosterone in dogs). So called ‘sex hormones’ control many other body functions, such as the closure of growth plates in growing bones. Absence of the hormone causes incorrect bone overgrowth and can lead, for example, to cruciate ligament injuries caused by incorrect joint geometry. The health benefits are debatable and spayed bitches can actually be more prone to some types of cancer.
Spaying an older rescue/problem dog is unlikely to change its behaviour that has been learned over many years. Surgery is not the answer. You need to see a qualified behaviourist who will assess the dog and suggest a behaviour modification plan – but don’t expect instant results, it’s very difficult to change the habits of a lifetime, whether in dogs or humans.
Hi John, the article covers the steps in spaying and is not out of date! Spaying is the choice of the owner and although there is some study into problems with early spaying, there is also the opposite side where dogs have life threatening problems such as pyometra. ‘Spayed bitches can actually be more prone to some types of cancer’ – this is also debatable, is there a veterinary study to back up this statement? Behaviour we agree might not change with spaying, however the general article dealt with the surgical side, not the behavioural. Dave RVN @ Vet Help Direct.
I have a fit one year old dog with severe congenital subaortic stenosis. She is asymptomatic from this currently and has never had any signs of heart failure. Would an anesthetic for spaying increase her risk of arrythmias and/or sudden death? I would like to get her spayed after her first season but am worried about the risk a general anaesthetic may pose to her cardiac status. Thanks
I have a fit one year old dog with severe congenital subaortic stenosis. She is asymptomatic from this currently and has never had any signs of heart failure. Would an anesthetic for spaying increase her risk of arrythmias and/or sudden death? I would like to get her spayed after her first season but am worried about the risk a general anaesthetic may pose to her cardiac status. Thanks
Hi I rescued 2 small shitzus who had been used for breeding I wanted them spaying but didn’t know if they if they had a season the vet checked them and said they could be done because there where no signs of them in season but when operated on one of them was in season they carried on with the operation as it had already been started she is bleeding very slightly the vet said that will go .could there be any problems in the future because her being in season when she had the op, thanks
Hi I rescued 2 small shitzus who had been used for breeding I wanted them spaying but didn’t know if they if they had a season the vet checked them and said they could be done because there where no signs of them in season but when operated on one of them was in season they carried on with the operation as it had already been started she is bleeding very slightly the vet said that will go .could there be any problems in the future because her being in season when she had the op, thanks
my bitch is quite excitable and aggressive, she is 6 yr old jack Russell. I took her in 2 years ago because no one wanted her, She has been a sweet dog when just with me but did bite me once when I first had her. she has been really hard work since I had my grandchild who is now 18 months, I am really careful but she has s napped meanifully at him. am scared she will harm him. will haveing her spayed make her calm and non aggreessive,, I worry she will hurt m grandchild
Hi Angela, it is a big worry, especially as she seems a bit unpredictable. It is doubtful whether spaying her will calm her, it could be a learned behaviour and your grandchild will be lower in ‘the pack’. We’d strongly suggest you speak to your vet about your worries and concerns as they know her as well. Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct.
my bitch is quite excitable and aggressive, she is 6 yr old jack Russell. I took her in 2 years ago because no one wanted her, She has been a sweet dog when just with me but did bite me once when I first had her. she has been really hard work since I had my grandchild who is now 18 months, I am really careful but she has s napped meanifully at him. am scared she will harm him. will haveing her spayed make her calm and non aggreessive,, I worry she will hurt m grandchild
Hi Angela, it is a big worry, especially as she seems a bit unpredictable. It is doubtful whether spaying her will calm her, it could be a learned behaviour and your grandchild will be lower in ‘the pack’. We’d strongly suggest you speak to your vet about your worries and concerns as they know her as well. Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct.
Our 2 yr old female lab/shepard mix dog was spayed but it seems it was not abdominal but just under her tail. Is this a “normal” way to spay a female dog?
Our 2 yr old female lab/shepard mix dog was spayed but it seems it was not abdominal but just under her tail. Is this a “normal” way to spay a female dog?
I have almost 5 yr old springer who had emergency operation last night, she came into season as normal but then noticed dark blood and clots appearing after she should have finished her season and she also “smelt” strange,phoned vets after seeing clots in her wee yesterday and she was taken straight down and operated on within an hour of being there, apparently had lots of pus and clots in her uterus so everything has been removed and she is now home recovering
I have almost 5 yr old springer who had emergency operation last night, she came into season as normal but then noticed dark blood and clots appearing after she should have finished her season and she also “smelt” strange,phoned vets after seeing clots in her wee yesterday and she was taken straight down and operated on within an hour of being there, apparently had lots of pus and clots in her uterus so everything has been removed and she is now home recovering
My bitch is 8 months old, has had one season about 4 weeks ago. She is booked in to have her spay operation on 27 Feb 2015. Is it a full hysterectomy? Can it be just tubes tied? Can I wait a few more weeks before she will be due another “season” so as to be nicer weather for recovery. Should I get her coat cut before the op? Thank you.
My bitch is 8 months old, has had one season about 4 weeks ago. She is booked in to have her spay operation on 27 Feb 2015. Is it a full hysterectomy? Can it be just tubes tied? Can I wait a few more weeks before she will be due another “season” so as to be nicer weather for recovery. Should I get her coat cut before the op? Thank you.
Hi I have a female mixed breed she is aprox 3 years old and had pups 12 weeks ago can she be spayed now. We actually got her from a relative who moved overseas. She assured us she had been spayed. Obviously this wasn’t the case hence 7 pups who we found good homes for thank god. I’m worried she might come into season again because we have a intact male dog (pups dad) we could get him neutered first but it takes a while for them to be sterile. At a loss at what to do.
Hi I have a female mixed breed she is aprox 3 years old and had pups 12 weeks ago can she be spayed now. We actually got her from a relative who moved overseas. She assured us she had been spayed. Obviously this wasn’t the case hence 7 pups who we found good homes for thank god. I’m worried she might come into season again because we have a intact male dog (pups dad) we could get him neutered first but it takes a while for them to be sterile. At a loss at what to do.
My jack russell is 9 years old. Is she to old to be spayed. My vet wanted to spay her but backed off when I told her she was 9. What do I do ?
My jack russell is 9 years old. Is she to old to be spayed. My vet wanted to spay her but backed off when I told her she was 9. What do I do ?
Hi I have a jack Russell and she hase come into season all though its not her first, I now have a male Yorkshire terrier so I want to have her spayed, how long after her pereod do I have to wait to have her spayed, she is 3 years old .
HI Sue, in most cases it is best to spay at the midpoint between seasons roughly 3 months from the beginning of her season starting. Because all vets have different points of view, it is best give yours a ring and see what they advise.
Hi I have a jack Russell and she hase come into season all though its not her first, I now have a male Yorkshire terrier so I want to have her spayed, how long after her pereod do I have to wait to have her spayed, she is 3 years old .
HI Sue, in most cases it is best to spay at the midpoint between seasons roughly 3 months from the beginning of her season starting. Because all vets have different points of view, it is best give yours a ring and see what they advise.
Just about to leave for Loulou’s operation. Thanks for the article, I feel better prepared.
Just about to leave for Loulou’s operation. Thanks for the article, I feel better prepared.
My 10 month old sprocker has just finished her 1st season and I have made the decision to have her spayed and guess I need to wait at least 8 weeks? How long will she be between seasons and how much time do we have to be sure we are safe to have the operation. At the moment her breasts are still enlarged as is her Virgina – is this normal?
Hi Debbie, time between seasons is never set in stone, especially if it was only her first. Your own vets will be best to advise you on the timescale they’d prefer before spaying her, as not all vets are the same. Because of the enlargement of her teats and vaginal area, we’d advise mentioning this as well when you call, for peace of mind. Its possible they might want you to pop her in for a quick check over. Dave RVN
My 10 month old sprocker has just finished her 1st season and I have made the decision to have her spayed and guess I need to wait at least 8 weeks? How long will she be between seasons and how much time do we have to be sure we are safe to have the operation. At the moment her breasts are still enlarged as is her Virgina – is this normal?
Hi Debbie, time between seasons is never set in stone, especially if it was only her first. Your own vets will be best to advise you on the timescale they’d prefer before spaying her, as not all vets are the same. Because of the enlargement of her teats and vaginal area, we’d advise mentioning this as well when you call, for peace of mind. Its possible they might want you to pop her in for a quick check over. Dave RVN
Hi I had my 2 year old Cockermouth spayed on Tuesday and I’ve now notice a large swelling where she’s been cut. The vet said its because she’s burs her stitches internally so tomorrow I’ve got to take her back so they can redo them under anesthetic at an extra cost is that normal..?
Hi I had my 2 year old Cockermouth spayed on Tuesday and I’ve now notice a large swelling where she’s been cut. The vet said its because she’s burs her stitches internally so tomorrow I’ve got to take her back so they can redo them under anesthetic at an extra cost is that normal..?
I have my 5 year cocker spaniel spay on Monday and since then she whimpers for most of the day and howls and barks all night (which is not normal for her) also she has started wetting herself this can happen straight after she has been out for a wee.. Is this normal behaviour after this procedure..
Hello Aggy, sometimes the operation site can be very sore (as you’d expect) and cause discomfort, but we’d suggest you phone your vet and speak to them about your concerns.
I have my 5 year cocker spaniel spay on Monday and since then she whimpers for most of the day and howls and barks all night (which is not normal for her) also she has started wetting herself this can happen straight after she has been out for a wee.. Is this normal behaviour after this procedure..
Hello Aggy, sometimes the operation site can be very sore (as you’d expect) and cause discomfort, but we’d suggest you phone your vet and speak to them about your concerns.
Hi I’m so glad I came on this site have received great advice but still unsure what to do my collie cross misha is 8 months old and vets have advised for her to be spayed b4 season which could happen any time but a lot of other people and one vet t have said it’s better to let her have one season first…… so confused!!!
Hi Teresa, there are points to consider on both sides so it doesn’t make it any easier! We’d advise having a good chat to your own vet with your questions and concerns and make a decision from there. Dave RVN
Hi I’m so glad I came on this site have received great advice but still unsure what to do my collie cross misha is 8 months old and vets have advised for her to be spayed b4 season which could happen any time but a lot of other people and one vet t have said it’s better to let her have one season first…… so confused!!!
Hi Teresa, there are points to consider on both sides so it doesn’t make it any easier! We’d advise having a good chat to your own vet with your questions and concerns and make a decision from there. Dave RVN
hi, i would like to have my 6 ,month old golden doodle spayed before she comes into season but i have heard this can cause incontinence, which is best before or afler a season ?
hi, i would like to have my 6 ,month old golden doodle spayed before she comes into season but i have heard this can cause incontinence, which is best before or afler a season ?
We were looking for a rescue dog for a little while now and we have found her…a 5 year old rottie. She is in season just now ..week 2 of her season. Spca wont release her unless she is spayed. Im wondering how long after her season is it ok to spay her.
Thank you
Louise xxx
We were looking for a rescue dog for a little while now and we have found her…a 5 year old rottie. She is in season just now ..week 2 of her season. Spca wont release her unless she is spayed. Im wondering how long after her season is it ok to spay her.
Thank you
Louise xxx
our dog is due to have a pre op medical how long after this will they do full op she is going through a phantom pregnancy at moment how will this effect the vets decision to spay.
our dog is due to have a pre op medical how long after this will they do full op she is going through a phantom pregnancy at moment how will this effect the vets decision to spay.
My family’s Golden Retriever got spayed last Tuesday. We were hope to let her breeder breed her but after her last heat she developed false pregnancy and then soon after milk poisoning. So after giving her antibiotics to stop her milk production on our vet’s advice, my family made the decision to spay her. Use a large or extra large t-shirt if your dog is scared or freaked out of the bucket/cone collar. It really works to stop them licking.
Her stitches came out yesterday, our vet used modern stitches like the ones used in hospitals, after 10 days. She to avoid jumping and rolling for a few more days, though.
An answer each to what Janet and Angie asked.
Apparently Angie, it is normal for a dog having just been spayed to be a bit groggy after the op and a couple of days after.
Janet, spaying is usually recommended before a puppy’s first heat/season (if mature enough) or after a dog’s first season. Definitely not during a dog’s heat though, it’s deemed too risky.
My family’s Golden Retriever got spayed last Tuesday. We were hope to let her breeder breed her but after her last heat she developed false pregnancy and then soon after milk poisoning. So after giving her antibiotics to stop her milk production on our vet’s advice, my family made the decision to spay her. Use a large or extra large t-shirt if your dog is scared or freaked out of the bucket/cone collar. It really works to stop them licking.
Her stitches came out yesterday, our vet used modern stitches like the ones used in hospitals, after 10 days. She to avoid jumping and rolling for a few more days, though.
An answer each to what Janet and Angie asked.
Apparently Angie, it is normal for a dog having just been spayed to be a bit groggy after the op and a couple of days after.
Janet, spaying is usually recommended before a puppy’s first heat/season (if mature enough) or after a dog’s first season. Definitely not during a dog’s heat though, it’s deemed too risky.
My 1 year bitch Poppy will be spayed next week. Can you confirm if the post op bleeding is through the wound and/or as when in season?
Thank you
Hello, post op bleeding in spays would normally come from the wound – however following the advice of the vets very carefully will minimise any bleeding after the op!
My 1 year bitch Poppy will be spayed next week. Can you confirm if the post op bleeding is through the wound and/or as when in season?
Thank you
Hello, post op bleeding in spays would normally come from the wound – however following the advice of the vets very carefully will minimise any bleeding after the op!
I just had my 4 year old border collie spayed. I was really worried bit she is fine. She has her stitches out in 2 days. I bought an amazing wound cover from cozyfit on ebay. It is cotton and made just for the job. She has kept it on, has not attempted to lick and cannot scratch the wound. I would advise everyone to buy one. All the best with your ops everyone.
I just had my 4 year old border collie spayed. I was really worried bit she is fine. She has her stitches out in 2 days. I bought an amazing wound cover from cozyfit on ebay. It is cotton and made just for the job. She has kept it on, has not attempted to lick and cannot scratch the wound. I would advise everyone to buy one. All the best with your ops everyone.
Hi, my Scottish Terrier 8 months old was done on the 25th of July 2014 and the day after she wanted to play fetch again.. should I just take away her toys and limit her exercise ?, Also im now a bit concerned as it seems like there is a small bump next to the scar and stitches, should I take her back to the Vet?
Hi, yes you definitely need to limit her exercise – a spay is a big operation for any dog. Many vets suggest 10 days lead exercise only – including in the garden… If there is a small lump by the scar, I’d also strongly advise you to take her back for a check – it could be a small hernia forming. Please let us know how you get on. Dave RVN
Hi, my Scottish Terrier 8 months old was done on the 25th of July 2014 and the day after she wanted to play fetch again.. should I just take away her toys and limit her exercise ?, Also im now a bit concerned as it seems like there is a small bump next to the scar and stitches, should I take her back to the Vet?
Hi, yes you definitely need to limit her exercise – a spay is a big operation for any dog. Many vets suggest 10 days lead exercise only – including in the garden… If there is a small lump by the scar, I’d also strongly advise you to take her back for a check – it could be a small hernia forming. Please let us know how you get on. Dave RVN
I have a 7month jack russel(willow) she very very hyper will having her neutered help calm her or is this just her breed?
Hi Beverley, having her spayed might calm her a little bit, however remember she is very young still so will be into lots of things and find the whole world exciting! Her breed too is one that always seems ‘on the go!’
I have a 7month jack russel(willow) she very very hyper will having her neutered help calm her or is this just her breed?
Hi Beverley, having her spayed might calm her a little bit, however remember she is very young still so will be into lots of things and find the whole world exciting! Her breed too is one that always seems ‘on the go!’
I had my Cavachon splayed yesterday. When we went to collect her we were told her Uterus had been leaking, not known how long for though, a condition called Pyometra. Today she is still groggy won’t eat and will only lick water from my fingers. I am worried ,how will we give her her antibiotics. I understand this condition could of been fatal as she showed no symptoms. When will she feel better soon. I miss her normal self as she is so lovely, I’m just hoping her being so groggy is normal for the following day!?
I had my Cavachon splayed yesterday. When we went to collect her we were told her Uterus had been leaking, not known how long for though, a condition called Pyometra. Today she is still groggy won’t eat and will only lick water from my fingers. I am worried ,how will we give her her antibiotics. I understand this condition could of been fatal as she showed no symptoms. When will she feel better soon. I miss her normal self as she is so lovely, I’m just hoping her being so groggy is normal for the following day!?
Brilliant article, thank you. We’ve had our puppy mini schnauser, phoebe, spayed today and we were dreading it as our experience when our 2 yr old westie, willow,was spayed when she was1, was a traumatic experience. You helped so much to restore confidence with all the info you put on your article. For anyone who is undecided whether to go ahead or not, use this knowledge to quiz your vet as we did this time and it will be a lot easier decision
Brilliant article, thank you. We’ve had our puppy mini schnauser, phoebe, spayed today and we were dreading it as our experience when our 2 yr old westie, willow,was spayed when she was1, was a traumatic experience. You helped so much to restore confidence with all the info you put on your article. For anyone who is undecided whether to go ahead or not, use this knowledge to quiz your vet as we did this time and it will be a lot easier decision
I have been advices by my vet to have my pup spayed before she comes into season, everyone I speak to says different, I know I must take the advice of the professional but I’m a little concerned that this is for the best for her.
I have been advices by my vet to have my pup spayed before she comes into season, everyone I speak to says different, I know I must take the advice of the professional but I’m a little concerned that this is for the best for her.
Thank you for writing this article. I have just left my cocker in to be spayed and even though I asked questions I didn’t really know what was about to happen. I am glad now that I have ticked the ‘yes’ box for the pre-anaesthesia blood test too – I thought it may have been a bit over the top but now I am sure it was the right thing to do. A great down to earth article which has put my mind at rest and informed me of what I will need to do to look after her when she comes home. Many many thanks.
Thank you for writing this article. I have just left my cocker in to be spayed and even though I asked questions I didn’t really know what was about to happen. I am glad now that I have ticked the ‘yes’ box for the pre-anaesthesia blood test too – I thought it may have been a bit over the top but now I am sure it was the right thing to do. A great down to earth article which has put my mind at rest and informed me of what I will need to do to look after her when she comes home. Many many thanks.
Aw so worried my GSD is due to be spayed tomorrow. Shes very lively and im worried that she may pull her stitches. She has recently turned 3 and weighs 35.15 kg. Shes also quite protective of the family ie checking on us without fail whilst we are sleeping.Shes also a very sensitive dog. Just need to know if theres anything else we could use to keep her calm whilst healing.
Aw so worried my GSD is due to be spayed tomorrow. Shes very lively and im worried that she may pull her stitches. She has recently turned 3 and weighs 35.15 kg. Shes also quite protective of the family ie checking on us without fail whilst we are sleeping.Shes also a very sensitive dog. Just need to know if theres anything else we could use to keep her calm whilst healing.
This article has been so helpful to me. I have been very stressed out about desexing (that’s what we call it here in Australia) my dog and was searching online for a step-by-step guide and what I needed to do. Thank you so much. I feel so much better about my decision.
This article has been so helpful to me. I have been very stressed out about desexing (that’s what we call it here in Australia) my dog and was searching online for a step-by-step guide and what I needed to do. Thank you so much. I feel so much better about my decision.
Hi, I have a collie cross who is due to be spayed in June, the last appointment had to be cancelled as she comes into season every 4 months!!. I want her to be spayed using keyhole surgery as she has cataracts in both her eyes, and can only, we think, see shadows, I’ve been told that with keyhole she won’t have to wear the collar, and that’s what i want as she will totally freak out with one on, and will be less stressful for her in the long run,
Hi, I have a collie cross who is due to be spayed in June, the last appointment had to be cancelled as she comes into season every 4 months!!. I want her to be spayed using keyhole surgery as she has cataracts in both her eyes, and can only, we think, see shadows, I’ve been told that with keyhole she won’t have to wear the collar, and that’s what i want as she will totally freak out with one on, and will be less stressful for her in the long run,
Hi my 1year old staff x Lou Lou is going to get spade on this Thursday so worried. As she gets really stressed when she is not with me x
Hi my 1year old staff x Lou Lou is going to get spade on this Thursday so worried. As she gets really stressed when she is not with me x
I am having my 6 year old Yorkie spayed in two days. I have never matted her, is it too late to spay her to prevent other known illnesses down the road?
I am having my 6 year old Yorkie spayed in two days. I have never matted her, is it too late to spay her to prevent other known illnesses down the road?
Does a female dog still have seasons once she has been sterilised
Hi, no once a female dog (bitch) has been spayed, there will be no more seasons.
Does a female dog still have seasons once she has been sterilised
Hi, no once a female dog (bitch) has been spayed, there will be no more seasons.
i have a 14 month old English bulldog 20kg her spaying apt is in 2months is that too heavy or is she good? shes all i have bulldogs are known to not be ale to give natural births does this translate into more difficulty? id rather live with mopping up blood blotches on my floor for a week than lose my lilly
The spay should not be more difficult because of her breed, but weight does play a part when any surgery is performed. Our advice is to speak to your vet as they are the people who will be operating. Tell them your concerns and ask them the questions you have thought of, if you speak to them today, you have 2 months leeway if they thing she should lose a little weight.
i have a 14 month old English bulldog 20kg her spaying apt is in 2months is that too heavy or is she good? shes all i have bulldogs are known to not be ale to give natural births does this translate into more difficulty? id rather live with mopping up blood blotches on my floor for a week than lose my lilly
The spay should not be more difficult because of her breed, but weight does play a part when any surgery is performed. Our advice is to speak to your vet as they are the people who will be operating. Tell them your concerns and ask them the questions you have thought of, if you speak to them today, you have 2 months leeway if they thing she should lose a little weight.
Hi my pet’s 9yrs in Jul of this year.. i’m wondering if its a good idea to get her spayed … she has never been crossed … a Spitz healthy but very hyper… my only concerned is what if she gets Cancer at a later stage … Also the surgery part is something i’m very nervous about .. till date she has been in the best of health never had an accident on a bruise just nothing … Any advise would be gr8..
Many thnx
Mandy, making the decision to have her spayed is only one you can make – however we would strongly suggest having a long chat with your own vet, as they will know her medical record.
Hi my pet’s 9yrs in Jul of this year.. i’m wondering if its a good idea to get her spayed … she has never been crossed … a Spitz healthy but very hyper… my only concerned is what if she gets Cancer at a later stage … Also the surgery part is something i’m very nervous about .. till date she has been in the best of health never had an accident on a bruise just nothing … Any advise would be gr8..
Many thnx
Mandy, making the decision to have her spayed is only one you can make – however we would strongly suggest having a long chat with your own vet, as they will know her medical record.
We have a 6 yr old (this May) Cocker bitch with a heart murmer. Is it too much of a risk do you think – to have her spayed? She is not coping very well with her seasons! Any advice would be great..
Many thanks,
We have a 6 yr old (this May) Cocker bitch with a heart murmer. Is it too much of a risk do you think – to have her spayed? She is not coping very well with her seasons! Any advice would be great..
Many thanks,
What an excellent web page, so much information and really informative. Thank you!
What an excellent web page, so much information and really informative. Thank you!
I recently got a 3 year old rescue collie and I had booked her in to be spayed next week but she has just started bleeding. I presume it is not advisable to have her done at the moment, but how long do I now have to wait?
I recently got a 3 year old rescue collie and I had booked her in to be spayed next week but she has just started bleeding. I presume it is not advisable to have her done at the moment, but how long do I now have to wait?
My bitch is a 2 and a half miniature dachshund called Tia, and is currently being spayed as I type. The article is very informative and has reasurred me that I have made the right decision.
My bitch is a 2 and a half miniature dachshund called Tia, and is currently being spayed as I type. The article is very informative and has reasurred me that I have made the right decision.
My dog is 6 years old. Is she suitable to be spayed at this age
? Thank you.
My dog is 6 years old. Is she suitable to be spayed at this age
? Thank you.
Thank you so much for this article it has helped me understand what my 11 yr old bitch will be goinng through tomorrow and what i will expect she has a pymetra therefore we have no option but this hashelped me to settle my mind
Thank you so much for this article it has helped me understand what my 11 yr old bitch will be goinng through tomorrow and what i will expect she has a pymetra therefore we have no option but this hashelped me to settle my mind
@sally crowther You need to take her to the vets asap, it is not normal for dogs to be so poorly the day after the op. Please don’t give her any medications (unless she is on them usually) until you have seen your vet.
@sally crowther You need to take her to the vets asap, it is not normal for dogs to be so poorly the day after the op. Please don’t give her any medications (unless she is on them usually) until you have seen your vet.
my dog as just been spayed she is 11 and all she wants to do day after op is eat grass she is throwing up after eating grass. will not take a drink or food. need to get the prescribed anti-biotic into her.
can you advice if I give her a trimacare tablet will this settle her gurgling stomach.
my dog as just been spayed she is 11 and all she wants to do day after op is eat grass she is throwing up after eating grass. will not take a drink or food. need to get the prescribed anti-biotic into her.
can you advice if I give her a trimacare tablet will this settle her gurgling stomach.
I had my 6m old Cocker bitch spayed on Monday. She is doing very well and the wound is healing great. She is feeling good in herself. It is difficult to put a puppy through such an operation but I know it is better for her in the long-run. With having two other dogs (boys) it was my only option anyway. It’s difficult taking the boys out for walks without her, but they need to have a good run. She’s going for her check up on Tuesday. At least she will be well over it for the Summer!
I had my 6m old Cocker bitch spayed on Monday. She is doing very well and the wound is healing great. She is feeling good in herself. It is difficult to put a puppy through such an operation but I know it is better for her in the long-run. With having two other dogs (boys) it was my only option anyway. It’s difficult taking the boys out for walks without her, but they need to have a good run. She’s going for her check up on Tuesday. At least she will be well over it for the Summer!
Hi Jade, Please take her back to your vets urgently so they can check her, she may need pain relief and/ or fluids and antibiotics in the vein for a bit longer. Emergency hysterectomies are always bigger, longer and more serious operations and bitches take longer to recover. I hope she feels better soon.
Hi Jade, Please take her back to your vets urgently so they can check her, she may need pain relief and/ or fluids and antibiotics in the vein for a bit longer. Emergency hysterectomies are always bigger, longer and more serious operations and bitches take longer to recover. I hope she feels better soon.
I have a 5 year old old english mastiff who has just had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to a womb infection we collected her yesturday around tea time and will not eat or drink I’m a little concerned do you have any advice please
I have a 5 year old old english mastiff who has just had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to a womb infection we collected her yesturday around tea time and will not eat or drink I’m a little concerned do you have any advice please
I am not sure if my little girl needs this should I have any concerns . don’t won’t any thing to happen to my amber
I am not sure if my little girl needs this should I have any concerns . don’t won’t any thing to happen to my amber
Thank you very much for this detailed article. My 2 years old girly had this doen yesterday and I have been sorry worried about what to expect and how she will be feeling, this has put my mind to rest – slightly.
Thanks again.
Thank you very much for this detailed article. My 2 years old girly had this doen yesterday and I have been sorry worried about what to expect and how she will be feeling, this has put my mind to rest – slightly.
Thanks again.
i run a very low key dog rescue home in Granada in Spain, taking in strays and abandonados who would otherwise die from hunger or neglect or road accidents. We do have a major roblem here in spain where many of the hunting breeds, Spanish Greyhounds, Podencos, Ibizan Hounds and Pointers are either, in the case of females used as breeding machines or as males as hunting dogs. Generally both males and females owned by hunters or breeders are abandoned when they are no longer fast enough or productive enough. Once abandoned they are left to their own devices. As a result of this and the Spanish Macho attitude regarding neutering males there are quite literally thousands of dogs roaming the streets, producing ever more dogs. What I cannot understand however is why Spanish vets are so reluctant to spay females before their first season. In the UK and US it is quite common for females to be spayed at six months. My own vet like most if not all of the vets hereabouts is adamant that he will not spay before a first season is complete. Can anyone through any light on this situation?
i run a very low key dog rescue home in Granada in Spain, taking in strays and abandonados who would otherwise die from hunger or neglect or road accidents. We do have a major roblem here in spain where many of the hunting breeds, Spanish Greyhounds, Podencos, Ibizan Hounds and Pointers are either, in the case of females used as breeding machines or as males as hunting dogs. Generally both males and females owned by hunters or breeders are abandoned when they are no longer fast enough or productive enough. Once abandoned they are left to their own devices. As a result of this and the Spanish Macho attitude regarding neutering males there are quite literally thousands of dogs roaming the streets, producing ever more dogs. What I cannot understand however is why Spanish vets are so reluctant to spay females before their first season. In the UK and US it is quite common for females to be spayed at six months. My own vet like most if not all of the vets hereabouts is adamant that he will not spay before a first season is complete. Can anyone through any light on this situation?
Hi we are going to book our 2 pugs in to be neutered 1 male nearly 3 and 1 female nearly1 am worried about anesthetic but think overall it will be for the better to get them both neutered and after having a male and female in the same house during our little girls 1st season i do not want a repeat thanks for the article very informative
Hi we are going to book our 2 pugs in to be neutered 1 male nearly 3 and 1 female nearly1 am worried about anesthetic but think overall it will be for the better to get them both neutered and after having a male and female in the same house during our little girls 1st season i do not want a repeat thanks for the article very informative
My yorki is 3 years and 7 days old, and already have had 4 seasons.
I read a lot about it, but I can not make a decision weather to spay it or not. At the same time I am afraid of possibilities of breast cancer in a future.
I would like to ask you what do you suggest, because she is now 3 years old. Could I expect some benefit of spaying it?
We are expecting next season in a few days (the last was at beginning of August). It has 6,5 -9 months pause between seasons.
Thank you!
My yorki is 3 years and 7 days old, and already have had 4 seasons.
I read a lot about it, but I can not make a decision weather to spay it or not. At the same time I am afraid of possibilities of breast cancer in a future.
I would like to ask you what do you suggest, because she is now 3 years old. Could I expect some benefit of spaying it?
We are expecting next season in a few days (the last was at beginning of August). It has 6,5 -9 months pause between seasons.
Thank you!
Thankyou it has been very interesting to read other peoples comments.Tomorrow28th jan 2013 i am taking my breson to be done before her first season i have been told this will be fine as the problem later on in life can be treated, if i had not got her dad who is ten i would have waited but i do not wish for problems to happen to her if i can avoid it i have tummy ache now myself thinking about tomorrow so all i can say thankyou for your help it has been helpful thankyou again doreen w
Thankyou it has been very interesting to read other peoples comments.Tomorrow28th jan 2013 i am taking my breson to be done before her first season i have been told this will be fine as the problem later on in life can be treated, if i had not got her dad who is ten i would have waited but i do not wish for problems to happen to her if i can avoid it i have tummy ache now myself thinking about tomorrow so all i can say thankyou for your help it has been helpful thankyou again doreen w
Hi L Parks
I’m sure that your vet will give your bitch a full examination in mid-January, to make sure that the timing is right. This might be on the day the operation is planned, or at a consultation before the operation date is booked. In particular, your vet will want to check your bitch is in good general health, is the correct weight and is not having a season, a false pregnancy or an actual pregnancy. They may also advise a blood test to check that your bitch is able to cope well with the anaesthetic. If anything is not right, your vet will postpone the operation until the timing is ideal.
If anything in particular worries you about the operation, it’s always a good idea to write it down so that you don’t forget to ask the important questions that you want to ask your vet or your vet nurse.
All the best, Jenny
Hi L Parks
I’m sure that your vet will give your bitch a full examination in mid-January, to make sure that the timing is right. This might be on the day the operation is planned, or at a consultation before the operation date is booked. In particular, your vet will want to check your bitch is in good general health, is the correct weight and is not having a season, a false pregnancy or an actual pregnancy. They may also advise a blood test to check that your bitch is able to cope well with the anaesthetic. If anything is not right, your vet will postpone the operation until the timing is ideal.
If anything in particular worries you about the operation, it’s always a good idea to write it down so that you don’t forget to ask the important questions that you want to ask your vet or your vet nurse.
All the best, Jenny
Hi Sapna
No, your pug is definitely not too old to be spayed at 1.5 years, although your vet may want to wait until 2 or 3 months after her second season if it is due soon. I would advise discussing all the pros and cons of the operation with your vet, but I personally think that the pros will greatly outweigh the cons.
All the best, Jenny
Hi Sapna
No, your pug is definitely not too old to be spayed at 1.5 years, although your vet may want to wait until 2 or 3 months after her second season if it is due soon. I would advise discussing all the pros and cons of the operation with your vet, but I personally think that the pros will greatly outweigh the cons.
All the best, Jenny
my pop is just 13 weeks around how many weeks should i leave it before asking the vet about this op? thanks
my pop is just 13 weeks around how many weeks should i leave it before asking the vet about this op? thanks
Hello world!
I am a 13 month old Gordon Setter and my friends took me in to be spayed (whatever that is). They kept saying it was, “for the best”. Off games for a few days and was definitely a wee bit sore when I got back. Right off food for 24 hours and slept like a log. “All perfectly normal” said the vet. Can’t quite get the bit about not going up stairs and being kept on a lead and I’m told its for 10-14 days. Not fun, but then again, nor is breast cancer and the chances of that (I am told) is around 75% in bitches that haven’t been spayed. Article good but should emphasise more the benefit of being spayed before the 2nd season and, possibly, even before the first. Looking forward to being back on games soon.
Hello world!
I am a 13 month old Gordon Setter and my friends took me in to be spayed (whatever that is). They kept saying it was, “for the best”. Off games for a few days and was definitely a wee bit sore when I got back. Right off food for 24 hours and slept like a log. “All perfectly normal” said the vet. Can’t quite get the bit about not going up stairs and being kept on a lead and I’m told its for 10-14 days. Not fun, but then again, nor is breast cancer and the chances of that (I am told) is around 75% in bitches that haven’t been spayed. Article good but should emphasise more the benefit of being spayed before the 2nd season and, possibly, even before the first. Looking forward to being back on games soon.
My dog began her first season in mid November, and our vet booked an appointment for mid January, is this too soon afterwards to have her spayed? Also, I’ve heard that having dogs spayed will calm them down, and now I’m worried she won’t be herself again afterwords? Am I just worrying about nothing?
My dog began her first season in mid November, and our vet booked an appointment for mid January, is this too soon afterwards to have her spayed? Also, I’ve heard that having dogs spayed will calm them down, and now I’m worried she won’t be herself again afterwords? Am I just worrying about nothing?
The above article is great, thank you!
My seven year old American Bulldog Lily suffers from phantom pregnancy, I am now in a position to have her spayed but would like to know as much as possible about the procedure, including the before, during and after affects of this operation.
Lily is my truly my world. Even though I am happy with my current vet practice, I cant help but wonder who is the person underneath the cloth performing this operation on my Lily? Is it OTT to ask my vet practice to supply me with the performing vet’s credentials before putting my dog through this operation? A dog’s life or good health can not be claimed back on insurance.
I don’t want to be known as the owner from hell however, I would never forgive myself or the vet should anything happen during or after the operation.
Others people advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The above article is great, thank you!
My seven year old American Bulldog Lily suffers from phantom pregnancy, I am now in a position to have her spayed but would like to know as much as possible about the procedure, including the before, during and after affects of this operation.
Lily is my truly my world. Even though I am happy with my current vet practice, I cant help but wonder who is the person underneath the cloth performing this operation on my Lily? Is it OTT to ask my vet practice to supply me with the performing vet’s credentials before putting my dog through this operation? A dog’s life or good health can not be claimed back on insurance.
I don’t want to be known as the owner from hell however, I would never forgive myself or the vet should anything happen during or after the operation.
Others people advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Why do they need to be kept quiet for 10 days after the surgery? I have a border collie cross puppy who was spayed two days ago – no discomfort and she’s ignoring the stitches. But she wants to run and play like normal and I can’t see any reason not to allow this.
Is there something I here I’m missing?
So my dog has to stay in the vet for 10 days?
Why do they need to be kept quiet for 10 days after the surgery? I have a border collie cross puppy who was spayed two days ago – no discomfort and she’s ignoring the stitches. But she wants to run and play like normal and I can’t see any reason not to allow this.
Is there something I here I’m missing?
I have a female pug who is now 1 year and 5 months old and is due for her second cycle this month. Is she too old to be spayed. We definitely don’t want her to have pups
I have a female pug who is now 1 year and 5 months old and is due for her second cycle this month. Is she too old to be spayed. We definitely don’t want her to have pups
Thank u so much for this article. i am having my beautiful doggy daughter spayed in afew hrz and this has helped me ALOT. All the best to u all x
Thank u so much for this article. i am having my beautiful doggy daughter spayed in afew hrz and this has helped me ALOT. All the best to u all x
Thank u so much for the artical, i read it, it was so easy to understand. I have just taken my labrada bitch (i call her smookie) for the operation (spay) and it was a success and now am left with the big task. “Keeping it at rest for 10days”
Thank u so much for the artical, i read it, it was so easy to understand. I have just taken my labrada bitch (i call her smookie) for the operation (spay) and it was a success and now am left with the big task. “Keeping it at rest for 10days”
To the lady who is unsure of having her Border Collie Spayed ,.. i am waiting as i write this for my B-Collie to come home from having her Op,.. i too was unsure, but at nearly 3 yrs old and having had 2 seasons i decided to have her Spayed, Years ago i had a Beautiful miniature Yorkshire terrier who too had a fab Pedigree,didn’t breed from her and had her Spayed late in life,.. what a marvelous little thing she was too,. she lived to 16 yrs of age but she did have to have her Mammary Gland removed ,….not nice, i don’t want to put my Collie through all of that, i feel i have made the right decision and being a good responsible owner you will know what is best for your Border Collie….. hope this is of some help,
To the lady who is unsure of having her Border Collie Spayed ,.. i am waiting as i write this for my B-Collie to come home from having her Op,.. i too was unsure, but at nearly 3 yrs old and having had 2 seasons i decided to have her Spayed, Years ago i had a Beautiful miniature Yorkshire terrier who too had a fab Pedigree,didn’t breed from her and had her Spayed late in life,.. what a marvelous little thing she was too,. she lived to 16 yrs of age but she did have to have her Mammary Gland removed ,….not nice, i don’t want to put my Collie through all of that, i feel i have made the right decision and being a good responsible owner you will know what is best for your Border Collie….. hope this is of some help,
Thanks for this info. This was the first site I found with the all straightforward info I needed about spaying my dog. All other site were wanting.
Thanks for this info. This was the first site I found with the all straightforward info I needed about spaying my dog. All other site were wanting.
Been reading through the article and the comments, we are having our collie x spayed on monday, so was good to refresh on what we can expect…many years ago we had our old collie x spayed and she made a very quick recovery, hope our new little girl does the same. Always worrying though.
Been reading through the article and the comments, we are having our collie x spayed on monday, so was good to refresh on what we can expect…many years ago we had our old collie x spayed and she made a very quick recovery, hope our new little girl does the same. Always worrying though.
we had our 18 month staffy speyed 4 days ago and she wants to run around as normal already just cannot keep her resting
we had our 18 month staffy speyed 4 days ago and she wants to run around as normal already just cannot keep her resting
this is a really helpful post! a step by step into castrates would be great too!
this is a really helpful post! a step by step into castrates would be great too!
Probably too late but in response to Paul, I had the option of purchasing an inflateable collar or a ‘pyjama’ suit but knowing my Poppy I didn’t go for the latter, it would have been in bits. The cone did its purpose, she crated well with it, stick to the old fashioned I say. Poppy is fully recovered now I did walk her after 6 days before her stitches came out at 10 days she was fine.
Probably too late but in response to Paul, I had the option of purchasing an inflateable collar or a ‘pyjama’ suit but knowing my Poppy I didn’t go for the latter, it would have been in bits. The cone did its purpose, she crated well with it, stick to the old fashioned I say. Poppy is fully recovered now I did walk her after 6 days before her stitches came out at 10 days she was fine.
I’ve got to have my baby spayed she’s a 3yr old staffy and as only been in heat only once so av been advised to get her done by the vets! I really wanted to let her have one litter she be a great mum but unfortunately the risk while carrying could b greater so my decision was made. But to get my dog to rest for 10 days yeah rite she will need sedating! Lol! I also know she will hate a cone round her head. Not looking forward to the day being ere for her to go in at all.
I’ve got to have my baby spayed she’s a 3yr old staffy and as only been in heat only once so av been advised to get her done by the vets! I really wanted to let her have one litter she be a great mum but unfortunately the risk while carrying could b greater so my decision was made. But to get my dog to rest for 10 days yeah rite she will need sedating! Lol! I also know she will hate a cone round her head. Not looking forward to the day being ere for her to go in at all.
Great article, agree with other comments. I have just brought my beautiful wheaten terrier home, and she seems very unsure of herself! The vet said take her collar off so long as we keep a close eye on her! Well the first thing I did was take it off and she went straight for the stitches!!! I guess the reality is the collar has to stay on until she’s completely through.
Does anyone have any advice for coping with the collar? Are there any decent alternatives to the standard cone? Thanks
Great article, agree with other comments. I have just brought my beautiful wheaten terrier home, and she seems very unsure of herself! The vet said take her collar off so long as we keep a close eye on her! Well the first thing I did was take it off and she went straight for the stitches!!! I guess the reality is the collar has to stay on until she’s completely through.
Does anyone have any advice for coping with the collar? Are there any decent alternatives to the standard cone? Thanks
Got my 7mo lab princess back from the vets yesterday and what a whingebag, she has paced the floor all night crying and this morning then suddenly perked up, glad I got it done, just a few extra bits to mention. She has a wet cough because of the tube, which I was told to expect. Before taking her to vets for op she was sick, probably because she had been fed early the night before then nothing. I leave the cone off when i’m around then put it on to sleep. She will have the cone on in her crate too as I need to work in a few days for couple hours per day, I have also given her a stagbar chew to keep her mind occupied.
Got my 7mo lab princess back from the vets yesterday and what a whingebag, she has paced the floor all night crying and this morning then suddenly perked up, glad I got it done, just a few extra bits to mention. She has a wet cough because of the tube, which I was told to expect. Before taking her to vets for op she was sick, probably because she had been fed early the night before then nothing. I leave the cone off when i’m around then put it on to sleep. She will have the cone on in her crate too as I need to work in a few days for couple hours per day, I have also given her a stagbar chew to keep her mind occupied.
Not sure what to do we have a 15 month old border collie bitch , she as had one season at 8 months i want to have her spayed but my husband is against it , as she as a pedigree as long as your arm & its a shame not to breed from her. I think there are to many border collies in rescue & i dont want that to happen to her pups, help what do i do ???
Not sure what to do we have a 15 month old border collie bitch , she as had one season at 8 months i want to have her spayed but my husband is against it , as she as a pedigree as long as your arm & its a shame not to breed from her. I think there are to many border collies in rescue & i dont want that to happen to her pups, help what do i do ???
Thank you so much for this, I’ve just booked my 1 year old dog in and feel much better now I know what’s involved!
Thank you so much for this, I’ve just booked my 1 year old dog in and feel much better now I know what’s involved!
Our 9 year old bitch Staffie is getting spayed tomorrow and we were really worried. Her season 3 months ago was horrific so we knew it was time for her to get spayed. This has put out mind at rest a little and was very informative, nice to know exactly what happens and the procedures used.
Our 9 year old bitch Staffie is getting spayed tomorrow and we were really worried. Her season 3 months ago was horrific so we knew it was time for her to get spayed. This has put out mind at rest a little and was very informative, nice to know exactly what happens and the procedures used.
Thanks so much for this article, after a nightmare few weeks with my bitch in season and three male dogs, been wondering what to do. I live in Spain and do not want puppies at all, three of my dogs are rescued, but very nervous about this op, still unsure but great info, thanks again x
Thanks so much for this article, after a nightmare few weeks with my bitch in season and three male dogs, been wondering what to do. I live in Spain and do not want puppies at all, three of my dogs are rescued, but very nervous about this op, still unsure but great info, thanks again x
Thanks for this detailed step by step operation explanation.
My 11 month old Yorkie-Poo is being operated on as I write this – Quite worried for her. Keeping her quiet afterwards will be very hard but I think this is essential for her future health.
Thanks for this detailed step by step operation explanation.
My 11 month old Yorkie-Poo is being operated on as I write this – Quite worried for her. Keeping her quiet afterwards will be very hard but I think this is essential for her future health.
Thanks for this great outline of the operation/post-op care. I have a 4 year old Japanese Shiba who is at this minute undergoing surgery. This article helped a lot as my vet didn’t really explain too much about the procedure. It’s a bit nerve wracking waiting. My main concern was not so much about the operation and more about how it could affect her emotionally afterwards (or am I just anthropomorphizing?) Thanks again!
Thanks for this great outline of the operation/post-op care. I have a 4 year old Japanese Shiba who is at this minute undergoing surgery. This article helped a lot as my vet didn’t really explain too much about the procedure. It’s a bit nerve wracking waiting. My main concern was not so much about the operation and more about how it could affect her emotionally afterwards (or am I just anthropomorphizing?) Thanks again!
Hi my 5yr old westhighland terrier shiloh was spayed 4 months ago..she is due in heat at this time & is giving of a bad odour from here ladygarden. My male website is sniffing area were she has been sitting when shiloh moves and sniffing her pee. Any ideas what is up. T.I.a.
Without seeing her, it’s very difficult to be sure what’s going on; however, if there’s an unpleasant odour that would suggest some sort of infection – perhaps a urinary tract infection, or vaginitis. In either case, though, she really should be seen by your vet, and ideally sooner rather than later. While normally mild, some of these infections can be very serious if not treated rapidly.
Thank you, this is a really good article, I have my PJR spayed a few days ago and was worried she was too young at 10 months, this has put my mind at rest. The only problem is she has become very hyperactive after the surgery and has reverted to her destructive early puppy days!
Thank you, this is a really good article, I have my PJR spayed a few days ago and was worried she was too young at 10 months, this has put my mind at rest. The only problem is she has become very hyperactive after the surgery and has reverted to her destructive early puppy days!
thank you for the information. we are having our 6.5 month old boxer bitch done tomorrow and we were concerned about the recovery period. she is extremely active and the 5-10 day recovery period will be awful for all of us, especially as we have a 14 month old male who will pine for his companion!! his op was awful and he ended up being on antibiotics and painkillers for 2 weeks. wish us luck!!
thank you for the information. we are having our 6.5 month old boxer bitch done tomorrow and we were concerned about the recovery period. she is extremely active and the 5-10 day recovery period will be awful for all of us, especially as we have a 14 month old male who will pine for his companion!! his op was awful and he ended up being on antibiotics and painkillers for 2 weeks. wish us luck!!
thank you so much for the information. I have a rescue dog. We don’t know exactly how old she is, but vet figured 3 years. She is in her first heat and I need to get her spade, but didn’t know when to do it. the information you gave is very helpful and now it is time to call the vet. thanks again
thank you so much for the information. I have a rescue dog. We don’t know exactly how old she is, but vet figured 3 years. She is in her first heat and I need to get her spade, but didn’t know when to do it. the information you gave is very helpful and now it is time to call the vet. thanks again
Really good information Rosie our 6 month old Cocker Spaniel is having her op tommorow morning her pre op check went well the Vet said she was fit and very healthy and ok for the op to go ahead. We were aprehensive at first but after reading all the different informative sites we feel more at ease. Keeping her quiet and rested will be difficult she has bounds of energy.
Really good information Rosie our 6 month old Cocker Spaniel is having her op tommorow morning her pre op check went well the Vet said she was fit and very healthy and ok for the op to go ahead. We were aprehensive at first but after reading all the different informative sites we feel more at ease. Keeping her quiet and rested will be difficult she has bounds of energy.
Hi after reassurance really! My pup,Rosie,a standard schnauzer is booked to be spayed at easter she will be 26 weeks. She had her checkup at the vets and said she should be ok to have it done. Having looked at some other web pages though some say they are too immature and it can affect their growth at this age. Help!!What would you advise?
Hi after reassurance really! My pup,Rosie,a standard schnauzer is booked to be spayed at easter she will be 26 weeks. She had her checkup at the vets and said she should be ok to have it done. Having looked at some other web pages though some say they are too immature and it can affect their growth at this age. Help!!What would you advise?
I too am having my border spayed tomorrow. I am incredibly anxious and know I will not sleep tnite. She is my life and I don’t want her to feel pain of any sort.
I too am having my border spayed tomorrow. I am incredibly anxious and know I will not sleep tnite. She is my life and I don’t want her to feel pain of any sort.
Thanks for the article.
How do you calculate 3-4 months from the end of a season? Is it from the first day of bleeding or the end of the bleeding or something else?
Also, does the timing of spaying between seasons have anything to do with hormone levels? I’m just trying to ascertain whether it is important to time it right so the hormone levels are at a good level because they then stay like that once they are spayed, or whether it doesn’t matter too much because once they are spayed the hormone levels will fall to the same level regardless of when you time the spay?
I’m not sure if you are able to answer questions in comments but any information you can give would be helpful.
Hi Becky
Calculating the best time to spay, I would start by taking a date 3 months after the start of the season as being the earliest date for a routine spay. Because not all bitches have a regular 6 month cycle, this will not always be the ideal time but it is most likely to be. After this it depends on the vet examining your bitch to check that she has not got any signs of coming into season again early, or of false pregnancy, and of course that she is generally in good health. These things will be checked on the day before the operation starts, or at a pre-op appointment a few days before the operation. If there is any doubt that the timing is not right, then the operation should be postponed.
As far as hormone levels go, they will fall to the same level after spay regardless of the timing, but I think if the timing is ideal there will be a less abrupt change in hormone levels which may make it easier for your bitch to adapt to.
I do hope this helps.
Thanks for the article.
How do you calculate 3-4 months from the end of a season? Is it from the first day of bleeding or the end of the bleeding or something else?
Also, does the timing of spaying between seasons have anything to do with hormone levels? I’m just trying to ascertain whether it is important to time it right so the hormone levels are at a good level because they then stay like that once they are spayed, or whether it doesn’t matter too much because once they are spayed the hormone levels will fall to the same level regardless of when you time the spay?
I’m not sure if you are able to answer questions in comments but any information you can give would be helpful.
Hi Becky
Calculating the best time to spay, I would start by taking a date 3 months after the start of the season as being the earliest date for a routine spay. Because not all bitches have a regular 6 month cycle, this will not always be the ideal time but it is most likely to be. After this it depends on the vet examining your bitch to check that she has not got any signs of coming into season again early, or of false pregnancy, and of course that she is generally in good health. These things will be checked on the day before the operation starts, or at a pre-op appointment a few days before the operation. If there is any doubt that the timing is not right, then the operation should be postponed.
As far as hormone levels go, they will fall to the same level after spay regardless of the timing, but I think if the timing is ideal there will be a less abrupt change in hormone levels which may make it easier for your bitch to adapt to.
I do hope this helps.
Hi, this is a good article but something about the after effects of the op and recovery would be useful – we’ve just had out wee border done and its very distressing – she is hardly moving – the vet says its normal but I am completed shocked at how sore and ill.
I’m trying to find if this is normal as I have never heard a dog owner mention this before .
Hi, this is a good article but something about the after effects of the op and recovery would be useful – we’ve just had out wee border done and its very distressing – she is hardly moving – the vet says its normal but I am completed shocked at how sore and ill.
I’m trying to find if this is normal as I have never heard a dog owner mention this before .
Very informative article, thank you. We’ve just had our boy neutered and bitch spayed 2 days ago. He is up and around already (Lab/Pointer X), she is slowly getting back to her normal self, but with the Op being bigger and more complicated it’s taking her longer. They’re glad to be home having their scrambled eggs for brekkie again.
Again, thanks for the info. I wish I’d found this before they’d gone in as the day of the Op I was pacing the floor.
Very informative article, thank you. We’ve just had our boy neutered and bitch spayed 2 days ago. He is up and around already (Lab/Pointer X), she is slowly getting back to her normal self, but with the Op being bigger and more complicated it’s taking her longer. They’re glad to be home having their scrambled eggs for brekkie again.
Again, thanks for the info. I wish I’d found this before they’d gone in as the day of the Op I was pacing the floor.
I have a delightful ex racing greyhound bitch who is seven years years old. Is it safe to consider her for spaying? I am told it is best when a bitch is much younger and at this age the risk is far greater. I could not stand the thought of losing her.
Can anyone offer advise please?
I have a delightful ex racing greyhound bitch who is seven years years old. Is it safe to consider her for spaying? I am told it is best when a bitch is much younger and at this age the risk is far greater. I could not stand the thought of losing her.
Can anyone offer advise please?
This is a good article as our 11 month old miniature jack russell is going in to be spayed tomorrow, this as put our mind at rest reading other peoples experiences, thank you.
This is a good article as our 11 month old miniature jack russell is going in to be spayed tomorrow, this as put our mind at rest reading other peoples experiences, thank you.
I have a 6 month old Yorkshire Terrier, as we live close to a farm I would like to have her spayed but have been told that if I get her spayed too early it could cause her to have incontinence could anyone tell me if that is more likely than if I wait until she has her first season.
I have a 6 month old Yorkshire Terrier, as we live close to a farm I would like to have her spayed but have been told that if I get her spayed too early it could cause her to have incontinence could anyone tell me if that is more likely than if I wait until she has her first season.
I have a six month old maltese mix and just had her spayed 3 days ago. She is doing well and has had no issues with urination or deficating.
I have an 11 month old chocolate labrador. We have decided to have her spayed in January (she has had one season) as our previous labrador died at 10 years old when she developed mamory cancer. It was a terrible end for her as we operated but it was too late and spread to her liver. We never had puppies from her and she did suffer a couple of womb infections so because of this we have decided to spay our bitch Millie. In one hand it seems sad to take away her bits and pieces but on the other we are not going to breed from her so why take the risk of her developing cancer or suffering with her womb. Hope this helps others.
I have an 11 month old chocolate labrador. We have decided to have her spayed in January (she has had one season) as our previous labrador died at 10 years old when she developed mamory cancer. It was a terrible end for her as we operated but it was too late and spread to her liver. We never had puppies from her and she did suffer a couple of womb infections so because of this we have decided to spay our bitch Millie. In one hand it seems sad to take away her bits and pieces but on the other we are not going to breed from her so why take the risk of her developing cancer or suffering with her womb. Hope this helps others.
Hi Linda, I have just collected my 2 boxer bitches this evening from the vet. They were both spayed today, they are 8 & 3 years old! We were concerned about the older one but we didnt need to worry. Our vet said they both did brilliant and the op was a great success for them both. We have to allow a little longer for the older girl to recover and take it easy with her but other than that she is doing fine! Hope this helps 🙂
Hi Linda, I have just collected my 2 boxer bitches this evening from the vet. They were both spayed today, they are 8 & 3 years old! We were concerned about the older one but we didnt need to worry. Our vet said they both did brilliant and the op was a great success for them both. We have to allow a little longer for the older girl to recover and take it easy with her but other than that she is doing fine! Hope this helps 🙂
I have two female Maltese mixes . One is age ten and one age seven . We have rescued a neutered Maltese , age 15 month’s . They are sweet dog’s but the girls are in heat and I have had next to no sleep from the “dancing ” ! Are the girls too old to be spayed ? What about the new tech. of spaying done through a small hole type incision . Is the uterus suctioned out ? What is this type of spaying called and what is involved ? Is it a safer way to go since my girls are older ?
Thank you for your help ,
It’s called keyhole surgery (which I have arranged for my 14 month old lab to have next month). Much better for them I feel. Tiny insertion & quick recovery. Double the price though! Similar to human keyhole surgery …. less traumatic on the body.
I have two female Maltese mixes . One is age ten and one age seven . We have rescued a neutered Maltese , age 15 month’s . They are sweet dog’s but the girls are in heat and I have had next to no sleep from the “dancing ” ! Are the girls too old to be spayed ? What about the new tech. of spaying done through a small hole type incision . Is the uterus suctioned out ? What is this type of spaying called and what is involved ? Is it a safer way to go since my girls are older ?
Thank you for your help ,
This is an excellent article, comprehensive, but written in easy to understand language for the lay person. I am shortly purchasing a labrador bitch and want to collect all the necessary information in good time. Well done Jenny.
This is an excellent article, comprehensive, but written in easy to understand language for the lay person. I am shortly purchasing a labrador bitch and want to collect all the necessary information in good time. Well done Jenny.
Thank you for all the info, my dog has pyometra and has to be spayed, she is 5 years old, this has put my mind at ease somewhat, thank you!
Thank you for all the info, my dog has pyometra and has to be spayed, she is 5 years old, this has put my mind at ease somewhat, thank you!
my dog is diabetic and have been advised to have her spayed next week.hope all go ok
my dog is diabetic and have been advised to have her spayed next week.hope all go ok
Oh dear, how am I going to keep a Parson Russell Terrier quiet? She had a very mild first season as she’s only 7 months old, but I will take her as soon as she is ready, keeping the tips in this article in mind. Thanks.
Oh dear, how am I going to keep a Parson Russell Terrier quiet? She had a very mild first season as she’s only 7 months old, but I will take her as soon as she is ready, keeping the tips in this article in mind. Thanks.
thank you for going through all the steps of spaying my 11month old staffie is having this done as i write this reply,she has had a first season 3months ago, as other people have commented the biggest problem will be making her rest for 10 days!!
thank you for going through all the steps of spaying my 11month old staffie is having this done as i write this reply,she has had a first season 3months ago, as other people have commented the biggest problem will be making her rest for 10 days!!
Good article, but forget talking about new procedures in vet surgery as lap spay.
Thanks for your job
Good article, but forget talking about new procedures in vet surgery as lap spay.
Thanks for your job
Really good overview – I have an 8 month old black labrador bitch and knew we wanted her spayed but it was a question of when – a surprising lack of information available to “Joe Public” when it comes to researching best time to spay (before first season or not). I decided to spay her before and do not regret the decision as the op went well and she recovered quickly. The biggest challenge was to get her to rest for 10 days post-op!
Good article – thanks!
Really good overview – I have an 8 month old black labrador bitch and knew we wanted her spayed but it was a question of when – a surprising lack of information available to “Joe Public” when it comes to researching best time to spay (before first season or not). I decided to spay her before and do not regret the decision as the op went well and she recovered quickly. The biggest challenge was to get her to rest for 10 days post-op!
Good article – thanks!
I found, although more expensive, keyhole surgery is the best way to go
Hi does anyone know how much it will cost me to have a female dog done so she can’t have pups and her periods stop?
Check with your local animal shelter ithey usually charge between 50-85
It depends where you are – all local practices will have different prices for spaying. Your best bet is to ring round a number of local vets (you can find their details here) and get estimates.
The best part of £200 in my part of the country. Got a 15% discount since I’m part of the vet’s health club, but still over £150.
There’s an article here by my colleague Pete about why things cost what they do. Bear in mind that 6 years ago a human hysterectomy (essentially the same op) cost about £5000…
I had my patterdale bitch spayed before her first season just over 6 months old. I agree the health benefits are a reason to have it done. However what is not told to Joe public is the changes that can happen how your dog can change from quiet to grrrrrrrr . And how some need to have hormone replacement therapy for hormonal imbalance no matter if before or after first season. There is lotssssss who having this issue if look on Internet will see. It also states if have 2 batches don’t get both done and get the dominant one done . I am not saying DON’T do it but just to KNOW ALL FACTS so are aware that changes in personality can and do occur