It sounds like such a simple question, but the answer is actually far more complicated than we think. Even those of us who have studied these creatures for years still frequently miss signs of feline pain. Because when it comes to showing signs of pain (or any illness for that matter), cats are masters of disguise.
In the feline world, complaining gets you nowhere, in fact showing signs of weakness can get you killed. Sure, some cats in pain will cry out, but if you see a cat crying out in pain, the problem is likely very severe indeed. Besides, cats cry out for many reasons, so even if you do see this, how can you tell if it is due to pain or some other form of stress? Next time you think your cat may be in pain, try to remember some of the following signs of feline discomfort.
Ok, we’ll start with an easy one. But you’d be surprised how many people come to me with a limping cat who insist that they are not in pain. If your cat is limping, he’s doing it for a reason. And that reason is usually pain. Even if your cat doesn’t have a limp, check for other signs like difficulty jumping up or down from the bed or finding that it’s not worth their effort to climb the stairs anymore. Arthritis is hugely underdiagnosed in cats because many owners either don’t observe or don’t think to mention these changes. If you do notice something unusual with your cat’s behaviour, please speak up as sometimes vets don’t think to ask these kinds of questions.
Yes, as previously mentioned, some cats in pain (particularly severe, sudden pain) will cry out or howl. If you see this, take them to the vet immediately to have them checked out, even if you can’t see anything else wrong with them. But it’s not always a howl that they make; sometimes it’s just a more insistent meow, or even a lack of sounds such as normal greetings or cries for food.
Decreased appetite
Speaking of food, it’s true that some cats in pain will either stop eating, or not eat as much as normal. But not every cat will respond this way because in the wild, a cat that doesn’t eat will die so if they are able to eat despite even very significant pain, they often will.
A cat in pain will often hide from you. You may notice them spending more and more time under the bed or in the back of the cupboard. Or, you may notice that they are quite restless and have a hard time settling in any one place. To you, it may just seem like odd behaviour but to them, it can be a cry for help. Hiding isn’t the only behaviour that can indicate pain, any change in their normal routine may be a clue no matter how subtle, so try to take notice and figure out why the change occurred.
Eye position and expression
This one is much more subtle, and unless you are very observant you may not pick up on it at all. A painful cat may sometimes have slanted eyes that are squinting or partially closed. They may also have dilated pupils (the blacks of their eyes look very large or ‘wide eyed’), and a generally strange expression on their face. Or they may seem to ‘zone out’ and just stare blankly ahead. Now there are lots of reasons why a cat will show one or more of these things, so don’t be too quick to diagnose your cat as painful if you don’t notice any other signs. But if you do notice a strange look in their eyes, it’s probably best to have them checked out by a vet.

If you picture a happy cat in your mind, you may think of one who is relaxed and playfully rolling around in response to a good petting session. Now consider the opposite – a painful cat will often sit in a hunched, guarded position. Their muscles may be quite tense, and they will flinch or pull away when touched. Some cats just don’t like being touched, but if yours normally does and then suddenly doesn’t, consider pain as a possible cause.
As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression. If you stroke your cat and he turns around to bite or scratch you, or if he hisses at you when touched, or even if he just starts to twitch his tail in an agitated manner when there doesn’t seem to be any reason for it, get him checked out by the vet.
Licking, chewing, or fur loss
Cats will sometimes make a fuss over the particular part of their body that is in pain, but this is not always the case. Some cats with cystitis (bladder disease) will lick their tummies and cause fur loss in that area. Likewise, some cats with arthritis in a particular joint may lick or chew at that area more frequently than normal. Rarely, this licking is enough to cause damage to the overlying skin.
Other medical changes
There are some signs of pain that only your vet is likely to pick up on (although you may notice that something just doesn’t seem right), including increased heart rate, breathing rate, temperature or blood pressure. Because these things require the help of a professional to properly measure, it is very important that you take your cat in to the vet whenever you suspect something out of the ordinary.
As you can see, pain in cats is no simple subject. There are some obvious signs of course, but many more that may go unnoticed for some time. Therefore, if you do happen to notice any of the above signs, it’s always best to take your cat to the vet to have them checked out as soon as possible. Even then, it can be very difficult to tell if they are in pain, so sometimes the best test is to treat for any possible pain and then re-evaluate to see if it made any difference. Whatever you do, try not to ignore it because unlike humans, who are very good at expressing discomfort, cats will most often suffer in silence and it’s our job to make sure they don’t have to.
If you are worried that your cat may be showing signs of pain described above, talk to your vet or try our Interactive Cat Symptom Guide to check any other symptoms you notice.
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Background: My cat, Sita, will be 19 years old in September. She has chronic kidney disease (CKD) that has remained stable at stage 1 with a low potassium/protein wet food diet. She also has some tartar buildup that I would have addressed if she were younger, but my vet advises against dental cleaning due to her age and CKD status. Sita also has arthritis that I know can cause her more pain from time to time. She used to lick her belly hairless, but the hair has grown back now for a while. I also have her sister, Kali, who also has CKD and hyperthyroidism.
I have limited means, but I still get their senior blood panels done every six months and invest in their care. However, I can’t easily afford Solensia for Sita’s arthritis and am concerned about potential allergic reactions, as she has known allergies to plastics and other sensitivities.
Concern and question: About two weeks ago, Sita started spending most of the day under a sofa in a corner that’s hard to reach. She used to stay next to me while I did my grad school work and slept by my head at night. She still spends some time with me at night but then returns to her new spot.
She still comes out to walk in her cat wheel for treats, eats her food (though sometimes messily), and purrs when I pet her. She still walks around with her tail straight up and meows for attention. She still jumps up to my bed (using the folding stool I put there a while back), but I haven’t had her jump up to my sofa.
I’m thinking maybe she can’t jump as well. I have just ordered another stool to put in front of the sofa to see if that helps. Recently, she had some eye discharge that has since cleared up, and probiotics seem to be helping with her IBS issues.
I plan to take her for her senior blood panels two months early next week to get her checked out. I’m struggling to understand her new behavior.
Could this be due to increased arthritis pain, tooth discomfort, or a response to the hot weather? Does this behavior indicate that she is in extra pain? The mixed behavior is confusing me.
This sounds consistent with a worsening of the arthritis, but as you say, there are other possibilities too. Generally, though, cats with arthritis find it hard to get up and move, but when they get going, they “loosen up” a bit. The pain is also chronic and low grade, meaning they don’t look typically “painful”.
So perhaps a vet check up – where they can examine her muscle bulk and range of motion, might be a good next step?
My cat uses the litter box for urination just fine. When it comes time to poop he howls like he is in pain and wonders around the house pooping everywhere. Then he is fine for a few days until he has to poop again.
Sounds liken he might be constipated – definitely worth a vet check as there’s lots that can be done, and sooner rather than later.
My cat has had a noticeable decrease in eating. She has been hiding and often won’t come out of her kennel. Lately, the little food she eats she starts just drinking the water and not touching the dry kibble. I switched her to wet food, but the same thing happens. After a few bites of the food, she jumps and begins growling like she’s about to attack. She goes and hides but I notice she’s just chewing excessively and growling. I’m not sure if it’s FHS because she’s not concentrating on her tail or running. Could it be tooth decay or something irritating her mouth?
Yes, this does sound like dental pain doesn’t it. Definitely time for a vet check ASAP!
My 2 year old cat is hissing when I touch his front legs/armpits his pupils are dilated and he’s staying in a closet but he is still eating. A similar thing happened to my brothers cat and he recovered within a week and we never did figure out what the problem was. So I don’t know to try to wait it out or take him to the vet. Please help me
Vet ASAP – these signs suggest a cat in severe pain and/or distress.
We have 10 cats! Our 4 month old female kitten, seemed to enjoy playing with our male chihuahua, they even slept in same dog bed together, at first we were worried but after a month playing together with no problems we let our guard down. Then he got a bit rough – and we caught him dragging her by one leg.
She started holding her back leg up, lost interest in food (now hand feeding with a syringe, is breathing very rapidly, and is not getting better in the last 5 days. We live in a farm far away from any vet.
We were thinking maybe she had fractured her leg, or sprained it, but these usually start to heal after a few days if kept still. Maybe it could be dislocated? But that would cause extreme pain which I think might be obvious. It now is making some labored breathing sounds and grinding its teeth when we feed it.
We’ve been giving the kitten the cat (cat version) of aspirin, vitamins, and a neighbor came by and gave it an antibiotic shot and and IV with fluids.
Any idea?
Rapid breathing in a cat and extreme hindlimb pain are both bad signs – I would be suspicious of a comminuted (multiple) fracture, which even in a cat won’t heal well without splinting or (more commonly) amputating; or potentially a blood clot, which is agonising and usually fatal (eventually).
A dislocation is possible, but if it doesn’t resolve within about 30 minutes, won’t do so without veterinary intervention: which is, I think, definitely the next step!
My cat seems to be behaving unusually. She keeps hissing at our other pet cat which we’ve had for a year and normally she tends to get along with him. She’s not been eating properly, she’s been isolating herself and doesn’t seem like her usual self. Anyone who tries to go near her, she growls at them, any advice?
Looks like something got a hold of this poor little girl and around her tail and all around her asshole it raw and bloody with a greenish looking infection leaking out of the open wounds and it looks soooooo painful. I’m not sure who’s responsible for this poor kitty. What is this likely to be on this cat and what are some things I could do to help her condition to get well quick?
It sounds like some sort of abscess that’s burst; could be from a cat bite, a dog attack, or a ruptured anal gland. In any case – she needs a vet! If you want to take her on, that’s fine; otherwise, call a local animal charity, like the ASPCA.
Hi i got jumpscared by a moth and stepped back out of fear unfortunately on my cats paw and now hes distant limping but hes still jumping on things and can move his paw he eats im not sure if less it happened like maybe an hour ago and im scared my mom says hell be fine and that we should wait but im worried and hes asleep right now he wont let me touch his paw tho and im not sure if its swollen pls help
If it’s still sore or swollen tomorrow, or he’s still limping or seems out of sorts or quiet, then definitely vet time; however, it might just be a bruise that will resolve rapidly: good luck!
Hi. I have an 8 year old female tabby cat. I noticed fluid/dribble on her fur on her chin. When I touched her chin she cried in pain. I cant see any injury to her chin and she now won’t let me near her. Please advise
Best to get a vet check, especially if it’s clearly painful – there might be an abscess (infection), or even damage to the bones of the jaw or her teeth, that you can’t see.
Hi, my 5 1/2 year old domestic shorthaired boy started having trouble jumping about 10 days ago. We took him to the vet and they found no fractures on the xrays. For the past two days he’s been in a lot of pain, vocalizing and sometimes growling, has trouble getting up when laying down. We gave him a couple of doses of buprenex but it didn’t seem to help. We have an appointment with an ortho specialist but he can’t be seen until 7/7. Should we take him to the ER?
I’d definitely go back to your primary care vet ASAP to discuss his pain management; it sounds like whatever he’s on (that’s not a drug we have over here) isn’t proving enough on its own. Good luck!
Thank you, I appreciate your prompt feedback.
My 19 year old cat has started yowling every night from 10:30 until about 6:30 the next morning. She has been seen by the vet every month at least once. He tried an injection for osteoarthritis which caused extreme itching and pulling out hair. Then she got a steroid shot which stopped the itch. But the yowling won’t stop. And I am sooo sleep deprived.
I’d suggest taking a look at this article – Why does my cat yowl at night? – hopefully that will be more specific than this post!
I have a soon to be 6 year old male cat. Just the past few hours he has been yowling like he is in pain and is hunched… BUT when he yowls, he turns his head up to the ceiling and moves his neck and head around. He has eaten and drank water today. This happened all of a sudden and I am really scared.
While it might not be anything serious, that sort of behaviour change is a real worry – I would STRONGLY recommend he get seen by a vet ASAP!
I have a cat who started limping and I thought she might of pulled something since I couldn’t find anything, but today she was laying on the floor and when she tried to move her entire body was shaking, I can’t take her to the vet for a couple days but idk if theres something I can to at home to help her, any thoughts?
From your description, it sounds like this was a seizure – that really needs veterinary attention, there’s nothing you can do at home except keep it dim and quiet and hope not to trigger any further episodes.
If the episode lasts more than 5 minutes, or there are 2 without complete recover in between, this is a life-and-death emergency and she MUST get veterinary care immediately.
I have an almost two year old female cat who is not spayed. She typically is clingy with me and she vocalizes a normal amount. This past week has been much more attached and very vocal, almost 24/7 meowing and she wants to lay on me constantly. She’s been napping more than usual and grooming her abdomen excessively. The vocalizing and cuddling is something she does sometimes before she goes into heat but I feel like she might be in pain. While napping I could feel the area where her kidneys are was twitching. I was feeling her abdomen and I think there is a slight bulge on her right side but I might be overthinking it. She’s eating/drinking and using the litter box as usual and other than the excessive clinginess her behavior is normal. I think I need to take her to the vet but I can’t afford an expensive bill right now.
I’m afraid I agree that a vet visit would be a good idea. One possibility of course is that she’s pregnant, or in a false pregnancy – but I think you need to know which or if anything else is going on!
I am fostering a 2yr old cat who is normally not aggressive at all but around 4-5am every morning, he randomly woke up, sit on my lap but then randomly meows and tries to get off but with weak legs. It would only last a few seconds but he doesn’t let me touch him. We took him to the vet and the vet didn’t really do much but ask me questions and prescribed 2.5mg of gabapentin daily for 2 weeks. it’s my 3rd day with him taking gabapentin with dinner but tonight he came over and even bit and held onto my sleeve while biting and meowing as if he’s in pain! he wouldn’t let go either when I tried to lightly pull away and his arms were making biscuits the first half of the biting. his eyes were dilated and it took him maybe at least a minute to stop acting weird and go back to sleep. I understand maybe it takes more time for gabapentin to work but I just feel like this is even worse and the vet barely tried to figure out what was wrong.
Hmmm, it might be worth getting a second opinion, or maybe even a referral – this might be behavioural, but it could equally well be neurological from what you’ve described.
Suggestion needed:
My female cat who is 6years now was spayed when she was 1.5 years old.
Now from past 3-4 days she is yowling like she used to during her heat days. She is extra affectionate, asks to pet by rolling on floor and lifting her bum and does the same movement from hind legs as she used to do in heat.
But my question she was spayed 5 years back what suddenly happened to her.
She is also licking her genitals more than usual. Could it be UTI also? But why so much vocalisation. The sounds she is making is same like mating call.
What can I do for her at this stage? Also as a behavioural issue she urinates on our beds and door mats etc. This urinating isnt something new. This has been going on since 1-1.5 year.
We showed her to vet but they said its behavioural issue. She is that cat who pees on my stiff when she is angry or unheard. She wasn’t happy with my pregnancy and our human baby’s arrival. This random urinating is happening since then.
There are lots of possibilities – I’d say it would be worth getting a urine sample (use a non-absorbent cat litter in a tray, like KatKor, beads, or even sand) and asking your vets to do a urine analysis for signs of infection.
If not – then yes, the next step would be to find a good clinical animal behaviourist to assess her and come up with a plan. Good luck!
I have a female cat that is just about 3 years old. For the last couple years it seems she has bout of pain. I thought at first she was just tired, she will sit there and start squinting her eyes and her head drops like she’s falling asleep. Her eating habits also change when this occurs, she typically will eat a small fish full of her food each day, but when she seems to be like that it may be 2 or 3 days before she eats the same amount of food. I have noticed she is sensitive all around her back legs also. All of her symptoms tend to come and go. She also tends to vomit immediately after eating about 3 or 4 times a week, so not after every time she eats just occasionally. I changed her food and at first it seemed to help, but it has since returned. She seems otherwise healthy, she uses the restroom and is most the time playful and loving, expect when these bouts of pain hit her. It seems to be after she wakes up she’s in more pain.could this be an arthritic condition? And it seems to also occur directly prior to her entering heat, her heat cycles also changed at first it seemed like she was going into heat quite often now over last year not nearly the same amount. Thanks for any advice.
That’s interesting – it could be something like an ovarian cyst; it could equally be early-onset arthritis, perhaps exacerbated by the behavioural changes in heat. Either way, I’d strongly suggest a vet check to see what’s going on!
Hey, I’m looking for advice please , I have a 12 week old male Maine Coon, he has been eating fine he’s on wet kitten food with boiled chicken as treats, not really a fan of water. Every time he needs to go to the toilet for a 1 or 2 he’s a different kitten, he goes into a little crazy rage biting me, clawing me, running around banging into things , meowing , until eventually he skids into the litter tray, he closes his eyes nearly when he does either and I feel like he might be in pain?
Afterwards, he changes back to a loving kitten , he will calm down, climb on my lap and fall asleep like he’s worn himself out.
Is this some sort of kitten normality or is there something wrong ?
I’ve noticed he also has been sneezing a little, and to begin with he had a bloated belly when we got him he was on dry food, he wouldn’t eat much. Since changing his food his belly isn’t bloated and he eats lots of it but I’m just very concerned about his behaviour and if he is trying to tell me something?
That sounds like he’s either uncomfortable or scared to use the litter tray. I’d strongly advise a vet check, as cystitis is really common in cats, and does need to be managed promptly – good luck!
My cat had been very withdrawn for a few days and hadnt pooed for 5 days. We took him to the vet and he had a while round of tests. Bloods, blood pressure, xrays and abdominal scan. Temperarure was ok, pressure was slightly elevated but not bad. Bloods had raised white cells, xrays didnt show much and the scan showed he had some poop in there but it was soft, they gave him an enema to clear it out anyway but didnt think that was the issue. They said they struggled to find his bladder on the scan but when they did it was very small and had no urine for them to check. He also has diluted pupils which arent reacting as they should be but he can definitely still see. I was sent home with a little bag of crystal litter and asked to get a urine sample so they could check that. In the 3 days since he hasnt had a bowel movement ,he has only peed twice and not the large amounts he normally would and not in the tray where i could capture a sample. He is still eating although not drinking as much as his usual. At the moment Im no further forward and my cat is still very obviously unwell and receiving no treatment as yet. Have you any advice on what I should do? I feel like im losing my lovely boy before his time.
If he’s not improving, definitely time to go back to the vets – they may need to put him on fluids to fill his bladder before they can get a sample, but I agree this does sound potentially serious and it really does need more investigation. Good luck!
My cat is nine and although he only has three legs, he is normally really active. But he keeps gagging and has had one runny pop to what I know of, he isn’t eating as much and he just wants to lie down and he keeps hiding under my sons bed, his eyes look sad and his ears are warm to touch
It sounds like he’s got some sort of nasty stomach bug – make sure he’s still drinking, and if it hasn’t resolved in 48 hours – or if it gets worse – get him checked over by your vet.
I adopted a 1 yr old male neutered orange tabby cat from the shelter back in August. Everything has been good, he’s in good health, always looking for food, plays with toys, and sleeps with me. This morning he woke up from cuddling, jumped down from the bed and meowed a meow I have never heard before. I turned the light on to check on him and he seemed fine. I gave him some pets then shut the light off. A minute later I hear these meows again and find him on his back like he is scared fighting something off while looking at the ceiling. I get up to console him and he begins to get better but then backs away like he is scared while staring under my bed. My boyfriend checked under the bed, there was nothing there. After I massaged his back, gave him some love he was all fine. I think he was having a nightmare but I’m not certain. What do you think that was?
It might have been, and as a “one off” I’d keep an eye on him and see if anything else changes. If it happens again, though, definitely a vet check is needed – because this does sound like it might have been a seizure, which would need a vet workup.
My cat tends to get constipated. She will sometimes throw up a hairball after straining for a while in her litterbox, then go back and finish pooping. This time, though, she started panting before she puked for a second time and kept panting for a little while after finally pooping. Should I take her to the vet? She has stopped now, but she had never done that before. Thank you!
I’d probably make an appointment to get her checked over, or at least have a chat with your vet about stool softening or hairball treatments, but one vomit after marked constipation isn’t a major concern: it’s the constipation I think you need to work up, and it doesn’t sound like an emergency right now.
My female cat is about 4-5 months old, not spayed we recently just got her. This morning she started meowing a lot more than normal and wouldn’t fully lay on the ground she kept her butt up off the ground. what could this be?
Given her age and the behaviour, this is consistent with her coming into heat for the first time!
Read more about it here.
I recently took my 1 year old cat to the vet to get him a check up and see about getting lysine for his herpes (he has a constant watery eye). We got him at a horrible shelter and he was covered in ringworm and I believe was born to a mother with herpes. The vet ran her hands down his back and noticed that he hunched away from her hand when she did this. She told me he was in a lot of pain and that there was nothing she could do other than give him a round of pain medications. I was completely unaware his back was in pain, I just always figured that he didn’t like his back touched. I think he’s always arched away from my hand on his spine ever since he was a 3 month old kitten. What do I do now? He’s off the medication and still is showing signs of pain.
I think trying to determine exactly why he’s in pain would be a good start – from what you’ve said it doesn’t sound like the underlying cause has been established? I think it would be worth talking to your vet about more workup to see if you can determine exactly what’s going on, so that the most appropriate treatment can be started.
I unfortunately left my cat with my mom for a few years after dating a man whose family were allergic cats. I went to visit and there was a cyst mass on her leg, unchecked for who knows how long. I scheduled the surgery, and brought her home to Chicago. I had to remove the stitches myself. She’s healingung fine now, but the vet wanted me to to a dental removal but my cat seems to be eating, playing and acting just fine. Is the dental thing a scam for a new pool for the vet? How would I know. She’s 10 years old, and I’m so grateful to have her back. Last thing I want is to cause her more pain.
I very, very much doubt it is a scam – something like 85% of cats over 3 years old have some degree of dental disease if they don’t get their teeth brushed, and by 10 I would say the vast majority of cats require some degree of dental care. Unfortunately cats don’t show mouth pain very clearly and people think their cat is fine, when they are in constant pain from periodontal disease.
I have a 15yr neuter male cat. Over past few months, his overall health is going down. Little to no activity. He eats a little each day. Not enough though.Purée food. drinks water. Urinating and bowels working. Has labored breathing at times. Just looks like he’s about to leave us. Seems uncomfortable, maybe pain? Still loves to sit in our laps and be brushed. I won’t have him put down. Was given 2 doses of Metacam .18ml each. by a friend. This helped him so much! Can’t pay a high Vet bill , just to be told, to put him down. Is there pain med, I can buy that doesn’t require a script? Or a way to get script?
He clearly needs pain relief – he’s obviously in a lot of pain! 18ml is however a LOT of Metacam for a cat – in fact, it’s a really toxic overdose, and may have pushed him into fatal kidney failure. There is a reason that these medicines are prescription-only: the right dose is really powerful and effective, but the wrong dose can be very dangerous.
Whatever, he needs a vet, and either pain relief or a kind euthanasia. You say you won’t do that – why? If he is suffering, how is it in his best interests to be kept alive in endless pain? However, if painkiller helped him once, assuming there’s no permanent organ damage, then I don’t see why a vet wouldn’t prescribe it again.
Now a days my male cat is making strange faces as he is opening his mouth a little and then looking here and there for 2-3 mins and after that lick his private part. He is doing this 2-3 times in a day and quite often after poop. Except this, there is no other change in his behavior
I would strongly advise a vet check ASAP – signs like this are often due to cystitis, and if not treated this can lead to a blocked bladder, especially in male cats, which is a life-threatening emergency.
My 2 year old female cat(spayed) will sometimes start meowing like an angry meow and hiss if i pet her or touch her in certain spots sometimes. it happens very suddenly. like today i took her outside(watching her the entire time) for about 20 minutes and when we go back inside i was petting her and she was hissing and swatting and doing the angry meow. i was petting her very gently and after observing a bit more i realized she started to do all that when i would pet her left leg/hip. she’s not limping and she’s acting very normal now but i’m not sure if she might be in pain or what i should be worried about.
If its always in the same place, I’d definitely wonder if it is a painful site – cats are very good at hiding pain and rarely limp visibly, but this sort of behaviour is a classic “I’m sore” sign. I think it would be best to make an appointment with your vet and get her checked out – good luck!
I am pet sitting for my friends male long haired cat about 4 years old. She told me he coughs up a hairball every six weeks or so. Tonight he did after retching and gagging.He does not have a vet as he is an abandoned cat, adopted by my friend and is extremely shy. He had a large BM just before he hacked up the large hairball and there were wet spots in his litter box as well a few hours ago. He did not eat dinner and is under the bed..
it has been raining heavily today and he is also afraid of rain and thunder.
I am concerned and wonder if he needs to be seen by a vet this evening? Thank you
It sounds like he’s afraid, and has brought up a hairball too. It’s difficult to know for sure, but from what you’ve said, this sounds more like a very scared cat than one who’s seriously ill. Keep a close eye on him though, and if he develops any other symptoms, or unusual behaviours then it might be sensible to give your vet a call.
I have a 1 1/2 male cat who has never been outside or around another animal since he left his momma. About 5-6 weeks ago a kitten continued to get on my roof, almost 3 stories high, and sit in front of the open window where my male cat sits inside and she would just meow and meow all night long. She was extremely skinny and malnourished so we decided to capture her and bring her in. I left her on the enclosed back porch for 5ish days or so with toys and hiding things I mean everything a kitten could ask for.. I eventually let my male meet her and the kitten just absolutely adores him but him on the other hand is pretty territorial and I think shows his dominance. He’s super jealous to add. It’s been over a month now and the kitten is finally starting to trust me a little more. She still hasn’t let me pet her but we work on our relationship daily. I only left them around each other for a small amount of the day because he is so mean to her. If I take my eyes off of him for too long he seems to pounce on her, grab her by her neck, force her head down and mounts her. Even if I clap real loud or say his name sternly he don’t budge.i have to scruff him to get him off of her. He hasn’t hurt her, yet! I don’t think any way. I always make sure she’s okay afterwards. So I don’t know if he will always be like this, if he is actually hurting her or not, if that kind of behavior is normal or what I’m supposed to do basically. Like I said she meows for him constantly and as soon as she sees him she’s rubbing right up to him until she tries to play with him or really until he decides it’s time to be a bully. I’ve worked so hard with her to get her weight up and to earn her trust but I have to keep her closed up on the enclosed porch most of the time. It makes me so sad and I don’t really know how many more nights I can leave her like that. Should I continue working with her? Is his behavior normal or not? Should I try and find her a new home? Should I let her out in the wild again?(ekkkk that would be the hardest thing I could possibly do) I’m honestly just lost right now. I’ve never had a cat do this before.
Many cats don’t like to share their core territory with other cats – especially male cats; if he’s entire (not neutered) that will also add more complications.
I think the situation is a bit too complex to be dealt with online, as there is the chance that the older male could serious injure or even kill the kitten; I would strongly advise asking your vet for a referral to a good clinical animal behaviourist as soon as possible!
Good luck with them both!
IDK what’s wrong with my cat . He look so weak and looked like he’s paralyzed .He is not taking any food rather than later but after sometime it’s looked like now he is not even drinking water.idk what should I do? I don’t even have money so that I can take him to vet.plz just advice me something .and I got to hear that he was bitten by a street dog .plz help me
Isolate him away from humans and call your local public health agency – I think you’re in a rabies-endemic area, and if so, there is a significant chance that he has rabies and could pass it on to you. This is really serious – isolate him and call for public health and veterinary assistance. If you or any of your family have been bitten by him, seek urgent medical attention.
Where exactly did you get the idea of rabies ?
Cat is weak she says ,not aggressive and or anything on those lines ! Cat needs veterinary attention ,your advice might have cost to the life of that cat!
I have access to information that other readers don’t on these posts, including the local risk factors, which made me concerned in this particular case.
Also, remember that a high proportion (according to some sources, over 50%) of cats with rabies will present with the dumb form which can look just like this.
I agree veterinary assessment would have been ideal, but I also have to factor in the financial issues and the risks involved to the owner.
my sisters cat is approx 13 or 14 years old. she was taken in by my sister when she was a kitten, she was a ferrel or farm cat, has never ever been friendly to anyone but my sister. she will bite. Lately she has stopped eating, and she has been leaking a brown liquid substance from her rectum I think. she will not take her treats. She wants to be near my sister more and cuddle….this is definatly no her usual behavior. any suggestions as my sister is unable to afford a vet as she is on a strict government disability pay. She lives in Ontario, Canada.
It sounds like she has significant diarrhoea, and it’s making her feel ill enough to want warmth, even if it comes with a human. I think she is going to need veterinary attention, and so I’d suggest you seek out a local charity who may be able to help. In the meantime, feed a bland diet and make sure she has access to lots of fresh water to stave off dehydration – good luck!
Hi! My cat ran away for 12days and came back home super thin. It’s been a week since my cat came back and I’m trying to feed and feed him to gain back his weight but earlier I was petting him I touched something hard in his upper stomach. It’s in the middle part. I’m not sure if it is bone or what but I can see he’s in pain and meows when I touch that part. He’s eating normal but something is not right to him when he came back home like there’s pain in his eyes
OK, whatever’s going on – and it might be something not too nasty like an abscess or a bad bruise! – he definitely needs to see a vet so you know what you’re dealing with and he can get the medication and treatment he needs.
Ok so last night I was cuddling with my kitten she’s about 8 months old she was the runt of the litter and she’s a little chonky. Last night she suddenly jumped off my bed and ran downstairs, I went down to find her and I couldn’t find her my guess is she was behind the couch. I brought out the kitty wand and was playing with her sister which she came out after a minute and was playing too but when I went to go pet her she ran away. She was also wheezing a little. As I was getting comfortable in bed I didn’t even notice she was on my bed near my feet so I accidentally bumped her. She’s been laying on my pillow all night and now her fur seems cold so I have. A blanket on her to warm her up and she’s purring but I’m still very worried, what else can I do because I’m helpless and I can’t deal with another cat dying this year 😭
Wheezing really isn’t a good sign in a cat – cats tend to hide respiratory disease until it’s really advanced. Possibilities include an airway infection such as cat flu (quite common in “runt” kittens), a heart problem (a fairly common cause of stunting), or diseases such as feline asthma. However, personally, I think that any cat showing signs of respiratory distress or abnormal respiratory noises for no obvious reason needs to be seen by a vet ASAP to rule out anything nasty!
My 1 year old cat has been pulling out parts of her furr, has small spots all over her neck and back. Her furr doesn’t seem to grow back that well. Can you give me advice on what this could be?
There are lots of possibilities, but by far the most likely cause is an allergic reaction – probably to fleas, sadly! However, there are a wide range of different causes for this (that we call “miliary dermatitis”), so I think a vet check is a really good idea.
Why does my male cat lay down with his bum up then when i touch it he would get away from me. I don’t have money to go to a vet shop so i will try home remedies.
Is this a new behaviour or one that he’s always done? It sounds like normal scent-marking behaviour from your description…
My cat is a Female tuxedo, has been neutered and is 2 1/2 years old so I notice after using the restroom weather it pee or poop she has been licking her genital “Area” I’m not sure which part but she has been doing enough that I’ve noticed it last night, she has me scratch her back where her tails at when she eats but she wants me to do it even more and I noticed when she picked up her butt and her tail came up that her vaginally area was like wet? This has NEVER been am issue so I’m wonder if cats can have a yeast infection or some other kind of infection also she’s an inside cat so she’s Not around any other cat’s at all. Can you please help me understand what’s going on because I can’t afford at Vet right now??
There are lots of possible causes, but probably the most likely is cystitis – in a cat of her age, though, that isn’t usually caused by an infection, but by stress. I would recommend getting veterinary attention for her however: if you’ve every had cystitis, or know anyone who has, you’ll know how uncomfortable and painful it is, and leaving her to suffer untreated isn’t really an option (over here, it would be a criminal offense).
There’s more information on cystitis in cats here.
And about stress control in cats here.
My 12 year d cat has started to growl when I touch her head. She has never done this before. I have had guests over from a different country for a week which she doesn’t like. Could this be stress related or something else?
Definitely, and it’s the most likely reason – although pain (from trauma or an abscess, for example) could also be a cause. Personally, I’d get her checked over by a vet if her behaviour doesn’t normalise rapidly.
my kitten has seizures, vet said it’s partial, yet symptoms at home seem like it’s more severe than partial, anyways normally this kitten is loving and smooches and rubs his head on people but ever since the constant seizures, he’s more quiet and sometimes in a guarded position, his symptoms seem to match this thread but I’ve never asked the vet to check for pain, but I feel like I should
It might be a good idea to rule out any other complicating factors. However… partial seizures often look very like a cat is in pain. Also, don’t be misled by the terminology: a partial seizure isn’t necessarily les violent or dramatic than a general seizure, it just means that only part of the brain is out of control at any one time. Good luck!
My sister’s cat is drooling, meowing and hunched there is no vet around what should I do
There are lots of possible causes in your area, including rabies (so make sure no human goes close enough to be bitten until a vet or public health officer can assess her) – and i think she really needs veterinary examination by someone familiar with the common diseases in your area ASAP!
So I have my Cat but he now Grunts very low. And his voice used to be loud but it’s very soft.
Changes in voice aren’t usually a sign of pain (although of course they can be) – disease or damage to the larynx is perhaps more likely; however, either way, I think that he needs veterinary assessment: good luck!
My cat would meow at me constantly in high pitched sound over and over until I followed her she lead me to a room and went into the closet and started to meow in the same sound and then started scratching at the floor for a bit and meow at me again and walked away but came back to the same place to do it all over again in different spots inside the closet until I went upstairs and she stopped meowing at me and never scratched the floor upstairs ever until I went downstairs to get something she would do it all over again.
This might be pain, but it could be a number of other things – she might be in season if she’s not neutered; she might have an underlying neurological problem (such as senile dementia if she’s an older girl, or strokes due to high blood pressure, or even a brain lesion); or it might be behavioural.
I think the best thing to do is get her checked out by your vet who can determine if there is an underlying disease process, and then take it from there – good luck with her!
(David? Respect your answers!! So) My wonderful 3yo baby boy(adopted with his sis!!❤) He’s the sweetest kitty ever(and I’ve had alot since childhood) He’s still sweet affectionate but obviously somewhat uncomfortable; have appointment with vet next week😧 just worried about him Now!) Lip locking, trouble jumping and (usually very nimble, not so much?! And!!!! His mid section is all swollen(But…not Painful, let me prod and Rub it, he liked that??!) Looking for some reassurance that it CAN wait…thank you!!!🙏😻
Like you, I don’t really like the sound of that – it does sound like he is in some discomfort, but a swollen abdomen really isn’t normal in a cat, and could suggest a number if issues, from simple constipation, to something more serious. Personally, I’d be inclined to see if your vet can squeeze him in earlier; it’s unlikely to be anything nasty, but if it is, earlier diagnosis is almost always better…
My baby is about 4yrs old was a kitten who fine my place of work an when she was about 8/9 mths see fill into pup had 2 work got the kittens taken away by aspa an they also took her as well on condition that she was bought back it was agree ,then she seem to adopt me an I took her home 🏠 she is my cat 🐱 we go for a we walk each day an always be near by where I am. She sleep inside at night some stays out very rear she love pats an rubs brushed an play time but the last 3 days she spends most of day in our shed will come in the house if I go get her she will eat have a big rub an walk through the house me but then wants out again dose her business then back to shed to sit an sleep. Not sure what is going on can you help
A sudden change in behaviour like that is usually a sign that your cat is either stressed, unwell or in pain – so I’d definitely be suggesting getting her checked out by a vet to see what’s going on.
My cat is 7 mths old. She is making sounds like she is crying. I only feed her kiddy food. We have been out last few days alot this not a normal thing for us. Could she have been lonely?
Possibly, but unless she’s neutered, she might also be in season at that age!
However, it could also be a sign of pain so if she is neutered, and she’s vocalising even when you’re there, I would suggest a vet check to make sure there aren’t any health issues.
My cat was fine when went to bed , he did his usual jumped up for a scratch. At 1 AM I heard him meow usual meaning wants out. I found him under couch( never goes under couch ). He came out wobbled to door and laying there. Cry’s out once in awhile. Jittery
Abnormal behaviour like that is also a worry – especially if he’s wobbly. I’d be concerned about a stroke or inner ear problems; definitely I’d suggest a vet check to try and work out what’s going on.
My spayed, over 10 year old cat (we don’t know her exact age because she’s a rescue) just randomly started making the meows she makes when we give her a bath, the ones that sound distressed, while I was in the other room. I quickly went to check on her and she looked okay, though her fur was raised and she was more skittish than usual. She has been more aggressive toward my other cat lately as well. She is diabetic, but she wasn’t shaking or showing external signs of low blood sugar, so I don’t think its that. I also heard her randomly scratch at something right before she started meowing. Should I be concerned?
I think that any change in behaviour like that in a diabetic cat is worth taking quite seriously, as it could well be a sign of a complication – such as a urinary tract infection making her uncomfortable, for example, or diabetic ketoacidosis. Definitely time for a vet check I think, to make sure there aren’t any nasty underlying issues grumbling along.
Hi, my cat for the past week has not moved, does not eat but drinks water, blood drips out with pee and he just lays without moving peeing on himself and blood occasionally comes out. He is starting to smell bad and I do not know what to do for him as covid left us in bad financial situation. any help of what this can be?
It sounds like your cat is REALLY ill and needs URGENT veterinary attention – consider a vet or if not affordable, a local feline or animal rescue charity as soon as possible
Why is my cat sitting uncomfortably and hunched up and meowing repeatedly. She looks like she is in pain and I really can’t tell.
Although there are other possibilities, the most likely is the simplest – yes, she’s in pain! Definitely time for a vet ASAP.
My 6 year old female cat started drooling excessively last night right as we were about to go on vacation. My roommate said it has continued today as well. My cat does play with bugs and my friend saw her licking the ground outside the other day as well.
The most likely cause is that she licked or bit something that stung her – it’s rarely dangerous (unless she is allergic or the swelling gets so large she can’t eat or drink, or even suffocates), but if it doesn’t resolve rapidly, a vet check is usually a good idea.
My cat is licking a particular spot on his back/neck as far as he car reach repeatedly. He recently had a vaccine 1 week ago but I don’t think it was that. He is 7. His breathing seems a bit faster and I can hear him breathe louder on and off. He is being overly clingy and is trying to rest/rub that area on my neck for pressure? in my opinion when he does this his skin feels hot on mine? Not sure what to do. He has slept a lot today too. Could it just be stress as we are boxing up to move house? A small bald patch is beginning to form.
Overgrooming can definitely be caused by stress, especially if you’re stressed and the environment is changing! I’d have a chat to your vet about it though, as faster breathing and feeling hot are more indicative of a medical issue (although in some cases stress can trigger issues like this, it’s not that common).
My 2 year old female cat Tinsley has not been fixed and she is a loveable cat and everyday makes biscuits on you and will let you pet her, but when she’s done she also let’s you know. Then 2 days ago she had become extremely affectionate, kinda making biscuits and moving all around on the blanket next to me and she will sometimes ball up and cuddle or stretch completely out but always wanting me to keep petting while letting out the occasional meow while looking at me. She doesn’t seem to be in pain , atleast she doesn’t seem like it with her body language, or vocal. Is there reason for me to be concerned in her new affectionate behavior?
I wouldn’t be that concerned about her health, but there’s a good chance she’s pregnant, hence the nesting behaviour…
My cat has just been diagnosed with feline aids he has a mouth ulcer I have taken him to my vets and he has been prescribed low dose of steroids he has started eating again . He is not allowed out of course . He is a very difficult cat to take to the vet and has to be knocked out so he can be handled he has had 2 lots of anaesthetic 1 in October and the 2nd on the 5th of jan which is not great for him . He lets me look in his mouth at home and it looks pink at the front but I can’t see the bath which is where the ulcer is . He is very upset at staying in but we have bought a tower and loads of interactive toys but he is now meowing looking outgrew windows . He did his on top of my kitchen cupboards but continued to meow also on top on top of my daughter’s wardrobe. I am not sure if he is pain or depressed at not going out x As he gets so distressed at the vets I am torn as what to do . He does have Gabapentin twice a day I am 50% his behaviour is because he is desperate to go out and I’m having a catio built for him . I would hat to think he is in pain
Thank you
It might be worth asking your vet for a video consult so they can observe his behaviour in the home – for behavioural issues, that can be really helpful to determine whether you’re looking at a painful cat or something else. Another option would be to book a home visit, either from your own vet or one of the specialised mobile vets that are more and more common these days. But either way I agree – you do need to get to the bottom of whether or not he’s actively in pain.
My cat is breathing heavy and fast. Also cries when you touch her chest and lower back. Not really eating.
OK, from what you’ve said, it sounds like they’re in pain and need a vet check. If she’s an unneutered female, there is a chance that she is just in season – however, I would advise a vet check if her breathing is unusual anyway.
So my cat is oalways in the position like she is in heat bust has a hard time walking around has lost some weight around her back legs and him. She meows verry soft and we can’t hear her. But her stomach is tight and she gets a little on edge when we pick her up like it hurts bit she is not houling or acting right. And has lost some of her appetite and energy
Poor girl, it does sound like she’s not quite right. I’d suggest a vet check to try and work out what’s going on – your vet may be able to find the problem on a clinical exam, or with blood tests and maybe imaging, but until the cause is identified, it’ll be very hard to treat. Good luck!
Hii like i have a stray cat that’s stays at my home during the day time and suddenly today she was crying wanting to sit in the lap n is hissing when she is touched and uh can hear her heart beat out loud like its so fast she is acting strange like is it normal?
It’s hard to know – she might be seriously injured, or she might be in season!
Hi can i ask whats the problem of my cat,she suddenly changes her behavior and always crying i felt like she feel pain or something is bothering her
My cat is rubbing her body on the floor more than usual, in distress. She’s rubbing her face on rough edges like a cardboard box edge, to itch.. This is much more than and different from how they usually lie on the ground and itch. 3 months old.
There are lots of options, and it’s always worth checking with your vet; however, it does sound like she might be coming into season or responding to a pheromone.
my little girl has a closed eye and when i touch her belly she meows and sort of goes into defence mode. She also hisses and goes for her brother – seems quite agitated.
Eyes are delicate and easily injured – and they REALLY hurt if damaged! I definitely think she needs a vet check; the earlier the eye can be assesse and treated, the faster she’ll heal and the less likely she is to develop any long lasting complications like scarring that might impair her vision.
My daughter nought a necklace collar for her 5 month old kitten. It seems a bit heavy. Can this damage the spine or neck of the cat? He still runs, plays eats, sleeps etc.
It’s pretty uncommon – I must admit I’ve never seen a case where that happened, but I suppose it is possible! A bigger worry is whether it has a cat-safe buckle or fastening, so it will pop off if she gets caught up on something – I have sadly seen cats who hanged themselves with cheap collars that didn’t have a suitable release mechanism.
My cat meows when I touch a specific part of it’s body, it meows like it’s in pain Everytime it moves, I’ve heard it got into a fight earlier, what should I do?
It sounds like he or she has been really beaten up poor thing – I would strongly advise a vet check to see what’s going on and how to make your cat more comfortable.
Idk what’s wrong with my cat he’s around 3-4 years old he’s not neutered…he’s been peeing around the house for a couple weeks now and every time he pees he meows in pain and messes with his privates I took him to the vet thinking he has a uti but they said nothing was wrong even tho I found puss and now blood recently and he seems to be getting worse lose of appetite meowing more in distress and growling and isn’t letting me really near him idk what to do
Get him back to the vet ASAP – urinary problems in male cats can be fatal as they block the urethra; report to the vet what he’s been doing and say that you have found pus and blood.
Here we go again.. pancreatitis. my poor baby … hiding and crouching. to the vet. yeppers two fluid packs under the skin. cerenia inj for vomiting, suboxone inj for pain bland chicken an hills ad in tiny bits every few hours. so scary.
My kitten likes to escape and run out side this morning she cried out when we picked her up to bring her in . and now cries and bites when we touch her stomach she wasn’t out long what could it be?
It does sound like she’s in quite a lot of pain, doesn’t it? Definitely vet time I think – she might have been hit by traffic, or had a run in with a dog, for example.
My just over 1 year old Persian Cross tabby is acting extremely odd. She sometimes acts a little like this when shes on heat but now she is meowing like something you’ve never heard before, she is next to me now she is kicking her back legs into me and won’t stop kicking her back legs and going round in circles doing so. She is also peeing all over the house. While she’s doing this meowing really loudly and weirdly. She’s still loving but she’s overly loving and just wanting to cuddle her head into literally everything. She keeps licking her back legs and her privates and literally can not stay still for a second. I called the vets before and they said that she’s in heat. But it’s getting a bit annoying now finding wee everywhere on the house and dealing with the awful smell of it.
I’m afraid that yes, this really does sound like she’s in heat! I think my suggestion would be to consider spaying her at this point before she finds someone able to get her pregnant!
Hi there, I have a 3 year old neutered male Birman whom I got as a 12 week old kitten along with his sister…he’s quite a long framed cat and have always thought of him as being quite muscular. He’s always been quite vocal at times to the birds outside and during the spring, he will catch a few (I do manage to rescue most of them) but I have recently noticed him looking a bit scruffy (it’s summer here) and thought he had lost a bit of muscle mass and even though I feed him good quality food and he’s eating and drinking as normal, weighs 5.52 kg I still feel he’s not completely well. Took him to the vet today to get him checked over, she couldn’t find anything from her physical examination and said to keep a dairy to see if I notice any further changes. Is there anything else I should or could be doing to help him or am I just an overly concerned patent. Even though his sister is much smaller I don’t feel the same concern over her because I don’t actually notice any physical change in her whereas with him, I still think he’s wasting away a bit even though he’s a good weight, eating and drinking etc but he still worries me.
OK, I’d be inclined to keep a diary or log for about 4 weeks of exactly what and how much he’s eating, and (if you can!) weigh him weekly. This will help your vet to check what’s going on – you cna go back in a month if you’re still not happy with your records. It might also be worth checking that he’s up to date with worming, especially if he’s been known to catch wild prey!
My 10 month old kitty started acting funny. He meows ( different sound) and when walking all of a sudden he will get low to the floor mostly his back half and what seems like he sticks his butt in the air,,,then a few minutes hes find
so at one time he seems like something is wrong then its not. He is eating and drinking . He jumps up on the bed no trouble and does clean himself . So really its like one minute he’s fine then he’s not
That’s interesting; if he were a she I’d say it sounds like she was in season!
As he’s a he, though, I would suggest a vet check to see if there is a medical issue – or if he’s just trying to get your attention!
My cat just started constantly crying when I’m around and rolling over and over while she cry’s!! I take she baths so she don’t have a lot of fleas so don’t know what’s going on with her!! She a inside cat!! Just like 6 months! I never had a cat just dogs need alittle help!!
If she’s not neutered, this sounds like she might be in season/in heat! If you’re not planning to breed from her, I’d advise getting her neutered – otherwise you’ll have every tomcat within earshot lined up at the door trying to get to her.
My four month old kitten sometimes meow when I touch his tummy and I don’t know why. He has also been playing with me and my family a little bit too agressively. He’d hold our hands with his paws and try to put it in his mouth to bite. Please tell me what is going on.
It sounds like this is probably “rough play” which a lot of kittens do at this age! Take a look at this article for some more ideas.
Hi my boy cat of 4 years has suddenly in less than 12 hours grunting, meowing having severe stomach cramp looking contractions and won’t let me touch him at all but lies tightly against me. He seems to be in a lot of pain and can’t urinate or have bowl movement… He was perfectly fine just 12 hours before, this suddenly happened after I fed him his normal soft pouch of food and his fresh water and helping of pebbles as I give small helpings throughout the day to keep him from over eating and he loves to snack. Reason for asking is there’s no veterinary clinic, hospital or practice open in my area on Sundays and only open tomorrow (Monday) morning 9am. He is my absolute life and it kills me seeing him like this and being upset crying seems to make him feel worse. Please advise on how to make it better for him until I can contact the nearest Vet which is 1h30 mins from me. They open at 10am and no emergency contact details. Thank you 😭
There isn’t much you can do – human painkillers are mostly too dangerous for use in cats; try and keep him calm and quiet in a dim room, but try and find somewhere as soon as possible: this sounds like it might be a blocked bladder which is commonly fatal in cats without emergency treatment (usually within 6 hours).
My one yr old cat levi always flinched wgen I stroke her back. And he is always afraid to walk outside. He is an indoor cat by the way. Complete indoor. I have noticed that he is hesitant to jump and is always bows his head like someone is going to attack him. I am always worried about this condition of his. It breaks my heart to pieces.
Yes, I definitely think time for a full vet check, as that would be consistent with some painful condition, Good luck!
my around 6yr old cat, lily, has been very irritable around our other cats lately (we have 3 adult cats excluding her, and 2 kittens) she also won’t let me pick her up or touch her lower back or hind-legs, she growls and tries to bite me if i touch her and swats at our other cats. I’m very concerned about her, is there anything i can do to help her?
Yes – definitely get her checked out by your vet, sudden changes in behaviour like this often suggest a painful condition somewhere
Hi yesterday i gave my cat a bath.. After a while like 2-4 hrs his been acting strange.. He did not eat he’s just sleeping on my bed all day and today he hasn’t eaten yet.. And his eyes looks different already.. His back part and back legs keeps on shaking.. What do i need to do? ASAP
Vet time, ASAP!
My 7 months old cat is not having food and sitting for hours on bed with closed eyes if i pick her up she makes a weird meow which he usually doesnt…..
2 days back took him to vet and gave 2 antibiotic injections and then he was fine but today again he’s dull and sluggish doesnt play just sleeps.
OK, I’d give the vets a call back and say he seems to be going downhill again
A dog grabbed our 8 mth. Old cat/kitten. He shook her for a few seconds. Maybe two or 3 times and we got him to drop her. But now she is dragging her left hind leg and just laying around and breathing weird. Kinda fast I guess.
Get her to a vet ASAP – dog bites can cause massive internal injuries.
My 10 year old Tabby usually well behaved and around me a lot now is acting strangely. She sits on kitchen worktop on a tea towel and if she does sit in with me, she insists on sitting right up on my chest. She just wants food constantly and she won’t go upstairs at all where before that was her happy place. She is a normal weight
Might be a good idea to get her checked out by your vet – changes in appetite and behaviour can be due to a range of conditions in older cats, including diabetes and hyperthyroidism. If treated early, these are usually very manageable conditions, but any delay in diagnosis can make them much more difficult to control.
3 days ago my cat 1yr old started limping on his front right paw. He meows when he tries to walk sometimes. He did let me inspect his paw and leg. I can’t find anything and it’s not swollen. I gave him cat cbd oil in his food which helps. He does play and run on it here any there when the oil kicks in. I’m wondering if it’s a sprain. He does hold his leg up and limps
Always seek veterinary input before trying out any experimental and unlicensed medications on your cat (such as CBD). It’s analgesic effects are quite limited, and you may have left him without effective pain relief. See your vet as a matter of urgency to ensure there isn’t anything more serious going on – cats are experts at hiding pain so if he’s limping and crying out, it usually means he’s in agony.
please can u respond me my cat has temperature 40.02 and meow in pain if i touch her she will meow in pain , and doesnt poop for 2 days
Get her to a vet ASAP. That is a worryingly high temperature, and along with pain, may suggest a septic focus.
I think my two cats got into a fight and one clawed the other in the lip/ nose area. I don’t really see any blood but he is drooling and can’t close his mouth. If it’s still like the in the morning should I take him to the vet?
Yes, definitely – there might be more serious injury inside the mouth.
we woke up today and our 3 year old cat has gone insane. she cant recognize us, she is hissing, spitting and screaming at us like we are the devil. she doesnt seem to be injured. she hides from us and one point chasing us. what can cause this? we gave her cream and she drank it. she didnt use her litterbox and made a mess on the floor instead.
She might “just” be really stressed by something – alternatively, there may be a significant medical problem that needs dealing with ASAP. Vet time as soon as you can!
And in general, I don’t recommend giving cream to adult cats – it can cause nasty diarrhoea!
My cats is flicking his tail like hes angry but he still want fuss hes just had antibiotics for a cat bite absces 10 days off why has he starting to do this hes still having his pain meds should I be worried
He might be feeling better or frustrated at still being cooped up? However, it is possible he’s still uncomfortable, so I’d double check with your vet about how he’s getting on – rule out medical issues first! good luck with him.
My cat is usually so active and loves being held. Today he hasn’t wanted any attention. He keeps sleeping and laying down and meows when we touch him. He doesnt want us to touch him. This is unusual for him.
OK, a sudden change in behaviour like that is always a worry in a cat – I’d be inclined to get him checked over by your vet, as it sounds like he’s really uncomfortable somewhere. It might be an abscess, or an injury, or something else, but definitely get it checked out.
My approximately 8 year old cat starred me owning, growling, and occasionally hissing when I pick her up. I am not sure if it is behavioral (because I recently started lifting her off the sewing table a lot, where she isn’t supposed to be but has been jumping on a lot lately) or medical because today I rubbed along her abdomen while she was standing (after she meowed when I picked her up) and she hissed on me. She does not hiss often. Is it worth taking her in or is it likely just behavioral? I avoid taking her to the vet unnecessarily because she hates it
I think I’d advise ruling out medical problems – abdominal pain would definitely cause those signs. If your cat is that stressed by being taken to the vets, perhaps have a chat with the vet about a prescription for calming medication for her before you take her in? It’s something we’re increasingly using for stressed cats in practice and it’s making a massive difference to how happy they are.
My 4 week old kitten got hurt and now he won’t feed and is freezing breathing might also be a small bit shallow how do I help I can’t afford a vet
It sounds like he’s really very ill – and without rapid care, he’ll probably not make it. If you can’t afford a vet, try to get in touch with a local rescue charity. He’s too young to be away from his mother, but if he is for some reason, then make sure he’s kept warm until he can get the expert care he needs.
My 9 week old kitten has just started shivering her jaw when she meows and he meow is alot quieter than usual is this something to be worried about?
Hi, I was just wondering if you found what was wrong with him because my kitten is having almost the same problem, she also shakes her head weirdly after purring.
It could be stress or a throat infection (just like people get), but I think I’d want to get her seen by your vet to check there isn’t anything serious going on.
I got my girls from a rescue just over two years ago when they were 10/11 months old. The rescue had them both neutered as part of the adoption process but during the procedure they found that one of them was pregnant. I was told this when the girls were dropped to me post op and they said she had got pregnant when she was in foster care but they weren’t aware until the op.
They told me that the pregnancy had been terminated and just said that she would need a lot of affection and may be trying to look for her kittens (which she did for a couple of days and it broke my heart).
The aftercare went well, they didn’t try to get to their stitches, they were resting, their checkups went ok. The one that was pregnant had trembling in her back legs for a couple of days after surgery but the vet said this was normal and should go away and gave her medication for the pain. It did go away and now I’ve got two happy, healthy cats who are both full vaccinated, flea’d and wormed regularly, the lot!
However, the one that was pregnant doesn’t like to be held and let’s out a broken meow when you’re holding her and pushes to get down. Yet, she’s very affectionate otherwise and cuddles in bed, she has to be touching me all the time and gets as close to me as possible. So I’ve noticed that sometimes I can feel her muscles trembling in her back legs which I thought is odd, but it’s only recently that I’ve thought this could be linked with why she doesn’t like being held.
Being that it’s 2 years since she was neutered, is it possible she could be in pain following complications form the surgery? Is that why she doesn’t like being held? I know cats are good at hiding their pain and I would hate to think that she’s been in pain for the last 2 years and I’ve not known. She seems fine otherwise, she eats well (she’s chubby compared to her sister), she plays a lot (inside and outside), she drinks plenty of water..
Am I worrying over nothing or is this something I should get checked out?
It is possible that there’s some chronic pain, but it isn’t that likely: long-term complications causing pain are pretty uncommon, although not impossible of course. It might just be a difference in temperament but I think it might be worth talking to your vet or vet nurse at her next health check about it. It would be useful to know if there are any specific triggers for the hindlimb shaking – for example, being held in a particular way or touched in a particular place? I suspect it’s just her – but you’re right there is the, unlikely but possible, risk of a chronic pain state after surgery. Another option might be to perform a pain score – your vet nurss or vets will be able to show you; the Glasgow Feline Pain Score is quite widely used and might be useful.
Good luck!
My cat has been very jumpy and skiddish and jumpy lately paranoid around the house and won’t eat his food. Now he has been on a blanket for two days and every time he eats or drinks his mouth almost locks up and he turns his neck in pain. His eyes also had some funk a couple days ago.
That’s a real worry – the moth locking and turning his neck in pain. I think that definitely needs veterinary attention ASAP – those signs might be neurological so the sooner they’re addressed the better.
My kitten is 5 months old. Today she started crying and laying down with her bottom raised in the air. What could this mean ?
If she’s unneutered, most likely she’s in season!
But if in doubt, call your vet for advice
hi! is possible that my 5month old persian (female) is in heat? she’s showing the same signs.
Yes, it would be consistent!
My cats started using outside their litter boxes which is very unusual. every time they sit, they won’t let their butt touch the floor. walking around hunched. just acting very abnormal. i have 3 cats so it’d be pretty expensive to get them all to a vet but I’m not sure if they are in pain or not and I just want to help them
This could be constipation, or cystitis – both of which can occur in a group due to diet or stress. It does sound like they’re a little uncomfortable, and if hunched that’s quite a bad sign in a cat – I would be suggesting a vet check I’m afraid.
Hey there, we are extremely concerned and will take our, just over 2yr old, neutered male cat to vet…but thought I’d throw this out there.
We became concerned about our cat when we noticed a strong smelling oder (almost pee like) on our couch and was blaming it on everything else but our cat, until we seen him crouch like a lady does peeing, stare confused and wide eyed (almost scared or threatened looking), and squirted a discharge of fowl smelling liquid on the floor in front of us…not even caring about it!!! WE WERE SHOCKED because this is outta the “norm” for him to do 100%. Now he’s continuously repeating this action everywhere and more frequent then ever, so wondering if there’s maybe any explanation anyone has or same situations they been through they could help us with! We love our cat he’s an original bada## in our family and we’d hate to have bad outcome on this subject.
It sounds like it might be a urinary tract infection – which in male cats can be fatal, so definitely vet time! However, if it is this, fortunately it’s usually very treatable – good luck.
Cat was neutared came home my female attacked him bit his neck not serious no bleeding now 2
3weeks later has little marks red on back legs neck what can that be
There are lots of possibilities, ranging from flea bites to allergies to blood poisoning. I’d suggest getting him checked by your vet.
Took my cat to the vet yesterday, concerned that he’s not eating, he tries but just cries like he hurting. Vet says he sees nothing wrong in his mouth, no sores, blisters or loose teeth. I’m at a loss on how to help him. Took blood work.
If your cat is on grain free biscuits it could be pancytopenia due to their food.
The foods associated with pancytopenia aren’t all grain free, that doesn’t seem to be a risk factor, fortunately.
However, if their diets are on the list DEFINITELY vet time!
Good luck with him! Let’s hope the bloods show something.
What kinda help is that?
The vet recommended further investigations as there was no obvious cause, and according to the post we’re now waiting for the results. Hopefully they will show a cause – such as renal or hepatic disease or evidence of a systemic infection, all of which can cause these symptoms but often need laboratory diagnostic tests to confirm.
If they don’t, then we can discuss rarer options, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss that until the obvious systemic issues have been ruled out.
my cat is suddenly started very loud screaming she is licking her back part, down part and lossed her some tair hair what i can do for her she is ignoring me,usually she never do this n not following me
Sudden changes like this can be due to allergies BUT screaming is normally associated with an injury or being in season. If she’s entire, then she might just be in season – is she rolling or pushing her bottom up into the air? Is she still eating and drinking? If so, this would be suggestive of her being in season. However, if not, or she seems painful when handled, or she’s off food and drink, or it doesn’t resolve in a day or two, then definitely vet check!
My cat Moe is around 10 years old – he’s always been annoying and affective, but now he’s super clingy, meows all hours of the night and throws up more often – even right on my pillow. I think he’s tying to tell me something but I can’t tell what. I think theres something wrong with him but I can’t really narrow the options. He has a history of urinary infections and is currently on the preventative foods.
Could “just” be stress, but personally, I’d want to rule out medical problems by getting him checked out by your vet.
Hi my kitty is purring none stop and I have given her some of the her favorite meal and she seems to be very irritable.. I don’t knw why.. She a female.. I gave her a bath today and she slept.. But frm the tym she work up she seems to be very irritable
Sudden changes in behaviour might be due to pain, but equally to being in season, stress, or some other underlying condition. If in doubt, personally, I’d suggest a phone call to your vet.
Hi, my cat has wounds all over all of his paws, some more serious, we have tried to treat it but whilst and when it has started healing he keeps on biting and licking it aggressively and it does not keep on healing, it is getting worse probably he himself is wounding himself by biting on it or it keeps getting bigger, I’m also afraid that it could be infected or is already infected. As of now I am very concerned since he has white spots and a lump in her paw and plenty of wounds.
That sounds like he’s going to need more aggressive treatment – definitely time to go back to the vet and explain the problem.
Hello im very worried about my cat. Lately shes been sleeping in the living room and shes never ever done that. Shes always slept with me or in my room. Her eye is blurry and teary eyed and shes been twitching lately. My mom says its normal because shes in heat but I dont believe her. Please tell me whats going on if you can, I love my cat so much and I want her to only feel happy and safe.
A blurry and teary or watery eye isn’t normally a sign of being in heat; it’s more consistent with an eye injury, such as a corneal ulcer. I would advise a vet check, eyes are delicate!
Hey! my cat is normally a happy and playful one she’s not even a year old yet. but recently she just started moping around, quit playing. and she stopped greeting me when i get home, i try not to pick her up cause when i do she cries and when i pet her she cries as well. she honestly just has a overall depressed attitude. she hasn’t done anything to get hurt so i’m completely lost on the situation, i am taking her to the vet when i’m off. just need a little closure for now.
Poor girl! Yes, definitely get her sen by the vet – sudden changes in behaviour like this are often the signs of illness or pain, so hopefully it’ll be something easily treatable: good luck!
I have a male cat that lost his hind leg at the tender age of 8 days… He is now 3 years old, limps badly on the other hind leg. He has been to the vet, x-rays have been taken of his hips, that shows no early symptoms of arthritis etc., but he cries, growls and twitches his tail all the time. This last year he has changed from a very lovable, cuddly cat to a aggressive cat. He growls at you when you want to pick him up and will bite and/or scratch you. I do not know what to do anymore.
That’s really sad to hear. Not all arthritis shows up on X-rays, so it might be worth talking to your vet about trying some treatment and seeing if there is any improvement?
My grey cat has been meowing when he is usually quite…he still is using the litter but when you pet him he meows when he didn’t use to..my daughter said he threw up but it looked like spit..should I be concerned
Any change in behaviour like that is a bit of a worry – so I would be recommending a vet check, yes.
I have a outdoor Tom cat we live in the country ‘the other morning I noticed he didn’t come out to eat I found him hiding hardly able to breath threw his nose and hard to swollow anything he won’t eat or drink he is a rescue so not sure about his history had a yr never seen this not sure if it was a fight or what need help
One distinct possibility would be that this is a flare up of cat flu, which can often cause these signs. However, a number of other conditions can appear very similar, so I would strongly advise you consult your vet and get huim checked out.
Hi my cat has recently been laying against my body and just growls… Like a low growl even while he sleeps.. Whenever he moves he growls too… How would I know if his in pain or just upset?
If he’s doing it whenever he moves, that does suggest pain: in which case vet time!
Hi my cat Delta looks to have lost weight but really I think it’s just that he chews and licks until whatever part of his body is practically bald. When he was younger he was always vomiting bile colored vomit (not any more -but I no longer give him chicken of any kind) his breath is always got smell (not terrible but odor to it), he doesn’t like to be touched mostly all over except his head and if you lightly touch his body he might be okay, diarrhea most of his life, dilated pupils often, my other cats always pick on him (he is the sweetest cat ever and so forgiving of all the other cats being mean), seems to always have a runny nose, or a sneeze, gunk in his eyes (he has ever had a very small amount of red blood mixed in with his sleep before) with no signs of damage. May have dental or just stomach issues. Not sure. Every time I take him to the vet I find out nothing. Usually treat him with upper respiratory medication. Please do you have any idea of what might be bothering him and may be something I do from home to maybe make him feel better. He goes through this every 3 months or so. But licking his hair off is contact and so is bad breath. I have spent so much money on him and I don’t have it to spend now.
The most likely cause of the licking and hair loss is skin disease: quite possibly mange or a flea infestation, but other infections (bacterial or fungal) and allergic skin disease are a possibility. That amount of hair loss really needs to be addressed; I’d be inclined to ask your vet for the most appropriate broad spectrum parasiticide against the parasites found in your area. If still no improvement, then I definitely think another vet visit is going to be needed, I’m afraid.
Last night my cat jumped on the flooor nd she got injured
She’s making lots of noice
And she is not even putting her leg down
She’s hiding under bed
What to do now
She’s is almost 5 months kitten
Get her to a vet ASAP – this isn’t optional.
Hi my cat has been home while some tree work was being done at the house. Now she can purr but not his or meow . She sounds like she has laryngitis. Possibly from vocalizing fear or inhaled sawdust? Any suggestions?
Either are possible. Personally, I’d ask your vet to check her over and make sure there aren’t any underlying medical issues, then think about stress-control – e.g. Feliway diffusers, high hides, etc etc. Take a look ehre for some ideas:
I have a twelve-year-old female cat inside she went blind suddenly and will not eat she will drink but she hides all the time and just wondering what I should do
Get her to a vet ASAP – the most likely cause is high blood pressure, which can cause injury to many other internal organs if not treated.
My cat is about 1 year old, he has never been not okay with me picking him up or anything or the sort! He’s been outside for most of the day and when he came back in he kept meowing when i picked him up which is odd for him, he doesn’t have a problem with me petting him though! He’s eating but he’s not finishing his food when he usually does! He was hiding under my couch for a while! What could this mean he is currently sleeping right now?! Thank you!
He might be a bit battered and bruised after an argument; or he may be unwell in some way: unfortunately cats are often quite subtle like this in telling us what’s wrong! I’d suggest a vet check to rule out injury or illness first, though, to be honest.
Hi my cat keeps hunching and licking his private areas genitals/anus and defecated on the rug. He was showing signs of illness over the weekend and the veterinary clinic we usually go to is close. I’m not sure whether its abdominal or a urinary infection. Is it okay to give him an antibacterial medicine?
Definitely not unless he has been assessed by the vet who has prescribed it to him. Excessive and inappropriate use of antibacterial medications is causing massive problems with drug resistant bacteria. NEVER USE AN ANTIBACTERIAL MEDICATION IN AN ANIMAL EXCEPT UNDER VETERINARY INSTRUCTION.
My cat woke me up and was meowing. I let her walk into the hall but she just came back. Shes still meowing a bit. Is something wrong?
It’s hard to say – she might be in pain, but if she’s unneutered, she might also be in season, it looks very similar! If in doubt though, give your vet a ring – they will know her medical history.
My cat get injected today now he is running here abr there in pain?
Some discomfort after injections is quite common but is sounds pretty severe – I’d strongly advise calling the vet and letting them know, as this isn’t a normal reaction to most meds.
Hello. My cat got spayed two days ago. She started drinking and eating normally but now she won’t because she cannot open her mouth fully. It’s like it is stuck. Any idea why?
That’s not normal – it could be a very rare complication from the anaesthetic breathing tubes, so I’d strongly advise getting her seen by your vet as soon as possible.
My cat is 16 she is female, yesterday we noticed if we pet her near her back left hip she will start licking that area like crazy as we pet it (shes never done that before) and I felt around in that area, I felt a little lump but not sure if it was a muscle or the way she was sitting. But shes been eating, playing, using the restroom, etc like normal.
I’d get that checked by your vet – it might be skin disease, or possibly an abscess that hasn’t burst yet!
hi, my cat is almost a year old aand healthy. i woke up to his meow pretty raspy. should i be worried?
There are a number of possible causes, but a throat or nasal infection is probably the most likely. I’d suggest a vet check if in doubt!
Hi, our 6 year old female cat appears to have been flatten at the hips and down her hind legs, yet walks around as if she only feels mild discomfort, but it looks painful!
My husband and I just noticed this about Piper, our cat, and I’m puzzled about it, because to our knowledge nothing to that magnitude has happened to her. Now, last week she came home with no voice, raspy voice, and I’m just now hearing a healthier meow from her. She is still eating but maybe not as much as normal… what do you think could have happened that would cause that, other than the obvious freak accident while outside….?? I feel awful for her! It’s sad…
Thanks in advance,
There are lots of possibilities, but in any case, I’d strongly advise a vet check to try and work out what’s happened to her, poor girl!
My two kittens got the vaccine for mange and skin irration. The next day they can’t walk properly but one have got a good appetite while other can’t even eat nor move. My other one got wide round eyes and I don’t know what to do about my kittens condition.
I’m not familiar with any vaccines for mange in cats; however, this does sound like a drug reaction, so you should contact the prescribers and talk to them.
My cats stomach is really big..i think its a tumor or something..she barely eats and barely uses the bathroom…i can tell shes in pain but i have no money to take her to the vet…i dont want her to suffer..do u know of any vets that have payment plans..is there a way a vet can look at her and say yes its a tumor without charging me alot…i really dont want to put her down but if shes in alot of pain…
Look for a local shelter or animal rescue, they will usually be able to direct you – good luck.
We have five 2month old motherless kittens in our home…we have been raising those 5 for the past one month . We gave prawn with rice last week…one of the kitten is not feeling well frm the next day….it vomited once and after that it became lethargic and not grooming . We tried giving milk using a syringe but it was not drinking. We have to force feed it…it lies on ground all the tym..not playing with its siblings. It pooped hard black once and black to brown hard … And today we saw its tummy is bloated and sometimes it’s stomach gurgles….and the worst we don’t even have a nice vet in our place which facilities…wat can I do to make my kitten comfortable .please help somebody pleasee…
Stop feeding your cats people food!!
I think that an examination from a vet is needed – you can do the home nursing but black faeces may indicate a severe internal bleed.
Our cat is very gentle and cuddly with us. When we brought our newborn home he became very guarded and now spends most of the time outside. Every time he comes inside he moans very loud and deep. We always make sure he has food and try to pick him up to give him loves but he just goes out the cat door. No signs of pain (hiding, aggression, etc.). We think he is feeling replaced but can’t show him extra love because he just leaves through the cat door. Any suggestions? Will he act out towards the newborn?
This is very common with cats when the social environment changes. The best thing you can do is to work on a stress reduction programme, especially using Feliway and getting him a hideaway in the house. See this article for some more ideas: https://vethelpdirect.com/pet-health-library/cat-stress/
Hello, My cat is almost 6 months old and is a female, She plays, walks, eats, and does everything normally but when i hole her and i rub her stomach she starts grabbing my hand and bites me, She always bites when she plays because she doesn’t hiss or hurt me. I just want to make sure nothings wrong with her if anyone knows if this is normal please let me know! Thank you!
Yes, that’s very common! A lot of cats will roll over onto their backs, but don’t actually want to be tickled and will very clearly let you know! If she seems fine otherwise, take a look at: https://vethelpdirect.com/vetblog/2020/07/09/why-does-my-cat-bite-me-unprovoked/
About 3 months ago I adopted a lone kitten from my local shelter. According to the shelter employees he had been given up by his previous owners due to “behavioral” issues but was told that there were a lot of cats present at this location. He is very loving and has integrated somewhat well with my other cat who is about 2 years old while he is now about 9 months old (he was 6 months when I got him). They get along when they are relaxing and will sleep near each other but not quite with each other just yet. I’m posting this as I’ve noticed about 4-8 am he becomes very rambunctious and quite energetic which is quite normal for a kitten his age but have seen he uses his claws fully unsheathed and bites very roughly which disheartens my other cat from being around him. I normally play with him for about 15 mins before letting him run off the energy. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was orphaned at a very young age and does not know why his play is a bit too rough. I have a stuffed toy I will give him that he will grasp but meows like he doesn’t like it but still plays with it sometimes hissing, not at me, but almost seemingly at nothing. Is it just over-stimulation? Just curious as to what kind of things I should do to try and curb this very rough play and if I should take him in for a check up? Other than that he eats well (maybe a little too well) and drinks water just fine. He’s using his litterbox and takes very regular naps.
I think you’re probably right about the cause; it sounds like you’re doing everything right, but I’m not primarily a behaviourist. Might be worth seeing if your vets can put you in touch with a good feline clinical behaviourist?
My 3yr old tabby just started crying and howling at me when I came home from work he will not let us pick him up he always loved being held but it only started with in the last 24 hrs he has a vet appointment but my husband and myself are worry he may have jumped and or landed wrong he is a very active cat. what I’m asking is does anyone have any ideas on what it could be ?
Could be trauma, or a cat bite abscess, or some internal injury, or “just” a fever… good luck!
My cat is always very active and this morning, she was hiding. She didnt want to eat, just wanted to hide. She is walking real slow and cries and hisses when I touch her back left leg. She has never done this before.
OK, definitely time to get her to the vet, poor girl!
My kitty Hemi is about 710 months old. I thought she was coming into heat but this happens every other week. She changes completely. Quits playing, drops to a low crawl, tail in air and shaking, meows loud and frequently. I thought she was in heat. However she’s on one week and off next. I know this isn’t normal. Right? What can I do to help her? She’s a totally different kitty and I know this has to bother her.
That’s odd – I’d advise a vet check to rule out underlying disease conditions – especially hormone abnormalities or chronic pain conditions.
My cat is not eating normally and is generally very lethargic, yesterday she stayed in her bed all day and didn’t make any effort to interact with us/ go outside etc (this is quite unusual for her) and today she has been meowing and hissing when we get too close or attempt to pick her up. What do you think could be wrong? Should I book a vet appointment ASAP? She is still drinking water and has had some biscuits but she would usually be begging for her wet food by this point, so we are very worried.
Yes, I think a vet check ASAP – sounds like she’s really sore, poor girl!
My cat is playing with his tail as if it was not part of his body. He stares at it for ages then attacks it, so strange. He’s a fully grown cat and not a kitten. Why is
he doing this? Any idea? Thanks
This is quite a common form of play for some cats; however, in very rare cases it can also be a sign of spinal damage (although that’s really, really rare!). It might be worth talking to a behaviourist or your vet, if you’re worried?
last night, for no reasons, i got woken up because my cat was meowing VERY loudly. I had never heard a cat that loud and she usually doesn’t meow like that. She was on the ground and her head was shaking and she was trying to walk around but she kept falling down on the sides as if her motions were not coordinated. She also started running in circles but falling down again. To be honest i would literally compare this to being possessed by a spirit like in horror movies. She was looking around like she was seeing things. Then i calmed her down when i pet her, but she still seemed weird. She isn’t injured or anything. This morning i woke up and she was very normal, acting normally and eating normally.
There are a number of possibilities – for example, she might have been in season, if she’s entire? – but I would be concerned that this might be a neurological problem. I would advise getting her checked by your vets, unless she was due to be in season this week, when that’s the more likely cause!
My senior cat (over 17) has had issues with vomiting and heavy grooming. I have taken him to all the vets on the island where I live. I have been giving him the allergy medication they prescribed and giving him a little food of the recommended food at a time to help with the vomiting. He is losing weight again. And at times he sometimes meows or howls loudly and paces by the litter box without using it. I fear he may be experiencing constipation. I told the doctors that he eats the food quickly and then vomits it up (with much of it whole or in chunks). Which is why I give him smaller amounts and space out his feedings. He is older and I am worried. I am grateful for any help here. Thank you.
At that age, there are lots of possibilities, including senile dementia, which often causes these abnormal behaviours in older cats. It might be worth a conversation with them about this as an option too, as well as maybe asking the vets about stool softeners in case it is constipation?
My cat is losing weight, not eating, drinking water, appears to be in pain while lowering head to drink. Intermittent vomiting.
DEFINITELY time for a vet check ASAP!
My cat is 2-3 years old and this morning I found him hiding in our small black cat tent not moving. Now usually he’s a very skittish cat that’s easily scared by most things but when I opened my closest door and it went right not to the tent he didn’t even flinch. I then realized he had a medium sized patch of fur missing on his cheek. I put some medicine on it and that his weird behavior was from a bit of trauma since what most likely happen is he got into someone’s yard and their dog tried to play with him, since he had a large area of hair all dried up from saliva going in a bunch of areas. I realized after I got back from school that when I picked him up from his lower ribs he’d cry out in pain(more of a pain meow). He is barely eating and I have to feed him from my hand to get him to eat plus it smells like he peed on himself although he was probably laying in-front if the kitty litter box the whole 3 hours I was gone. I will probably start giving him wet food with some of his dried food mixed in to get him to drink water since I don’t know if he’s drinking water. He doesn’t appear to be limping but he’s just laying in one area at a time and his breathing sounds a bit shallow.
Any change in breathing is a major problem in a cat, especially if they’re very lethargic: vet, as soon as possible!
My 4yr old male cat whos been neutered has a patch of fur missing just above his bottom it doesn’t seem to bother him a hes using his litter box no problem he lets you touch around that area he is wormed and fleed regularly could he have been bitten by another cat or caught it on a nail in the fence there is no smell to it
It could still be fleas, or a problem with his anal glands – probably worth a chat to your vet at some point!
My cat keeps licking her bum/private area and started leaning her head slighty with one of her ears down. She’s fine now and isn’t acting weird, but sometimes she does. I’ve had her for 10 years now and this is out of her behavior.
There are lots of possible causes, including anal gland issues (yes, cats do have them as well as dogs). But a change in behaviour like that definitely warrants a check up from the vet!
I noticed my cat Appear to be drooling and then he cries randomly as if he’s in pain. I also noticed when he tried to eat he spat out his food like he couldn’t chew it because his teeth or mouth hurt. He cannot eat soft tuna either or is afraid to which normally he loves. Can someone help?
That does sound like a mouth or tooth injury. Definitely time to get him properly checked out by your vet!
I have an approximately 10 or 11 month old female cat. As of yesterday she has been meowing quite loudly and constantly and staying low to the ground. She isn’t crouched like she is going to attack something or play with a toy but she is almost laying down like she is hurting but if you pick her up, she will stand just fine, walk around a few minutes then lay back down and start with the meowing/crying. She isn’t hurting as we can pick her up and love on her and she doesn’t act like she is in pain at all. Is this normal cat behavior?
It sounds very much as if she’s in season and is “calling” for a male cat! If she’s not neutered, that would explain all the signs you’re seeing. I would strongly advise you to isolate her from male cats, and call your vet to talk about either neutering or managing kittens…!
I gave my cat a bath…normally she likes it n is fine after…this time she wont let me hokd her to dry her…she growls and hisses at me…and wen she ran off she sat in the other room kind of hunched over like in defense mode…i gave her treats….she allows me to pet the upper part of her…but her bavk half…her legs…tail etc…she growls n hisses…i pick her up n hold her near my body and she growls n hisses at me til i put her down…she jumps fine…what could this be
That does sound like she’s pretty sore somewhere! I’d advise a vet check to try and see if there is a source of pain somewhere, and if so, to treat it.
I agree with you
My cat ended up breaking both sides of his hip and needed surgery. Now surgery is over and when he lays down he shakes/shivers, is this just normal post op actions that will go away or is it something more serious?
That might be post-op pain; I’d definitely suggest talking to your vet about it, as it could also indicate some degree of nerve damage or even vascular compromise and shock.
My cat’s voice just broken.. he took some hot water… He will be recovered soon n
If he’s swallowed enough hot water to lose his voice, he needs urgent veterinary attention – burns to the throat can cause tissue swelling causing him to suffocate.
This past Wednesday my cat had to have oral surgery to have all his teeth removed and the vet discovered that he had so much periodontal infection that it actually eroded his jaw to the point of it being broken. I was able to pick him up Thursday afternoon and they sent us home with one pain pill which he took with food easily, but he’s back to sleeping a lot today ( Sunday ) and he when he raises his head he whips it around in an arcing motion which is what he was doing before we took him to the vet. I’m wondering if he’s not experiencing pain again and if we should call the vet tomorrow to see if they’ll give him another pain medication. He is only 3 1/2 years old and the veterinarian was surprised and baffled as to why he had so much periodontal issues.
Yes, he might well be uncomfortable or painful again, once the initial painkillers have worn off – definitely talk to your vet about further pain relief, or a follow-up check (or both!).
my cat cries and meows and tries to run off when i rub on her back right leg, kinda near her thigh section, since covid and everything closing down the vet hasn’t called us for an appointment and we’ve been trying to make appointments and they dont pick up the phone. is there a reason on why my cat cry’s when i rub her back right leg?
The most likely reason is pain, you’re right. Keep chasing your vet, or seek an alternative practice if needed, as it does sound like she’s really sore.
My cat suddenly started acting weird at times. This happened a few days ago. He was fine and then suddenly started meowing at me and gently biting me. When I tried to pet him or pick him up, he would just meow and move away. If I tried walking he would catch my leg and go with me. After a few minutes, he was acting normal again. Bud today it happened again, twice, when I sat down with him.
He had dilated pupils and he was looking into my eyes. He was meowing and biting my hand and he wouldn’t let me touch him.
What could be the problem?
We’re taking him to the vet next week as soon as possible.
Sudden behavioural changes with dilated pupils could be caused by a wide range of issues, but cats are prone to high blood pressure which can cause vision issues, or even strokes. Definitely time for a vet check I quite agree!
My male cat just got neutered and he won’t eat, drink, or use the litter box and when I try to pick him up he yells. He also keeps hiding from everyone. I’m very worried about him because his brother who also just got neutered is acting fine. What should I do?
I think definitely call the vets back and ask for a follow up check – that would be consistent with post-op discomfort, so he may need more pain relief.
My cat escaped the other day and thankfully came home, but now she seems to be pretty lethargic and hisses at me when I touch her lower back. I’m planning on taking her to the vet, but does anyone know if this is normal behavior? I thought it might be normal given that she’s an indoor cat who was maybe traumatized by being outside but I’m worried it might be something far worse.
It might be due to stress, yes, but I’d be more concerned about an injury – definitely right to get her seen by the vet.
My cat gave birth to three kittens today. And now she’s howling and licking her private part quite often. Also, she’s going one room to the other, meowing as if asking for help or something. I can’t really figure out what’s going on with her. I’m worried if she’s having any kind of pain or discomfort. It’s not convenient for me to take her to the vet as for now. What should I do?
What you should do is get her spayed and then you won’t be inconvenienced !
Do the inconvenient thing and get professional veterinary attention for your ill cat.
My cat has come in from being out and is sat in an upright position, has one eye closed and does not seem himself. He doesn’t run when the biscuits are shake. I think he is in pain from a fight as he has a cut ear. Am I over reacting if I take him to the vet tomorrow?
No, not at all – he needs veterinary care sooner rather than later.
Our cat is a rescue from Nov. 3 2020. Was & continues to be very sick. Vet says he has a drill resistant EColi and heavy infestation of roundworms. He’s being treated for both. Have seen no worms in stools and was given men’s 3 weeks ago with another dose due tomorrow. Last 2 nights he has been sitting on our lap, purring, and all of a sudden goes wild, biting, scratching, trying to get away while pooping diarrhea on us. After episode, he is his normal sweet self. I think he is in sudden pain and gets scared and reacts wildly. What could be going on!?
Difficult to know, but sometimes medications like high-level antibiotics can have unexpected side effects – I’d strongly advise talking to the prescribing vet.
Please help my cat has been sick twice in two days the second time it was just fluid like a white fluid but she is not eating as much and doesnt seem to be her normal self she sleeps fine and moves jumps the normal stuff but im worried.
If she’d vomited for two days and is lethargic, I’d suggest booking a vet check to make sure there isn’t anything serious going on.
My cat was attacked by dogs and we took him to the vet immediately… They did a small exam as I cannot currently afford a full work up… No external injuries and vet said as far as she could tell no internal injuries either … He is using the litter box okay but he refuses food and drink(even his favorites: milk and wet food) he is not moving very much at all (extremely active normally) and is not talking to us as usual(we meow he responds) the vet said he is likely very sore but we are still extremely worried. He is my husband’s ESA and a very important member of the family. Any advice on getting him eat and maybe some kind of pain management???
I think definitely get in touch with your vet about pain management – no cat should ever be left without pain relief after serious injuries or an attack. Do NOT attempt to give him any human medication, many are lethal to cats.
My cat doesn’t appear to be in discomfort, is eating well but she seems to have what we can only describe as what looks like a dirty mark on her face where her front tooth hangs down over the jaw. Her breath smells and she is drooling. Any thoughts?
There are lots of possible causes, and there could be ulceration and infection under that overhanging tooth. Best get it looked at before it becomes more serious – cats often hide even very serious pain and injury and seem fine up until the moment that they REALLY aren’t…
My 12 year old male goes outside to use the toilet, same area which we clean up but last few weeks with the cold damp weather he is howling at night and we have to put him out by hand instead of him using the cat flap. He comes straight back in a couple of times, howls again each time before he eventually goes and then he’s back in and the howling will stop. This is happening every other day or night. Howls when you pick him up too but only pre toilet, afterwards he’s fine to pick up again. He also won’t sit down properly which is another give away it’s toilet time. He’s a very silent cat so to hear him is rather alarming. In every other way he’s fine, eats well and is playful, Possible constipation causing tummy pain or something more?
It could be, but if it’s been going on for that long then simple constipation may have progressed to the far more serious obstipation. He definitely needs a vet check – even if that isn’t the problem, a cat in pain repeatedly for several weeks needs seeing.
Thanks for the advice.
My cat is an outside inside cat. He came in and his cheeks looked a little swollen and he is excessively drooling. He will still eat/drink and pur. He cries when I try to look in his mouth. Should I just wait to see what happens?
No – he needs veterinary attention because it seems obvious that he is in pain and is suffering.
I worrier about my cat she a female at night she meows so hard but it like a rrmeow some like that i but her in bed but she jump right out then she also does this rree sound ever time she lay down in the floor and she never lay in the floor she eats find going in the litter find she looks find but Im scard tho this happen befor but she was now going nomall but now she doing it agin plz what does this mean when im cat does this!!
I think getting a vet check to rule out disease is a good idea – but it might be something harmless. For example, if she’s entire (not neutered), then this could be simple heat behaviour!
srry i mean worry not worrier!!!
Our 4 yr old neutered Ragdoll male is terribly thin and we cannot get any weight on him, he is barely 9 pounds… he used to be 9.5 and active. Now he skulks around the house and tonight he doesn’t want to eat the food he’s been gobbling down for the past 2 weeks. I got him some gel probiotics from Chewy and he seemed like he was doing okay and then he chucked twice in the kitchen. I brought him to a walk in clinic nearby about 2 weeks ago and they did a short panel of blood work and ruled out hyperthyroidism, kidneys and liver issues. That doc said our boy had a UTI and he gave him an antibiotic and a steroid shot and told us to watch him and that he may have to go for more tests. I am sitting here very worried wondering if I should take him to the emergency vet or what is actually happening to him?? I am really afraid he is just going to die and I am freaking out because I can’t do anything to stop it! HELP-
What ended up happening to your cat?
Definitely get him back to a veterinarian – a cat losing weight like that is in trouble and needs more workup. Possibilities would include heart disease, which is quite common in ragdolls, or some other underlying issue – a single blood panel can’t rule out all possible diseases, so it looks like more workup and more tests is needed. Good luck!
Hi. My cat Bella recently had premature kittens and they didn’t survive. She was spayed the following day and has been pretty sad. So today she suddenly started meowing really loud and only wanted to stay on my bed. She allowed me to scratch her belly which she usually doesn’t do. As I scratch it she makes this pushing sound and removes a white mucusy fluid from her vagina. She keeps crying. Please help.
That could just be a mucoid plug, but it could also be an infection – time for a follow up check at the vets.
I have a one year old female cat that’s kept indoors. For the last two days she’s laid pretty much in the same spot unless I pick her up. When I pick her up she meows like something is hurting her. I pick her up with by hands on her belly and lower body. She’s not been eating or drinking. I also have a male cat about a year and a half old and he’s fine. So not sure what could be wrong with her.
That sounds like there’s something wrong – either an internal injury, a gut blockage, or a serious illness. She needs to be seen by your vet as soon as possible. Remember, she could die from dehydration alone within 4 days of stopping drinking.
my friends cat doesnt seem to wanna move off her lap. its constantly moving its head looking all directions and it hisses and meows at everyhing that comes close to her.
Sounds like he or she might be in pain. Get them checked out by your vet to make sure there aren’t any underlying medical issues.
hello..my cat is suddenly vibrating his back portion and sounds like crying in pain..what is it??
There are lots of possible causes, but if he’s a male then definitely time for an urgent vet check.
My baby kitten probably less the two months old just suddenly vomited and started bawling and shaking and wobbly and in the short space of time died .what could of cause this?
So sorry to hear that…
There are lots and lots of possibilities, there’s no way to know without a post mortem examination. Likely causes include accidental poisoning (typically with dog or rabbit flea treatments or insecticides, but there are many other possibilities), or heart disease and blood clots; but you need to talk to your vet to arrange for tests to be done on their remains if you want to know the reasons.
My cat was licking her jaw and nose, similar to the reaction cats have to you drawings your nails across a combs teeth, the tongue coming out, flicking and returning into the mouth. She would occasionally bring up her paws, as if trying to get something out of her throat/mouth, but nothing ever appeared to be there. This occurred for a couple minutes before she crawled into bed and fell asleep, should I be worried?
It does suggest some sort of irritation in her mouth or nose. If it doesn’t come back when she wakes up, great – but if it happens again a check up would be a good idea; cats can get foreign bodies like thread trapped around the base of their tongue.
If you time to answer this then cool, but my new kitten recently took an injury by having a gate fall on top him, a hazard I didn’t know existed until it was too late. He was clearly spooked, but he’s acting pretty normal but has a spot right below his rib that he won’t let me touch. No limp or body language that would say he’s in pain, just squirms out of my hands with that spot specifically. Given that he doesn’t show any signs beyond that (I think), should I be worried? Can he be internally bruised or broken?
Internal injuries are possible, and personally I’d recommend a vet check him over – he could have cracked a rib, or even injured his liver. It’s unlikely, if he looks fine, but at least keep a really close eye on him and his colour – if his gums look at all pale or his behaviour changes, then vet check ASAP!
hi, my kitten had a mirror fall on her about a week ago and we brought her to the vet and they said that she was fine but her back was badly injured, everything was going fine she was coming back to being herself slowly and now all of a sudden she’s started acting very aggressive and hates when i pick her up or go near her she’s eating fine and playing but she’s just not the same. she’s been biting scratching hissing etc at me and my granny babysits so there’s always children around and she was always so loving and now she seems to hate everyone. even if i try to pet her when she’s walking around she just bites or scratches were getting really worried because it’s not like her at all. any advice would be great:(xx
That sounds like she might be really painful – I’d strongly suggest going back to your vet ASAP and asking for reassessment, and potentially a change in pain medication.
Hello! I feed a stray cat, and she is usually very keen on her wet food PM dinner. In the AM I leave kibbles out and she’ll nibble on them some. But for the last two days, I have noticed she did not touch the kibbles, and she approaches the wet food tentatively, takes a bite and then squeaks and bolts. I thought perhaps her mouth hurts, so I laid out some “ lickable treats” with chicken meat, so that she would have at least some calories, and that worked well (she always has fresh water available). Yesterday she was very cuddly, rolling on my lap, and I rubbed gently her face and neck on purpose, but she just rubbed back harder. Today, even though my lap was available, she just slept and slept on a chair next to me, only waking up for a lengthy and thorough grooming session. Would you have any idea what gives? And before you ask, I tried, but she absolutely won’t come in, she goes beserk. So we built her an insulated “condo” with heated pad and heated water bowl for our cold Canadian winters, and she loves it. Also, she is a TNR – I took care of it, and there are no longer any other strays in our little street – I had them all TNR’d and then all the others got adopted. She adopted us, but won’t let us fully adopt her… So she can’t have been in a fight. OK, so now she left her chair and is seemingly peacefully curled up in my lap…. I am really wondering what’s going on. She is about 6, and taking her to the vet would be an ordeal, the way she reacts to enclosed spaces
It’s really hard to know – although what you’ve reported would be consistent with a dental problem such as a freshly fractured tooth. If there’s an infection or gum disease, you may be able to smell “bad breath” from her, which would suggest a serious issue. This is a problem with semi-feral cats like this – at what point do we decide that it’s worth getting them treated? In terms of food… is she getting fed anywhere else? Because if so it may be she is still eating, but somewhere else. However, if she’s not able to eat, or seems to be losing weight, then definitely vet time.
My female cat is 1 year old gave birth for the second time a month ago but she’s panting and screaming like In pain with her mouth open and looks weak I don’t know what’s wrong with her can someone help !
Please fix your female cat ! It’s cheaper in the long run and you won’t have to deal with these issues anymore
Get a her to a vet ASAP – there’s clearly something very wrong with her.
My cat is 10 months old and we went on a long walk yesterday and he is an indoor cat. He seemed fine but today he’s been acting really weird. He was picked up by the back of the neck he flipped out so he got put down and then he laid there ”paralized” and just laid there. He was moved a little bit and remained the same. Then his name was said and he jumped up looked startled and got big and ran away. I can’t seem to make an appointment anywhere due to quarentine. Can you please help, I’m really scared and don’t want anything to happen to him.
Picking him up by the neck can be very painful and unpleasant for an adult cat – their scruff isn’t evolved to carry the weight of a 10 month old cat! It’s also possible that there’s some neurological or spinal injury from it, although that’s unlikely. If he seems normal otherwise, and is completely normal afterwards, then assume it was pain and fear. Anything else, or any doubt – vet check!
Hi my cat recently had kittens about a month ago and is constantly begging for food or what we think is food she has really bad diarrhoea and doesn’t seem as playful or feed her kittens very often but we’ve taken her to the vets and they said they couldn’t find anything but i’m still worried.
I’d suggest getting a faeces sample and going back to the vets for another check up; they will be able to do a faecal analysis for parasites such as Tritrichomonas foetus or Giardia which can cause these sorts of symptoms.
We have two kittens, about 3 months. They have been really enegetic. They would climb walls, ceilings, play with each other. I noticed 4 days ago, the other one seems to be injured, cause whenever i try to hold her front legs, she cries out. Now i know that base on her reaction she might have been injured. What im concerned about is the other one. She was fine 4 days ago, until i noticed that she just kept on sleeping the entire day until the next day not even wanting to eat. This morning, while i was heading downstairs, i saw her on the stairway. I tried to carry her, but she would suddebly cry out. Nevertheless i carefully carried her and i noticed that she was slightly shaking. I noticed yesterday that she was shaking, but thought that it was probably just some odd behavior. Right now, she mostly just lies on the bed the entire day and wont eat anything. she doesnt seem to be injured but i dont know where she’s in pain.
Right – these two both need veterinary attention – whatever the cause might be!
ok so basically when i go to pet my cat weather it’s on the head it back she kinda hunches up and hisses at me. i don’t know if it means anything but usually she never did this so i’m starting to believe after reading this article something might be wrong! please tell me if i’m overreacting or not!
If it’s suddenly changed, that’s definitely a concern! It might be due to pain, but it could also be a behavioural issue. However, I’d advise a vet check to rule out medical issues first.
Hello my concern with my cat is it looks like hes tall in limp and when I try to pick it up he meows i jist noticed this today
A limp tail may suggest nerve damage -either to his spine, or lower down – or a break in the bones of the tail itself. This is often seen with tail-pull injuries. However, it needs veterinary attention as it is very painful, and the nerve damage can progress if not treated.
My cat has been acting strange lately. He usually sleeps on my bed frequently, but lately he has been resorting to the floor and won’t come and snuggle. It’s very unusual cause he used to always cuddle. Now today when I try to pick him up he meows and crouches. Not wanting to be moved. Any suggestions? Fyi he’s 9.
That suggests he might be painful; it’s not uncommon for cats to develop abscesses if they go outdoors from fighting, or arthritis at that age, and these can both can cause non-specific generalised signs of pain. Other issues might include stress; but whatever the cause, you need to rule out a medical cause – so I’d recommend a vet visit to get him checked out.
It made sense when you explained that pain can cause cats to stop eating as much as they normally do. My husband and I adopted a cat off the street earlier this year, but she hasn’t been eating much for the last three or four days. I’ll have to start looking for a veterinary service so my cat can get the help she needs soon!
My cat J.j. was fine this morning when he ate but then he was lieing down in front of our stairs and wont stop meowing.
If he seems to be in pain, definitely get him checked over.
my cat is meowing n lifting her butt up n when i rub her leg she moves it like she’s in pain or something
If you think she’s in pain, then give your vet a ring for advice. There are lots of possible causes including injury or infection, and in entire females this can be a sign that they are in season too!
My 3 month old kitten collapsed to the floor and is unable to rise. She’s stuck in a unusual position with her head tilted way back against her back. She has trouble breathing and has poop stuck on her butthole. We cleaned her butt but she still has problem breathing and is crying a lot. I don’t know what to do it’s 3 am and the vets don’t open until morning. Please help!
Call an emergency or out of hours vet right away.
Hi my cat’s name is TOM, he’s around 12 weeks old and was a very playful mate. All of a sudden he started hiding and didn’t like when we touched his body. It seems like his skin is irritating n moving , when ever he come near me n I touch him he runs and do a sad meow. Please advice if he has a food allergy or a tummy pain.
I think a check up is needed – these signs could suggest skin problems, but also a wide range of other painful conditions including abscesses and gut disease.
Hi there is something wrong with my cat Claude. He’s a male ginger cat. Last night he slept by the door and usually he comes to let me know that he needs to go out by sticking his paw under my room door but he didn’t do this then this morning he had diarrhea and he was just laying on the floor. He wasnt responding to the treats or drinking water and he barely ate his breakfast. He’s just sleeping one way. He meows when I try and pick him up and he sticks his bum in the air. When I tired to put his bum down he meowed. I don’t know what to do and I’m scared. I’ve had him since he was a kitten and he’s never done this or acted this way. He’s not even cleaning himself. Please help.
I think a vet check up is needed here! These could well be signs of pain.
I live in a small town, our vet told me there’s a possibility my indoor, 8 month old rescued barn kitten has Horners syndrome. He said it would go away within a week or two and it did. This was about 2 months ago now and just yesterday I noticed her eye fogging up again. She’s very aggressive, hardly wants to be touched and is normally a very affectionate cat. She seems to be in a lot of pain, still eating and drinking water but not as often and not as much. Her nose was dry yesterday and seems to have gotten better today but she’s still flinching, walking slowly, not jumping and the eye is still foggy. Could this still be horners syndrome? Should I take her to a better vet?
I think definitely a follow-up appointment is needed. However, Horner’s isn’t usually painful, so I would be more suspicious that there’s been another injury to the affected eye.
My cat Billu is a recue n’ probably around the age of 16. Since the past couple of years, he has been developing a limp in his left limb that settles for 3 months with cortisone before another deterioration to which there is a slow build up.
Please advice what might be happening and how that could be treated?
All his blood work up is normal including kidney function n’ the local vet hasn’t arrived at any formal diagnosis. Billu also gets restless in middle of night and walks up and down without meeowing. He has lost some weight although he is also on a special diet for weight management. He vomited last night and brought up bile but has been eating normally otherwise. Many thanks
There are lots of possibilities, but near the top of the list would have to be osteoarthritis. Is it worth talking about additional diagnostics such as X-rays and ultrasound scans with your vet?
We recently got a kitten and my old cat started acting funny. She has licked most of her fur off her back legs and has started being very aggressive toward my daughter. She sometimes acts like her back legs hurt when you touch them, but not always. She has an apt with vet, but thought I’d see if anyone else had the same issues.
This could be a sign of pain (e.g. arthritis), but it’s also a common sign of stress in cats – and a new kitten is a common trigger for stress behaviour. Have you tried Feliway, to help them settle?
Hi Dave, we have recently gotten a kitten. We are experienced cat owners as we have 3 cats who we all got as kittens. Our latest kitten was all fine until yesterday. She likes to play with feet and my grandfather accidentally stepped on her and she has been walking slowly and in pain and has not eaten since then. We are all scared for her as she is still very very small and we do not want to lose her
Contact your vet NOW – crush injuries are very serious and need veterinary treatment.
Also forgot to add this kitten is always kept separate from her do to the aggression
My 8 month old kitten won’t let me touch the back of her neck a couple days after receiving flea medication. Is she just showing signs of aggression and mad for having to get medication? It’s only one day after receiving it. We did use a new brand this time but she didn’t act like this with the other brand we used to use which was advantage. The new brand my vet recommended after advantage stopped working was Cheristin. She will still request rubs and scratches but if I go to the back of her neck she jumps a little and will hide for a little while.
That’s not a normal response, and may suggest a reaction to the product or it’s carrier liquid. I’d strongly advice calling your vet to report this – adverse reactions like this need to be reported to the manufacturers so that they know about them.
Hi there,
My 12 year old cat has suddenly started overgrooming any part of his body he can reach to the extent that it’s sopping wet. When I wipe him down with a white cloth it’s tinged pink! He’s lost quite a lot of weight as he isn’t eating as much as he used to (he was always quite slim but is now skinny) He isn’t as interactive as he used to be and prefers to sit in a box nearly all day! We took him to the vet who checked him over, bloods, temperature, eyes, mouth and felt him all over. She couldn’t find anything but gave him a shot of antibiotics and to take him back in a couple of days. He was a bit more sprightly for a couple of days, ate a little and became a little more interactive. This lasted a couple of days and then back to same. Second visit to the vet they gave him a pain injection, same thing happened again a little change for the better then back to the overgrooming! Third visit they gave him a 5 day course of steroids (prednisolone) he seemed as if he was back on track to becoming his old self (although still overgrooming) Well now 4 days after the steroids has finished he seems to be getting worse and is drooling a thin jelly like substance tinged pink on a white tissue! Still overgrooming, not eating as much and not using the litter tray as much!! Can u help as I think my vet is incompetent!
Skin disease like this can be really hard to diagnose and manage. Possible causes include fleas or other parasites, allergies, bacterial infections, yeast infections, and atopic dermatitis. I think it’s time to go back to the vets and ask either for more tests, or for a second opinion if you feel you have lost confidence in the original vet.
Hi there
Thank you for your reply….skin disease wasn’t something I’d considered as it looks more of a physical ailment! He now has limited strength in his front legs and is finding it difficult to eat as if his mouth is numb and can’t pick up his food!
These cases are really hard to get a handle on – if not skin then the other obvious possibility would be a neurological issue; such as a brain lesion. Again, I really do think another consult or a second opinion is needed if there’s been no improvement on treatment.
my cat keeps crawling close to the ground withs it bottom in the air and wont walk any other way. shes been crying like shes in pain and acting as if she cant get comfortable, im 14 so i dont know much about what to do.
The most likely cause is that she’s in season and is calling for a mate! If in doubt, ask an adult to contact your vet and double check with them, though.
Hi, so we been letting my indoor cat go outside for a few hours every night and yesterday he came back at 12 at night and everything seem fine, i noticed that he had left my side sometime in the morning 3-5 and i saw that he was laying on his scratch board i came over to pick him up and he was meowing very loudly i put him on my bed and went to the bathroom i came back and he was at the scratch board again. He seems to be walking fine but when i pet him on his bottom or grab his tail he meows again. Any advice? He is a year old in April
I think there’s a good chance he’s been in an argument with either another cat or a car! Other possibilities would include sore or blocked anal glands, or injury to the pelvis, tail or even spine from trauma. I’d advise getting him checked out by your vet – there might be a lot more internal damage or abscessation than there appears to be from the outside.
Hi, yesterday we went to the vet and my kitten got her shots. We came home later that night and she was meowing in pain and didn’t liked being messed with. We immediately thought she was just sore but weren’t sure. This morning I wake up and it’s almost more pain than yesterday and she is walking with her bum tucked in under her. Please help I’m scared
I think you should get her seen by your vet – this sounds like a fairly dramatic vaccine reaction, and while it isn’t likely to be life-threatening, I think it does need to be checked out
Hi Dave
My cat Bella has been acting strange she keeps laying in small spaces and even laying on the heater vent and sleeping a lot and when i started to pat her and touch her to love on her she started to growl and hiss at me and even tensed up her body and her body keep shivering like she is cold or uncomfortable like she is in pain. i picked her up slow and easy and she growled and hissed at me even more so i let her down and gave her a minute then tried again but she doesn’t want me touching or picking her up. Now she is sleeping on the heater vent and she never used to do that and she never acted like this before i am worried sick about my baby girl . She also keeps sneezing and swallows a lot like sinus is might be draining but i dont know what is wrong. She only hisses and growls at me when i try to pick her up or touch her and that isn’t like her she always laid on my lap and chest and loved me petting her. what do you think Is wrong and what should i do.
This does sound like she’s pretty miserable and/or painful. I think a vet check to try and work out what’s going on – she doesn’t sound well I’m afraid!
I have an older cat who is now blind and has stopped using her letterbox except for an occasional poo. She has started meowing loudly at night. sometimes when she meows at night, she is stuck in a corner (the same corner every night) or she is laying in her warming bed. I took her to the vet when she went blind to make sure she was ok. He said she may not have too long left. That was around 3 months ago. I just want to make sure she is not in pain. We have to keep her in our bedroom now bc we have stairs and don’t want to risk her falling or getting lost in the house. I don’t want my girl to suffer. I adopted her when she was 4 and have had her for 14 years. I want to make sure I am doing what is best for her. Do you have any advice on caring for a geriatric cat?
I’m sorry to say it might be getting towards time to make a decision. However, have a chat with your vet – it can be harder to assess how a cat’s doing if you see them every single day, and your vet will be able to help.
In the meantime, take a look at the entry in the Pet Health Library on Care of Geriatric Cats.
My cat Weasley is a relaxing and passionate cat. Tonight he was growing and curled up next to me but then started flinching, growled and got up before circling and laying closer to me. And he only acts like this in my room. Help please!!
I think if he’s flinching and then behaving differently, the first thing to rule out is whether he is in pain. Cats are very stoic creatures and often prefer not to show signs of discomfort; it’s possible he only makes it clear he’s uncomfortable when he’s in a “safe space” that he feels relaxed in. I think a vet check up is probably the best idea; if he’s medically healthy, then it’s a matter of a changing relationship between you! In that case, your vet will be able to recommend a good feline behaviourist if needed.
My cat suddenly started meowing loudly and then stiffened up and fell over. After about 30 seconds she stood up and seemed fine. Now she is continually drinking water. What should i do? What happened?
It sounds like it might have been a seizure of some kind; I would strongly advise a check up with your vet to looks for underlying causes such as high blood pressure or liver or kidney disease.
My 1.7 year old orange male baby his this thing that when he purrs, it’s like he struggles to breathe. He opens his mouth slightly and breathes really really fast. I took him to a few vets and one e.r.( I literally thought he was gonna die) and they all say “by the sounds of his symptoms he has asthma” even though nothing has shown up on any of his xrays. They never see what I see bc he’s not purring when he’s there. He does have an occasional hacking non productive cough since I’ve had him at 8 weeks old. But it comes and goes and other then the purr/breathing problem and very occasional cough, he’s fine! Eats and drinks and uses the potty normal. I have him on an inhaler I give twice a day, for two weeks now but nothing has changed. I’m terrified to pet him, but he’s such a love bug and my baby.. What are your thoughts? I’m at a loss now because money is really tight and I already maxed out my care credit with the vet trips and tests. I finally got a video of his purr and cough and showed it to the internal specialist and he wanted to slightly sedate him and look in his throat but the told me it’d be 800 and I don’t have that on my card and it will be almost 2 months before I can save up for it since I just moved out of state.
Unfortunately, its impossible to say what’s causing this behaviour over the internet. Feline Asthma is a fairly common condition, and can cause a range of changes in breathing pattern, but unfortunately it doesn’t always show up on X-rays in the early stages. I think you’re going to have to get some more workups done as and when you can, to determine what’s going on; in the meantime, have a chat with your vets about the inhaler – it may be that there are different spacers you could use that might help, or a different active ingredient.
My baby kitten was stepped on and hes not moving but his eyes are kinda open and hes breathing, i dont have the heart to kill him and cant afford a vet ,if hes not moving can he feel the pain of his broke spine? can he feel the pain due to his head injeries? can he feel anything?
Yes, he probably can feel pain, and yes, he is probably suffering terribly. Find a local animal charity that can put him out of his misery – now.
I have a kitten that seems to be in very bad pain. He is yelling and hiding and his eyes have blood in them. He also won’t let anyone touch him. He and my dog just got into a fight. I’m really worried that it’s a brain injury but I don’t have money to take him to the vet. I don’t know what to do.
Hi Daniel, I’m so sorry to hear about your kitten. He needs to be urgently seen by a vet. Depending on where you’re located, there may be financial help available through local animal charities. But please do speak to your vet, they will be best-placed to advise and may be able to discuss a payment plan with you. The important thing is that your kitten gets checked over and receives any necessary treatment ASAP.
Hi, I was wondering if there is anything wrong with my cat. I was petting him for like 5 minutes and as soon as I stopped he followed me and meowed so i gave him food and water and pet him more. He didn’t touch the food, water, or enjoy the petting session. After that he starts meowing like I’ve only heard when he’s in a fight with another cat. I feel bad and don’t know if there’s anything wrong but I’d like to know as soon as possible. Also he tried grabbing my leg and pulling me towards him a few times; he never likes interacting with people unless its petting. If someone could get back to me as soon as possible I would strongly appreciate it. Thanks.
Any sudden change in behaviour is a bit of a worry – it could suggest pain, or stress, or even some sort of neurological problem (e.g. feline dementia). I would suggest a check up at the vets to make sure there’s nothing sinister going on.
Hi! My cat Precious is a little over a year old. Her and our other cat Breezy got into a fight a couple of days ago. My husband got mad and pushed her out of the way, accidentally into the wall. Ever since, when I go to pick her up she cries and flinches. Sometimes hisses. She usually LOVES to be held. Should I take her in or keep an eye on it? I don’t exactly have the money for the ver 🙁 But I will definitely find a way to take her if needed. She’s my baby.
If she’s only upset when your husband picks her up, but is happy to be cuddled or stroked and behaves normally around you, then it might be she hasn’t forgiven him for the accident yet! If, however, she’s showing signs of being in pain around both of you, then there may be some injury that needs to be checked out by the vet.
My cat will meow kinda raspy at me every time I get up after giving him attention. He has been hiding a little bit every once and while. I’ve patted him down and nothing seems to hurt on the outside.
That’s probably normal behaviour for him – objecting when you stop fussing him! However, it can be difficult to assess more subtle signs of pain, so if you’re at all worried, get him checked out by your vet.
thank you
im concerned about a friends cat….. Im wondering why the cat hisses after shaking its head ???
There are lots of possibilities, including neck pain or ear disease. However, I think the best think your friend could do would be to get their cat checked out by a veterinarian, to find out what’s actually going on.
Hi my cat Kizzy,
Has been having a lot of fur loss on her hind legs and around her eyes, she’s been very out of sorts lately and acting very odd she won’t leave the house anymore apart from to go the toilet like she used to and she keeps making awful sounding cry/meows all she’s doing is laying and sleeping and won’t let me touch her legs for me to get a good look at what’s going on , she’s keeps crying till we follow her to the bathtub ? She is spayed as we did thinknit could be a phantom pregnancy ? She is 7 and has some growths on her stomach but she has always had these her previous owner told me and they had never bothered her
A phantom pregnancy in a spayed cat is really very rare and would usually suggest something really quite serious; you also mention some growths, but without knowing more about what they are, it’s impossible to say they aren’t causing problems.
However, I think whatever the problem, Kizzy needs to see a vet. From what you say it might be an injury, it might be broken legs, it might be a blood clot, it might be something completely different – we don’t know, but she’s suffering and NEEDS veterinary attention.
She has been fleas monthly on the same date religiously and there no way she can have fleas with regards to the hair loss
Is there any chance that you will state your sources, provide verifiable references, etc.?
I see a lot of copy and paste but no answer.
This blog article is nearly seven years old, and actually predates much of the published literature on the subject, being based largely on clinical experience. However, there are a wide range of good references available now.
My advice would be to start with the University of Glasgow Pain Scoring system here: https://www.wsava.org/WSAVA/media/PDF_old/Feline-CMPS-SF_0.pdf
Other useful publications include:
A preliminary study in behaviour-based indicators of pain in cats
Evaluation of facial expression in acute pain in cats
Development of a behaviour‐based measurement tool with defined intervention level for assessing acute pain in cats
I hope that helps!
So my cat just started limping today. She isn’t making noises. But she’s sort of clumsy. I’ve felt her back leg and I can’t feel anything out of place. But she isn’t as active as she was earlier. When I got home she was running around. And now she’s all plain and sort of sad looking. But no meowing.
Hi Allen, please call your vet and make an appointment for them to see her. She sounds like she needs to be examined and possibly given painkillers.
Hi my cat has suddenly become I’ll, he’s not eating or drinking he’s always sleeping he’s not been to the toylate in days he wants to be left alone and he’s lost lots of weight I was wondering if you could help me, thanks .
Hi Chelsea, if you haven’t already you need to take your cat to a vet urgently. He needs a check over and by the description, probably treatment. Please make an appointment for him. Dave RVN.
Okay, so my cat is an outside overweight cat. She is very friendly and playful. She normally doesn’t care if we pick her up or play with her, but for this particular morning, she did. I woke and normally by this time, she would be meowing at the door for her food. But not this morning. She wasn’t, so I went outside and checked on her. It is cold right now, so she was bundled in her blanket. So I went to pick her up, and when I did, she cryed out and hissed at me, which she has never done before. She won’t get up from her chair and blanket, and she is just sitting in her guarded position and hasn’t moved at all. What do I do?!
Hi, if you haven’t already, please take her to your vet for a check over. They are best placed to see if there is any problems.
Hi i have a 3 month old kitten . Today morning she was fine when i come home from work she was limping and her food still there. Maybe she has fell. I have picked up i have touched her leg and touched it she is not meowing thought. Should i go to the vet ?
Yes! If she is limping, there is a problem, so have her checked out and see if she needs any pain relief.
Hi, for a couple of weeks 50% of the time when my cat jumps off the counter or the table she makes this *ugh* sound and limps with one of the back legs for 10seconds or so. She eats, acts, climbs, plays as usual. Could it be that she needs more nutrition or does it sound like an injury?
Hello, it’s possible this could be joint pain. Cat’s are very good at hiding pain, I’d strongly suggest speaking to your vet and discuss her mobility. Sometimes it can be she’s ‘acting’ normal as her joints have warmed up sufficiently. Dave RVN
my cat recently got into a fight and she is not an outside cat, she just got out and then it was just bad timing. shes eating and i tried playing with her and she did for a little while but keeps licking the back of her body where it looks like she may have lost some hair there and fur on her back keeps moving like she has fleas? idk if i should bathe her soon or something or just watch her. its like moving a lot and she tries to lick it but she cant reach it. please help!
Hi Emily, I strongly suggest you take your cat to a vet for checking over. She seems to have had a trauma of some type and having her checked can help her recover faster, in case of the need of medication. Dave RVN.
Hello! I had a few questions regarding temperament/personality in my cat Anna. We adopted her when she was a very young kitten. She was spayed when we got her. Which I think terrified her. She is coming up on two years old and She’s just a grumpy cat. She does let us love on her, on her terms. But she meows all the time! Low toned meows… If picked up, if laying a certain way, if you pet her for too long. For example, I gave her a bath this evening (which she actually likes) and have been holding her for 40 mins, wrapped up. I tried to position the towel behind her head ever so slightly and she meows at me! She’s did get kind of large, we don’t leave food out all day, we play with her… Is she just always uncomfortable and picky or could there be something causing her serious pain? If she isn’t low toned meowing, her meow sounds exactly like a squeek. I know it’s hard without seeing the cat… But is it possible this is just who she is?
I don’t believe she is in pain, I feel as though she likes to be where she is, but sometimes she’s so vocal that it’s concerning! Is there a way to get her to lighten up a little bit? Thank you!
Hi Amber,
It does sound like she’s a slightly grumpy cat who isn’t afraid to let you know it, and of course all cats do have different personalities. However, for a 2 year old cat to be like this isn’t that common, and might suggest an underlying health issue, or that she’s struggling with stress for some reason. My best advice would be to get her checked over by your vet to rule out any physical problems, and if nothing shows up, talk to them about stress management that might help her feel better about things.
Hi, My cat is 4 months old and a wild cat attacked him who is 2-3 years old..My cat was missing on Saturday night.. next morning my dad found him at my neighbours home…when i was giving him bath I saw an open wound exposing his organs just between his hind legs above his pelvic area…I took him to the vet…He cleaned his wound and stitched it after giving local anesthesia…He gave him some antibiotics and rabies…it’s been 3 days since the incidence and my cat is not eating anything..he is just lying down and hiding under the bed and cupboard…I am feeding him milk with syringe and daily dressing his wound…he is a very playful cat…and he loves to eat all the time…I also gave him pain killer…I am really worried… someone abandoned him and his sister on the streets when they where hardly 20 days old…I adopted them…His sister died last month because of snake bite… I don’t want to loose him too.. yesterday I took him to the vet and he said everything is normal…He said if he is not eating then feed him milk through syringe…he had a sonography yesterday for his bladder test because he didn’t pee for almost 24hrs…vet even used catheter for making him pee which was so painful…he was crying so loundly after sonography he peed after 45 mins of treatment… doctor said he is fine…give him some rest…but I don’t think he is fine…can someone please tell me what’s happening to him..??
Hi, your poor cat. You sound like you are doing everything correctly, it may be some time until he feels brave enough to start feeling himself again and showing interest. He ideally should be on pain killers for a while and antibiotics. Please speak to your vet/doctor again if he gets worse or still refuses to eat.
My cat is 4 months old he still eating and drinking but he cant move his back legs good and when he does he crys he has vets tomorrow just like to know if there anything i can do for hem ?
Hi Marie, apologies the blog is not manned 24 hrs a day. I hope the vet can help you today.
It was helpful when you said that one of the signs that a cat is in pain is if they stop eating or do not eat as much as they normally do. My little Timi is a cat that eats whenever he can, regardless of whether he just ate or not. That is why it bothered me when he started ignoring his meals. I should have known that something is wrong. I think I need to take him to the vet to see what I can do. Thanks for this!
Please help? My cat she’s been different lately. she meows like she’s in pain when I pet her. she avoids me she usually cuddles but she doesn’t anymore. everyone says it’s just because of the new kitten and she’s just mad that we brought someone new in the house. but then I was told cuz she’s so old 13/14 it might be cutting close to her time.. I’m scared and I hope it’s not. I just hope I could get some answers let me know if she’s not in pain when I touch her I just want her to cuddle again. What should I do?
Hi Stephanie, we strongly suggest speaking to your own vet and getting her checked out, if she is in pain, which could even be from joint pain – then she needs treatment to make her more comfortable. Please call them and make an appointment. Dave RVN
Hi, my cat constantly meows and whenever I pet her lower back area near the tail she kicks with her hind feet. She’s done this before and I thought it was just because she’s in heat but this is now the third time she’s acting this way. I’m not sure if I should take her to the vet because she’s eating well and using the litter so im not so sure if she really is in pain.
Hello, it’s difficult to say what this could be caused by. If she’s been displaying this behaviour for a little while now, I’d pop her along to your vet for a check over just to make sure there isn’t a problem.
my cat lies on his back flat out crying he would not let me tough the top or bottom of his stomach and he did diariah could it be something he ate
Hello, it’s difficult to say what could be wrong with your cat as there are many possible causes for this kind of behaviour. If your cat appears to be in pain, I’d recommend taking him along to your vet for a check-up ASAP.
Hello, I know I am supposed to recommend them for a vet, for the owners to take a cat to the vet. But could you or..someone give a few possible reasons on why and what is wrong with my cousin’s cat? Anyway, here is what I’ve been told. She isn’t older than me, but she’s around 10 years old and good with animals. But… (Okay ill get to the point.) This is what I think, I think her hind legs are in pain due to for her first time giving birth a litter of kittens. But this cat isn’t even a year old, but she’s old enough anyway? But, she was new to kittens and they past away. Nor do her owners knew where the kittens were. But, they do want kittens so I guess there’s no need for claiming or insulting at me or the owners…
I would barely even touch a finger and her lower body flinches easily.
I also took notice her meow isn’t even audible. It’s just constant trilling. No meow. Just trill. I’ve asked my cousin on how long was this, and she told me since yesterday. She thought it was normal, like happy cats would do. But she’s doing it a lot more often.
Constant licking towards her…. uh….’ area’.
Anyway, thanks for reading! (I hope.)
Hello, it sounds like the cat is in discomfort or distress – a purr-like noise can also indicate stress or discomfort, and she shouldn’t be this sensitive when she’s touched. If she’s only recently had kittens, it could be a problem relating to this. I’d recommend your cousin takes her to the vet as soon as possible for a checkup – she urgently needs veterinary care.
My 15 yr old indoor tomcat has bad case of fleas. I applied flea treatment on him yesterday been 12 hrs. The fleas are jumping off of him madly. At times he cries in pain but calms down when I pet him. He picked up his appetite today, drinks water , does stool and urinates. I vacumned and mopped hopefully this works. Is it usual for a feline to cry in pain over fleas? The crying started without flea treatment and when fleas got bad. Thank you.
Hi Dotty. Fleas can cause an animal a huge amount of discomfort, so it could be the reason he seemed distressed. I’d recommend treating your house for fleas too, as they are likely to be in the environment – so pick up a household flea spray and use according to instructions – you may need to keep your cat out of treated rooms while the spray dries. It’s also a good idea to wash all of his bedding on a really hot wash, and to also treat him for worms as with such a heavy flea infestation, it’s likely he’ll have worms too (fleas are a host for tapeworm). If he still seems to be in discomfort, I’d recommend taking him to your vet for a check-up just to make sure there’s nothing else going on and your vet will be able to advise you if any other treatment is necessary.
Hi my ? face on the right is swollen and on the same side her eye pupel is bigger than the left side. We took her to the vet about a week ago and they thought it was just her tooth so they gave her an injection that cost £80 and they gave us some cream to put into her eye each day. Now I have not got no money until a week’s time will they charge me more money at the vets I just don’t know what to do I don’t want to leave her just in case she’s in pain. Do you know what the pain could be. And recommend what to do next. Thank you
Hi David. I can appreciate why you’re so worried and that your concern is making sure your cat is comfortable. It’s difficult to say what the problem could be, but if you’re worried I’d recommend calling your vets and explaining your concerns, and see if they’re able to discuss the situation in more detail with you, or arrange some sort of payment plan if they feel she needs to be seen again. The main thing is to get their advice on her and what they feel the best next steps are, as it’s important that she’s not in any pain.
Hi, My 13 year old cat has recently started “grumbling” when he moves position when sleeping. Could this be a sign he is in pain? He has never done this before and otherwise seems fine. He is very timid and stresses out so much when we take him to the vet that I thought I would ask here first. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Hi Jennie. It could be although without knowing his history it’s difficult to say. Particularly at his age, he could be suffering from something like arthritis which could cause some discomfort – but if it was something like this, there would be plenty of ways in which your vet could help him feel more comfortable. I’d recommend a check-up with your vet just to establish what’s wrong, as there could a number of causes. If your cat gets very stressed with a trip to the vets, it may be worth having a chat to them about your concerns and see if they are able to visit you at home?
My 2 months old kitten wouldn’t open his mouth all of a sudden one day and keeps drooling. He looks tensed and his postures are a lot different from what he used to be like. He won’t eat or drink too. And we can’t open his mouth also. Please help. There are no vets around here.
Hi Yoshi. I’m so sorry to hear about your kitten. He sounds as though he has a serious problem with his mouth or potentially his muscles in general and needs to be seen by a vet urgently. You will need to see where the closest vet is to you and get him in to be checked over ASAP – this really is an emergency.
Hi my name is Cynthia and my cat is leaping and meowing and breathing heavenly and crying when we touch on it lower back….. What is wrong with my cat
Hi Cynthia. We’re unable to provide a diagnosis I’m afraid as your cat will need a thorough examination by your vet to find out exactly what is causing the pain – there could be a number of things. She sounds like she’s in a lot of discomfort, so I’d recommend a check with your vet ASAP.
My male neutered cat luna is just pver a year an a half. He has always been a shy cat and not a people person but normally he will hide in my room, but lately he will walk around the living room and meow as loud as he can and when i go to pet him or see ehats wrong he will run away and wont let me touch him. And for the past 2 days ive had my younger cpusin over for 2 nights sleeping over and he has hissed and clawed him both nights. To top it off im 8 months pregnant and scared about when baby arrives or family come down to stay. I dont want him to leave and it makes me cry everytime i think about doing it but if he keeps this up ill have tp get rid of him. I am just wondering if thia sounds like it could be something wrong. I am going to the vet as soon as possible but looking for ptgers opinions. I am only looking for help not for people to badger me about abandoning him or being an aweful pet parent. Just looking for a solution please.
Hi Shelby, it is a very difficult situation – and we don’t think for one second you are a awful pet parent, you simply want what is best for Luna and your family. Having a vet check him over is always the first step, there may be something causing him to act this way, and an examination might show it up. Alternatively there are natural calming products on the market such as Feliway and Pet Remedy, again it’s worth speaking to your vet about. If he still shows signs of being unhappy, is there any family member that can take him on, before the baby is born? We wish you all the best with Luna and your new baby, please let us know how it works out. Dave RVN VetHelpDirect
My cat is shaking and crying while laying down and not moving much and she’s a kitten
Hello, it’s difficult to tell what could be wrong with her, but as kittens can go downhill so quickly, I’d recommend making an appointment with your vet for a check up ASAP. I really hope she’s much better soon.
I’ve been feeding a stray cat for a couple months, and today his behavior was very different. when i came home, he was sitting on my porch, meowing. i assumed this was because he was hungry. i have two other cats, and i feed the stray the same brand and type my pets use, so i know it is safe. i fed him the last of it, but he appeared to still be hungry, so i grabbed a different brand/flavor. he ate it very quickly and he seemed fine, but about 10 minutes later i heard him “howling”. i went outside to find him hissing/howling (kind of sounding like a crying baby) he was had an arched back and was looking at the side of my house. i went over, but he did not move away. the cat is not fond of physical contact or me getting to close so i usually leave out food and see him eat through a window. when i touched/ stroked him, he did not seem affected. he was also shaking. is it because of different food, or do you think that he just saw something? do you think he could have just been shaking from the cold(it is in the 30s)?
Hi Madison. It’s difficult to say whether the stray cat was showing signs of pain or if indeed he was reacting to something he’d seen, as his behaviour can fit with both – certainly if he had been staring at a certain side of your house, it could be that he’d seen another cat that he felt was a threat to his food. I’d monitor him as well as you can, continue feeding him and see if he’s still keen to eat. He may be more hungry because of the colder weather as he’ll be needing to burn more calories to stay warm. It may be worth considering, if you’re able, giving him some warm shelter near your house (even something as simple as a box with a bed in it) – but obviously not so that this upsets your cats at all. If he still seems to be behaving strangely, I’ recommend contacting your local RSPCA or Cats Protection branch, as they’d be able to come and collect him and take him to a vet for an examination. I hope he seems much happier in himself soon.
My cat is 13. She seems happy. She purrs most of the time. Latrell she has lost weight and lost hair on her back legs. She screams out when you pick her up or just move her yet she still purrs. We took it as maybe she just was being a cat and wanted what she wanted. I’m more worried now that I have seen weight loss and hair loss. Is she in pain or arthritis causing this?
Hi Jeanie. I can appreciate why you’re worried. Cats don’t always purr when they’re content, and can sometimes purr when they’re in pain too. It may be that she’s suffering from something like arthritis, or something else, so we’d recommend that you pop along to your vet as soon as you’re able to just to get her checked out and on any treatment if she needs it. I hope she feels much better soon.
Hi. My little buddy Toby went to the vet and was given the ok and just needed to lose weight (He’s just a big cat). The reason we took him to the vet was because he was have trouble jumping up to get a drink from the sink. Vet said he was healthy but when he pinched a spot on Toby’s spine he hissed. Toby never hisses so he was in pain. The vet gave him no medicine and this is week three after the visit. Today after coming up the steps from the basement where his litter box is, he lied down as if if right leg gave out. He’d been limping on his right hind leg. He’s an indoor cat and is now just laying down on a cushioned ottoman in our living room to be with us. He won’t lie down on the couch with me anymore and is so thankful when we sit down on the floor and pet him. His spirits are in good order and he wants attention I think he’s just avoiding using his back leg. No visible injuries from what I saw but I’m getting so scared with what I’m reading. I’ve had this cat since I was in grammar school and he’s my little buddy. Please help me help him. I can’t lose my best friend.
Hi Katie. I can appreciate why you’re so worried – pets are part of the family, and we hate to think of them suffering in any way. From what you’ve described, it sounds as though he could be suffering from something like arthritis (difficulty jumping up onto things, weakness in the hindlimbs). I’d recommend giving your vet a call to give them an update on his condition since he was seen, and see what they recommend – if they suspect something like arthritis, there’s plenty of things that can be done to help, so try not to worry. Your vet may want to see him again, and may put him on some pain relief to help ease any discomfort. If arthritis is suspected, joint supplements can really help – you can get these specifically for cats, containing glucosamine and chondroitin, and they can make a real difference. You can start supplementing these on a daily basis, and it can take 4-6 weeks before you see an obvious difference, as it needs to build up in the system, so stick with it. If he’s a bigger, older cat anyway, you may want to try this as it will certainly help his joints as he gets older. You can also try a few simple things around the home – maybe some steps/ramps to help him get up onto chairs etc, comfy beds in warm areas of the house (out of draughts), raising food bowls so he’s not having to bend down so far – these will all help. First point of call would be to have another chat to your vet, and then hopefully also start to implement some of these other ideas, and hopefully your lovely boy will start to feel much better soon.
Hi. My cat Blue seems to be very much in pain in his stomach and hisses whenever you rub his belly or even slightly touch it. He’s also been hiding a lot and he usually doesn’t hide at all, as well he’s quite restless and looks very much tired. We have another cat who’s been fighting/playing with him. I’m worried it may be serious. Thanks.
Hi Ryley. We’re sorry to hear about Blue – we’d recommend taking him to see your vet ASAP for a full check-up so that they’re able to find out what’s causing his discomfort and treat him appropriately. Hope he feels much better soon.
Hi, my cat is over 10 years old, I am unsure of her real age. She does not like to lay on her right side and get very violent, growling at me and hissing, even trying to claw me (though she doesn’t). I have monitored her jumping and everything seems to be fine, she can get on the bed fine and she does not limp at all. But when I examined her right hind leg, it seemed to bother her when I touched a certain spot. Is this worth a visit to the vet for? Or is she just touchy in that particular area of her body? Thanks!
Hi Jennifer. Cats can be very good at hiding discomfort, so it can be hard to spot when there’s a problem. I’d recommend popping her along to your vet for a check-up just to find out what’s wrong and if she requires any treatment. Your vet will be able to do a thorough clinical exam and any further tests as necessary to get to the bottom of what’s causing her to behave in this way.
My cat accidentally put her paw under my chair then she yelled now she runs around and plays with me but when she normally walks she lifts it up!!! So sad ???
Hi Ryan. If she’s lifting her paw up, we’d recommend popping her along to your vet for a check-up just to check no damage has been done.
My cat Cinnamon just coughed up a huge furball. She’s 2 and never coughs them up- she only ever has once before – which the vet said once is probably normal for her. Ever since she threw up and coughed up this huge one today, she’s been hiding behind the couch and whenever I reach out to her she growls or groans. She’s a Bengal and gets pretty angry easily so I stop trying to touch her and she stops growling. Is it possible that she’s just feeling sick from passing one or it hurt her on its way up? Her pupils are fine etc, she just seems angry and wants to be alone.
Hi Felicity, it could be that bringing up the furball has made her feel unwell – it certainly won’t have been pleasant for her after all. If she continues to hide, and seems unwell in herself, or doesn’t want to eat or drink, we’d recommend giving your vet a call for further advice and to see if they think she needs a check-up. It may just be that the whole situation has caused her some stress, and a cat’s natural reaction to stressful situations is to hide.
My 14 yr tomcat hit his paw on the side of the table and fell to the floor crying in pain. I petted him heavy, in seconds, he stopped. He ran around, no limping, and jumped to his feeding tray without a problem. Ate whole can of wet food. Slept and seems to be alright. This happened before. Is it a sign of mini stroke or injury?
It’s hard to say what could have caused this, it’s possible that he simply injured himself by knocking his paw, but with rest he’s improved. If this has happened before or he doesn’t seem well in himself, we’d recommend taking him along to your vets for a check-up.
My 13 year old cat has been growing a huge apetite. For example, we’ll feed her a whole pouch of wet food and then she’ll cry for more. We’ve also been noticing shes been getting pretty thin. Could it be that she has worms?
These symptoms can be common with a few different conditions Antony, so we’d recommend popping her along to your vet for a check-up. They’ll be able to do a full clinical exam and establish the cause of her hunger and weight loss, and get her onto the necessary treatment if required – which will hopefully make her feel much better and not so hungry all the time.
my four and a half-month-old kitten is crying. She does not want us to pet her. She might having pain in her lower back near tail or under her neck. Please suggest me something.
Hello. There could be a number of reasons your kitten is displaying these symptoms, so you’ll need to take her along to your vets ASAP for a check-up. They will be able to do a full clinical exam on her, find out what’s causing her to behave in this way, and start her on the most appropriate treatment.
Hello my name is Nia. My cat Ashley has not been seen for 5 days. But this morning I found her in her house. Now it’s summer and she never goes in her house. I was reading the answers to why ur cat might be sick . And I was wondering if this might be happening to Ashley or if she is hurt. Her eyes where slightly open and she’s being very skidish and she trying to hide from me. Do u know what might be wrong?
Hello Nia, it sounds very much as if your cat has been scared by something while away. As she is acting out of character, and she might have been injured (but hiding it, as cats tend to) we strongly suggest speaking to your vet and getting her checked over.
My cat Owen is 3 years old . He had some problems with his bladder a little over a year ago .. He’s been pretty normal expect every time I touch his back legs he meows .. It’s not really a sad meow but it’s more of don’t touch that meow .. He doesn’t limp he walks and jumps fine . He’s been like this for a while but I started to notice it was his back leg when he got a hair cut . Before I got the hair cut I just thought it was when I touched his butt . But now he doesn’t have so much hair it’s actually his leg .. I looked I don’t see any cuts or anything visible .. Should I take him in ? Or does he just not like his back legs touched ?
Hi Kelsey, I could be that he has an aversion to his back legs being touched, however he could also be in discomfort too. Cats are very stoic when it comes to pain, so it would be best to get him checked. It’s your peace of mind as well. Best of luck, Dave RVN @ Vet Help Direct.
my cat is acting different. he cries even when you move him or pick him up.
he sleeps near the window every night witch he never does.
he lays down a lot. he eats he drinks water a lot. if I hold him he stares at the window and stick his claws out to get near the window.
I am worried about him. my family say he is ok. but I know something is wrong with my cat. I have flea him 2 times. what should I do. I am very worried.
Hello Marsha, your cat needs to see a vet as soon as you can. This behaviour is out of the ordinary and because he is drinking a lot and seems in pain, a veterinary surgeon appointment is very important. Please make an appointment urgently. Best wishes, Dave RVN at Vet Help Direct.
Hi. My male kitty has had a few urinary tract infections. I can usually tell by him peeing small amounts other than in the litter box. Tonight, he is meowing out every once in a while like he is in pain. I have not seen any cat pee anywhere like usual. I usual give him belladonna pellets and powdered cranberry and it works every time. I have other cats so I can’t tell if he’s using the litter box or not. Can they have the same infection without the usual signs of urine on the floor?
Hi Claire, if your cat is appearing to need to urinate but not actually doing so then this is potentially a medical emergency. There is the potential that his urethra has become ‘blocked’ which can be life-threatening. If it is ‘his infection’ again only worse then he’ll need examining too so please take him to your vet ASAP. Best wishes
Hi. My male kitty has had a few urinary tract infections. I can usually tell by him peeing small amounts other than in the litter box. Tonight, he is meowing out every once in a while like he is in pain. I have not seen any cat pee anywhere like usual. I usual give him belladonna pellets and powdered cranberry and it works every time. I have other cats so I can’t tell if he’s using the litter box or not. Can they have the same infection without the usual signs of urine on the floor?
Hi Claire, if your cat is appearing to need to urinate but not actually doing so then this is potentially a medical emergency. There is the potential that his urethra has become ‘blocked’ which can be life-threatening. If it is ‘his infection’ again only worse then he’ll need examining too so please take him to your vet ASAP. Best wishes
I’ve noticed that my cat isn’t eating as quick as she used to. She’s 10 months old and usually scoffs her dinner up within minutes but just recently she’s having a little and leaving it. By the time I feed her in the evening, she has eaten it but it just doesn’t seem like her to leave it that long.
She still plays, she seems okay. But I just heard her making a weird cry like meow, I don’t know if this is an attention thing or if she’s trying to maybe tell me something.
Hi Jarad, changes to eating habits and vocalising can be as a result of a number of things and pain could be one of them. You know your cat best and you’ve obviously picked up on something that is out of the ordinary. I would recommend having her examined by your vet to rule out any medical reason for these changes. It could be something that is very easily treated, you never know. Best wishes
I’ve noticed that my cat isn’t eating as quick as she used to. She’s 10 months old and usually scoffs her dinner up within minutes but just recently she’s having a little and leaving it. By the time I feed her in the evening, she has eaten it but it just doesn’t seem like her to leave it that long.
She still plays, she seems okay. But I just heard her making a weird cry like meow, I don’t know if this is an attention thing or if she’s trying to maybe tell me something.
Hi Jarad, changes to eating habits and vocalising can be as a result of a number of things and pain could be one of them. You know your cat best and you’ve obviously picked up on something that is out of the ordinary. I would recommend having her examined by your vet to rule out any medical reason for these changes. It could be something that is very easily treated, you never know. Best wishes
My cat is diagnosed with tumor and he is having difficulties walking and he has lost the majority of muscles HE is eating well drinking.well sleeping well and he is not.crying. He is 18 years old and he is like our kid we feel very sory to put him down when in fact he is eating still we are wondering if he is in pain .What do you think ?we do know he is in the end of his life but we do not have a heart to put him down
HI Jeni, pain in cats is often tricky to determine let alone in an older cat with this disease. I would advise that you work closely with your vet to monitor him and stay in touch on a regular basis. The fact that he’s eating well is a good sign. Sleeping excessively can be a sign of discomfort as can being quiet and withdrawn. However he is an older cat and likely to be slowing down a little anyway. You can see why pain is tricky to assess. If he’s having difficulty walking that would suggest he’s in some degree of discomfort. Please remember that having him put to sleep is sometimes the kindest option and though it is a hard decision to make it is sometimes the best. We wish you the best.
My cat is diagnosed with tumor and he is having difficulties walking and he has lost the majority of muscles HE is eating well drinking.well sleeping well and he is not.crying. He is 18 years old and he is like our kid we feel very sory to put him down when in fact he is eating still we are wondering if he is in pain .What do you think ?we do know he is in the end of his life but we do not have a heart to put him down
HI Jeni, pain in cats is often tricky to determine let alone in an older cat with this disease. I would advise that you work closely with your vet to monitor him and stay in touch on a regular basis. The fact that he’s eating well is a good sign. Sleeping excessively can be a sign of discomfort as can being quiet and withdrawn. However he is an older cat and likely to be slowing down a little anyway. You can see why pain is tricky to assess. If he’s having difficulty walking that would suggest he’s in some degree of discomfort. Please remember that having him put to sleep is sometimes the kindest option and though it is a hard decision to make it is sometimes the best. We wish you the best.
I have a 16 year old girl who just this weekend began to cry out when attempting to jump on the sofa. An everyday habit for her. When I pick her up to help her, she just cries out horribly. Otherwise she walks fine, has a great appetite, but does consume quite a bit of water. As I have 4 cats that share boxes, I am not positive of her habits but I have seen her go to the box with usual regularity. I intend to get her to the vet tomorrow, but wonder if this constitutes as a EVC trip. Anything you can add is appreciated.
I have a 16 year old girl who just this weekend began to cry out when attempting to jump on the sofa. An everyday habit for her. When I pick her up to help her, she just cries out horribly. Otherwise she walks fine, has a great appetite, but does consume quite a bit of water. As I have 4 cats that share boxes, I am not positive of her habits but I have seen her go to the box with usual regularity. I intend to get her to the vet tomorrow, but wonder if this constitutes as a EVC trip. Anything you can add is appreciated.
My cat seems perfectly normal, runs, jumps, plays, all happy and everything. But if I so much as touch her left thigh muscle, her tails starts to twitch and she’ll hiss at me. She doesn’t show any other thing at all. She jumps without batting an eye, plays with the other cat. Sometimes it’s the base of her tail as well. Are these just sensitive areas and she’s angry if I touch them, and it’s normal, or should I get her checked out?
Hi Alicia, because she still runs and jumps and plays, we can see that it might be a little confusing. However, she is displaying clear signs of discomfort and therefore it would be sensible to have her examined. Who knows, it could be something very simple and easy to fix and you could enjoy stroking your cat without fear for your fingers once again. It could of course be something more complicated as cats in general are quite good at hiding pain but either way we would urge you to have her examined. Best of luck!
My cat seems perfectly normal, runs, jumps, plays, all happy and everything. But if I so much as touch her left thigh muscle, her tails starts to twitch and she’ll hiss at me. She doesn’t show any other thing at all. She jumps without batting an eye, plays with the other cat. Sometimes it’s the base of her tail as well. Are these just sensitive areas and she’s angry if I touch them, and it’s normal, or should I get her checked out?
Hi Alicia, because she still runs and jumps and plays, we can see that it might be a little confusing. However, she is displaying clear signs of discomfort and therefore it would be sensible to have her examined. Who knows, it could be something very simple and easy to fix and you could enjoy stroking your cat without fear for your fingers once again. It could of course be something more complicated as cats in general are quite good at hiding pain but either way we would urge you to have her examined. Best of luck!
My cat is keeping one eye closed, and keeps on meowing as if she’s in pain, and she keeps her body quite low to the ground when she walks, and she keeps on walking slower than usual. she doesn’t look like how she usually does, she looks more sad for some reason and is really sleepy. I don’t have any idea on what i should do, because it only started today, and I’m not sure if I should wait till tomorrow to see if she’s still acting the same so I could take her to the vet, I have no clue.
Dena, we highly recommend that you take your cat to the vet ASAP. Eye problems, pain and lethargy are all reasons to have her examined by a vet ASAP. Best wishes.
My cat is keeping one eye closed, and keeps on meowing as if she’s in pain, and she keeps her body quite low to the ground when she walks, and she keeps on walking slower than usual. she doesn’t look like how she usually does, she looks more sad for some reason and is really sleepy. I don’t have any idea on what i should do, because it only started today, and I’m not sure if I should wait till tomorrow to see if she’s still acting the same so I could take her to the vet, I have no clue.
Dena, we highly recommend that you take your cat to the vet ASAP. Eye problems, pain and lethargy are all reasons to have her examined by a vet ASAP. Best wishes.
My cat keeps meowing what can be wrong
Hi Hellene, any number of things to be honest. Do you feel your cat is in pain? Are they well in every other sense? Eating, drinking, exercising, toileting? Is it the onset of Feline Cognitive Dysfunction syndrome (dementia)? It’s hard to say, however, you know your cat best and if something has changed, it would be worth having them examined by your vet. Best wishes.
My cat keeps meowing what can be wrong
Hi Hellene, any number of things to be honest. Do you feel your cat is in pain? Are they well in every other sense? Eating, drinking, exercising, toileting? Is it the onset of Feline Cognitive Dysfunction syndrome (dementia)? It’s hard to say, however, you know your cat best and if something has changed, it would be worth having them examined by your vet. Best wishes.
Im not sure how to explain it but my cat meows like he is hurt sometimes when I try getting him to move he has been licking his genital area a lot, yes he does that sometimes, but not as much as he has been doing in the past few days.when he sits he has his feet a little bit off the ground basically like squatting you know he usually comes when I hold my hand out and call for him but when I do that now he just sits there and stares if he wants to fully sit he basically just lays down do you know what could be the problem?
Hi, it sounds as if your cat needs to be checked by a vet. He could be in pain for many reasons however I’m wondering if he is struggling to urinate? A cat unable to urinate is a medical emergency so I’d take him to the vet ASAP to have him examined. Best wishes.
Im not sure how to explain it but my cat meows like he is hurt sometimes when I try getting him to move he has been licking his genital area a lot, yes he does that sometimes, but not as much as he has been doing in the past few days.when he sits he has his feet a little bit off the ground basically like squatting you know he usually comes when I hold my hand out and call for him but when I do that now he just sits there and stares if he wants to fully sit he basically just lays down do you know what could be the problem?
Hi, it sounds as if your cat needs to be checked by a vet. He could be in pain for many reasons however I’m wondering if he is struggling to urinate? A cat unable to urinate is a medical emergency so I’d take him to the vet ASAP to have him examined. Best wishes.
We have a 3-4 months old cat, she meows all the time and keeps on rolling and belly up, she haven’t pooped for 2 days now, we feed her wet food and she does pee from time to time. She eats but not the entire food we serve unlike before. What could be the caused of this. Thanks!
Hi Ian, these changes in her behaviour indicate a problem. She sounds as if she’s constipated and possibly in pain, of course there are a number of potential causes for these symptoms. Two days is a long time not to pass faeces so please have a seen by a vet ASAP. Best of luck.
We have a 3-4 months old cat, she meows all the time and keeps on rolling and belly up, she haven’t pooped for 2 days now, we feed her wet food and she does pee from time to time. She eats but not the entire food we serve unlike before. What could be the caused of this. Thanks!
Hi Ian, these changes in her behaviour indicate a problem. She sounds as if she’s constipated and possibly in pain, of course there are a number of potential causes for these symptoms. Two days is a long time not to pass faeces so please have a seen by a vet ASAP. Best of luck.
Hi. My 7 week old kitten is a new addition to the family. I adopted he 2 days ago from the shelter. She was very playful and loving, running, jumping etc. Yesterday she played on the couch pouncing over pillows after the fishing rod toy. We went to bed thereafter where she sleeps with me in bed. She slept the entire night on the pillow next to me. Since this morning she just wants to lie down or sit. She walks to her food slowly but not really limping. She uses her litter box and is eating. She meows when I pick her up and she seems sensitive to touch on both her front wrist joint areas and the one back leg. She hasnt been washing herslef today. Again not limping, just walking slowly and wanting to sleep all the time. I think she either sprained some ligaments or overused the muscles and that is why she is sore today as she didn’t hurt herself last night.? I am taking her to the vet in the morning. … they will probably give anti inflammatories and pain meds… ? Just wondering why this happened
Hi Chantelle, I’m pleased you’re taking her to the vet as it isn’t easy to advise you on this over the internet. She is a little young to be away from her mum (perhaps she’s hand-reared) so a really good examination is the best thing. Good luck and best wishes.
Hi. My 7 week old kitten is a new addition to the family. I adopted he 2 days ago from the shelter. She was very playful and loving, running, jumping etc. Yesterday she played on the couch pouncing over pillows after the fishing rod toy. We went to bed thereafter where she sleeps with me in bed. She slept the entire night on the pillow next to me. Since this morning she just wants to lie down or sit. She walks to her food slowly but not really limping. She uses her litter box and is eating. She meows when I pick her up and she seems sensitive to touch on both her front wrist joint areas and the one back leg. She hasnt been washing herslef today. Again not limping, just walking slowly and wanting to sleep all the time. I think she either sprained some ligaments or overused the muscles and that is why she is sore today as she didn’t hurt herself last night.? I am taking her to the vet in the morning. … they will probably give anti inflammatories and pain meds… ? Just wondering why this happened
Hi Chantelle, I’m pleased you’re taking her to the vet as it isn’t easy to advise you on this over the internet. She is a little young to be away from her mum (perhaps she’s hand-reared) so a really good examination is the best thing. Good luck and best wishes.
My cat is turning 12 this year and this year she has had two random moments in the same week where she meows loudly as like calling for me and looks as if she loses feeling in her legs and rolls on her back and this while still meowing, but then she just back up and is normal and then does it again then back to normal.
Hi Romane, it would be worth taking your cat to her vet and having her examined. This is odd behaviour suggesting that something is going on that should be discussed and investigated. Best wishes
My cat is turning 12 this year and this year she has had two random moments in the same week where she meows loudly as like calling for me and looks as if she loses feeling in her legs and rolls on her back and this while still meowing, but then she just back up and is normal and then does it again then back to normal.
Hi Romane, it would be worth taking your cat to her vet and having her examined. This is odd behaviour suggesting that something is going on that should be discussed and investigated. Best wishes
Hi there
My cat was grabbed by what the vet thought was a dog by the puncture wounds back in November. They gave him an xray and said their maybe a tiny fracture on the tip of his pointy bit of spine but you could hardly tell on the xray. Other than that just the wounds. Then in dec he got into a cat fight and had a couple of puncture wounds that became abscesses which got quite nasty and have now gone. So because of the second attack he has been wearing a collar to stop licking. Now this has come off I have noticed since the dog bite he can no longer spring jump. He used to be a nightmare jumping on the kitchen sides etc. Now going up the stairs he is slow and he has to claw his way up on the bed.
He is a 8 year old Siamese so not that old and its happened over a matter of two months.
What could cause the inability to jump if not any broken bones?
My partner seems to think it could take him months to return to normal after being shaken by the dog.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated
Many thanks
Hi Charlotte, you know your cat best and if something seems awry, then it probably is. Being shaken by a dog can cause all sorts of damage, some irreversible, some that might heal in time, it is very individual to each patient. There are a range of potential causes for him jumping less, including broken bones, bruised muscles etc however it would probably be worth taking him for a check up now that some time has passed since the last incident. Explain to the vet what your concerns are as they have all the details on his medical history and can help you get to the bottom of it. Best wishes
Hi there
My cat was grabbed by what the vet thought was a dog by the puncture wounds back in November. They gave him an xray and said their maybe a tiny fracture on the tip of his pointy bit of spine but you could hardly tell on the xray. Other than that just the wounds. Then in dec he got into a cat fight and had a couple of puncture wounds that became abscesses which got quite nasty and have now gone. So because of the second attack he has been wearing a collar to stop licking. Now this has come off I have noticed since the dog bite he can no longer spring jump. He used to be a nightmare jumping on the kitchen sides etc. Now going up the stairs he is slow and he has to claw his way up on the bed.
He is a 8 year old Siamese so not that old and its happened over a matter of two months.
What could cause the inability to jump if not any broken bones?
My partner seems to think it could take him months to return to normal after being shaken by the dog.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated
Many thanks
Hi Charlotte, you know your cat best and if something seems awry, then it probably is. Being shaken by a dog can cause all sorts of damage, some irreversible, some that might heal in time, it is very individual to each patient. There are a range of potential causes for him jumping less, including broken bones, bruised muscles etc however it would probably be worth taking him for a check up now that some time has passed since the last incident. Explain to the vet what your concerns are as they have all the details on his medical history and can help you get to the bottom of it. Best wishes
Hi my cat is 2 and he has recently started eating less. He generally eats the exact same food and flavour every day, and has started turning his nose up at it- he may be sick of the flavour or is eating elsewhere, but when we try new flavours he will try them for a few mins and then leave the rest. He usually has a good appetite. He has also started ‘screaming’ when I pick him up around his rib area, usually he is fine with being picked up. He did this a few months ago and then was back to normal after a while however, so I’m not sure if he will just be fine again in a few weeks? I hope you can help
Hi Carly, thanks for getting in touch. You know your cat best and you’ve picked up on the fact that something isn’t quite right. Screaming when handled isn’t necessarily normal, especially if he usually doesn’t mind. It certainly can be an indication of pain and coupled with this change in eating habits, I’d suggest that examination by your vet is a good idea. Even if these symptoms went away a few months ago, they are back suggesting that something isn’t resolved. Best wishes
Hi my cat is 2 and he has recently started eating less. He generally eats the exact same food and flavour every day, and has started turning his nose up at it- he may be sick of the flavour or is eating elsewhere, but when we try new flavours he will try them for a few mins and then leave the rest. He usually has a good appetite. He has also started ‘screaming’ when I pick him up around his rib area, usually he is fine with being picked up. He did this a few months ago and then was back to normal after a while however, so I’m not sure if he will just be fine again in a few weeks? I hope you can help
Hi Carly, thanks for getting in touch. You know your cat best and you’ve picked up on the fact that something isn’t quite right. Screaming when handled isn’t necessarily normal, especially if he usually doesn’t mind. It certainly can be an indication of pain and coupled with this change in eating habits, I’d suggest that examination by your vet is a good idea. Even if these symptoms went away a few months ago, they are back suggesting that something isn’t resolved. Best wishes
My cat when you scratch her back she will start to lick. Then she started to meow and lick at the same time. She has started to pull fur out and has a bald spot above her thigh area and if you touch the area near her tail even lightly she will meow very loudly and start to lick the area as fast as she can. I try to not touch her there but sometime when she is sittingon my lap I will end up accidently touching her there and she meows loudly. Is this a sign something is seriously wrong. I am going to make a vet appoitment for her.
Hi Betty, you are right to be taking your cat to your vet. There are a number of reasons that she might be doing this including an allergy, perhaps a spillage of something irritant onto her skin or even pain in that region. Pets will sometimes ‘self-traumatise an area of pain. I recommend you take her to be checked out by a vet. Thank you for your post.
My cat when you scratch her back she will start to lick. Then she started to meow and lick at the same time. She has started to pull fur out and has a bald spot above her thigh area and if you touch the area near her tail even lightly she will meow very loudly and start to lick the area as fast as she can. I try to not touch her there but sometime when she is sittingon my lap I will end up accidently touching her there and she meows loudly. Is this a sign something is seriously wrong. I am going to make a vet appoitment for her.
Hi Betty, you are right to be taking your cat to your vet. There are a number of reasons that she might be doing this including an allergy, perhaps a spillage of something irritant onto her skin or even pain in that region. Pets will sometimes ‘self-traumatise an area of pain. I recommend you take her to be checked out by a vet. Thank you for your post.
My cat is 10. Usually loving and allows you to pick him up. Today. He suddenly hissed and lifted up his back leg. He didn’t walk properly and hissed when I tried to pick him up. I left him for a while and he was able to jump on and off the bed. 3 hours later the same happened. He lifted his leg up and hissed. Again wouldn’t let anyone pick him up. Help please
Hi Lynn, with any cat that shows pain, such as yours – they need to see a vet. There could be numerous reasons why he is acting in this way, and needs an examination to find out why. Painkillers as well!
My cat is 10. Usually loving and allows you to pick him up. Today. He suddenly hissed and lifted up his back leg. He didn’t walk properly and hissed when I tried to pick him up. I left him for a while and he was able to jump on and off the bed. 3 hours later the same happened. He lifted his leg up and hissed. Again wouldn’t let anyone pick him up. Help please
Hi Lynn, with any cat that shows pain, such as yours – they need to see a vet. There could be numerous reasons why he is acting in this way, and needs an examination to find out why. Painkillers as well!
Hi, my 7 month kitten who normally tears around the house playing with my other cat has now got a slight limp on his hind leg. I came home one day and noticed the limp and his tail was down all the time. He took himself to his bed and meowed when I touched his leg. I took him to the vets the next day who checked him and said they couldn’t find anything wrong and put him on metacam for 7 days. His tail came back up and seems OK but he still has a slight limp and can’t jump up on the sofa etc very easily. I took him back to the vet who insisted he hasn’t broken anything as there is no obvious pain when they examined him. Its been 3 weeks now and he is still having trouble jumping up and when he sits he sticks his hind leg out slightly. I have confined him now to one small room so he rests…he has been in the room for 4 days but there seems to be no improvement with his jumping. He is happy in himself but he’s not the same as as he was..Any ideas on what it might be? I feel like there’s something wrong but no one can help me.
Hi Helen
Thanks for getting in touch. The fact that your kitten responded positively to anti-inflammatory and pain relief suggests that there is something painful going on in that leg. There is a whole raft of reasons that he might be limping, a few of those include fractures of the bone, foreign bodies, muscle damage and dislocation of a joint. If the problem isn’t resolving it would be worth asking your vet what further diagnostics techniques can be used.
Hi, my 7 month kitten who normally tears around the house playing with my other cat has now got a slight limp on his hind leg. I came home one day and noticed the limp and his tail was down all the time. He took himself to his bed and meowed when I touched his leg. I took him to the vets the next day who checked him and said they couldn’t find anything wrong and put him on metacam for 7 days. His tail came back up and seems OK but he still has a slight limp and can’t jump up on the sofa etc very easily. I took him back to the vet who insisted he hasn’t broken anything as there is no obvious pain when they examined him. Its been 3 weeks now and he is still having trouble jumping up and when he sits he sticks his hind leg out slightly. I have confined him now to one small room so he rests…he has been in the room for 4 days but there seems to be no improvement with his jumping. He is happy in himself but he’s not the same as as he was..Any ideas on what it might be? I feel like there’s something wrong but no one can help me.
Hi Helen
Thanks for getting in touch. The fact that your kitten responded positively to anti-inflammatory and pain relief suggests that there is something painful going on in that leg. There is a whole raft of reasons that he might be limping, a few of those include fractures of the bone, foreign bodies, muscle damage and dislocation of a joint. If the problem isn’t resolving it would be worth asking your vet what further diagnostics techniques can be used.
Hi my cat, shes a little 6 month old kitten named Miss Kitty… I’ve had her for about 3 months now and she loves me and my family, shes playful, loves to be pet, social, cuddly, and amazing. This morning she came out of my room and laid down on the table when I went to the bathroom, I let her lay there and I went back to bed. I went to school and came home and she was still laying on the table, I didn’t move her because I just thought she was tired, I went and Did things (played videogames, watch tv, make dinner, and got ready for bed) then as usual, I got my other kitty to go to bed and I went to get her… I picked her up and she started meowing the second I touched her. And she was asleep. (I know you’re not supposed to wake sleeping animals but I had to shut my door and the litter box is in my room) anywhoo, I thought that was strange so I left her alone for a moment, I came back to get her and she was awake, when I went to pick her up again, the second I touched her, she meowed and hissed, which took me by surprise because she’s never hissed before. But I didn’t feel like it was a mean hiss or even directed towards me because she was letting me sit by her, just not touch her. But anyway. I finally got her on the floor by begging her to move withher favorite treats, she jumped down, gave a loud meow, hissed, laid down and shut her eyes. I came over and I picked her up. Which she finally let me do, I took her to my room and set her on the bed and started checking to see if she was okay. She didn’t have any wounds, but she wouldn’t let me touch her paws, any of them… I said okay and laidher down where she normally lays and I decided that I’d take her to the vet in a few days. (I know I’m a terrible person but I have school and then work right after school) but, she’s still shaking and hurt… Should I take her in and just not go into work one day? She did just get over something called horners syndrome or something like that, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Anyway. Please get back to me soon. Thanks. 🙂
Hi, thank you for your question. It sounds as if your cat is displaying clear signs of being in pain or unwell. It would be unusual for most cats to remain in exactly the same position all day and you have said that she is usually lively and playful. In addition, meowing when you touch her could certainly be an indication of pain and hissing could be her way of guarding an area that is painful, especially if she’s usually a friendly girl. I recommend that you take her to see a vet as soon as possible. Thank you.
Hi my cat, shes a little 6 month old kitten named Miss Kitty… I’ve had her for about 3 months now and she loves me and my family, shes playful, loves to be pet, social, cuddly, and amazing. This morning she came out of my room and laid down on the table when I went to the bathroom, I let her lay there and I went back to bed. I went to school and came home and she was still laying on the table, I didn’t move her because I just thought she was tired, I went and Did things (played videogames, watch tv, make dinner, and got ready for bed) then as usual, I got my other kitty to go to bed and I went to get her… I picked her up and she started meowing the second I touched her. And she was asleep. (I know you’re not supposed to wake sleeping animals but I had to shut my door and the litter box is in my room) anywhoo, I thought that was strange so I left her alone for a moment, I came back to get her and she was awake, when I went to pick her up again, the second I touched her, she meowed and hissed, which took me by surprise because she’s never hissed before. But I didn’t feel like it was a mean hiss or even directed towards me because she was letting me sit by her, just not touch her. But anyway. I finally got her on the floor by begging her to move withher favorite treats, she jumped down, gave a loud meow, hissed, laid down and shut her eyes. I came over and I picked her up. Which she finally let me do, I took her to my room and set her on the bed and started checking to see if she was okay. She didn’t have any wounds, but she wouldn’t let me touch her paws, any of them… I said okay and laidher down where she normally lays and I decided that I’d take her to the vet in a few days. (I know I’m a terrible person but I have school and then work right after school) but, she’s still shaking and hurt… Should I take her in and just not go into work one day? She did just get over something called horners syndrome or something like that, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Anyway. Please get back to me soon. Thanks. 🙂
Hi, thank you for your question. It sounds as if your cat is displaying clear signs of being in pain or unwell. It would be unusual for most cats to remain in exactly the same position all day and you have said that she is usually lively and playful. In addition, meowing when you touch her could certainly be an indication of pain and hissing could be her way of guarding an area that is painful, especially if she’s usually a friendly girl. I recommend that you take her to see a vet as soon as possible. Thank you.
Hello, My kitten has been acting unusual. At first it would play with its brother and play fight with him but lately it has been crying when it’s brother is trying to playfight with him. It eats a little amount of food and cries if you don’t pick it up but also cries when you do. It doesn’t run around as much, just hunches onto your lap.
Hi Chelsea, it does seem unusual behaviour – if the kitty is still acting strange, it’s best to get them checked out at your vets.
Hello, My kitten has been acting unusual. At first it would play with its brother and play fight with him but lately it has been crying when it’s brother is trying to playfight with him. It eats a little amount of food and cries if you don’t pick it up but also cries when you do. It doesn’t run around as much, just hunches onto your lap.
Hi Chelsea, it does seem unusual behaviour – if the kitty is still acting strange, it’s best to get them checked out at your vets.
I ‘ve noticed my cat is holding his left hind leg oddly. Other than that, he is normal, not aggressive nor are his eyes dilated, his appetite is normal as well as at his usual energy level with running, playing and jumping.
I clean his paws whenever I can get a chance and have just brushed him but noticed no bites or scratches. Is it possible that he has an ingrown claw?
I can pay for a vet visit but it will take a few days until my next pay day and he has always been shy and stressed out at strangers going near him so if he goes to the vet, I worry about him freaking out.
Hi Bri, you know your cat best and if something seems awry, it’s likely that something is indeed causing your cat discomfort in that leg. There are a number of reasons that he might be holding that limb oddly, including the potential for an ingrowing claw. In order to understand what the problem is and to prevent it getting worse, it really is best that you take your cat to a vet ASAP.
I ‘ve noticed my cat is holding his left hind leg oddly. Other than that, he is normal, not aggressive nor are his eyes dilated, his appetite is normal as well as at his usual energy level with running, playing and jumping.
I clean his paws whenever I can get a chance and have just brushed him but noticed no bites or scratches. Is it possible that he has an ingrown claw?
I can pay for a vet visit but it will take a few days until my next pay day and he has always been shy and stressed out at strangers going near him so if he goes to the vet, I worry about him freaking out.
Hi Bri, you know your cat best and if something seems awry, it’s likely that something is indeed causing your cat discomfort in that leg. There are a number of reasons that he might be holding that limb oddly, including the potential for an ingrowing claw. In order to understand what the problem is and to prevent it getting worse, it really is best that you take your cat to a vet ASAP.
Our cats been out of sorts for a few days. Not wanting to go out, reduced appetite, crying if you pick him up and sleeping. We think he had a fight with another cat as a couple of new ones hanging around. He’s got brighter each day and today is eating well and much brighter but holding paw up when he isn’t walking on it, licking his leg and limping when he walks. I’ve felt all round and can’t find anything obvious and it doesn’t seem painful to touch.
Any suggestions no immediate vet access due to weekend. Would a sprain have improved by now?
Our cats been out of sorts for a few days. Not wanting to go out, reduced appetite, crying if you pick him up and sleeping. We think he had a fight with another cat as a couple of new ones hanging around. He’s got brighter each day and today is eating well and much brighter but holding paw up when he isn’t walking on it, licking his leg and limping when he walks. I’ve felt all round and can’t find anything obvious and it doesn’t seem painful to touch.
Any suggestions no immediate vet access due to weekend. Would a sprain have improved by now?
Hello. My 2 year old male cat is howling like crazy as if in pain. I’m not sure if i should take him to the vet or what. He tends to be quiet unless he is hungry, thirsty, or wants attention. And well when he goes to the litter box he yowls and howls, even when just using #1. I tried petting him a few mintutes ago and he growled and hissed at me. Not sure what is wrong with him. Please help.
Hi, hopefully he is back to himself – cats usually howl when in pain – having them do so when in a litter tray can be a sign of a blockage – a blocked bladder in a cat is a medical emergency. he rule of thumb if they are like this then contact a vet urgently.
Hello. My 2 year old male cat is howling like crazy as if in pain. I’m not sure if i should take him to the vet or what. He tends to be quiet unless he is hungry, thirsty, or wants attention. And well when he goes to the litter box he yowls and howls, even when just using #1. I tried petting him a few mintutes ago and he growled and hissed at me. Not sure what is wrong with him. Please help.
Hi, hopefully he is back to himself – cats usually howl when in pain – having them do so when in a litter tray can be a sign of a blockage – a blocked bladder in a cat is a medical emergency. he rule of thumb if they are like this then contact a vet urgently.
Thank you in advance for the reply. We put her to sleep this am. There was nothing more they could do. She had a good life.
Bless you Rhonda… it is nice she had a good life, best wishes from the team x
Thank you in advance for the reply. We put her to sleep this am. There was nothing more they could do. She had a good life.
Bless you Rhonda… it is nice she had a good life, best wishes from the team x
My cat is 19 years old and has been on medication for a hyperactive thyroid for over a year. She went blind about five months ago, but it was not due to high blood pressure. They were not sure why. She has slowed down a great deal, but finds her food, litter box, and favorite sleeping spot every day. She has been breathing very heavily lately and really has a hard time walking straight. Her head lists to slightly to the side. I cannot tell whether or not she is in pain. How do I know when it is time to take her to the vet? I do not want her to suffer.
My cat is 19 years old and has been on medication for a hyperactive thyroid for over a year. She went blind about five months ago, but it was not due to high blood pressure. They were not sure why. She has slowed down a great deal, but finds her food, litter box, and favorite sleeping spot every day. She has been breathing very heavily lately and really has a hard time walking straight. Her head lists to slightly to the side. I cannot tell whether or not she is in pain. How do I know when it is time to take her to the vet? I do not want her to suffer.
Hi I have a 2 year old house female cat it’s just got out side and went under the carvan I got her her back in and now every time I go nearer her she trys bitting me scratching me and hissing at me she normally a very friendly cat and always wants cuddles now she’s just under the bed and won’t come out please could u help it’s scaring me now
Hello Nicky, hopefully your cat has calmed down. If you are worried by her behaviour please call your local vet as she might have been injured on her adventure.
Hi I have a 2 year old house female cat it’s just got out side and went under the carvan I got her her back in and now every time I go nearer her she trys bitting me scratching me and hissing at me she normally a very friendly cat and always wants cuddles now she’s just under the bed and won’t come out please could u help it’s scaring me now
Hello Nicky, hopefully your cat has calmed down. If you are worried by her behaviour please call your local vet as she might have been injured on her adventure.
My kitten has one eye closed but there is not puss or tearing at all, she is super quiet doesn’t like the light, is hiding in dark places away from any light, she still likes pats and comforting she purrs sometimes when we check on her but other times she flinches and moves away. Could she have something in her eye or could she has accidentally scratched her eye?
My kitten has one eye closed but there is not puss or tearing at all, she is super quiet doesn’t like the light, is hiding in dark places away from any light, she still likes pats and comforting she purrs sometimes when we check on her but other times she flinches and moves away. Could she have something in her eye or could she has accidentally scratched her eye?
hi my cat yowls as if he is in pain and then lies down, after a bit he gets up and plays with our kitten and acts like nothing is wrong; he is perfectly healthy but he is blind at birth and he is only 2 years old
hi my cat yowls as if he is in pain and then lies down, after a bit he gets up and plays with our kitten and acts like nothing is wrong; he is perfectly healthy but he is blind at birth and he is only 2 years old
My cat’s behavior and disposition changed suddenly yesterday afternoon.
He has always been a very cuddly, responsive cat that loves attention. He is now extremely tense, constantly licking his front shoulders, legs, paws and chest area. He will not sleep or eat. He does not like to be touched or picked up and will no longer purr (used to purr instantly, at even the slightest touch). He runs everywhere he goes, and wants to be alone. His eyes changed from fully dilated to normal but glassy (non responsive). Today is a holiday so I have to wait until tomorrow to take him to the vet.
He recently experienced some health issues and was in the vet clinic for 3 days. He was dehydrated and was experiencing kidney issues. He had ecoli in his urine and finished his antibiotic 3-4 days before this sudden physiological change.
I am very worried, anything you can share would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Anne, from the signs that your cat is displaying he definitely seems to be in pain. Cat’s often become tense like this and stop eating. We understand it’s a holiday at the moment (we are UK based), but suggest getting to a vet as soon as they open. In the meantime try and tempt him with some food – if possible mashed or liquidised as its easier to digest and warmed as well – cats often prefer a nice smelling food and warming helps it. Keep him indoors if possible until you have more advice from your vet. Best wishes.
My cat’s behavior and disposition changed suddenly yesterday afternoon.
He has always been a very cuddly, responsive cat that loves attention. He is now extremely tense, constantly licking his front shoulders, legs, paws and chest area. He will not sleep or eat. He does not like to be touched or picked up and will no longer purr (used to purr instantly, at even the slightest touch). He runs everywhere he goes, and wants to be alone. His eyes changed from fully dilated to normal but glassy (non responsive). Today is a holiday so I have to wait until tomorrow to take him to the vet.
He recently experienced some health issues and was in the vet clinic for 3 days. He was dehydrated and was experiencing kidney issues. He had ecoli in his urine and finished his antibiotic 3-4 days before this sudden physiological change.
I am very worried, anything you can share would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Anne, from the signs that your cat is displaying he definitely seems to be in pain. Cat’s often become tense like this and stop eating. We understand it’s a holiday at the moment (we are UK based), but suggest getting to a vet as soon as they open. In the meantime try and tempt him with some food – if possible mashed or liquidised as its easier to digest and warmed as well – cats often prefer a nice smelling food and warming helps it. Keep him indoors if possible until you have more advice from your vet. Best wishes.
Hi my cat is laying in the rain & will not let me touch her ! She is a very friendly cat & this behaviour is strange, she came in & flopped on the floor then walked upstairs very slowly then back down now she is outside & I don’t know what to do! !!!
Hi Kim, If you have not already, please try and pick her up, use a blanket if you need to to avoid an upset felines claws. Bring her inside and keep her warm, try to see if there are any obvious signs of an injury. If there is no apparent signs, but she is not herself – please call your vet immediately for further advice.
Hi my cat is laying in the rain & will not let me touch her ! She is a very friendly cat & this behaviour is strange, she came in & flopped on the floor then walked upstairs very slowly then back down now she is outside & I don’t know what to do! !!!
Hi Kim, If you have not already, please try and pick her up, use a blanket if you need to to avoid an upset felines claws. Bring her inside and keep her warm, try to see if there are any obvious signs of an injury. If there is no apparent signs, but she is not herself – please call your vet immediately for further advice.
I have a male cat that got sick last Saturday 8/15/15. Took him to the vet and he was giving meds. Took him a few day before he would start drinking, but he wouldn’t eat. We ended up having to force feed him liquid down can cat food. The next day he which was Saturday 8/22/15 he was eating on his own. But, now we noticed if we rubbed down his back he would cry out and move away from you. Also, he would sit facing the wall. I think he developed another problem from not eating for so long, but I don’t know what it could be.
Hi, it’s very difficult to say without a full picture. We would strongly suggest you contact your vet again if there has been no improvement as they will have all the details and medical history.
I have a male cat that got sick last Saturday 8/15/15. Took him to the vet and he was giving meds. Took him a few day before he would start drinking, but he wouldn’t eat. We ended up having to force feed him liquid down can cat food. The next day he which was Saturday 8/22/15 he was eating on his own. But, now we noticed if we rubbed down his back he would cry out and move away from you. Also, he would sit facing the wall. I think he developed another problem from not eating for so long, but I don’t know what it could be.
Hi, it’s very difficult to say without a full picture. We would strongly suggest you contact your vet again if there has been no improvement as they will have all the details and medical history.
Hi, my brother accidentally stood on my cat. He’s limping but only ever so slightly. He’s not off his food but doesn’t seem to want to go out as much. – however this might be due to recently moving then leaving him with my brother for 3 weeks, therefore he could be just generally unsettled. Would you still take him as I don’t want to upset him further (the vets can be quite traumatic in itself) I’m just trying to give loads of love etc. is this the right thing to do?
Hi Bec, if your cat is still limping then we’d suggest a vet visit. Cat’s are stoic creatures and will only show weakness if they are in discomfort – which might mean a course of painkiller…
Hi, my brother accidentally stood on my cat. He’s limping but only ever so slightly. He’s not off his food but doesn’t seem to want to go out as much. – however this might be due to recently moving then leaving him with my brother for 3 weeks, therefore he could be just generally unsettled. Would you still take him as I don’t want to upset him further (the vets can be quite traumatic in itself) I’m just trying to give loads of love etc. is this the right thing to do?
Hi Bec, if your cat is still limping then we’d suggest a vet visit. Cat’s are stoic creatures and will only show weakness if they are in discomfort – which might mean a course of painkiller…
Hi. I’ve been worried about my kitten because i just noticed today that her behind is swollen and a little bit red and i also noticed that when she walks, she keeps on lifting her right leg (shaking), i tried to touch her right leg to see if there is something wrong with it but then she hisses and tries to scratch me :(, even her mother cat can’t lick her behind and her legs. I dont know what to do. I dont know any vets that is located near us or somewhat near our place. Please help me.
We know it’s difficult, but it sounds like the kitten needs to see a vet, sooner rather than later. Please ask in the area for the nearest vet – we are UK based so are unable to help with that bit!
Hi. I’ve been worried about my kitten because i just noticed today that her behind is swollen and a little bit red and i also noticed that when she walks, she keeps on lifting her right leg (shaking), i tried to touch her right leg to see if there is something wrong with it but then she hisses and tries to scratch me :(, even her mother cat can’t lick her behind and her legs. I dont know what to do. I dont know any vets that is located near us or somewhat near our place. Please help me.
We know it’s difficult, but it sounds like the kitten needs to see a vet, sooner rather than later. Please ask in the area for the nearest vet – we are UK based so are unable to help with that bit!
My female Scottish fold is 4 years old. She was sick in the morning and evening a few days ago but seemed happy in herself, letting me stroke her, puring, nose eyes mouth and ears all ok. So I kept an eye on her. Now yesterday she was sick twice. The second straight after the first. Again she seems fine. I think her kibble may be too small and she’s swallowing rather than chewing it but I can’t afford a new kibble and the vet right at this moment. So what should I do? Vets or kibble ? Thank you
We’d suggest the vets is a good point, there are reasons this could be happening, from mouth to digestive system problems. Please let your vet examine her.
My female Scottish fold is 4 years old. She was sick in the morning and evening a few days ago but seemed happy in herself, letting me stroke her, puring, nose eyes mouth and ears all ok. So I kept an eye on her. Now yesterday she was sick twice. The second straight after the first. Again she seems fine. I think her kibble may be too small and she’s swallowing rather than chewing it but I can’t afford a new kibble and the vet right at this moment. So what should I do? Vets or kibble ? Thank you
We’d suggest the vets is a good point, there are reasons this could be happening, from mouth to digestive system problems. Please let your vet examine her.
Hi there, I have noticed in the last 2 weeks my cat doe`s not want to come in my home lately, It has bee hot outside, I know cats love the warmer months and tend to stop out more. But in the last couple of weeks she does not seem to want to come indoors. Her eating is normal and she comes when called, But no sooner i bring her in she can`t wait to get out again. Any idea`s.
Hi there, I have noticed in the last 2 weeks my cat doe`s not want to come in my home lately, It has bee hot outside, I know cats love the warmer months and tend to stop out more. But in the last couple of weeks she does not seem to want to come indoors. Her eating is normal and she comes when called, But no sooner i bring her in she can`t wait to get out again. Any idea`s.
hi, my 10year old male indoor cat has always loved his food and is full of character. This morning was a usual morning true to this. But when I came home from work after about an hour I noticed he was very quiet and didn’t want any dinner and just stayed curled up in his bed. When I got up out of his bed late me that night he seemed fine when I stroked his head but as I went closer to his back paws he moaned loudly. He’s walkin around and putting all weight down but doesn’t appear to be walking around tall he seems to be quite low to the floor.
I’m going to take him the vet tomorrow… But any ideas what it could be? Litter tray etc all fine no unusual signs. Very worried owner.
Hi Zoe, we have only just picked up your comment. We hope the vet has seen your cat, it is very difficult to give you an idea from what you say. You have the best idea and doing the right thing taken him to the surgery.
hi, my 10year old male indoor cat has always loved his food and is full of character. This morning was a usual morning true to this. But when I came home from work after about an hour I noticed he was very quiet and didn’t want any dinner and just stayed curled up in his bed. When I got up out of his bed late me that night he seemed fine when I stroked his head but as I went closer to his back paws he moaned loudly. He’s walkin around and putting all weight down but doesn’t appear to be walking around tall he seems to be quite low to the floor.
I’m going to take him the vet tomorrow… But any ideas what it could be? Litter tray etc all fine no unusual signs. Very worried owner.
Hi Zoe, we have only just picked up your comment. We hope the vet has seen your cat, it is very difficult to give you an idea from what you say. You have the best idea and doing the right thing taken him to the surgery.
Hi, my cat hisses,bites,growls,licking her paws,flicker her paws,and runs to hide after playing and touching her front paws and back. Also these symptoms happens when during cold weather. We rescued her a few years ago from being abandon by her previous family. They declawed her as a kitten. She meow and follow us when she wants food or attention , or she just want to set down . So she can set or lay in our lamps. Her front paws are cold and this middle of summer. I notice her paws is swollen 10 times there size after playing ,cold weather,and touching her paws.She run and jumps ,but suffer for it later. Vets in town and near done,t believe something wrong and wants x rays. We can afford xRays and I won’t support vets who declaw cats. Why do vets denied the fact cats suffer from pain after years of declawing.
Hi Mark, interesting comment – this site is UK based, where declawing is not legal.
Hi, my cat hisses,bites,growls,licking her paws,flicker her paws,and runs to hide after playing and touching her front paws and back. Also these symptoms happens when during cold weather. We rescued her a few years ago from being abandon by her previous family. They declawed her as a kitten. She meow and follow us when she wants food or attention , or she just want to set down . So she can set or lay in our lamps. Her front paws are cold and this middle of summer. I notice her paws is swollen 10 times there size after playing ,cold weather,and touching her paws.She run and jumps ,but suffer for it later. Vets in town and near done,t believe something wrong and wants x rays. We can afford xRays and I won’t support vets who declaw cats. Why do vets denied the fact cats suffer from pain after years of declawing.
Hi Mark, interesting comment – this site is UK based, where declawing is not legal.
My six year old cat started meowing deeply and at first I thought he was just hungry or being playful since he meows in that way whenever he needs to be fed or wants to play. But then, he started hissing and walking around, and dropping on the floor, and he was twisting his body around, too. I tried to pet him to maybe try and soothe him and it seemed like his lower stomach/hind legs area was in pain so I stopped. When I opened the door to where I keep his litter, he ran straight to it and peed. After he peed, he stopped meowing and hissing and just moving around in general and he laid on the floor, looking exhausted. He fell asleep right after but now I’m worried if there’s something wrong with him. What should I do? Thank you.
Hi Ruth, which strongly suggest you getting checked out as soon as possible. There could be a bladder problem going on, even possibly he is starting to be blocked in the area, that is a medical emergency. Even if he is not blocked (or becoming blocked) he still sounds like he needs to see a vet. Please call your vets now for further advice.
My six year old cat started meowing deeply and at first I thought he was just hungry or being playful since he meows in that way whenever he needs to be fed or wants to play. But then, he started hissing and walking around, and dropping on the floor, and he was twisting his body around, too. I tried to pet him to maybe try and soothe him and it seemed like his lower stomach/hind legs area was in pain so I stopped. When I opened the door to where I keep his litter, he ran straight to it and peed. After he peed, he stopped meowing and hissing and just moving around in general and he laid on the floor, looking exhausted. He fell asleep right after but now I’m worried if there’s something wrong with him. What should I do? Thank you.
Hi Ruth, which strongly suggest you getting checked out as soon as possible. There could be a bladder problem going on, even possibly he is starting to be blocked in the area, that is a medical emergency. Even if he is not blocked (or becoming blocked) he still sounds like he needs to see a vet. Please call your vets now for further advice.
Sir Dave i just want to know what could it be that caused my kitten s death.i only based my idea that they have FKS because since birth they never seemed to have any problems. They’re all active and seemed normal. There’s 3 of them. The first one died after just 2 weeks. I thought maybe he s the only one who s weak and the other s were just fine. But then after the death of 2nd kitty this morning and after i did some reasearch on the net.what i could only think of the cause of their death is KFS. Please inform me more. thanks for your kindness sir Dave. God bless
Sir Dave i just want to know what could it be that caused my kitten s death.i only based my idea that they have FKS because since birth they never seemed to have any problems. They’re all active and seemed normal. There’s 3 of them. The first one died after just 2 weeks. I thought maybe he s the only one who s weak and the other s were just fine. But then after the death of 2nd kitty this morning and after i did some reasearch on the net.what i could only think of the cause of their death is KFS. Please inform me more. thanks for your kindness sir Dave. God bless
Here in my country i dont know any charities and just like in any other country,a visit to a vet could that much.i have monthly allowance but just enough for me and pets to survive for a month. As of now i have 8 cats and 2 kittens. I know God is good and he would help me do what i think is the purpose of my life and that is to be a saviour of cats. Sorry if i sound corny,im just trying to share my thoughts and be myself. Thanks and God bless. I’ll keep you posted regarding the other kitten that was left here.
Here in my country i dont know any charities and just like in any other country,a visit to a vet could that much.i have monthly allowance but just enough for me and pets to survive for a month. As of now i have 8 cats and 2 kittens. I know God is good and he would help me do what i think is the purpose of my life and that is to be a saviour of cats. Sorry if i sound corny,im just trying to share my thoughts and be myself. Thanks and God bless. I’ll keep you posted regarding the other kitten that was left here.
Thanks Dave. I don’t have friends. Only my pets. She died this morning. I buried her outside of our house. I was crying a lot even up to now because i miss and love her. but i know i should just be happy for God answered my prayer not to let her suffer long since i do believe there s nothing i can do and I suspect its Fading Kitten Syndrome because when they were borned,they’re a bit thin.their mother is also thin. sadly her younger sister seems to be on the line.she hasn’t been feeding from her mom. Im just trying to be strong and praying and hoping i wont lose her too. They’re 8 or 9 weeks old btw. Im doing all i could to give her sufficient food and vitamins. Thanks again Dave.
Thanks Dave. I don’t have friends. Only my pets. She died this morning. I buried her outside of our house. I was crying a lot even up to now because i miss and love her. but i know i should just be happy for God answered my prayer not to let her suffer long since i do believe there s nothing i can do and I suspect its Fading Kitten Syndrome because when they were borned,they’re a bit thin.their mother is also thin. sadly her younger sister seems to be on the line.she hasn’t been feeding from her mom. Im just trying to be strong and praying and hoping i wont lose her too. They’re 8 or 9 weeks old btw. Im doing all i could to give her sufficient food and vitamins. Thanks again Dave.
I woke up this morning and checked the backgarden, front garden and then checked the conservatory which was left open and she was there sleeping on a pillow. I was relieved to know she was safe but when I tried picking her up she meowed and hissed at me. I got her to come down and walk a bit to make sure she hasnt hurt herself or was limping but she kept on meowing. Her meow was like a deep cry which obviously tells us that shes in great pain. I will be booking an appointment with the vet today but i’ll struggle to get her into her basket.
I woke up this morning and checked the backgarden, front garden and then checked the conservatory which was left open and she was there sleeping on a pillow. I was relieved to know she was safe but when I tried picking her up she meowed and hissed at me. I got her to come down and walk a bit to make sure she hasnt hurt herself or was limping but she kept on meowing. Her meow was like a deep cry which obviously tells us that shes in great pain. I will be booking an appointment with the vet today but i’ll struggle to get her into her basket.
My cat has escaped the house and was sleeping the whole day in the neighbours bush. When she came out of the bush, she stretched drank a bit of rain water and went back in the bush. I don’t know what to do. We called her name when she was out of the bush and tapped cat food cans but we still couldnt persuade her to come back. What shall I do? Please reply ASAP
My cat has escaped the house and was sleeping the whole day in the neighbours bush. When she came out of the bush, she stretched drank a bit of rain water and went back in the bush. I don’t know what to do. We called her name when she was out of the bush and tapped cat food cans but we still couldnt persuade her to come back. What shall I do? Please reply ASAP
Please help. My kitten is sick since yesterday. She s not eating nor drinking and just sleeps all the time. Can’t barely stand and just keep on lying.yesterday she seems to had a fever and very sick so i just give her few drops of water like every 3 hours using syringe.she doesnt seem to be dehydrated and her skin is still kinda elastic when i pull it.not vomiting and no diarrhea.then 8 hours ago i fed her cerelac baby food 2ml everyhour.she resist a bit because she seems kinda weak.she littered just few minutes ago and it looks ok soft and whole.but whats strange to me is that she seems to have parkinsons disease when she moves but it will be gone when she sits and rest. As of now she cant stand on her feet. Just lying and quiet and tail is moving like its itchy. Please inform me whats wrong with her. I dont know what to do. Also i dont have work now and i really cant afford to go to vet and have checked. I just keep on praying that she ll be ok soon as i have lost dozens of stray kittens/cats ive tried to adopt and help before.i love cats so much.thanks god bless
Alvin, your kitten the needs veterinary attention as soon as possible. If you cannot afford to go to a vet, please ask for financial assistance from friends or family. Are there any charities that may be able to help? Best of luck.
Please help. My kitten is sick since yesterday. She s not eating nor drinking and just sleeps all the time. Can’t barely stand and just keep on lying.yesterday she seems to had a fever and very sick so i just give her few drops of water like every 3 hours using syringe.she doesnt seem to be dehydrated and her skin is still kinda elastic when i pull it.not vomiting and no diarrhea.then 8 hours ago i fed her cerelac baby food 2ml everyhour.she resist a bit because she seems kinda weak.she littered just few minutes ago and it looks ok soft and whole.but whats strange to me is that she seems to have parkinsons disease when she moves but it will be gone when she sits and rest. As of now she cant stand on her feet. Just lying and quiet and tail is moving like its itchy. Please inform me whats wrong with her. I dont know what to do. Also i dont have work now and i really cant afford to go to vet and have checked. I just keep on praying that she ll be ok soon as i have lost dozens of stray kittens/cats ive tried to adopt and help before.i love cats so much.thanks god bless
Alvin, your kitten the needs veterinary attention as soon as possible. If you cannot afford to go to a vet, please ask for financial assistance from friends or family. Are there any charities that may be able to help? Best of luck.
Also she had a cat fight couple days ago which never happened before. So I think it could be because of that.
It sounds like it could be related – possibly a cat bite abscess, which if it is may need treatment such as draining and a course of antibiotics.
Also she had a cat fight couple days ago which never happened before. So I think it could be because of that.
It sounds like it could be related – possibly a cat bite abscess, which if it is may need treatment such as draining and a course of antibiotics.
Hi, today I noticed my cat’s tail being low than usual, it was like it was lifeless and just really droopy. She let me stroke her head and back until I got to her tail, then she hissed at me. So I knew something was wrong and I knew something was wrong or she was just having a bad day. I let a few hours pass by as she stayed sleeping under my bed or in a cupboard. I’m really worried but I’ve got a health check at the vet’s in a couple days, shall I wait till the appointment or get her checked ASAP?
Also near the base of the tail it’s normal and then it gets fat couple inches away from the base and then normal once again, so I think something isn’t right.
Hi, today I noticed my cat’s tail being low than usual, it was like it was lifeless and just really droopy. She let me stroke her head and back until I got to her tail, then she hissed at me. So I knew something was wrong and I knew something was wrong or she was just having a bad day. I let a few hours pass by as she stayed sleeping under my bed or in a cupboard. I’m really worried but I’ve got a health check at the vet’s in a couple days, shall I wait till the appointment or get her checked ASAP?
Also near the base of the tail it’s normal and then it gets fat couple inches away from the base and then normal once again, so I think something isn’t right.
Hello, someone dumped a cat and I was feeding him because I felt bad. Well he became increasingly thin over the last 2 weeks and more lethargic. I feel awful, but he was eating and I did not take him to vet as I have no money…. and the humane society would not take him as we are in the country. Now he laying in my tub crying and kicking his feet unable to move. What on earth can I do for him until 9 am when the vet opens? Or is it too late. Poor thing is skin and bones and I didn’t realize how thin he has become.
The cat definitely needs to see a vet. In the UK every vet has a duty to see an animal for First Aid etc. Please call them!
Hello, someone dumped a cat and I was feeding him because I felt bad. Well he became increasingly thin over the last 2 weeks and more lethargic. I feel awful, but he was eating and I did not take him to vet as I have no money…. and the humane society would not take him as we are in the country. Now he laying in my tub crying and kicking his feet unable to move. What on earth can I do for him until 9 am when the vet opens? Or is it too late. Poor thing is skin and bones and I didn’t realize how thin he has become.
The cat definitely needs to see a vet. In the UK every vet has a duty to see an animal for First Aid etc. Please call them!
My 13 year old indoor cat seems unhappy to stand, keeps laying down after a few steps ,is this due to her age .She’s not making any complaining noises still eats but not as much ,that’s probably due to the hot weather
If you haven’t please ring your vet and let them see your cat. From what you say, she needs a proper health examination. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct
My 13 year old indoor cat seems unhappy to stand, keeps laying down after a few steps ,is this due to her age .She’s not making any complaining noises still eats but not as much ,that’s probably due to the hot weather
If you haven’t please ring your vet and let them see your cat. From what you say, she needs a proper health examination. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct
our cats tail is really floppy and he is also having trouble standing and also is find it hard to find comfort
Please contact your vet, if you haven’t. A proper medical examination is needed and they are the best to advise.
our cats tail is really floppy and he is also having trouble standing and also is find it hard to find comfort
Please contact your vet, if you haven’t. A proper medical examination is needed and they are the best to advise.
Sir I have a small cat she has stop walking and not using her back lesg much she just drag her self with her front legs this all started after she got a high fever for which I gave her a small dose of crocin her fever went but after few days she stop walking
Can see be able to walk again
Nikhil, I am unfamiliar with the drug Crocin as we are UK based, however if it is the type that contains paracetamol, then you should have them looked at by a vet as soon as you can. Paracetamol is toxic to cats and should never be given. No human drugs should be given, unless directed by a veterinarian. Please call your vet now!
Sir I have a small cat she has stop walking and not using her back lesg much she just drag her self with her front legs this all started after she got a high fever for which I gave her a small dose of crocin her fever went but after few days she stop walking
Can see be able to walk again
Nikhil, I am unfamiliar with the drug Crocin as we are UK based, however if it is the type that contains paracetamol, then you should have them looked at by a vet as soon as you can. Paracetamol is toxic to cats and should never be given. No human drugs should be given, unless directed by a veterinarian. Please call your vet now!
Hi Dave,my cat seems to be suffering from pain but I can’t tell where exactly…at first I thought he might be having tummy pains but after feeding him a snack I noticed his one paw kept staying in the air and when he walked it was visibly weaker…he doesn’t seem to have any wounds on his paw…could my cat suffer from a heart disease or stroke of some sort? He is less than a year old…he seems to be laying comfortably stretched out not bunched up as a usual cat in pain would
Hi Andre, pets can suffer from heart disease etc. but there are other things that can also make them seem weak. If you are concerned your pet is in pain or looking weak/under the weather, getting them checked over by your vet is always the best policy. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct
Hi Dave,my cat seems to be suffering from pain but I can’t tell where exactly…at first I thought he might be having tummy pains but after feeding him a snack I noticed his one paw kept staying in the air and when he walked it was visibly weaker…he doesn’t seem to have any wounds on his paw…could my cat suffer from a heart disease or stroke of some sort? He is less than a year old…he seems to be laying comfortably stretched out not bunched up as a usual cat in pain would
Hi Andre, pets can suffer from heart disease etc. but there are other things that can also make them seem weak. If you are concerned your pet is in pain or looking weak/under the weather, getting them checked over by your vet is always the best policy. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct
My cat Sam he’s just over 2 years old. He came in acting strange today sleeping in very unusual spots he never goes in. He was sat on the sofa with me and as I sat down on the opposite end he meowed as if in pain. He did the same when my dog sat next to me no where near him, he’s always been friendly and never had a cross paw with my dog. His eyes look more closed and slanted than usual. I’m worried because his mother showed similar symptoms and she had been poisoned by someone in our neighbourhood. I don’t know whether it’s me being over protective and paranoid. But his behaviour is definitely out of the ordinary.
Hi Megan, the general rule of thumb, if you think your pet is behaving out of the ordinary is to get them checked over by your vet. We know this does have cost implications, but for peace of mind it is the best option. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct.
My cat Sam he’s just over 2 years old. He came in acting strange today sleeping in very unusual spots he never goes in. He was sat on the sofa with me and as I sat down on the opposite end he meowed as if in pain. He did the same when my dog sat next to me no where near him, he’s always been friendly and never had a cross paw with my dog. His eyes look more closed and slanted than usual. I’m worried because his mother showed similar symptoms and she had been poisoned by someone in our neighbourhood. I don’t know whether it’s me being over protective and paranoid. But his behaviour is definitely out of the ordinary.
Hi Megan, the general rule of thumb, if you think your pet is behaving out of the ordinary is to get them checked over by your vet. We know this does have cost implications, but for peace of mind it is the best option. Dave RVN Vet Help Direct.
My 11 year old female cat recently (6 months ago) lost her brother,
She has been very odd ever since.
Constant Meowing and asking for food but not always eating it.
Occasionally sick.
Passed blood when crouching (but has been neutered)
Seems anxious, constantly begging for attention.
Hi, in this case we’d strongly advise you call your vet and get her seen. The symptoms you have described can be several types of issue, so it is best to get them checked out as soon as you can.
My 11 year old female cat recently (6 months ago) lost her brother,
She has been very odd ever since.
Constant Meowing and asking for food but not always eating it.
Occasionally sick.
Passed blood when crouching (but has been neutered)
Seems anxious, constantly begging for attention.
Hi, in this case we’d strongly advise you call your vet and get her seen. The symptoms you have described can be several types of issue, so it is best to get them checked out as soon as you can.
When I came home from work Thursday evening my kitten had a limp. I checked the pads of her paws and pressed up and down her leg she didn’t cry or flinch she is still eating playing climbing up on chairs and the bed. I think it might be her shoulder what should I do I can’t stop her from climbing and messing does she need a vet?
Yes she does need to see a vet! Cat’s only limp if in pain, so she may need anti-inflammatory / painkiller medication. Dave Vet Help Direct
When I came home from work Thursday evening my kitten had a limp. I checked the pads of her paws and pressed up and down her leg she didn’t cry or flinch she is still eating playing climbing up on chairs and the bed. I think it might be her shoulder what should I do I can’t stop her from climbing and messing does she need a vet?
Yes she does need to see a vet! Cat’s only limp if in pain, so she may need anti-inflammatory / painkiller medication. Dave Vet Help Direct
My cat keeps on randomly tensing her tail, it kind of looks like shes about to do her ‘business’ but she doesn’t. Also sometimes she’ll do it while walking. I’m quite concerned.
If she is still displaying this behaviour, she should see a vet – there could be constipation or bladder issues. Please call them if you haven’t!
My cat keeps on randomly tensing her tail, it kind of looks like shes about to do her ‘business’ but she doesn’t. Also sometimes she’ll do it while walking. I’m quite concerned.
If she is still displaying this behaviour, she should see a vet – there could be constipation or bladder issues. Please call them if you haven’t!
I have an outside cat who refuses to come indoors. It was extremely hot today (103) and he would not come in.. I made sure he had fresh water and checked on him regularly and he was ok. Now it has cooled off and he is acting strange. Meowing loud, won’t eat, doesn’t want to be loved on. He moves away from me when I sit next to him. He is walking fine and doesn’t appear hurt. Do you think that maybe he is just mad? Or should I be worried? He used to be real lovey but here in the last few months he is very skittish.
If he still seems not right, please call your vet for advice. It’s possible he may have overheated.
I have an outside cat who refuses to come indoors. It was extremely hot today (103) and he would not come in.. I made sure he had fresh water and checked on him regularly and he was ok. Now it has cooled off and he is acting strange. Meowing loud, won’t eat, doesn’t want to be loved on. He moves away from me when I sit next to him. He is walking fine and doesn’t appear hurt. Do you think that maybe he is just mad? Or should I be worried? He used to be real lovey but here in the last few months he is very skittish.
If he still seems not right, please call your vet for advice. It’s possible he may have overheated.
My three month old kitten will not eat nor drink. She has a hurtful meow,and just lays there.
Timmy you need to get your kitten to a vet, immediately (if you haven’t already). Please call them now! Best wishes Dave.
My three month old kitten will not eat nor drink. She has a hurtful meow,and just lays there.
Timmy you need to get your kitten to a vet, immediately (if you haven’t already). Please call them now! Best wishes Dave.
Hi my cat is in serious pain, at night she was in a fight and her eye wont open. It has a bit of blood underneath it and her nose and mouth has blood too. I will bring her to vets tomorrow but what is freaking me out is that she is barely standing up never mind walking and eating, could that be all down to pain ? ahh i love her hope vets will bring her back to normal
Hi Sandra, you need to call your vets immediately, if you are in the UK every vet is obliged to provide 24h care. Please call now! Hope she’s OK x
Hi my cat is in serious pain, at night she was in a fight and her eye wont open. It has a bit of blood underneath it and her nose and mouth has blood too. I will bring her to vets tomorrow but what is freaking me out is that she is barely standing up never mind walking and eating, could that be all down to pain ? ahh i love her hope vets will bring her back to normal
Hi Sandra, you need to call your vets immediately, if you are in the UK every vet is obliged to provide 24h care. Please call now! Hope she’s OK x
My cat simba,had been not letting me touch his ears for the past 3 days,just today i picked him up and was patting him and when my other cat came Simba started to hiss and try and attack it,which is unusual because there normally best friends,so I went to go pat his head around his ears and he hissed and meowed and tried to attack me,there’s no discharge from his ears and no loss of appetite,what is wrong with my cat and is it serious ???!??
Hi Anna, because of they way they are reacting, we’d strongly suggest you take them to a vet for a check over. Ears can be notorious for things like foreign bodies (grass seeds etc), or there could be a problem such as ear mites. When you take them to the vet, they will probably need to sedate your cat to have a look – especially where Simba is getting so upset.
My cat simba,had been not letting me touch his ears for the past 3 days,just today i picked him up and was patting him and when my other cat came Simba started to hiss and try and attack it,which is unusual because there normally best friends,so I went to go pat his head around his ears and he hissed and meowed and tried to attack me,there’s no discharge from his ears and no loss of appetite,what is wrong with my cat and is it serious ???!??
Hi Anna, because of they way they are reacting, we’d strongly suggest you take them to a vet for a check over. Ears can be notorious for things like foreign bodies (grass seeds etc), or there could be a problem such as ear mites. When you take them to the vet, they will probably need to sedate your cat to have a look – especially where Simba is getting so upset.
Hi, my cat is 14 months old, and has suddenly developed a limp on his front right leg. He is walking around still, and has a normal appetite, just a bit more sleepy than usual. No idea what’s caused it, he’s usually very hyper, so maybe fallen from something. Any advice please
HI Caz, if he is still limping, then he will need to see a vet. There is usually a reason behind limping pets, but sometimes we never find out the cause. Your cat may need a short course of anti-inflammatories to help with any pain and stiffness.
Hi, my cat is 14 months old, and has suddenly developed a limp on his front right leg. He is walking around still, and has a normal appetite, just a bit more sleepy than usual. No idea what’s caused it, he’s usually very hyper, so maybe fallen from something. Any advice please
HI Caz, if he is still limping, then he will need to see a vet. There is usually a reason behind limping pets, but sometimes we never find out the cause. Your cat may need a short course of anti-inflammatories to help with any pain and stiffness.
Hi my cat has been
Bit . I have been washing it with warm water and salt
All the fliud is coming out but vary
Smelly. Do you think
I should take him to the vets.
Hi Lisa, if you haven’t already – yes your cat needs to see a vet. The discharge is more than likely a pus infection, requiring antibiotics, it will not heal properly otherwise. Hope that helps! Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct
Hi my cat has been
Bit . I have been washing it with warm water and salt
All the fliud is coming out but vary
Smelly. Do you think
I should take him to the vets.
Hi Lisa, if you haven’t already – yes your cat needs to see a vet. The discharge is more than likely a pus infection, requiring antibiotics, it will not heal properly otherwise. Hope that helps! Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct
My cat is 13 months old and is usually playful. He all of a sudden lost that playful attitude and became a little more aggressive (growling when picked up, not to the point of biting). He gets in his normal sleeping area and will stay there all day, except for the occasional bathroom break and to grab a bite to eat. Whenever he started showing these signs we took him to the vet and everything checked out fine, but he still has this personality change and I can’t shake the fact that he does not seem well.
He also seems to be losing weight, even though when they weighed him he actually gained a little. No vomitting, diarrhea, or any of those symptoms. Just acting a bit lethargic and lost the energy level he once had. Going on 12 days now and we will be taking him to get checked out again this time with blood work and x rays, but wanted to see if there was maybe a certain illness he may be presenting.
My cat is 13 months old and is usually playful. He all of a sudden lost that playful attitude and became a little more aggressive (growling when picked up, not to the point of biting). He gets in his normal sleeping area and will stay there all day, except for the occasional bathroom break and to grab a bite to eat. Whenever he started showing these signs we took him to the vet and everything checked out fine, but he still has this personality change and I can’t shake the fact that he does not seem well.
He also seems to be losing weight, even though when they weighed him he actually gained a little. No vomitting, diarrhea, or any of those symptoms. Just acting a bit lethargic and lost the energy level he once had. Going on 12 days now and we will be taking him to get checked out again this time with blood work and x rays, but wanted to see if there was maybe a certain illness he may be presenting.
My cat jumped onto the kitchen work top when the over door was open and hit her lower back- she jumped straight down again and ran off. We’ve stopped her going outside so we can monitor her and she isnt limping but when i touches the area she whipped her head round and used both paws to stop my hand (although she doesnt use nails ever on us-it was a strong reaction). How will I know if its more than bruised and should I just keep her inside for a while to recover? Thanks
Hi Sarah,
If she still seems in pain around that area in the morning, it would be good to get her checked out… she may need some painkillers etc. – of course if you are worried in the meantime, please contact your vet sooner.
My cat jumped onto the kitchen work top when the over door was open and hit her lower back- she jumped straight down again and ran off. We’ve stopped her going outside so we can monitor her and she isnt limping but when i touches the area she whipped her head round and used both paws to stop my hand (although she doesnt use nails ever on us-it was a strong reaction). How will I know if its more than bruised and should I just keep her inside for a while to recover? Thanks
Hi Sarah,
If she still seems in pain around that area in the morning, it would be good to get her checked out… she may need some painkillers etc. – of course if you are worried in the meantime, please contact your vet sooner.
My 2year old cat came in yesterday after spending 2 nights away (he does this every few weeks) he didn’t want his food and went straight to his bed, later in the night he came and sat with me, I was giving him fuss and when I touched his tail he me meowed and scratched me he’s never liked having his paws or tail touched but usually he’ll just put his paw on my hand in a more playful than aggressive way
I decided something wasn’t right and had a quick feel of his tail, about half way down there is a lump, I don’t know if it’s hard or soft as it was clearly painful to touch, he’s moving his tail and flicking it, he’s eating some of his food but he’s definitely lost his appetite.
I first thought maybe he’s caught his tail in something and it will heal in time, now after googling it I’m worried it could be serious, I have no idea if he urinating or pooping, he doesn’t have a litter tray
Is it likely it’s a minor injury or should I get him to the ASAP
Hi Charly, sorry the blogs are not monitored over the weekend. If you haven’t visited the vet as yet, which suggest that you have him checked over with them. The lump on the tail can be something such as an abscess from a catfight – this is quite common (also painful). If it is a cat bite abscess, it will need treatment and antibiotics/painkillers. All the best – Dave RVN Vet Help Direct admin.
My 2year old cat came in yesterday after spending 2 nights away (he does this every few weeks) he didn’t want his food and went straight to his bed, later in the night he came and sat with me, I was giving him fuss and when I touched his tail he me meowed and scratched me he’s never liked having his paws or tail touched but usually he’ll just put his paw on my hand in a more playful than aggressive way
I decided something wasn’t right and had a quick feel of his tail, about half way down there is a lump, I don’t know if it’s hard or soft as it was clearly painful to touch, he’s moving his tail and flicking it, he’s eating some of his food but he’s definitely lost his appetite.
I first thought maybe he’s caught his tail in something and it will heal in time, now after googling it I’m worried it could be serious, I have no idea if he urinating or pooping, he doesn’t have a litter tray
Is it likely it’s a minor injury or should I get him to the ASAP
Hi Charly, sorry the blogs are not monitored over the weekend. If you haven’t visited the vet as yet, which suggest that you have him checked over with them. The lump on the tail can be something such as an abscess from a catfight – this is quite common (also painful). If it is a cat bite abscess, it will need treatment and antibiotics/painkillers. All the best – Dave RVN Vet Help Direct admin.
Hi, our cat tammy starting growing, we took to vet who submmitted him to a prucedure of removing a liquid inside. Then made a heart test and all is ok, no tumor .. no heart problem. We took him back home, his behavious changed totally, quite, doesnt eat doest drink. After 2 days, we start putting food (recovery) into his mouth and water.. he is still quite.. very always is same place. we put him in avery confort area. he is there alone, quite. he can reac when we try to feed him, he seems to like it, but of course.. he is tired. does not allow much. we feed him litte, we do not know how much we should try to give him (forced food).Anyway. the way he is .. seems he is in a bad pain.. and is getting read to die. he is 13yo now.
Hi, our cat tammy starting growing, we took to vet who submmitted him to a prucedure of removing a liquid inside. Then made a heart test and all is ok, no tumor .. no heart problem. We took him back home, his behavious changed totally, quite, doesnt eat doest drink. After 2 days, we start putting food (recovery) into his mouth and water.. he is still quite.. very always is same place. we put him in avery confort area. he is there alone, quite. he can reac when we try to feed him, he seems to like it, but of course.. he is tired. does not allow much. we feed him litte, we do not know how much we should try to give him (forced food).Anyway. the way he is .. seems he is in a bad pain.. and is getting read to die. he is 13yo now.
my cat has been wormed i give her food 1 hr later shes moaning and wining really loud as through shes not been fed she is 13 years old i dont know what to do
Hi Sharon, we have just picked up the comment… does she have any other symptoms? It may be a case of speaking to your own vet – this guide can help too with any sypmtoms – https://vethelpdirect.com/selfHelpGuide.php please keep us updated. Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct
my cat has been wormed i give her food 1 hr later shes moaning and wining really loud as through shes not been fed she is 13 years old i dont know what to do
Hi Sharon, we have just picked up the comment… does she have any other symptoms? It may be a case of speaking to your own vet – this guide can help too with any sypmtoms – https://vethelpdirect.com/selfHelpGuide.php please keep us updated. Dave RVN admin Vet Help Direct
My cat has been limping around and I don’t have enough money to go to a vet. Everytime I touch his back he scratches me and bites me he has never done that. Im really worried please reply docter.
Hello Morgan, your cat is biting and scratching due to pain (which is causing the limping). You need to take them to a vet – financially, is there anyone who can help from family or friends or a local charity?
My cat has been limping around and I don’t have enough money to go to a vet. Everytime I touch his back he scratches me and bites me he has never done that. Im really worried please reply docter.
Hello Morgan, your cat is biting and scratching due to pain (which is causing the limping). You need to take them to a vet – financially, is there anyone who can help from family or friends or a local charity?
I don’t know what to do my cat goes the phases where she will just start crying and is begging to be petted and scratch I have checked for fleas and she has none idk what to do she wipers so much
I don’t know what to do my cat goes the phases where she will just start crying and is begging to be petted and scratch I have checked for fleas and she has none idk what to do she wipers so much
My cats breathing is funny she won’t eat won’t go to the bathroom won’t let us pick her up without meowing like she’s in pain What’s wrong with her?
Hi – sorry the blog was not manned last week – hopefully your cat has improved, or you saw a vet. If any animal shows pain, they really need to see a vet.
My cats breathing is funny she won’t eat won’t go to the bathroom won’t let us pick her up without meowing like she’s in pain What’s wrong with her?
Hi – sorry the blog was not manned last week – hopefully your cat has improved, or you saw a vet. If any animal shows pain, they really need to see a vet.
so my cat shadow has been acting mostly normal but from time to time she cries when being picked up..this only lasts for a few hours before shes fine again..she purrs when pet,eats fine and drinks, bathroom breaks are normal she doesnt cater to any particular side she rolls around normal but for some reason ever few days for an hr or 2 she appears like picking her up hurts not sure what to do especially because im low income and cannot afford a vet
Hi Sam, Shadow crying does seem to indicate pain or discomfort somewhere. Without a proper examination it is impossible to say what it could be – is there any animal charity or friends that could help financially to have her seen by a vet?
so my cat shadow has been acting mostly normal but from time to time she cries when being picked up..this only lasts for a few hours before shes fine again..she purrs when pet,eats fine and drinks, bathroom breaks are normal she doesnt cater to any particular side she rolls around normal but for some reason ever few days for an hr or 2 she appears like picking her up hurts not sure what to do especially because im low income and cannot afford a vet
Hi Sam, Shadow crying does seem to indicate pain or discomfort somewhere. Without a proper examination it is impossible to say what it could be – is there any animal charity or friends that could help financially to have her seen by a vet?
My 3 year-old female cat has always loved being pet all-over. Until today, that is. Now when I pet her from the top of her head all the way down to her back, just when I get the area just before the tail she jumps/flips and runs away so fast it’s startling. I am unsure of what to do. She is an indoor cat so I know she hasn’t been hit by a car or anything. She does a lot of playing and often runs like crazy from one end of the house to the other, something she has done since she was a kitten. I don’t know if it’s possible for her to be hurt from that? Or maybe there is a sensory issue? Or a medical problem? I don’t know what other symptoms to look for, for anything else. And as far as I can tell, she is otherwise normal acting, she still jumps up on the couch and stands up on her hind legs when she wants me to pet her. Please, any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
My 3 year-old female cat has always loved being pet all-over. Until today, that is. Now when I pet her from the top of her head all the way down to her back, just when I get the area just before the tail she jumps/flips and runs away so fast it’s startling. I am unsure of what to do. She is an indoor cat so I know she hasn’t been hit by a car or anything. She does a lot of playing and often runs like crazy from one end of the house to the other, something she has done since she was a kitten. I don’t know if it’s possible for her to be hurt from that? Or maybe there is a sensory issue? Or a medical problem? I don’t know what other symptoms to look for, for anything else. And as far as I can tell, she is otherwise normal acting, she still jumps up on the couch and stands up on her hind legs when she wants me to pet her. Please, any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, my nine year old cat has been having moments where he lies down, howls/meows, eyes are diluted and he is breathing fast. I dont know whats wrong with him, and i really want to know, its hard to get specific information on this. please help.
Hi , it sounds like your cat is really in distress during these “moments” and the internet is not the best place to find answers in this situation – your vet really is the best source for helping your cat as a physical examination is the only way to diagnose and treat the problem!
Hi, my nine year old cat has been having moments where he lies down, howls/meows, eyes are diluted and he is breathing fast. I dont know whats wrong with him, and i really want to know, its hard to get specific information on this. please help.
Hi , it sounds like your cat is really in distress during these “moments” and the internet is not the best place to find answers in this situation – your vet really is the best source for helping your cat as a physical examination is the only way to diagnose and treat the problem!
We have new kittens, 5 wks old. One of them seems to be very zoned and dazed. Mother isnt nursing it, and it sits by the water bowl and stared at it. Really upset and concerned about it. Lastnight, it was having trouble staying balanced with back legs. I checked and they seem fine and working. We are so worried about it
Hi, you really need to get the kitten to the vets – they do not have any reserve and need to be fed , even by foster bottle.
We have new kittens, 5 wks old. One of them seems to be very zoned and dazed. Mother isnt nursing it, and it sits by the water bowl and stared at it. Really upset and concerned about it. Lastnight, it was having trouble staying balanced with back legs. I checked and they seem fine and working. We are so worried about it
Hi, you really need to get the kitten to the vets – they do not have any reserve and need to be fed , even by foster bottle.
Hi there,
My sister’s cat has started limping after he came back from his usual trip outside. I tried to touch his front left leg but he started to make some noise. He still tries to jump and climb but he is less active now and he sleeps most of the time. But other than that, he still have big appetite. We think that our cat got his injury from fighting other cats, but my sister does not want to take him to the vets as its really expensive. Should we wait few more days before we take some actions?
If the cat is limping, then it is in pain and needs to see a vet – regardless of cost. Under the Animal Welfare Act all pets should be free from pain and cared for adequately, so please speak to a vet as soon as possible.
Hi there,
My sister’s cat has started limping after he came back from his usual trip outside. I tried to touch his front left leg but he started to make some noise. He still tries to jump and climb but he is less active now and he sleeps most of the time. But other than that, he still have big appetite. We think that our cat got his injury from fighting other cats, but my sister does not want to take him to the vets as its really expensive. Should we wait few more days before we take some actions?
If the cat is limping, then it is in pain and needs to see a vet – regardless of cost. Under the Animal Welfare Act all pets should be free from pain and cared for adequately, so please speak to a vet as soon as possible.
hi my cat went out this morning and has come back not very happy…I picked him up and he started miowing like he was in pain…I put him down and he stopped. I tried to stroke him and he miows and even went to bite me which he has never done before. I asked him what he’s been up too and he makes this sort meow growling noise in reply…who said cats can’t talk. He has no signs of being in a fight…however, I couple of years ago I had the same thing happen to another cat but worse,I had to rush him off to the vet and they had to put him to sleep.
hi my cat went out this morning and has come back not very happy…I picked him up and he started miowing like he was in pain…I put him down and he stopped. I tried to stroke him and he miows and even went to bite me which he has never done before. I asked him what he’s been up too and he makes this sort meow growling noise in reply…who said cats can’t talk. He has no signs of being in a fight…however, I couple of years ago I had the same thing happen to another cat but worse,I had to rush him off to the vet and they had to put him to sleep.
Hi there,
I have juts taken my cat to the vets. She has become suddenly swollen around her middle and out of character. She has had a blood test and scan. The scan indicates a possible liver problem. It is not one colour in the scan and not smooth.
Her white blood cells are low?
I have medication for her, she has managed to hold down a full days worth today. She is 13 and although I have a weeks worth of medication, I think she is suffering. She totters around and can’t manage the stairs, she looks sad and can’t settle. She is howling a little too. I think it is sadly time to have her put to sleep. But this was my very last resort after spending a lot to try and help her. I think she is suffering. Please can you advise me. Should I pursue the medication for a few days more? Please can you tell me if it would be cruel to do that?
I will be so sad to lose her. I just can’t keep her holding on if she’s suffering.
I don’t want to keep forcing medication in if she is suffering. I was just hoping to get a second opinion.
Thank you
Hi there,
I have juts taken my cat to the vets. She has become suddenly swollen around her middle and out of character. She has had a blood test and scan. The scan indicates a possible liver problem. It is not one colour in the scan and not smooth.
Her white blood cells are low?
I have medication for her, she has managed to hold down a full days worth today. She is 13 and although I have a weeks worth of medication, I think she is suffering. She totters around and can’t manage the stairs, she looks sad and can’t settle. She is howling a little too. I think it is sadly time to have her put to sleep. But this was my very last resort after spending a lot to try and help her. I think she is suffering. Please can you advise me. Should I pursue the medication for a few days more? Please can you tell me if it would be cruel to do that?
I will be so sad to lose her. I just can’t keep her holding on if she’s suffering.
I don’t want to keep forcing medication in if she is suffering. I was just hoping to get a second opinion.
Thank you
Hi our cat as come home limping.. hes trying to not put too much presure on to it. Hes jumping up and can jump down on to surfaces fine. Hes eating ok. Hes just limping.
Hi , if hes still limping then it indicates pain somewhere in the leg – painkillers from the vet might be required!
Hi our cat as come home limping.. hes trying to not put too much presure on to it. Hes jumping up and can jump down on to surfaces fine. Hes eating ok. Hes just limping.
Hi , if hes still limping then it indicates pain somewhere in the leg – painkillers from the vet might be required!
Hi. Our cat has been recently recovered from an acute episode of hydronephrosis (?due to kidney stone, ?tumour). He was very unwell with sudden total loss of appetite and obvious pain, although it took 10 days before the vet gave any painkillers. He had also been doing a kind of slow muscular spasm around his shoulders when resting which nobody seemed interested in. The spasm stopped whilst he was on opiates, which worked wonders, and it has returned again now the analgesia has stopped, but he otherwise seems well, being active and eating well. However, I am concerned whether this muscular contraction is an indication that he has returned to a degree of pain, albeit lower than before. He is 15 yrs old and known to have some renal failure in his remaining kidney. I don’t know that the vet will pick up on anything else as they were prepared to put him to sleep before I insisted on giving him analgesia to get him eating again. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks.
Hi. Our cat has been recently recovered from an acute episode of hydronephrosis (?due to kidney stone, ?tumour). He was very unwell with sudden total loss of appetite and obvious pain, although it took 10 days before the vet gave any painkillers. He had also been doing a kind of slow muscular spasm around his shoulders when resting which nobody seemed interested in. The spasm stopped whilst he was on opiates, which worked wonders, and it has returned again now the analgesia has stopped, but he otherwise seems well, being active and eating well. However, I am concerned whether this muscular contraction is an indication that he has returned to a degree of pain, albeit lower than before. He is 15 yrs old and known to have some renal failure in his remaining kidney. I don’t know that the vet will pick up on anything else as they were prepared to put him to sleep before I insisted on giving him analgesia to get him eating again. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks.
my cat are not eating and his tail is limp down. went to the vet, they just give us med for his appetite. but he is sill not eating, i am so worry. he meowed went we massage him at his tail.
Hello, I would imagine the vet checked your cat over, especially the rear-end by the tail, this is a common area for a cat bite, if they have been in a fight. If you are still concerned (and I’m sure your vet would have said the same), please speak to them again. Dave RVN VetHelpDirect
my cat are not eating and his tail is limp down. went to the vet, they just give us med for his appetite. but he is sill not eating, i am so worry. he meowed went we massage him at his tail.
Hello, I would imagine the vet checked your cat over, especially the rear-end by the tail, this is a common area for a cat bite, if they have been in a fight. If you are still concerned (and I’m sure your vet would have said the same), please speak to them again. Dave RVN VetHelpDirect
recently my cat has made “crying noises” when we pet his head and he gets upset and wants us to stop touching him . I see nothing visibly wrong and he seems to act like his usual self . he is a 100% indoor cat so I can not figure out what is wrong . perhaps he hit his head ???
Hi Sam, he could have knocked his head, however there might be another problem such as a dental issue or even his ears. If he continues to seem upset, it is worth speaking to your vet and having him checked over. Dave RVN VetHelpDirect
recently my cat has made “crying noises” when we pet his head and he gets upset and wants us to stop touching him . I see nothing visibly wrong and he seems to act like his usual self . he is a 100% indoor cat so I can not figure out what is wrong . perhaps he hit his head ???
Hi Sam, he could have knocked his head, however there might be another problem such as a dental issue or even his ears. If he continues to seem upset, it is worth speaking to your vet and having him checked over. Dave RVN VetHelpDirect
Hi there my cat seems to be doing fine except when i hold her on her back like you hold a baby. Never before did she get upset with this but now when you flip her on her back she starts meowing and wanting to get down which is unusual. Any help you can provide?
Some cats can start to get fed up with being held like the way you describe. If she does continue to seem to display pain, please speak to your vet and have her checked over.
Hi there my cat seems to be doing fine except when i hold her on her back like you hold a baby. Never before did she get upset with this but now when you flip her on her back she starts meowing and wanting to get down which is unusual. Any help you can provide?
Some cats can start to get fed up with being held like the way you describe. If she does continue to seem to display pain, please speak to your vet and have her checked over.
Hello, my Cat is crying more then she normally does, since last night after she fell out of the livingroom window, she runs to my bedroom windows if they are open but is to scared to go out side when I open the front door for her. She’s rolling around on the floor a lot and when we touch her back near to her back legs she seems sore but she doesn’t cry if it’s hurting her. She’s been crying as if cats do when giving birth but she’s not pregnant as she won’t be out longer then 2 minutes if she falls out of the window, I don’t know what to do about her but I can’t afford to take her to the vets either, what can I possibly do to help her?
Hello Ashleigh, If you haven’t yet, please take your cat to a vet. There are charities that can help pay for costs or even family/friends might be able to help, but she sounds like she is in need of veterinary care. David RVN.
Hello, my Cat is crying more then she normally does, since last night after she fell out of the livingroom window, she runs to my bedroom windows if they are open but is to scared to go out side when I open the front door for her. She’s rolling around on the floor a lot and when we touch her back near to her back legs she seems sore but she doesn’t cry if it’s hurting her. She’s been crying as if cats do when giving birth but she’s not pregnant as she won’t be out longer then 2 minutes if she falls out of the window, I don’t know what to do about her but I can’t afford to take her to the vets either, what can I possibly do to help her?
Hello Ashleigh, If you haven’t yet, please take your cat to a vet. There are charities that can help pay for costs or even family/friends might be able to help, but she sounds like she is in need of veterinary care. David RVN.
Hi, Our cat Maggie looks really miserable and dull and is breathing very quickly. We think she may have hurt her front left leg as it looks limp compared to the others, we’re currently trying to get in to see an out of hours vet, how hard is that to arrange?!
She’s not grow.ing or hissing or meowing, she’s just silent and putting up with whatever it is that is bothering her… Is the silence a known symptom? We always thought that cats showed pain when they were injured.
Hi Phil, we hope you managed to sort your cat out. Sometimes they hide pain very well, some are so stoic!
Hi, Our cat Maggie looks really miserable and dull and is breathing very quickly. We think she may have hurt her front left leg as it looks limp compared to the others, we’re currently trying to get in to see an out of hours vet, how hard is that to arrange?!
She’s not grow.ing or hissing or meowing, she’s just silent and putting up with whatever it is that is bothering her… Is the silence a known symptom? We always thought that cats showed pain when they were injured.
Hi Phil, we hope you managed to sort your cat out. Sometimes they hide pain very well, some are so stoic!
Hi, my 1 year old cat Oscar seems to have a lot of “down days”. Because it’s so frequent I wouldn’t say there are any sudden changes in behaviour, but he has days when I look at him and can tell by his eyes that he’s not right, they seem puffy and he seems withdrawn. He sits in places he doesn’t usually on these days, usually away from us. So I’m wondering if he has something underlying that we haven’t picked up. He doesn’t hurt to the touch, and his mood can change all in the same day so it may just be that he has mood swings! He’s very very affectionate usually. He always has black crust around his nose and eyes (we clean them but they reappear immediately!) so I wonder if he gets sore heads or ears?
Hi, my 1 year old cat Oscar seems to have a lot of “down days”. Because it’s so frequent I wouldn’t say there are any sudden changes in behaviour, but he has days when I look at him and can tell by his eyes that he’s not right, they seem puffy and he seems withdrawn. He sits in places he doesn’t usually on these days, usually away from us. So I’m wondering if he has something underlying that we haven’t picked up. He doesn’t hurt to the touch, and his mood can change all in the same day so it may just be that he has mood swings! He’s very very affectionate usually. He always has black crust around his nose and eyes (we clean them but they reappear immediately!) so I wonder if he gets sore heads or ears?
So worried about my tigger. Acting strange he’s 14 twitching washing his face. His eye on one side dilated and wide open won’t shut even in sleep. Just one eye closes.
Worried it’s a stroke
Hi , if you haven’t already, please contact your vet to get Tigger checked over.
So worried about my tigger. Acting strange he’s 14 twitching washing his face. His eye on one side dilated and wide open won’t shut even in sleep. Just one eye closes.
Worried it’s a stroke
Hi , if you haven’t already, please contact your vet to get Tigger checked over.
Once or twice a week, when he’s just eaten, my cat will suddenly start to move very slowly, get into a squatting position and cry out in pain for a couple of minutes. Then he recovers and seems to be perfectly fine again until the next time. It doesn’t seem to put him off his food – he is a big eater although is not overweight. We took him to the vet and they thoroughly examined him and could find nothing wrong – other than evidence of giardia for which they treated him. We bought some ‘raw’, supposedly healthy food because we thought this might help but he absolutely refused to eat it. So he’s back on the ‘rubbish’, wet food, and scraps of our food and he loves it but then every week he’ll get pain. Is it some sort of IBS – in which case is there anything we can do? The only thing that doesn’t seem to give him pain is boiled chicken…
I suggest adding Pro Plan Flora probiotic to his food daily! Give it a shot and see if things change. Could be a reaction to food that is delayed (happened to my cat… but she started to strain her poop which was diarrhea… then would diarrhea out blood!)
I’d just add, it’s ALWAYS worth a vet check if they’re passing blood or really struggling. While probiotics can help, they aren’t always the answer.
Hello Ellie
The poor chap! It was definitely a good idea to take him to the vets – did they xray him at all? It is probably best to speak to them about any further tests and possible medication to help your cat with these episodes. There are various drugs to treat the gastrointestinal tract, but the cause should be determined first.
Once or twice a week, when he’s just eaten, my cat will suddenly start to move very slowly, get into a squatting position and cry out in pain for a couple of minutes. Then he recovers and seems to be perfectly fine again until the next time. It doesn’t seem to put him off his food – he is a big eater although is not overweight. We took him to the vet and they thoroughly examined him and could find nothing wrong – other than evidence of giardia for which they treated him. We bought some ‘raw’, supposedly healthy food because we thought this might help but he absolutely refused to eat it. So he’s back on the ‘rubbish’, wet food, and scraps of our food and he loves it but then every week he’ll get pain. Is it some sort of IBS – in which case is there anything we can do? The only thing that doesn’t seem to give him pain is boiled chicken…
Hello Ellie
The poor chap! It was definitely a good idea to take him to the vets – did they xray him at all? It is probably best to speak to them about any further tests and possible medication to help your cat with these episodes. There are various drugs to treat the gastrointestinal tract, but the cause should be determined first.
My cat is usually very loving and runs up to me meowing when I get home from work, and today he did the same thing, but he is limping pretty bad on his left front leg. He let’s me pick him up and he even let me rub up and down his entire left leg and side without meowing or trying to get away from me. I went to sit on the floor with him and he started to rub his head against my hands and look at me as if to say “what do you look so sad for?”, but it breaks my heart to see him limping like this. He doesn’t put very much weight on that leg at all and I’ve been home for about an hour and a half. I understand that there isn’t much you can do without physically examining him in person, but does this sound like a serious problem? I ask this because he only shows one of the signs above that he is in pain and that is the lameness. Thank you for listening.
Hi Skylar, if any animal seems that they are in pain, it’s important to get them checked out if possible. Cat’s are notoriously good at hiding pain and discomfort, so for them to limp and be lame needs the advice and examination of a vet.
My cat is usually very loving and runs up to me meowing when I get home from work, and today he did the same thing, but he is limping pretty bad on his left front leg. He let’s me pick him up and he even let me rub up and down his entire left leg and side without meowing or trying to get away from me. I went to sit on the floor with him and he started to rub his head against my hands and look at me as if to say “what do you look so sad for?”, but it breaks my heart to see him limping like this. He doesn’t put very much weight on that leg at all and I’ve been home for about an hour and a half. I understand that there isn’t much you can do without physically examining him in person, but does this sound like a serious problem? I ask this because he only shows one of the signs above that he is in pain and that is the lameness. Thank you for listening.
Hi Skylar, if any animal seems that they are in pain, it’s important to get them checked out if possible. Cat’s are notoriously good at hiding pain and discomfort, so for them to limp and be lame needs the advice and examination of a vet.
My cat had kittens 2 days a go but all of a sudden one screaming out louder and moving a lot like its in pain not sure if it had been for a wee or poo yet if continues will be taking it vets un morning but can you give me advice till then thanks
Hi Tina, apologies the blog is not manned in the evening… we hope you have managed to see a vet and that your kittens are okay.
My cat had kittens 2 days a go but all of a sudden one screaming out louder and moving a lot like its in pain not sure if it had been for a wee or poo yet if continues will be taking it vets un morning but can you give me advice till then thanks
Hi Tina, apologies the blog is not manned in the evening… we hope you have managed to see a vet and that your kittens are okay.
my cat is breathing very slowing looks dull and when u rub her she always purrs but when u touch her now she just lies there with her eyes closed and she doen’t eat as much now…Do you know whats wrong with her?
Hi, without a proper examination it is impossible to diagnose any problems – we strongly suggest you contact your own vet or try the interactive symptom guide HERE.
my cat is breathing very slowing looks dull and when u rub her she always purrs but when u touch her now she just lies there with her eyes closed and she doen’t eat as much now…Do you know whats wrong with her?
Hi, without a proper examination it is impossible to diagnose any problems – we strongly suggest you contact your own vet or try the interactive symptom guide HERE.
My cat has been being sick for the last few months. We’ve changed his food but that’s not seeming to change anything. He has started zoning out as well. We don’t know what to do? Please help, Hannah
My cat has been being sick for the last few months. We’ve changed his food but that’s not seeming to change anything. He has started zoning out as well. We don’t know what to do? Please help, Hannah
Hi! My cat Sasha is usually very affectionate, and loves to be held, doesn’t mind being picked up, etc. As of late, she’s been sleeping in my lap for a good portion of the day, and has been vomiting quite often. Today I noticed that she’s started crying/growling whenever I try and move her from my lap, and she doesn’t want to be touched, despite the fact she wants to sleep near me. She’s been eating and she doesn’t seem to have any movement issues aside from her tiredness, so… Is something really wrong with her? She’s not actively displaying that she’s in pain, and she seems to perk up whenever someone else enters the room, but I’d like a professional opinion on this. My vet won’t be open until Monday and I would prefer not to wait until then if it’s serious.
Hello Vee, apologies the blog is not monitored over the weekend. It sounds like she should definitely go to the vet for a check over, there could be a number of reasons she is displaying this behaviour – it is possible the vet will want to run tests such as bloods. Please let us know how you get on. Dave RVN
Hi! My cat Sasha is usually very affectionate, and loves to be held, doesn’t mind being picked up, etc. As of late, she’s been sleeping in my lap for a good portion of the day, and has been vomiting quite often. Today I noticed that she’s started crying/growling whenever I try and move her from my lap, and she doesn’t want to be touched, despite the fact she wants to sleep near me. She’s been eating and she doesn’t seem to have any movement issues aside from her tiredness, so… Is something really wrong with her? She’s not actively displaying that she’s in pain, and she seems to perk up whenever someone else enters the room, but I’d like a professional opinion on this. My vet won’t be open until Monday and I would prefer not to wait until then if it’s serious.
Hello Vee, apologies the blog is not monitored over the weekend. It sounds like she should definitely go to the vet for a check over, there could be a number of reasons she is displaying this behaviour – it is possible the vet will want to run tests such as bloods. Please let us know how you get on. Dave RVN
Hello this article was most informative thanks! My poor cat is new to the outdoors at 2 yrs old and she got in a fight with another cat for the first time. I see no injuries and she moves fine but she’s displaying most of the other symptoms above. She had her shots and rabies but I’m worried is all:/ Maybe it’s just a pride thing!
Hello this article was most informative thanks! My poor cat is new to the outdoors at 2 yrs old and she got in a fight with another cat for the first time. I see no injuries and she moves fine but she’s displaying most of the other symptoms above. She had her shots and rabies but I’m worried is all:/ Maybe it’s just a pride thing!
My cat is completely zoned out right now, hes breathing heavy &; before this he made an awful noise that I cant even describe! His eyes were dialated &; ive never seen them that big. Right now hes laying beside the couch completely ignoring us like were not around him. Please if you have any idea of what might be wrong tell me!
Did you find out what was wrong with your cat? Mine is doing the same thing as you described. Thanks
What is wrong with you people? Are you so cheap you would take time to try and get free vetting online while wasting more time and risking your cat’s life? Is this how u fix the rest of your family’s health dilemmas? No. So y would u cheat ur pet family member?
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Did you find out why your cat was doing this? My sister’s car is staying with me and he just started it today. I’m going to take him to the vet when they open but was hoping for some insight a little earlier.
It is impossible to say what could be wrong with your cat without examining him etc as I’m sure you’ll understand. We’d very strongly advise ringing your vet and taking them there for checking over.
My cat is completely zoned out right now, hes breathing heavy &; before this he made an awful noise that I cant even describe! His eyes were dialated &; ive never seen them that big. Right now hes laying beside the couch completely ignoring us like were not around him. Please if you have any idea of what might be wrong tell me!
He probably had a seizure
It is impossible to say what could be wrong with your cat without examining him etc as I’m sure you’ll understand. We’d very strongly advise ringing your vet and taking them there for checking over.
Hi, every time my cat eats wet food she tends to vomit it out straight away, we have tried to feed her biscuit but she doesn’t eat it, she often meows more than usaual, and has lost a lot of weight! I hope it’s not serious but just wondering what I can do to help her! Thanks
Hi Karen, when cats have problems with eating, it’s best to get them to your vet quite quickly. There could be a number of reasons she is doing this… we’d advise making an appointment. Dave RVN
Hi, every time my cat eats wet food she tends to vomit it out straight away, we have tried to feed her biscuit but she doesn’t eat it, she often meows more than usaual, and has lost a lot of weight! I hope it’s not serious but just wondering what I can do to help her! Thanks
My kitten is crying in pain and her butttom end is swllen and she has runs is there any advice u can give me
My cat had the same thing… except she would push hard to poop out the diarrhea. So hard that then she would poop out blood. It freaked me out. I took her to the vet….. she had an issue in her intestines and bowels, most likely from a food allergy (I had recently added new food 2 weeks before). Her straining to poop, because it felt like she needed to get it all out, caused her to bleed. I was given some oral meds (she hated it!) and some probiotics (Pro Plan Flora or something). It cleared up perfectly within 2 days!
Hi Nikki, your kitten needs to see a vet, any animal showing signs of pain should be taken for a professional opinion and treatment. Please take her to your vet for further advice.
Hi Karen, when cats have problems with eating, it’s best to get them to your vet quite quickly. There could be a number of reasons she is doing this… we’d advise making an appointment. Dave RVN
We don’t know what is wrong with my cat tigger hi is growling and making distressing noises he keeps moving about like he dose not know what to do with him self he dose not like us to touch his back tail and legs he is very distressed and he looks ill every time he moves he cry’s
my cat fell off our balcony 2 months ago she got a clean bill of health, however now she is acting strange and hisses when ever i tough her back.
He might still be a little painful – or afraid that it might hurt. I’d suggest talking to your vets about chronic pain syndromes, and making sure he doesn’t have any low-grade nerve damage.
My cat run away 15 days ago I got him back yesterday I touched is right leg and he went for me he crying and can’t settle I don’t now what to do please can you give me advice thanks
OK, contact your vet and get him checked out – he’s probably injured himself while out and about on his travels!
My cats name is tigger and the same thing is happening
The same advice applies – get him checked by your vet, as this is potentially serious.
Hi, if your cat seems in pain – from what you write he does, please call your vet for an urgent appointment to find out what is causing the distress. Dave RVN.
Hi Dave, my name Julie and from the sounds of what your cat Tigger was doing my cat Sylus is doing the same and I don’t know what is wrong with my baby boy though he tenses up like he has to poop and he’s hissing. Can you please tell me what was wrong with your Tigger??? Just so i have an idea please. Ty
Hello, my cat was doing the same thing today. Walking aggressively around the house and growling/hissing/meowing. He was also in and out of the litter box very frequently but not doing anything. Then he peed by the front door- he never pees outside of the box. I had the thought that he could be constipated. I have him his breakfast with 2 tbsps of pumpkin purée and went out. A few hours later he had made a full “recovery”. Hoping this will be the only occasion.
This can be a sign of a very serious condition such as a partially blocked bladder – I’m really glad it’s resolved, but do keep an eye out for any recurrence, as it might need emergency veterinary attention.
We don’t know what is wrong with my cat tigger hi is growling and making distressing noises he keeps moving about like he dose not know what to do with him self he dose not like us to touch his back tail and legs he is very distressed and he looks ill every time he moves he cry’s
Did you ever find out why ? My cat is having the same problem and I don’t know what to do! I’m very worried.
I think the best bet it to get them checked out by your vet.
Hi my cat recently disappeared for about 3 days, we found her just sleeping in a shed however she seems zoned out and is unwilling to eat or do anything. When we pet her she isn’t responding as much anymore and she just is staring off into the distance.
OK, I’d strongly advise a vet checkup – this sort of behaviour might suggest pain, but it could also be a sign of a stroke or some other potentially serious underlying disease.
Hi, if your cat seems in pain – from what you write he does, please call your vet for an urgent appointment to find out what is causing the distress. Dave RVN.