Following reports of another attack on a baby by an urban fox in London, many people have been worried about the risk not just of foxes attacking children, but also pets. Cats in particular often spend much of their time outside, in the same areas as foxes. Is there a real risk of cats being attacked by foxes and what can owners do about it?
Is my pet at risk from foxes?
When someone asked me this question, my instinctive answer was that fox attacks on cats are exceptionally rare. Foxes are generally shy creatures that do their best to avoid contact with humans or other animals. I have heard more stories about cats chasing foxes out of gardens than cats being victims.
I have come across only two instances where foxes were seen to prey upon cats. In one case, a young kitten was snatched by a fox, around twenty yards away from her owner, and in another instance, a thin, elderly cat was grabbed. To me, the risk to adult pet cats seemed minimal but I decided to look further, to see if I could find some hard facts about the risk to pets from fox attacks.
Up until now in the veterinary world, it’s been difficult to find out the true incidence of problems like this. The good news is that a new database, VetCompass, has started to accumulate real, up to date information about health issues affecting pets in the UK. VetCompass is a collaborative not-for-profit research project run by the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in London, in collaboration with the University of Sydney. The project aims to investigate the range and frequency of small animal health problems seen by veterinary surgeons working in general practice in the United Kingdom and to highlight major risk factors for these conditions. This is being done via the routine capture of first opinion clinical data via electronic patient records held with practices’ computerised Practice Management Systems. VetCompass now shares health data on over 400,000 companion animals from over 200 practices across the UK.
A search of VetCompass clinical data identified 79 (5 in 10,000 cats) confirmed and 130 (9 in 10,000 cats) suspected fox fights with cats from 145,808 VetCompass cats since Jan 1st 2010 until last week (14 in 10,000 overall). This compares with 541 per 10,000 for cats presented with cat bite injuries and 196 in 10,000 cats being presented following a road traffic accident. So to put fox attacks into context, other cats (x40 times) and cars (x14 times) appear to present much greater dangers to cats than foxes.
Of course there may be many fox attacks that are not reported to vets and there is no way to account for these. But the same underestimation could be applied to cat fight injuries and road traffic accidents.
It is not easy to completely remove the risk of foxes to pets. Populist, radical measures such as destroying foxes in an area, or trapping them to move them elsewhere, would not work because other foxes would rapidly move in from adjacent areas and take their place.
It makes more sense to take some practical measures to reduce any risk. Avoid leaving out any food source for foxes, and discourage foxes from coming into your garden using barriers such as fences or dense, prickly hedging. Keep your cats indoors at times when foxes are most likely to be around, such as dusk, night time and dawn.
The risk of a fox attack on a pet – or a human – is very low, but if you’re worried about it, a few simple steps will reduce that small risk to “minimal”.
I’ve read most of these horribly sad reports with dismay. I live in a very rural area in Wicklow, Ireland. Over the last 20 years here, several of my cats have disappeared. We always searched exhaustively, and called for weeks, but only once found the body – picked to the bone by a scavenger (but he may have been killed by a car first – although I live on a narrow mountain track, there are a few unpleasant and thoughtless drivers around who ignore my ‘ Please Drive Slowly Around Here’ signs. And ,definitely, cars are one of the greatest dangers to cats.
I have witnessed, though, several of my cats having a screaming session with an adult fox and two large cubs, some years ago. There was no actual fight.
I love all animals, and wildlife is so persecuted by humans – with poisons, traps, and guns. Every new building, every road, means further loss of habitat (home) for countless animals. I would never kill, or persecute any of them. BUT, reading these sad accounts, I have now decided to build a large, secure, cat-run so that the cats can enjoy the outside world but remain safe . My 2 year old large, gentle tabby cat was mysteriously injured last week, at night.. I have been feeding a fox at the edge of my garden. The weather is brutally cold, and there is very little for the foxes to eat. He may not have been attacked but I’m not going to put the cats at risk any longer.. This will also spare the birds. And my mental health !
Our cat just narrowly missed an attack by a fox. We live in a suburban part of London that borders Epping Forest, so we regularly see foxes perusing our bins. I’m just glad I went to check the patio door otherwise he’d probably be dead. I managed to open the door and chase the fox away with only seconds to spare.
Foxes eat cats…and little dogs. Here in Texas we have the larger coyotes as well. Foxes hunt pets at night, coyotes hunt them by day. Little dogs are mostly safe because you can watch over them within a fenced area. Letting your cat roam outside would be a death sentence for your pet. I did let my little dog hang outside at night on the deck once. I have two fences the fox would have to get through. But indeed it did get through. It ran away rattling the fence just when I came outside. If I came outside a little latter my dog would probably be dead. So I don’t do that anymore. No…the fox didn’t breach two fences just to play with my dog. My dog is old and would be easy pickings.
I took in a stray cat recently only to find it has a fox for a best friend. The cat will come in at dusk and will meow loudly at me until I go out and feed the fox, then they will play together until dawn. Then the cat will come in and the fox will cry for him for a little while.
Why don’t u keep ur pet cats inside. That would solve the problem.. Foxes hunt 2 eat & a small pet is probably easy Pickens for them.
Not all cats are meant to be kept inside! When I moved in with my husband he had a cat named China. He was already 3 years old and a strictly outdoor kitty. We acquired 2 kittens that were completely wild. We tried to raise them inside. Monkey was happy being outside during the day and inside at night. Her sister Munch was adamant that she was going to be an outside kitty! Her and China survived our coyote attack 6 years ago! Day before yesterday I had a fox come up and attack the outdoor cage for my house cats. I ran out to confront it and it grabbed my 13 yr old Bug! I slapped it on the bac and it let her go and just looked at me! I suspected rabies, but it hadn’t broken the skin on Bug so I just pushed it from my thoughts. Yesterday morning my hubby got up and couldn’t find Munch which is very unusual for her! Later that night China was missing! Colt was on top of the shop & Monkey was in the house limping very bad! The fox has got to go! First time I’ve ever had a problem with one!
The mother fox living close to my home has never attempted to attack my 10yr old cat but in the last week 3 young foxes (possibly her cubs) have came after my cat twice trying to trap her into a corner. Luckily we heard the commotion and scared them away.
Every night for the last week we are woken by a fox in our street barking extremely loud. It chased my cat who was sitting at the front door, then again i heard it barking in the night and it was stalking my cats in the garden, and 2nite again woke me up and went out to find it chase someone elses cat up the street and shreiking at it like it it was was posessed. I have an older cat who wont come in to sleep who has a little house and i know this fox wants her
I think one of our cats was killed by a fox. He was a lovely friendly large 6 month old cat and my Dad found him in the morning by the side of the path. He looked like he was asleep but he was dead and the only mark was a bite on his neck. I don’t think there is any other animal that could have killed him but I wondered what people thought.
this exactly what happened to my 18 month old tom yesterday, the whole house is devastated, especially so young and loving.
My cat has made friends with multiple foxes. He gets along with them way better than he does with other cats or dogs. They run around together and catch voles. Sometimes just lay in the tall grass and nap in the sun. It’s pretty cute. I tried to get video a couple times, but they’re both very fast (30-40mph) and take off when I turn on the camera (yes they can hear the electronics in your phone). If my cat were to be eaten though, it wouldn’t be the fox’s fault. It would be MINE. Stop spreading hate to an innocent animal as a deflection of your own responsibility. It’s not the fox’s job to keep your cat safe, it’s yours. My cat is never outside alone and is never allowed out after dusk. Even though he wants to cause cats are nocturnal hunters, he knows he’s not the only one who hunts at night. He stays very close by me. People ask me a lot how I get my cat to follow me. I always respond, “I loved him and built trust.” Cats are highly trainable if you’re willing to get to know them. You can’t just force your will on them. Cats are a lesson in consent, but also love, grace, and empathy. Every animal can teach you something if you are open. The entitlement of humans, especially when they build their homes in another animal’s territory, never ceases to amaze me. You are the guest in nature, not the other way around.
I found my cat and the local fox hanging out in the garden together. They were both sitting in the sun about 1/2 meter apart, none of them afraid of the other.
My cat Richie and my Fox Ivy are friends. We have hundreds of Fox and stray Cats in Harford County MD. I have never seen a Fox go after a Cat. I run Colony Care and take care of both Fox and Cats. The co-habitate very well.
If your cat is unafraid then your cat is probably not safe.
My beautiful 9 year old cat was attacked and killed by a fox which came right up to our house and grabbed her as she was relaxing on our front door step, We found her body a few hundred yards away the next day very near where a family of foxes are living. I’m sure they were watching as I carried her body home because that night a fox came into my back garden to where I had buried her and tried to dig her up. I think the last two years has seen foxes moving ever closer and becoming more unafraid, perhaps made worse by the prolonged dry period we have just experienced as they are going places looking for water where they previously did not (water features, bird baths, ponds ect), People feeding them has also added to the issue,In the past I have had a “live and let live” attitude to foxes ,not any more.
Interesting to read this thread. I lost my cat four days ago. He was twelve and a half years old, starting to slow down but seemed to be in good health. i last saw him alive at 11.30 pm on Thursday night when I went to bed. In the morning a lady walking her dog found him dead in the little lane behind our house. He had been attacked by something and had a large wound on his leg and other puncture wounds. I took him to the vet but as it was a bank holiday there was just a nurse on duty. She was lovely but couldn’t give me any answers. I wish now I’d asked for a postmortem.
Unfortunately, my cat was chased today by a fox in broad daylight. 1:30PM in the afternoon (13:30). Luckily I was outside too but I was sitting a little away while he was roaming. Happened so fast but he climbed about 15 ft up a tree the fox was at the bottom and I had to run over there, shew the fox away, and get my cat. My cat was panting so hard. Don’t know what would have happened if I wasn’t there because I’m pretty sure foxes can climb trees too.
My 2 year old bengal was attacked and killed by a fox. It cornered her and attacked her over a four hour period not letting her escape. Caught on cctv it was heartbreaking knowing she was trapped for 4 hours trying to escape while the fox toyed with her and killed her. The fox didn’t even eat her. So much for scavengers and opportunistic.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Yes, we sometimes forget that foxes are active and highly successful and adaptable predators in their own right.
I came across a video on my phone a couple of days ago, it was a couple of years old, and it was taken about 7pm, in a very built up area of Hackney, London. It was already dark outside as it was later on in the year, and we were upstairs in the front bedroom, when my friend looked out of the window and saw her cat, with another larger black cat she wasn’t familiar with. Then she randomly started videoing with her phone, and suddenly a young/or possibly small Vixen she had been feeding walked up to the two cats, who were on the other side of the street, sitting under a street light opposite the house. At first it appeared as if her cat was already familiar with this Fox, whereas the larger unknown cat had backed itself up into a hedge. The Fox was very calm and had sat between the two of them. Then all of a sudden, the fox got up and appeared to begin walking away, then her cat, got up and walked towards the Fox, and then proceeded to engage it in a staring match. The Fox was then witnessed to appear agitated and anxious, the previous calm demeanour was no longer apparent! Then her cat pressed it’s nose up against the Foxes. My friend continued to film, although now she was panicking, and is heard on the recording expressing her concern, and saying
“No way is my cat about to pick a fight with that Fox, or is the Fox about to attack my cat?” Then (and this next bit happened so fast, that even on the video it had to be watched several times to be sure!) The cat took a swipe at the Foxes face, then the Fox lashed out at the cat, as if it was going for the cat’s behind to bite it, as the cat immediately ran under her car on her driveway, a space too small for the Fox to fit under, so it about turned and ran at a medium pace back out of her street. Seemingly uninterested, or hadn’t noticed the larger cat that had reappeared, and had began creeping up on the Fox once her cat was safely under her car! The large cat had emerged very slowly, and was still at a reasonable distance though it appeared to be behaving gallantly, it was doing everything way too slowly to be clearly noticeable to the distraught looking Fox. Who I honestly believe posed no threat to these cats when it arrived and calmly sat with them, it’s demeanour was at no point aggressive until the cat decided it didn’t want to befriend/or maintain a room relationship it may have previously had with the Fox, that we will never know! I am very happy to be able to tell you all that in this instance, the cat had no injury of any kind on it, but the Fox likely had a scratch on it’s nose, and has possibly gone from a cat lover, to a cat loather because of this experience, and this makes me sad. I have read all these posts and been left with a heavy heart. I do believe the kitty kills from Foxes are still very few overall, but this in no way undermines the grieving and suffering that so many people within this thread have clearly suffered. I love ALL creatures, and they all have a purpose beyond providing their love and loyalty to us, I am a huge cat lover, and a massive stress head who has worried about how I will cope with the loss of my kitty son “Nova” who I got at 8 weeks, and he is now 16 months old, and worrying daily from day 1 until he’s a gazillion years old, may possibly kill me sooner! As much as I would selfishly keep him inside to ensure as many years as possible, I have to remember he is not a human, and he has needs that when met, ensure that no matter how long he lives, his life will be responsibly taken care of by me, always keeping him as safe as he can possibly be, whilst still allowing him to be a cat, who when he does depart this life, he will have been treated so respectfully, so lovingly, and his needs rather than my “wants” will ensure he departs with great joy at the life he will have lived, he will be so full filled, because I will have always put his needs first, but so responsibly in order to best protect him, whilst like any of my human children, preparing him gradually over time to earn his freedom, when I can responsibly judge by his age, his behaviour, his personality, his size and ability to protect himself and understand the world around him. When he was 6 months old, my youngest daughter and I, put him in a harness and sat outside the front door, encouraged him to explore safely, and still, if I am to go somewhere for more than 1 night, Nova comes with me! I still take him to one of my other daughters for play dates with her 2 kitty’s. He is naturally a very sociable cat, who learned the first time I allowed him off the harness, to ensure he was learning what I was teaching him. and the local bully introduced himself, and they fought and Nova made the bully flee, and it did not affect his sociability, if anything he became more confident and a little sassy, in a nice way. I have always used backpack kitty carriers, and even if I was going shopping at the local Tesco, or to a Gp appointment, Nova came too! From 6 months he had very short, and always supervised, time off the harness, and he was not allowed out unsupervised until he was 1 yrs old. He had proven to me that he was able to help himself if needs be, he knew where his front door, back door, garden was, how to shield himself from sudden, potentially dangerous weather until he could safely get inside. It’s mainly just cycling in my area, very little real traffic, but I made sure he understood that busy roads are scary, unless you’re in a taxi, but he is rarely out of ear shot, he comes home when I call him, and he is never allowed out past 22:00. He has never been yelled at or told off, he has known only pure love and affection, and I honestly believe that I raised him in a way that allowed him to reach his full potential! He knows how to communicate his needs to me, he is very considerate towards other cats as he has been enabled to maintain his natural sociability. A confident cat is a happy cat. He is exceptionally smart, we speak the same language, much like a human baby, you understand what the different meows mean, and I speak in meows and English, this I believe has enabled him to have a very significant range of communication abilities, Nova has grown from a fairly quiet baby, to an extremely vocal young man! He also understands simple English phrases, like
“it’s time for bed Nova”
“Do you want some food?”
“Give me kisses”
This could in fact turn into a very long list! I’m sure you get where I’m coming from. Everything Nova has learned, has come from the love he’s received, and not from treats.
Love buys you freedom that money can’t buy!
Love is your ticket to anywhere and everywhere, at any time.
Love is your kitties full bodied red wine.
Love is “What’s yours, is also mine”
Love is what enables us to communicate clearly, from our freed up gigabytes as we share our perfectly charged up minds, somehow we don’t need to always be vocal, because our shared information highways are always teetotal. Love is the purest form of energy, and is really all you need to shed whatever we don’t need, and to connect within our mental planes, so I understand you, and you understand me!
I don’t know what else could have killed my lovely Boo. Christmas evening my little shorkie dog was going mad at the back door and was getting annoying. Once I got up and let him out and as he rushed up the steps barking/ growling a fox jumped over the wall. My cat was not in all night. Nor in the kitchen in the morning as usual. I went out the back with trepidation and found her entrails on the top step. Further on I saw her body bedgraggled in the rain without her head which was nowhere. I shall never get that image out my head as long as I live. Last night again dog going mad at door and chased a fox over the wall.
Please tell me what could have killed my beloved cat. I know cats are predators too etc but she didn’t deserve to die like that
So sorry for your loss.
How old and how big was your cat?
Sadly, that does sound like a fox: recent research has shown that fox attacks on cats frequently look like this.
The fox screams at night i heard it it sounds like a women or child in distress they are cunning animals readily defend their cubs the cat is no match yet the cat will fight to the death my cat was attacked be a fox its skin on his neck was peeled back and had 2 huge teeth marks showing and the fox made a haunted scream the whole night its was HAUNTED send shivers down my back since that night we let him out at 7 am he usually comes back at 3-5 and we let him back in for the first time in a year he wondered off at night and the haunted fox scream came back our cat back with th3 fear in his eyes came in looking scared and deppressed and the fox screamed all night warning him to stay away . I do blame this on the covaid lockdown as the wild life has moved in our yards
We had a rural garden with numerous foxes, we had three Persian cats, all survived and one befriended a fox and we have photos of the fox and cat lying next to each other asleep.
So it is interesting to read so many versions of the relationships between these two animals.
My cat 11 year old was attacked during the day on Sunday by 2 urban foxes when I came outside the fox had his mouth around my cats throat. It was horrifying and the fox did not run away so I had to whack it with a garden chair to get it off. I was beside myself with worry and took the cat to the vets which I a glad I did because now he is a bit run down and has been sneezing and coughing and his face is swollen despite the antibiotics he has had. I came here to see if there was anything that could be done and have read through the harrowing comments, there are so many. I will now be keeping our cat indoors as I don’t want to lose him. I am also going to see how much an exterminator costs and try and launch a Pay Pal Pool with my neighbors.
I do hope that your cat is feeling better now, and congratulations on doing the correct step in keeping your cat indoors. It is better to have an indoor pet than to lose your pet to feed the foxes.
Well. Curious that so many cat owners surfaced on this site with stories of fox attacks on their pets. Do these same owners admit that their cats prey on birds, mice, whatever they can find? Cats are not vegetarian. A lot of these stories are conjecture, not fact. A wild urban fox will happily play with cats but is likely to take roadkill, just as a rural fox will take afterbirth. As to cats with missing heads, fox dentition is not large enough to bite in that manner. Again, conjecture without logic to back it up. I’ve rescued cats for most of my adult life but I keep mine indoors to protect wildlife. Others should take responsibility to do likewise instead of demonising a wild animal who doesn’t have food waiting at home, and that labours under misinformation and hatred from those who should know better.
I agree about the foxes totally. You are taking the good life of the outdoors away from a cat to save other species. That isn’t right either. Compromise and let the cats out till dusk, if you give them a few hours out they will be tied and come in. Put a collar and bells on them so they can’t creep up on other species. Everyone’s a winner. I go to to lengths of being I n the same spot every night with cat biscuits to incourage he to co in. It’s not ideal as cats love to Hunt at night but it’s the best I’ve come up with yet. If you keep and love animals you have got to do your best by them.
Conjecture? Really? Obviously you know nothing about foxes. I use to live near 3 fox dens, outside all the dens were cat skulls and hair. They eat cats.
I run a cat rescue. They live with Fox all the time. We have them all over the place here. We haven’t had a Fox attack a cat ever. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but its extremely rare. They get blamed, but no. real proof.
My cat was attacked Thursday lunch time by two adult foxes,I hear this dreadful noise we we opened the back gate on to woodland the two of them were biting and jumping on her,she is 16 we scooped her up in a towel,she was panting and in a terrible state ,after an hour or so she calmed down but has only drank a little cat milk today for the first time,has locked some cat yoghurt of my finger,she managed to go,upstairs last night but lays on her tummy and when she came down stairs this morning one of her legs is wobbly ,no blood not broken but must be bruised,she stank of foxes and her. Fear glands. She has purred but remains quiet ,and lays in the sun,I have wiped her over and brushed her gently reassured her. Picked her up and. She lay on the sofa with me. I have not put her through the ordeal,of squashing her in the cat basket to the vets and I think that will finish her off,she has a heart murmur .She did jump off the bed and didn’t yell but if I massage her leg she growls. The foxes do have Cubs so I guess they were protecting them .
So sad to hear of your pet’s ordeal, and yours too, as we all know the sorrow of losing a pet. Pleased that you got her back in order to say your goodbyes (a healing process) and have her put down humanely.
That’s awful. I would suggest if she doesn’t bounce back within 24 hours that you ring your vet for advice – there may be other injuries that aren’t immediately visible.
Today my neighbour found the decapitated body of a young, not fully grown, cat in his back garden.
There is no sign of the head.
There’s no way people or dogs can get in the back, but since Christmas a pair of foxes have been causing a lot of damage and nuisance in all of our block’s gardens.
It must have happened some time between 3am (I was up late and didn’t hear anything) and 3pm (When the sad body was found)
Inner South East London.
Keep your cats in at night people.
Our 12 yr old cat was chased by an adult fox yesterday. We live opposite some fields and this was their territory before housing was built. Our nxt door neighbour was outside with a hose pipe which he turned on the fox which n he saw out cat being attacked. This was daytime around 2pm.
I just saved a local cat from 3 foxes (London N22) that had it cornered in our neighbour’s garden. They were like a wolf pack and reluctant to leave. Parents with young children should be aware of the danger posed by urban foxes with little fear of humans.
My cat got bitten last nite by a fox 😞 in Essex IG10 we have lots of them and they regularly chase the cats
I’ve seen a adult cat being attacked by a adult fox in my garden twice; the cat has barely survived the attack.
Foxes are SCARED of cats!! My Booma always lounges out on the deck
and the fox saw her and ran.
Another time a tom cat that roams our neighborhood intimidated
the foxes. Also got info. from cat rescue groups and vets.
Foxes do not eat cats.
I wish I could be sure of that I would so love to feed the foxes.
Foxes eat birds, squirrels and here on our coastal town we witnessed a fox cunningly playing (no, but cunningly trying to grab at the seagulls head as it swooped down to the fox) the sly old fox. I have got the video on my phone. The vixen lives in a small forest with her cub 35 yards from our garden.
We have witnessed a fox catching a cat in 2 other areas, especially if the cat is sleeping under a car, usually about 3am.
Totally false, i lived near 3 fox dens. Outside the dens were cat skulls and hair. They absolutely eat cats.
Foxes actually eat kittens and less likely to eat adult cats because they’re the same size as foxes, however, they’re not scared of cats
I suspect it depends on the specific cats and foxes involved, rather than being a blanket truth.
I agree. Old slow cats or deaf cats or kittens. Cat’s are too fast even a sleeping cat has the fastest reaction time.
Our 18 month old cat came home two nights ago with bite wounds on his head, near his eyes, and a scratch across his face. The vet confirmed the jaw size from the bites was too big to be another cat and was a fox. A family of foxes hang around our East London garden every night.
He’s managed to escape with minimal damage thankfully and as yet, no abscesses have formed on the bites. We will definitely be keeping him in at night from now on though. I’ve also resorted to lobbing handfuls of soil at the foxes every time I see them whilst yelling at them to F off. Seems effective so far.
I use deer solar repellant devices that’s motion activated and has flashing lights and noises. No more deer eating my flowers but it works also in keeping a family of foxes away from my house. My cats learned to walk on the other side of the devices to not set them off.
I plan on buying some more and put around a shed that my cats use. The door is open only slightly to allow them to get in.
I highly recommend these to keep foxes away as well as deer.
Please give the name of that devise! I could benefit from one
My beloved cat who I hand reared was killed by a fox early this week. There are foxes living here and I’ve just found out there are a lot more than I thought after speaking with a neighbour who feeds them. One came really close to the house and up my path in broad daylight and my other cat who is very large attacked it and it ran off, he hates fighting. I thought the fox was just checking out his new territory. My other smaller one just sat there and wasn’t phased, I then heard another really bad fight with a fox and my cat came home and I noticed scabs on his throat a few days later. I didn’t click that it was going for my cats due to ‘professionals’ claiming how rare it is. I thought my cat was seeing it off again, not that he was being attacked. The fox was in the derelict house next door under construction. The cat that was killed by a fox was ambushed from behind, snatched away so quickly off the wall, she never feared the foxes and used to sleep near them sometimes a few metres apart and never any trouble. This fox took its opportunity and my cat never stood a chance. I would chase them off but had to bang hard with dustpan and brush for them to shift away. I feel so responsible for her death, I wish ‘professionals’ would get real about the threat from foxes and not lead them up the garden path. There is a problem, I read snarl’s report, foxes are a menace and most of the killings were by them. My daughter lives next to foxes too and she said my granddaughter had a fox go for her. I hope something is done. I’m keeping my big cat in, I miss the other so much, she was very special and loving and her trust of them was her downfall as she never saw them as a threat. I did for a bit but calmed down due to them ignoring my cats most of the time. They are opportunists and have become so very daring and will blatantly attack. I’m devastated.
People think fox don’t kill cats they do .But cats kill other people’s Ducks chickens and pigeons what go’s around comes around
It is quite legal to kill foxes with an airgun on your own land.
However, most air rifles are not sufficiently powerful to kill cleanly, and you can be fined or jailed for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. It’s not therefore something we’d recommend from an animal welfare perspective, or for that matter from the point of view of keeping you out of trouble!
Unfortunately we found out cat dead last week in our neighbors garden, we couldn’t understand what had happened as she’s such a good friendly cat, another neighbor has CCTV and showed us two foxes on it and one carried her into the garden (she wasn’t moving at this point), still trying to figure out if it was them that killed her or they had found her, as they are supposed to be scavengers? but reading up it’s supposed to be a low chance they would have killed her?
I have studied our urban foxes on CCTV for over a year and have seen them share the garden on many occasions with a neighbours cat and even a hedgehog. Not once have I seen the foxes ever attempt to attack the other animals and in fact, the cat is more than capable of seeing off the foxes and they tend to give the cat as wide a berth as possible!
My 11 year old Alan was chased by foxes about a year ago but managed to escape – he has been quite scared ever since and didn’t go out at night for quite a while after that. I did try to keep him indoors but he complained. Now my beautiful 13 year old Zoe who hardly ever went outside at night (she would go out in the garden during the day) was attacked and killed by foxes a few days ago on a very rare occasion when she did go out at night. I am devastated. I keep reading on the internet that foxes don’t attack cats but they obviously do. Please keep your cats safe indoors. Alan is only allowed out during the day now and even though he complains he will hopefully get used to it. South West London/ Surrey area
My cat Fudge was killed horribly by a fox. The fox was a really big vixen who frequently visited the garden. Fudge was 9 and a fit and healthy cat. Early one winter evening I heard the most terrible cat screaming noise. I ran outside and heard terrible noises of ripping flesh. The fox fled and Fudge was dead with very severe injuries. I was absolutely heartbroken. It was a sight no cat lover would want to see.
So fed up with people denying foxes are capable of killing cats when I witnessed it first hand.
A young fox visits our garden nowadays – a cute little thing but I will never forget or trust a fox. This fox started to fight another young fox recently which was so vicious I expected one would die. There’s a reason why foxes are one of the most successful animals on earth. As I said, never ever trust a fox.
Here in San Francisco Bay Area..
About five days ago a white 1-2poodle sized fox was near my bedroom sliding door eating the cat food. My two barn cats sleep on a chair near there. Surprising as this area is on a deck up some stairs. I chased it away and it ran to the neighbors house and barked and almost ran back at me. I was a little scared and thought to run but realized that can be dangerous so I stayed put. It ran off.
Two days later at 4am I am woken to a loud boom. I thought I had imagined it, but 30 seconds later the boom happened again!? Wide awake I got up to check.
The fox had jumped on some lumber I had for a project which was the noise I heard when the fox disturbed it. The fox was there making a low pitched moan/growl with my two cats staring at it.
I chased it away, just like before. My two female cats (Cali and Lami about age 7) scattered and then I saw another furry shape run after the fox. Could this be a cub which is why the fox is being more agressive?
IIm worried this will continue. Any uneaten cat food I now recapture rather than leave out. The raccoons had been eating that anyway.
The problem with those statistics is they are only from cats that survived the attack, i would still imagine the actual fox on cat attack rate is rather low but still.
This is known as survivorship bias and the same issue occured during world war 2, where they would look for damage on surviving planes and armour up those areas, but eventually realized that they actually needed to armour up the areas that showed no damage as those areas would never show up as damaged on surviving planes since when they did get damaged the plane wouldn’t survive.
This is an interesting read. I have always thought that foxes will kill and mutilate cats if they are hungry or defending their cubs. I have been following the SNARL page from the beginning and do think that there is a human doing some of the mutilations as cats have been returned days later and not decomposing. Good to read another viewpoint though.
I’m reading this, heartbroken. My 21.5 year old tortoiseshell cat has been poorly the last few days. This morning she looked very unwell. I instinctively knew we were nearing the end. She ate a bit of tuna and I settled her on her favourite kitchen chair. Went to walk the dog. Came home and she’d gone. Through the cat flap in to the back garden – only exit.
Checked all of downstairs. All bedroom doors were shut upstairs as she’d been peeing in rooms past few days (this is also how I knew she was probably in her last few days).
My garden has nothing in it except for grass and a shed (as house was recently renovated before we bought it). No bushes etc. Checked garden. Not there. Behind shed etc. In shed. Nope.
Went to neighbours and asked them to check their gardens. Nothing. We have 6 foot fences with no gaps and concrete footings, surrounding the whole garden. When we moved in, she never once attempted to climb them (being so old) and has never once left our garden. It was perfect for a very elderly cat – very safe.
As I came up the garden, I noticed about 5/6 big clumps of her fur on the lawn. Has a fox had her in broad daylight? She was always a very slight cat but in recent years was very scrawny – we had regular vet checks and she was on thyroid meds. She was well looked after.
It’s either that or a bird of prey. We live next to a reservoir and they are all around here. I think maybe she went outside and collapsed and was picked up by one?!? Unlikely but possible at a long shot.
The fox theory is another guess. The house two gardens over, has two pheasants hanging up in his back garden. Did the fox come for those and somehow ended up in my garden and pounced on my cat?
There is no way – other than scale a 6 foot fence, that a dying 21.5 yr old cat could’ve got out of my garden. I know cats go off to die but to me, it would’ve been nigh on impossible for her to get out.
The clumps of fur are very suspicious. All together on the same patch of grass. Something took her. I know in my heart. I’m devastated. To lose her like this, after so many years is really, really painful. I need an answer but I’ll never get one.
I’m so sorry , that’s devastating xx
So sorry to hear that 🙁
Our 7 month old cat did not come home last night. Lots of foxes around our neighborhood. Looked and called out everywhere I the neighborhood but no reply. Doesn’t look good. This in suburban DUBLIN.
It would be worth checking with local vet practices – foxes or (more likely) cars, or even just lost, they’ll probably have “lost and found” books to check. Good luck.
The myth is probably much more that cats are NOT attacked by foxes than the opposite. We’ve lost a cat to a fox (witnessed) and had two other cats chased by a fox (witnessed). Yes, cats have some ability to escape and some ability to defend themselves. But they are definitely outclassed by a fox, especially a larger one.
Running a search on the web reveals scores of articles of how cats pose a graver threat to fox cubs than foxes attacking cats. I think they’re beautiful & wouldn’t want to kill one unless it was absolutely necessary, but before reading through some of these horrible stories someone did catch a fox attacking a cat on video. Don’t ask me why they never attempted to intervene, but the fox was stalking & did attack (& apparently kill) the poor kitty cat: Apologies for anyone that may find this offensive. I think it’s imperative that people know the risks involved in allowing your cat outside. I care for a friendly feral colony & while I’ve managed to find forever homes for the kittens, many, although extremely beautiful do not trust people other than me & the constant fear of the dangers sent me on an online search as most vets will tell you that only in *rare* instances will a fox attack/kill cats. I’m wanting people to know, that’s flat out false. I don’t want to demonize them, as I respect all life, but, for anyone searching the answer to that question, the answer is YES, they do and will attack/kill your cat. So, please, unless it’s not possible (feral cats) PLEASE keep your cats indoors. Deepest sympathies for those that have lost their fur kids to foxes or other predators (including the human variety).
Our 18 month old cat was taken by a fox only this morning. 6:30 am… pulled backwards through the cat flap just as he was coming into the house. No sign now. Devastating.
I encourage a certain female fox with a cub to come back a lot but I don’t know if I should continue to do so. I myself have a cat but I don’t feed the fox. I’d like to know if I should continue to welcome the cub and his/her mum or make a them leave. No cats in my neighbour hold have been harmed so far by foxes.- Greenwich, London
I suspect that incidents of foxes injuring cats are uncommon – most cats are well able to take care of themselves; and of course we want to help wildlife! Ultimately, it’s your decision – the biggest risk with continuing to feed them long term is that you won’t just have the vixen you know, but potentially many, many others squabbling over the food.
My cat got killed and eaten by a fox three days ago… also greenwich london
My sons are traumatised after discovering two large foxes dragging what remained of our cat’s body around our garden this Easter Sunday at 7am. Having watched our cctv recordings, he was killed by two foxes at 1.30am, near our back door, and the foxes came and went for the rest of the night taking parts of his body, presumably to feed cubs. We live in Surbiton, so these are urban foxes.
I also live in surbiton, my cat went missing a few days before Xmas and I’ve recently found out that, he was chased by a fox got stuck in a fence and his head was chewed off and taken. We are absolutely heartbroken.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Foxes – including the urban kind – are clever and efficient carnivores, and will often see a cat as a rival to be hunted. Most cats can evade them, but if they’re unlucky, this can be the result.
For many years our cats have used a purpose built ‘hut’ just outside for them to shelter in, or just take a nap. Cats are naturally nocturnal animals, and don’t have watches so attempting a curfew is impractical. Now the hut has been taken over by a fox, and no longer used by the cats; so they have to hang around waiting for a house door to open, especially in winter when windows are closed.
The problem is that all fox repellents apply equally to cats and other animals. Does anyone know if science is near to creating a more species-specific one?
While some repellents may be MORE unpleasant to foxes than cats, you’re right – there’s nothing that I’m aware of that is scientifically proven to be significantly more effective to one than the other. Such a product is certainly theoretically possible – our understanding of species-specific pheromones has allowed us to produce synthetic calming pheromones based on FFP for cats and DAP for dogs, without any biological cross-over between species, so the opposite is at least in principle possible. However, I’m not sure there’s a big enough market to justify the research costs!
In your situation, an alternative possibility might be a microchip-coded cat-flap, that will only open when the cat carrying the correct code is trying to get in?
I Found my neighbours cat dead in my garden this morning last week had to see off a fox that was getting aggressive towards her, she was just a few years old and fit enough climbing a 2 metre high fence in one leap, now I wouldn’t trust urban Fox’s any my garden will be seen off.
My neighbour was woken at 2am by foxes screeching, only to find them playing with something in the road. They soon realised this was our 16 year old cat, although still very strong and healthy he liked to sleep in the front flower bed in the summer and was always running about and fighting off foxes. Unfortunately this time it appears there were two, so the websites stating they do not hunt in packs are untrue! They also had no fear and whilst our neighbours tried to wake us up they kept trying to return for our poor boy. He had already passed and was in a terrible state. Not something I wish any pet owner to have to see of their family member.
Something needs to be done! They are getting smarter and confident, how long until it’s kids in Prams or playing in back yards?
I just hope he was caught sleeping and did not have to suffer!
I have just lost 2 of my beloved 16 year old cats to foxes in 2 weeks. The council is not bothered – what are we to do? I have 2 toddlers and worry now about them
live in Finchley, North London and seem to be surrounded by foxes. I had 2 huge ones in my garden whilst I was gardening yesterday afternoon. I am so afraid as have 2 cats one of which is a tiny runt and although 7 years old would never be able to fight these off. I hate the things and even with over 6 foot high fences they still manage to climb over. So many fox attacks here. We must stop throwing out food for the birds and feeding our pets outside. With bbq season fast approaching I am guessing more and more will appear
I went outside to call my gorgeous ginger Tom cat in for the night, only to see him being chased by a rather large fox. Fortunately he was able to outrun the fox and quickly made his was home. I was stunned, really thought foxes wouldn’t be bothered with cats. Clearly not.
We also rescued our cat from snowy garden shed roof 2 days ago with bleeding ear and fox circling him thus stopping him being able to enter back through cat flap. Now it looks like we have to re-instate cat toilet indoors. Poor Cosmo aged 16 relieved himself on bathroom matt, obviously traumatised to use garden and when picking him up he hisses and growls. Tried some feremones any other advice happily welcome.
Oh poor boy! Pheromones are definitely a good start, and you’ll need to give them a bit of time as they can take a little while to start working so please do persist with these. If he continues hissing and growling, it would be worth a quick check up with your vet just to make sure he wasn’t injured in any way by the fox. If it seems to be stress-related, he’ll need time to overcome his trauma, lots of TLC (which I’m sure he’s already getting!) and it may be that he prefers to spend more time indoors for a while where he feels safer – in which case, the best thing you can do for him is give him places to rest that he feels safe and secure, and some litter trays around the house. He may start to build up some confidence in going back outdoors at some point, but when he does, it’s important for him that he can get back inside quickly if he feels scared or threatened in any way – so it may be better, when the weather is a little warmer, giving him short spells outside (if he wants it) with the door left open and you keeping an eye on him.
On the reverse ….i have witnessed i big old moggy absolutely batter a fox and if i hadn’t intervened I’m sure the fox would have been seriously injured. The cat had no injuries and looked very pleased with himself.
im so glad i came across this site and read all these comments , i had 2 gawges boys big flufffy cuddly loveable cats sadly one went missing over a year ago now so so devastated as you can imagine his brother misses him im sure 🙁 i hate to think it could have been foxes that got him but we do have alot of foxes here i head counted 8 one morning !!!! i did get another cat to help with the loss of gawges boy but having to kep them indoor cats as he was almost got by a fox just yesterday morning around 9am it dont matter what time of day it is there there prowling and waiting !!! so im sure now that the foxes that have mated here now have babys so are on the look out for food even more so !!! now after reading all the feedback here im most definitely keeping my 2 boys in thats for sure even in the day time !!! as much as i love wildlife these foxes are growing in numbers rapidly in local neighbor hoods !!! keep ya pets safe people
A complacant attitude to a growing problem. I just witnessed a fox run at full speed to attack our old cat in full daylight sitting on our backdoor step. If I had not stepped out of our door when it was just a few yards awayI have no doubt our cat would have been killed.
I think my cat who has lived in peace in our area for 5 years has been attacked by a fox, looks like he has been scruffed and ragged, very nasty looking injuries which are being treated. There are a large number of foxes in my area and I cannot believe it has happened to THE most placid cat ever, he never had a fight with anything.
I’ve heard so many times over the years vets and fox/wildlife ‘experts’ state that foxes don’t attack or kill cats, that if they do hunt cats then it’s not as a group but on their own and that a cat is particularly adept at scaring off foxes. I used to accept these views as it was always the common view but after witnessing my four month old kitten being carried off in the mouth of a fox I refuse to believe that foxes are not a threat to pet cats and small dogs. A database is all well and good but how many vets are actually going to enter details that they become aware of and how many cat owners are going to report to a vet that their pet was killed by a fox?! The area I live in (Leeds) has huge numbers of urban foxes which in my opinion are out of control.
They don’t attack adult cats. Kittens are an easy food source.
Our cat and her two kittens were taken by a fox who stalks the area nightly. The kittens were taken at separate intervals as was the mum. We live outside a town and have a small holding, so foxes are always a threat. I did some research about cats taken by foxes and most played down the risk! Well it has happened to us and I vowed never to get another cat for as long as we live here. Is there anything we can do to rid the threat of this ruthless predator?
We are a nation of animal lovers thankfully, I love all animals, my pets mostly & I also love foxes ( in the end they have the right to live & try to survive as they only live 2 yrs not more)
The easiest & best solution is simple leave your cats indoors, all my cats are indoors & happy & safe at least, car accidents are higher threats for cats than foxes are, they get diseases as God knows what they eat & what they step on outside & guys don’t forever there’s a cat killer still roaming since early 2014
my 8 year old beutiful bengal cat spirit was found by a neighbour in broad daylight in her garden a few days before christmas fighting for his life. we rushed him to the vet then a veterinary hospital but were unsure what had happened to him. he has since had regulare visits to fitzpatricks referrals where they found bite marks on his body and back of the neck which have been identified as fox bites, he was also found to be covered in saliva. he is making slow but steady progress which will be ongoing for several months now which brings both emotional and finacial pressures. i love all my animals (have a brother for spirit and a small dog,who incidentally has also been attacked on the head by a fox luckily no longterm damage) and want the best life for them but i am scared to allow my other cat out at night or daytime for that matter and neither animal is now happy to go outside to do their business.,and have had to re introduce cat litter boxes. we have had no end of trouble with foxes throughout this summer with noise their smell and destruction and all the council say is they would send someone out to put down a deterrent at my cost but offered no other solution . i purchased the approved deterrent which obviously didnt work. we are a country of animal lovers but when these urban foxes start affecting my animals and my life for that matter something seriously needs to be done. these urban foxes need to be removed professionally
Anyone in London concerned about over familiar foxes around their property may want to seek professional advice with regards to the legal removal of persistent and over familiar urban foxes.
I live in Central London and can vouch that foxes definitely poise a threat to cats and a nuisance in our area. Last winter I witnessed a fox literally stalking our middle aged cat. Our cat is mainly indoors and tends to sleep by the patio door at night. I noticed every night the same fox seemed to stare at our sleeping cat through the patio door, waiting for an opportunity to attack. My suspicions were confirmed as one morning we left our cat unattended in the garden no less than 5 minutes we heard a huge commotion our garden wall is over 6ft tall but somehow the same fox was trying to get in our garden to attack our cat. I went outside immediately to see what was going on our cat was crouched under a bench whilst the fox was trying to get at it. Subsequently I heard from another neighbour that the same fox had tried to attack their cat also. Our cat only goes outside when we are present as the same fox is still around. I think foxes will attack and kill animals smaller than them if their food source is scarce. After reading all the posts not willing to take the risk .
My Maltese terrier dog was attacked about 3 months ago in my small garden he fractured my dogs jaw bleeding so bad the vet said he was lucky not to have had he’s head taken of also said they are vermin carry diseases gave him anti biotic jab straight away . Why do people persist in feeding them please stop they are a wild animal my poor dog.
I’m from North London, behide my garden we have train tracks where foxes are, when i was younger we use to watch a family of foxes laying on my shed enjoying the sun but since i have had my cat and my sister’s cat i have started to disslike foxe. Our cats are more indoor cats but they like to lay in the sun and go out for a few hours a day. Urban city Fox’s are less scared of things thats why I think they attack cats more often now, they’re not that “rare” like the vet’s say… that’s why our cats never go out at night but it does depend on what type of area you live in, my friends cat use to fight foxes often and win/escape and when I was younger you would often see Fox’s roaming the streets, been woken up a few times by Fox noises, cats can normally defend them selfs but thats why its normally kittens or old cats what go missing by foxes but I do think there’s is a Fox problem what needs sorting out… maybe a new invention what stops foxes going near your cat like a certain smell or some thing? Or maybe the rspca should start catching foxes and move them into the country? Its sad reading all the storys on this forum, my cat got chased back home last year by a Fox and I had to run out to scare the Fox away but main reason I’m here is yesterday my cat got into a cat fight so about 15 mins later I called my cat, he meowed and jumped over the fence and came to me, try to walk back off and then a Fox came out of no where and was starring at us so I quickly got him back inside and that was that, now the next day I’m here trying to find ways to keep him safer, he’s a cat and likes going outside so I don’t want to start not letting him out no more as that’s unfair on him.
My older barn cat was attacked in the early afternoon yesterday by a pack of three Texas desert foxes and had to have his tail amputated by our vet. He was current with his rabies vaccinations, but he received a booster, anyway. I’m trying to keep the others indoors, but two of them refuse to enter a building. I realize now that foxes can be a very real threat to cats.
My older barn cat was attacked in the early afternoon yesterday by a pack of three Texas desert foxes and had to have his tail amputated by our vet. He was current with his rabies vaccinations, but he received a booster, anyway. I’m trying to keep the others indoors, but two of them refuse to enter a building. I realize now that foxes can be a very real threat to cats.
My beautiful 8 year old cat Amber was killed by a fox 2 evenings ago. My other cats are now being kept indoors.
My beautiful 8 year old cat Amber was killed by a fox 2 evenings ago. My other cats are now being kept indoors.
Just heard what I thought was a terrible cat fight. Looked out the window at the field just over my fence.think the cat got away and a large fox was left looking up at me, then sauntered away hopefully without its meal. Its not the first time ive heard animals screaming in the night here.
Just heard what I thought was a terrible cat fight. Looked out the window at the field just over my fence.think the cat got away and a large fox was left looking up at me, then sauntered away hopefully without its meal. Its not the first time ive heard animals screaming in the night here.
I had heard that (very rarely) foxes had been known to attack young, old and vunerable cats. But this evening (about 6.30pm) there was an awful sound outside my front door. When I looked out there was a fox confronting my cat (she is a healthy 61/2 year old) Luckily she came straight-in, but it prompted me to look this up on the internet. Normally my dog would have been very interested, but she is recovering from an operation.
I had heard that (very rarely) foxes had been known to attack young, old and vunerable cats. But this evening (about 6.30pm) there was an awful sound outside my front door. When I looked out there was a fox confronting my cat (she is a healthy 61/2 year old) Luckily she came straight-in, but it prompted me to look this up on the internet. Normally my dog would have been very interested, but she is recovering from an operation.
Given the stories of cats being “ripped apart” by foxes, you have to wonder whether the stats on fox attacks are so low partly due to owners never discovering what happened to their missing pet.
Road accident victims will usually be found on/by the road or at home (if they’ve limped back). But a fatal attack by a fox could happen anywhere and leave little or no evidence.
Given the stories of cats being “ripped apart” by foxes, you have to wonder whether the stats on fox attacks are so low partly due to owners never discovering what happened to their missing pet.
Road accident victims will usually be found on/by the road or at home (if they’ve limped back). But a fatal attack by a fox could happen anywhere and leave little or no evidence.
My 16 year old Ragdoll cat was attacked by fox early one evening. He obviously put up a good fight but was totally traumatised, he lost most of his back claws and needed pain relief for three weeks. He will now only go outside late morning/early afternoon.. Two nights after his attack another cat was not so lucky.
My 16 year old Ragdoll cat was attacked by fox early one evening. He obviously put up a good fight but was totally traumatised, he lost most of his back claws and needed pain relief for three weeks. He will now only go outside late morning/early afternoon.. Two nights after his attack another cat was not so lucky.
My cat would rather hang out with foxes than other cats.. and yes I too have see them sunbathing outside together in the early hours.. my cat then leads them to mine for food for them lol.. Now the little blighters have started jumping at my window for attention! They’re fascinating animals to watch and not always as bad as they are painted!
My cat would rather hang out with foxes than other cats.. and yes I too have see them sunbathing outside together in the early hours.. my cat then leads them to mine for food for them lol.. Now the little blighters have started jumping at my window for attention! They’re fascinating animals to watch and not always as bad as they are painted!
For a while we lived in a caravan in a quarry with 2 Siamese cats. I have often seen one or other of them sitting contentedly just 15 metres away from a fox as though they had an unwritten agreement – I haven’t seen you & you haven’t seen me -OK?
For a while we lived in a caravan in a quarry with 2 Siamese cats. I have often seen one or other of them sitting contentedly just 15 metres away from a fox as though they had an unwritten agreement – I haven’t seen you & you haven’t seen me -OK?
i have witnessed foxes harrassing my cats(5), my daughter has lost several rabbits to foxes, they have pestered my ferrets to the point where they ate their own litter of kits to stop the fox trying, i have been bitten by a fox whilst cutting privet bushes and have had them tear my rubbish bins to shreds and defacated all over my lawn putting my dogs, cats, partner and myself at risk of toxoplasmosis and other zoonosises. they have gotten bolder since fox hunting was banned and its about time local authorities started to act upon the problems foxes pose. if a wolf escaped the zoo it would be hunted endlessly, i see no difference to a fox, both are wild canids with the same instincts. if my dog were to attack another animal/person i would be facing a court case, why is it fine for foxes to do as they please?
i have witnessed foxes harrassing my cats(5), my daughter has lost several rabbits to foxes, they have pestered my ferrets to the point where they ate their own litter of kits to stop the fox trying, i have been bitten by a fox whilst cutting privet bushes and have had them tear my rubbish bins to shreds and defacated all over my lawn putting my dogs, cats, partner and myself at risk of toxoplasmosis and other zoonosises. they have gotten bolder since fox hunting was banned and its about time local authorities started to act upon the problems foxes pose. if a wolf escaped the zoo it would be hunted endlessly, i see no difference to a fox, both are wild canids with the same instincts. if my dog were to attack another animal/person i would be facing a court case, why is it fine for foxes to do as they please?
My beautiful little 3 year old Bengal female was torn apart by a fox. I so wish I had kept her in at night but her brother won’t be going out at night anymore. Keep them safe indoors.
My beautiful little 3 year old Bengal female was torn apart by a fox. I so wish I had kept her in at night but her brother won’t be going out at night anymore. Keep them safe indoors.
Seems that foxes’ behavior has evolved quite rapidly since the Feb ’13 article was written, possibly in response to dwindling food supply as bins become more secured. Would be useful to have an update on the official vet stats in the article.
Seems that foxes’ behavior has evolved quite rapidly since the Feb ’13 article was written, possibly in response to dwindling food supply as bins become more secured. Would be useful to have an update on the official vet stats in the article.
Sadly my 1 year old cat was killed by foxes this morning in the early hours. I’m devastated and so shocked but he was completely torn apart. I had no idea this was a possibility as I’d never heard of it.
Sadly my 1 year old cat was killed by foxes this morning in the early hours. I’m devastated and so shocked but he was completely torn apart. I had no idea this was a possibility as I’d never heard of it.
Can’t keep cats indoors 24/7 to protect wildlife, that is nonsense…as long as they are not let out too early when the birds are out singing merrily, and in at night should solve the problem..but many people who work all day also leave their cars out all day wihich is wrong…
Can’t keep cats indoors 24/7 to protect wildlife, that is nonsense…as long as they are not let out too early when the birds are out singing merrily, and in at night should solve the problem..but many people who work all day also leave their cars out all day wihich is wrong…
Sorry for the cats who have been involved with a fox but people should also keep their pets in at night.. For many reasons, going of and getting lost, road accidents, being abused by a cat hater and foxes..its for their own safety. Simply asking for trouble if you keep your cats out at night!! And irresponsible….
Sorry for the cats who have been involved with a fox but people should also keep their pets in at night.. For many reasons, going of and getting lost, road accidents, being abused by a cat hater and foxes..its for their own safety. Simply asking for trouble if you keep your cats out at night!! And irresponsible….
Several years ago I witnessed a cat (not one of mine) being attacked by a Greyhound in a garden and the dog shook it around like a ragdoll until it was dead. I had been bathing at the time and screamed for someone to rescue the cat but all fully dressed humans in the immediate area appeared to be deaf. I was totally disgusted and very saddened. Move forwards to 2014 and a different place and I heard a noise outside and my own cat was being attacked by a ‘pitbull’ type dog. The dog had its mouth clamped around the stomach of my cat. I literally jumped over the fence, clamped my legs around the dogs neck/head as it faced away from me and I sunk my fingernails into the dogs ears until it let my cat go. £648 later my cat luckily survived. I will not risk having this happen again so my cat has lost the freedom of pootling around in the day (I have always kept my cats in at night time). The owner had been walking his dog without a lead in a public area and also had no control of the dog whatsoever because not only did he not appear whilst I was shouting at the dog to let go of my cat (several times), he had allowed his dog to go into private gardens. I am slightly concerned about foxes but not as much as dogs trained/encouraged by their horrible owners to kill or injure cats and other dogs.
Several years ago I witnessed a cat (not one of mine) being attacked by a Greyhound in a garden and the dog shook it around like a ragdoll until it was dead. I had been bathing at the time and screamed for someone to rescue the cat but all fully dressed humans in the immediate area appeared to be deaf. I was totally disgusted and very saddened. Move forwards to 2014 and a different place and I heard a noise outside and my own cat was being attacked by a ‘pitbull’ type dog. The dog had its mouth clamped around the stomach of my cat. I literally jumped over the fence, clamped my legs around the dogs neck/head as it faced away from me and I sunk my fingernails into the dogs ears until it let my cat go. £648 later my cat luckily survived. I will not risk having this happen again so my cat has lost the freedom of pootling around in the day (I have always kept my cats in at night time). The owner had been walking his dog without a lead in a public area and also had no control of the dog whatsoever because not only did he not appear whilst I was shouting at the dog to let go of my cat (several times), he had allowed his dog to go into private gardens. I am slightly concerned about foxes but not as much as dogs trained/encouraged by their horrible owners to kill or injure cats and other dogs.
I have just returned from the vet where I left our 5 year old cat, suffering from injuries inflicted by a group of seven foxes (adults and cubs). He has lost several claws, has a bleeding injury on his leg and a serious groin injury that has punctured the skin and may be causing internal bleeding. I was awoken at 4.30am by the screams and barking of the foxes outside my window and on looking out saw our cat amidst the foxes, which were tearing at him, biting him and pulling lumps of his fur out. I rushed outside and chased the foxes off. They were quite brazen and despite my efforts kept coming back towards my injured cat who eventually managed to drag himself under our car. Although the foxes retreated, three of them remained in view and appeared to be waiting for me to leave in order that they could move in to finish the job! I know that the veterinary world seem to refuse to believe that foxes are capable of attacking our feline pets but what I have seen with my own eyes makes that view look extremely blinkered. PLEASE WAKE UP! These wild creatures are not cuddly bunnies. They have done real damage to my pet that looks like costing me several hundred pounds, even provided he survives.
I have just returned from the vet where I left our 5 year old cat, suffering from injuries inflicted by a group of seven foxes (adults and cubs). He has lost several claws, has a bleeding injury on his leg and a serious groin injury that has punctured the skin and may be causing internal bleeding. I was awoken at 4.30am by the screams and barking of the foxes outside my window and on looking out saw our cat amidst the foxes, which were tearing at him, biting him and pulling lumps of his fur out. I rushed outside and chased the foxes off. They were quite brazen and despite my efforts kept coming back towards my injured cat who eventually managed to drag himself under our car. Although the foxes retreated, three of them remained in view and appeared to be waiting for me to leave in order that they could move in to finish the job! I know that the veterinary world seem to refuse to believe that foxes are capable of attacking our feline pets but what I have seen with my own eyes makes that view look extremely blinkered. PLEASE WAKE UP! These wild creatures are not cuddly bunnies. They have done real damage to my pet that looks like costing me several hundred pounds, even provided he survives.
There are many other reasons for keeping all cats indoors all of the time, not only to protect the cats, but also the environment. Many bird species have gone extinct due to cats. In the U.S. alone, free-roaming domestic cats kill an estimated 1.4-3.7 billion birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals. For more info., see: and
There are many other reasons for keeping all cats indoors all of the time, not only to protect the cats, but also the environment. Many bird species have gone extinct due to cats. In the U.S. alone, free-roaming domestic cats kill an estimated 1.4-3.7 billion birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals. For more info., see: and
It does happen very sadly!
I found my cat dead yesterday after a suspected fox attack. A horrible discovery.
It does happen very sadly!
I found my cat dead yesterday after a suspected fox attack. A horrible discovery.
Where I used to live I always used to see the local cats and foxes casually chilling out together. Our 8 month old cat seems to be hanging out with a fox too.
Where I used to live I always used to see the local cats and foxes casually chilling out together. Our 8 month old cat seems to be hanging out with a fox too.
At 7.30am this morning my husband saved our cat whos a Siamease & nearly 1. This fox was chasing our cat all around our garden until my husband went out to scare it off. We have a large garden and my husband thought it was another cat at first, but then noticed the size. We have a lot of foxes where we live and this is our 3rd cat but we have never seen this before.
At 7.30am this morning my husband saved our cat whos a Siamease & nearly 1. This fox was chasing our cat all around our garden until my husband went out to scare it off. We have a large garden and my husband thought it was another cat at first, but then noticed the size. We have a lot of foxes where we live and this is our 3rd cat but we have never seen this before.
I’ve just heard the most awful noise, like a growl/bark, I looked out of my window to see my 11 year old cat Spencer sat next to a fox who was making the noise. I went to let him in….he didn’t want to come in and went running off after the fox! Is this normal? I’m worried he might get injured.
I’ve just heard the most awful noise, like a growl/bark, I looked out of my window to see my 11 year old cat Spencer sat next to a fox who was making the noise. I went to let him in….he didn’t want to come in and went running off after the fox! Is this normal? I’m worried he might get injured.
Took my child to play frisbee today in the communal garden of where i live. what i saw made my stomach turn. grass strewn with fur (looked like an older cats fur) and a tail left. poor moggy. there was even a plastic football torn to pieces. and yes foxes are becoming bolder and braver than ever. the concealment of rubbish bins and even the recycling of food waste means no chance of the scavengers even getting a look in to any leftovers. best to keep older cats in at least.
Took my child to play frisbee today in the communal garden of where i live. what i saw made my stomach turn. grass strewn with fur (looked like an older cats fur) and a tail left. poor moggy. there was even a plastic football torn to pieces. and yes foxes are becoming bolder and braver than ever. the concealment of rubbish bins and even the recycling of food waste means no chance of the scavengers even getting a look in to any leftovers. best to keep older cats in at least.
My cat keeps being chased by 2 small fox’s here in Surrey, now keeping him in, he was only over let out in the morning and kept in from 3pm.
My cat keeps being chased by 2 small fox’s here in Surrey, now keeping him in, he was only over let out in the morning and kept in from 3pm.
Last night I heard a yelping sound outside the window and immediately knew something was wrong. I looked out the window to see a massive fox cornering my 8 year old persian cat. I live in Glasgow and had been told there were lots of foxes out at night but never really considered the threat to my cat who loves going out at night until I saw what I saw last night. I bolted outside to find my poor cat cowering behind a bush. The fox ran off when it heard me open the door but I am convinced that had it not been disturbed this would have been a very different story and I would have been devastated. Thankfully my cat was not hurt and I brought her inside for the rest of the night even though she wanted to go back out! No way. This morning I came online to read up to know how threatening foxes are to cats and most sites told me foxes don’t tend to bother with cats and I felt slightly reassured since I would feel cruel keeping my cat in when she asks to go out at night HOWEVER thanks to all of these posts I will be protecting my beautiful cat by keeping her indoors when it is dark. The thought of what could happen to her is too much to bear. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences no matter how painful. I really feel for you as I know how much your cats meant to you, as mine does to me.
Last night I heard a yelping sound outside the window and immediately knew something was wrong. I looked out the window to see a massive fox cornering my 8 year old persian cat. I live in Glasgow and had been told there were lots of foxes out at night but never really considered the threat to my cat who loves going out at night until I saw what I saw last night. I bolted outside to find my poor cat cowering behind a bush. The fox ran off when it heard me open the door but I am convinced that had it not been disturbed this would have been a very different story and I would have been devastated. Thankfully my cat was not hurt and I brought her inside for the rest of the night even though she wanted to go back out! No way. This morning I came online to read up to know how threatening foxes are to cats and most sites told me foxes don’t tend to bother with cats and I felt slightly reassured since I would feel cruel keeping my cat in when she asks to go out at night HOWEVER thanks to all of these posts I will be protecting my beautiful cat by keeping her indoors when it is dark. The thought of what could happen to her is too much to bear. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences no matter how painful. I really feel for you as I know how much your cats meant to you, as mine does to me.
Reading all these blogs I can see I’m not the only one having problems with foxes in Harrow. I have 3 big boxer dogs, 3 cats and young children. Foxes are becoming a complete nuisance!! They already attacked two of my cats and are not scared of us in fact they even growl at my husband when he tries to chase them away. The only thing they are scared of is my dogs and I don’t let my children play in the garden unless at least one dog is out with them. This is no way to live and we are getting desperate now! Surely there is something that can be done!!?
Reading all these blogs I can see I’m not the only one having problems with foxes in Harrow. I have 3 big boxer dogs, 3 cats and young children. Foxes are becoming a complete nuisance!! They already attacked two of my cats and are not scared of us in fact they even growl at my husband when he tries to chase them away. The only thing they are scared of is my dogs and I don’t let my children play in the garden unless at least one dog is out with them. This is no way to live and we are getting desperate now! Surely there is something that can be done!!?
We live in Windsor and our 8kg tabby male has just been chased into the house by a screaming banshee of a Fox, very scary stuff. Looked up this behaviour online and found this website, now convinced the Fox wanted my boy for dinner!!! He’s pretty shaken and that’s the last time either of my cats go out at night
We live in Windsor and our 8kg tabby male has just been chased into the house by a screaming banshee of a Fox, very scary stuff. Looked up this behaviour online and found this website, now convinced the Fox wanted my boy for dinner!!! He’s pretty shaken and that’s the last time either of my cats go out at night
We have 5 cats. We heard some yowling went out and our cats were standing off a fox on top of a shed where it had chased and cornered a kitten. Kitten has come into our house and is luckily un hurt but we will have to try and find owners and warn them as he is far too small to be out at night. Luckily our cats saved him
We have 5 cats. We heard some yowling went out and our cats were standing off a fox on top of a shed where it had chased and cornered a kitten. Kitten has come into our house and is luckily un hurt but we will have to try and find owners and warn them as he is far too small to be out at night. Luckily our cats saved him
I have just found my cat, decapitated. I can only assume it was a fox, but have no clue as to what has happened to her. She was an 8 year old Persian. I am worried for my other 5 cats now. I live in the middle of the countryside, I’ve only seen 3 foxes in 16 years of living here. Could it have been a badger?
I have just found my cat, decapitated. I can only assume it was a fox, but have no clue as to what has happened to her. She was an 8 year old Persian. I am worried for my other 5 cats now. I live in the middle of the countryside, I’ve only seen 3 foxes in 16 years of living here. Could it have been a badger?
My little 2 year old hasn’t even managed to catch a bird yet. Just watched it this minute chase a fox out the garden and into the fields. Must like its prey big 😉
My little 2 year old hasn’t even managed to catch a bird yet. Just watched it this minute chase a fox out the garden and into the fields. Must like its prey big 😉
Bin bags have been replaced here by wheelie bins, the local foxes are getting desperate without their usual food source. Today in broad daylight was a fox on the patio, and from its belly I assume it’s got babies to feed. At 2:45 am I heard that terrible fox noise and looked out to see it chasing my cat out from under the car. I chased it down the street and tried calling for the cat, but she’d streaked towards the secret cat alleys and was home on the sofa before me. Frightening though, and she seemed happier and little more receptive to have my company than usual, she’s normally a grumpy fiesty little thing!
Bin bags have been replaced here by wheelie bins, the local foxes are getting desperate without their usual food source. Today in broad daylight was a fox on the patio, and from its belly I assume it’s got babies to feed. At 2:45 am I heard that terrible fox noise and looked out to see it chasing my cat out from under the car. I chased it down the street and tried calling for the cat, but she’d streaked towards the secret cat alleys and was home on the sofa before me. Frightening though, and she seemed happier and little more receptive to have my company than usual, she’s normally a grumpy fiesty little thing!
Well, its 2pm in the afternoon and I have seen yet another fox in the back garden and I am East London!
Urban foxes are becoming a common sight in the day – and it seemed to be very agile hopping over fences.
Well, its 2pm in the afternoon and I have seen yet another fox in the back garden and I am East London!
Urban foxes are becoming a common sight in the day – and it seemed to be very agile hopping over fences.
7pm Heard a disturbance and a thud at the french windows. Went to investigate – opened the door and my cat bolted through the door. Not 4 foot away at the top of the patio steps was a sizable fox who shot off when he saw me. No harm to the cat but I wonder if she disturbed a litter (there has been cubs in the garden in the last 2 years). Seems that a there is an increase this time of year. Keep em after dark folks. Harrow NW London
7pm Heard a disturbance and a thud at the french windows. Went to investigate – opened the door and my cat bolted through the door. Not 4 foot away at the top of the patio steps was a sizable fox who shot off when he saw me. No harm to the cat but I wonder if she disturbed a litter (there has been cubs in the garden in the last 2 years). Seems that a there is an increase this time of year. Keep em after dark folks. Harrow NW London
We live next to a field, in a semi urban area just outside Brighton. I think we have just seen something quite rare, and we have been very lucky that our 4 year old male cat is ok. Our cat woke us up meowing by the back door to go out at about 4 am, so we let him out and went back to bed. At about 5 am we were woken up again by foxes braying. I looked out of the window to see two large foxes in our garden had cornered our cat, who was sitting on top of a fence in a distressed state. I went outside to rescue the cat but the foxes at first weren’t bothered by my presence until I started throwing pebbles at them. Once I had rescued the cat and brought him back in, I looked out of the window again and one of the foxes had come back and was right by the back door sniffing around. This whole experience was very strange as these foxes were not what I would describe as timid and from what I’ve read they don’t hunt together but these two clearly were. We are wondering if our cat had somehow disturbed their Cubs?
It is possible your cat disturbed the cubs.
We live next to a field, in a semi urban area just outside Brighton. I think we have just seen something quite rare, and we have been very lucky that our 4 year old male cat is ok. Our cat woke us up meowing by the back door to go out at about 4 am, so we let him out and went back to bed. At about 5 am we were woken up again by foxes braying. I looked out of the window to see two large foxes in our garden had cornered our cat, who was sitting on top of a fence in a distressed state. I went outside to rescue the cat but the foxes at first weren’t bothered by my presence until I started throwing pebbles at them. Once I had rescued the cat and brought him back in, I looked out of the window again and one of the foxes had come back and was right by the back door sniffing around. This whole experience was very strange as these foxes were not what I would describe as timid and from what I’ve read they don’t hunt together but these two clearly were. We are wondering if our cat had somehow disturbed their Cubs?
i googled this to find out if foxes attack cats as i live in an area where there are lots of foxes and every now and then(quite often) i see people leaving messages on lamp posts and shop windows wanting to know if anyone has seen their missing cat .i have owned cats myself so feel for these people and hope it wasnt the foxes that were responsible
i googled this to find out if foxes attack cats as i live in an area where there are lots of foxes and every now and then(quite often) i see people leaving messages on lamp posts and shop windows wanting to know if anyone has seen their missing cat .i have owned cats myself so feel for these people and hope it wasnt the foxes that were responsible
Our 1 year old Persian cat was attacked and killed by a fox this winter 2015 in east London near to Epping forest where there are a large numbers of urban foxes. The body had been eaten in-line with an animal attack. We did try to keep the cat inside at dusk and dark but its not easy to do every day, this attack occurred between 5.30 – 7.30. For some reason there is a general perception that urban foxes do not pose any danger and should be protected even when they are rapidly increasing in numbers and a serious threat to other wild life. Local councils do not get involved as the problem is too difficult for them to manage and so the problem gets worse.
Our 1 year old Persian cat was attacked and killed by a fox this winter 2015 in east London near to Epping forest where there are a large numbers of urban foxes. The body had been eaten in-line with an animal attack. We did try to keep the cat inside at dusk and dark but its not easy to do every day, this attack occurred between 5.30 – 7.30. For some reason there is a general perception that urban foxes do not pose any danger and should be protected even when they are rapidly increasing in numbers and a serious threat to other wild life. Local councils do not get involved as the problem is too difficult for them to manage and so the problem gets worse.
Just saved my mums cat 2years old from a fox .. He was attacked a month ago leaving a bad injury to his paws which needed stitches wouldn’t have beloved it it had I not seen it myself our cat is very scared to go out side the cat was one side of the car and the fox was creeping round behind the other side
Just saved my mums cat 2years old from a fox .. He was attacked a month ago leaving a bad injury to his paws which needed stitches wouldn’t have beloved it it had I not seen it myself our cat is very scared to go out side the cat was one side of the car and the fox was creeping round behind the other side
I found my 10 month old cat yesterday morning, in my back garden in south-west London, absolutely mutilated with her head and a leg missing. She had been seen that morning in an area three foxes are often seen. I never thought I’d see her in such a state, and it’s devastating. Is there anything to be done about these foxes?
How do you know it was foxes? Has this kind of thing happened since you published your posting? SNARL have said human intervention is involved.
I had mine get snatched it’s on CCTV, she didn’t go near other people, only me. She was only alright with foxes as she was used to them. All gardens are enclosed, only foxes and cats go in them at night and my neighbours heard them when my cat was snatched. They are trying to attack in the day too & went for my granddaughter who is 9! Read snarl’s report again, mostly by foxes.
I found my 10 month old cat yesterday morning, in my back garden in south-west London, absolutely mutilated with her head and a leg missing. She had been seen that morning in an area three foxes are often seen. I never thought I’d see her in such a state, and it’s devastating. Is there anything to be done about these foxes?
Hi Everyone,
I am so sorry to read all the sad stories. Poor our pets, is there any wnd to this?! Last night my husband and I were woken up by a fox’s cry and as our 17 year old tabby was or At home, we rushed outside to rescue him. We have scared the fox away, but asomething else also run away( it was sitting under neighbourgh’s care before we came out). We were not sure whether it was our terrified cat, but since he was not at home( and normally he always stays in at night), we went to check the whole are at 2 AM. After 30 minutes we returned home empty handed and he was there right on our bed. It was such a relief, but it still could be someone else’s cat the fox was chasing! I then went to check on the Internet if foxes attack cats, and came across this site. My cats will not be allowed to go out at night anymore.
Other than keeping out little one at night indoors, I do not know what else can be done to help?
Hi Everyone,
I am so sorry to read all the sad stories. Poor our pets, is there any wnd to this?! Last night my husband and I were woken up by a fox’s cry and as our 17 year old tabby was or At home, we rushed outside to rescue him. We have scared the fox away, but asomething else also run away( it was sitting under neighbourgh’s care before we came out). We were not sure whether it was our terrified cat, but since he was not at home( and normally he always stays in at night), we went to check the whole are at 2 AM. After 30 minutes we returned home empty handed and he was there right on our bed. It was such a relief, but it still could be someone else’s cat the fox was chasing! I then went to check on the Internet if foxes attack cats, and came across this site. My cats will not be allowed to go out at night anymore.
Other than keeping out little one at night indoors, I do not know what else can be done to help?
Unfortunately we found my lovely cats body minus her head right by the foxes den. Please keep your cats safe by ensuring they are indoors at night. I would hate someone to be going through what I am now x
Unfortunately we found my lovely cats body minus her head right by the foxes den. Please keep your cats safe by ensuring they are indoors at night. I would hate someone to be going through what I am now x
My cat is 7 he is adorable. He likes to go out all the time. I got a fright just this morning he woke me up to let him out at 4 am he normally wakes me at all hours. On a few times I have seen a MASSIVE fox about three times his size pass in the street at the same time this obviously shook me up big time. He still wanted to go out to confine him inside is not an option he has to go even if you try and stop it. This morning a MASSIVE FOX passed the house just as I was going to let it out and ran along quickly I did give it some time before letting my cat out and seemed ok this time he was lucky again and came back safely I do DREAD the time I hope he never comes into contact with anything like that EVER.
My cat is 7 he is adorable. He likes to go out all the time. I got a fright just this morning he woke me up to let him out at 4 am he normally wakes me at all hours. On a few times I have seen a MASSIVE fox about three times his size pass in the street at the same time this obviously shook me up big time. He still wanted to go out to confine him inside is not an option he has to go even if you try and stop it. This morning a MASSIVE FOX passed the house just as I was going to let it out and ran along quickly I did give it some time before letting my cat out and seemed ok this time he was lucky again and came back safely I do DREAD the time I hope he never comes into contact with anything like that EVER.
My lovely ginger male kitten 3 months old been missing for past week now. My neighbors told me he saw a large fox taken down my kitten at right front of my house around 11pm. He tried to chased the fox and the fox dropped the kitten and run away. my neighbor didn’t know its our kitten hence he came back to his home while my kitten hide under one of the street car. since than we don’t know where is my kitten is. we are completley heartbroken. dont even know if its still alive or dead.
My lovely ginger male kitten 3 months old been missing for past week now. My neighbors told me he saw a large fox taken down my kitten at right front of my house around 11pm. He tried to chased the fox and the fox dropped the kitten and run away. my neighbor didn’t know its our kitten hence he came back to his home while my kitten hide under one of the street car. since than we don’t know where is my kitten is. we are completley heartbroken. dont even know if its still alive or dead.
My beautiful cat who was only one year old has been missing for 3 days now. All that I have found is a pool of blood and her collar which has been ripped in half. The collar has a distinctive fox smell, so I am certain a fox has taken her and I know the outcome wasn’t good from the amount of blood. I am hoping we can find her body 🙁 if you are reading this, please think twice before letting your cats out at night if there are foxes in the area.
My beautiful cat who was only one year old has been missing for 3 days now. All that I have found is a pool of blood and her collar which has been ripped in half. The collar has a distinctive fox smell, so I am certain a fox has taken her and I know the outcome wasn’t good from the amount of blood. I am hoping we can find her body 🙁 if you are reading this, please think twice before letting your cats out at night if there are foxes in the area.
My cats go out for an hour early morning and late afternoon. I like to get them in before dark but Sam my youngest was desperate to get out for a bit at night and Ive found out why! Hes plays with a young fox on the field next our home and they have a wonderful time! But after reading these comments it wont be happening again! Foxes will be hungry and at night they hunt for food its nature, keep your cats in at night, keep them safe 😉 x
My cats go out for an hour early morning and late afternoon. I like to get them in before dark but Sam my youngest was desperate to get out for a bit at night and Ive found out why! Hes plays with a young fox on the field next our home and they have a wonderful time! But after reading these comments it wont be happening again! Foxes will be hungry and at night they hunt for food its nature, keep your cats in at night, keep them safe 😉 x
I witnessed my cat being attacked by a fox 10 days ago. just outside my garden door . I banged on the glass and the fox ran off. My cat had a puncture mark under her tail which sadly developed a abscess and she now has a big open wound that the vet has not been able to stitch .
Thankfully she’s still alive . I’ll be far more cautious as I’d been told foxes don’t attact cats!!
25 sept 2014
I witnessed my cat being attacked by a fox 10 days ago. just outside my garden door . I banged on the glass and the fox ran off. My cat had a puncture mark under her tail which sadly developed a abscess and she now has a big open wound that the vet has not been able to stitch .
Thankfully she’s still alive . I’ll be far more cautious as I’d been told foxes don’t attact cats!!
25 sept 2014
I’m so sad to read the tragic comments on this thread, its 1am and I’ve sat up waiting for my cat to come home tonight – and saw 5 foxes! Ive been beside myself but thankfully he is now Home. Wanted to post to restore a little bit of faith for the next person who like me sits reading these sad sad comments whilst waiting for their cat to return 🙁 x
I’m so sad to read the tragic comments on this thread, its 1am and I’ve sat up waiting for my cat to come home tonight – and saw 5 foxes! Ive been beside myself but thankfully he is now Home. Wanted to post to restore a little bit of faith for the next person who like me sits reading these sad sad comments whilst waiting for their cat to return 🙁 x
FOXES DO KILL CATS!!!!! I have this morning had to bury my beautiful 16 month old cat who had suffered the worst attack possible from a fox last night. We were awoken by that awful noise foxes make but we were too late to help. I can only hope she didn’t suffer and having spoken to our vest who assures me she would have most likely died from shock before she was killed Look after your cats at night.
FOXES DO KILL CATS!!!!! I have this morning had to bury my beautiful 16 month old cat who had suffered the worst attack possible from a fox last night. We were awoken by that awful noise foxes make but we were too late to help. I can only hope she didn’t suffer and having spoken to our vest who assures me she would have most likely died from shock before she was killed Look after your cats at night.
Like annetta nagle I live in Bushey, Herts. Our neighbour’s 10 month old cat was dismembered by a fox in the garden. I’m so worried for my 2 cats now, the foxes seem bolder than ever. The dead cat was buried in its garden, the cats are being killed, but their deaths aren’t being monitored for the statistics. I’m so sorry for everyone who’s lost their cat, our pets become part of the family. Foxes killing cats is a real and present problem.
Like annetta nagle I live in Bushey, Herts. Our neighbour’s 10 month old cat was dismembered by a fox in the garden. I’m so worried for my 2 cats now, the foxes seem bolder than ever. The dead cat was buried in its garden, the cats are being killed, but their deaths aren’t being monitored for the statistics. I’m so sorry for everyone who’s lost their cat, our pets become part of the family. Foxes killing cats is a real and present problem.
My 1year old cat Nico has been missing for a few days now, its not like him to go wondering off for days. There are a family of foxes in our area who are only seen at night, i never thought they would be a threat to him or my other cat, i always assumed cats would have the upper hand with foxes. Im scared after reading everyones story, my cat may never come home. I dont know what to do, i looked everywhere for him, theres no trace of him anywhere. Im expecting him to jump in through the kitchen window at anytime. Its weird but my other cat hugo slept in nicos sleeping area the night nico didnt turn up, maybe he misses nico too. I will contact the council regarding the foxes not sure if they can actually do anything.
My 1year old cat Nico has been missing for a few days now, its not like him to go wondering off for days. There are a family of foxes in our area who are only seen at night, i never thought they would be a threat to him or my other cat, i always assumed cats would have the upper hand with foxes. Im scared after reading everyones story, my cat may never come home. I dont know what to do, i looked everywhere for him, theres no trace of him anywhere. Im expecting him to jump in through the kitchen window at anytime. Its weird but my other cat hugo slept in nicos sleeping area the night nico didnt turn up, maybe he misses nico too. I will contact the council regarding the foxes not sure if they can actually do anything.
I live in Leeds and my beautiful cat Sox who was 17years old was attacked and killed by a fox a week ago. We found her without her head in the garden. I can’t imagine what she went through. Something needs to be done. It’s extremely devastating. I can’t stop thinking about it.
I live in Leeds and my beautiful cat Sox who was 17years old was attacked and killed by a fox a week ago. We found her without her head in the garden. I can’t imagine what she went through. Something needs to be done. It’s extremely devastating. I can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s 2am. Just rescued my cat from a fox attack in Gtr. Manchester. Heard screeches and yowls from outside the home so rushed outside as it sounded like sounds the cat has made when fighting. A fox ran away across the grass, stopping briefly to look back, and then was gone. Searched around the hedges with a torch for some time but did not get any responses. After perhaps 20 minutes, poked head into a neighbours garden and it had jumped onto a piece of furniture outside their front door. Was sitting looking very scared.
No external bites but was shaking a lot and also had matted saliva covered fur at the back of her neck showing where she was grabbed and tugged.
Back legs seem weak … perhaps strained or twisted them while trying to get away … or alternatively muscular exhaustion from having to work so hard not to get dragged off. Will see how she’s walking in the morning and get her to the vet for a check-up if she isn’t back to normal!
She did well as the fox looked young and agile and this cat is 18 years old – extremely good health for her age – but perhaps caught unawares while sleeping.
Will certainly be investigating ways to seal up the gaps in the fences so she can roam or sleep without wild fox attacks!
It’s 2am. Just rescued my cat from a fox attack in Gtr. Manchester. Heard screeches and yowls from outside the home so rushed outside as it sounded like sounds the cat has made when fighting. A fox ran away across the grass, stopping briefly to look back, and then was gone. Searched around the hedges with a torch for some time but did not get any responses. After perhaps 20 minutes, poked head into a neighbours garden and it had jumped onto a piece of furniture outside their front door. Was sitting looking very scared.
No external bites but was shaking a lot and also had matted saliva covered fur at the back of her neck showing where she was grabbed and tugged.
Back legs seem weak … perhaps strained or twisted them while trying to get away … or alternatively muscular exhaustion from having to work so hard not to get dragged off. Will see how she’s walking in the morning and get her to the vet for a check-up if she isn’t back to normal!
She did well as the fox looked young and agile and this cat is 18 years old – extremely good health for her age – but perhaps caught unawares while sleeping.
Will certainly be investigating ways to seal up the gaps in the fences so she can roam or sleep without wild fox attacks!
2.50am and I can’t sleep, and just as well, I went into the kitchen to sit at the window to have a cigarette, I don’t switch the light on. As I’ve opened the window I see my cat sitting by a tree in the garden not a care in the world, then I see something move behind the wheelie bins, thinking it’s another cat, expecting my cat to see it off (he’s very protective of his territory) he dosnt he just sits there. Then this fox comes out from behind the bins. The fox dosnt see my cat as he’s round the corner of the shed and my cat didn’t see the fox, I didn’t make any noise but the fox saw me and ran off thankfully. My cat then must have heard the fox and was quite interested, I managed to coax my cat in, and I think that will be the last time he goes out at night. I don’t have a cat flap as I live in a g/floor flat with no exclusive enterance to the garden so my cat uses the kitchen window.
2.50am and I can’t sleep, and just as well, I went into the kitchen to sit at the window to have a cigarette, I don’t switch the light on. As I’ve opened the window I see my cat sitting by a tree in the garden not a care in the world, then I see something move behind the wheelie bins, thinking it’s another cat, expecting my cat to see it off (he’s very protective of his territory) he dosnt he just sits there. Then this fox comes out from behind the bins. The fox dosnt see my cat as he’s round the corner of the shed and my cat didn’t see the fox, I didn’t make any noise but the fox saw me and ran off thankfully. My cat then must have heard the fox and was quite interested, I managed to coax my cat in, and I think that will be the last time he goes out at night. I don’t have a cat flap as I live in a g/floor flat with no exclusive enterance to the garden so my cat uses the kitchen window.
Just heard foxes outside, my cats are in tonight ,all three have come running in.
Just heard foxes outside, my cats are in tonight ,all three have come running in.
My cat sooty was a beautiful friendly cat, she went missing in the spring, not like her at all, always comes in on time. We new something had happened, my daughter said the evening sooty went missing a fox sat looking through the French doors. Her tail was found in the neighbours garden shredded. I know foxes eat cats. We live in the city of leicester.
My cat sooty was a beautiful friendly cat, she went missing in the spring, not like her at all, always comes in on time. We new something had happened, my daughter said the evening sooty went missing a fox sat looking through the French doors. Her tail was found in the neighbours garden shredded. I know foxes eat cats. We live in the city of leicester.
In the last month my old cat was killed and eaten by a fox – my youngster was badly hurt and very traumatised by an attack. Once the foxes learn that cats can be attacked they will continue to do so – and they do hunt in packs -teaching each other that cats are fair game. My cat will no longer be going out alone – not that she wants to right now – she is too frightened.
In the last month my old cat was killed and eaten by a fox – my youngster was badly hurt and very traumatised by an attack. Once the foxes learn that cats can be attacked they will continue to do so – and they do hunt in packs -teaching each other that cats are fair game. My cat will no longer be going out alone – not that she wants to right now – she is too frightened.
A neighbours cat was attacked last night, in a quiet urban road by a family of foxes. It put up a tremendous fight but was overcome by the foxes circling and biting. I tried to shoo them away but the leader came back and carried the cat off. It was found dead further down the road this morning. Very sad and horrific!
A neighbours cat was attacked last night, in a quiet urban road by a family of foxes. It put up a tremendous fight but was overcome by the foxes circling and biting. I tried to shoo them away but the leader came back and carried the cat off. It was found dead further down the road this morning. Very sad and horrific!
We had 2 cats and now have one. Our older cat Catkin(10) has been missing since 18th June. We have a family of fox living next door and numerous other foxes passing through. I have been present when foxes have attempted to attack my cats and was able to intervene but I fear this time during daylight hours we were not about to help. I have no evidence it was the foxes but it seems the most likely explanation. Those people who feed foxes are encouraging them to be less afraid of people, more daring in their actions and artificially increasing the population to epidemic levels.
We had 2 cats and now have one. Our older cat Catkin(10) has been missing since 18th June. We have a family of fox living next door and numerous other foxes passing through. I have been present when foxes have attempted to attack my cats and was able to intervene but I fear this time during daylight hours we were not about to help. I have no evidence it was the foxes but it seems the most likely explanation. Those people who feed foxes are encouraging them to be less afraid of people, more daring in their actions and artificially increasing the population to epidemic levels.
The database is all well and good but it doubt it includes the deaths people have experienced here. You’re hardly going to gather the bits left and take them to the Vet to be counted! I was also told by my vet that attacks are rare. Yet in the space of 6 weeks, 1 cat has survived an attack (and was treated at my Vets!) and 3 cats, including my 15yr old are missing, all from one street in SW London. One of the missing survived an attack a few years ago.
I think we know how smart Foxes are, I once had one come in through the catflap. Lets not pretend they’re innocent; they are the real culprits for so many disappeared cats. Genuinely at a loss at what to do about it.
The database is all well and good but it doubt it includes the deaths people have experienced here. You’re hardly going to gather the bits left and take them to the Vet to be counted! I was also told by my vet that attacks are rare. Yet in the space of 6 weeks, 1 cat has survived an attack (and was treated at my Vets!) and 3 cats, including my 15yr old are missing, all from one street in SW London. One of the missing survived an attack a few years ago.
I think we know how smart Foxes are, I once had one come in through the catflap. Lets not pretend they’re innocent; they are the real culprits for so many disappeared cats. Genuinely at a loss at what to do about it.
Interesting reading as SNARL have said some of these mutilations are human intervention.
I’m convinced foxes attack cats in London and the conventional wisdom on this blog is wrong. They were preying on my cat with predator eyes and in numbers as time went on. Luckily I managed to scare them off with a flash light and get my cat over over the neighbour’s garden fence.
Whilst sitting in my garden at the weekend, a large dog fox chased my cat across the garden grabbing its tail. Our cat is small and fast, only 2 years old .. she shot up a tree and escaped. The fox ran off. No doubt in my mind that foxes kill/eat cats, but how on earth can you protect them? Our garden is open to the heath in Reigate, Surrey.
Whilst sitting in my garden at the weekend, a large dog fox chased my cat across the garden grabbing its tail. Our cat is small and fast, only 2 years old .. she shot up a tree and escaped. The fox ran off. No doubt in my mind that foxes kill/eat cats, but how on earth can you protect them? Our garden is open to the heath in Reigate, Surrey.
Suki our three year old cat had been missing for a week. Sadly she was found dead in a neighbours garden with her mouth ripped and fur missing. I can only put it down to foxes because a lot have been seen at night on the street. I always thought that a cat could fight off a fox, but now Ive changed my mind. Ive started keeping my other cat in at night,
Suki our three year old cat had been missing for a week. Sadly she was found dead in a neighbours garden with her mouth ripped and fur missing. I can only put it down to foxes because a lot have been seen at night on the street. I always thought that a cat could fight off a fox, but now Ive changed my mind. Ive started keeping my other cat in at night,
My one year old cat went missing 3 days ago. A neighbour found his collar and half of his tail in their garden. I was hopeful that he might limp home but as each day passes this is less likely. We have lots of foxes in the gardens around here (south Leicester) and it looks likely that this was a fox attack. If you are lucky enough to still have your cat, please take precautions to keep them safe.
My one year old cat went missing 3 days ago. A neighbour found his collar and half of his tail in their garden. I was hopeful that he might limp home but as each day passes this is less likely. We have lots of foxes in the gardens around here (south Leicester) and it looks likely that this was a fox attack. If you are lucky enough to still have your cat, please take precautions to keep them safe.
Its, 2 am and I am anxious about my 10 months old kitten who I have seen being attacked by a fox. Our neighbours pregnant cat had her legs eaten by a fox and killed as a result. This was in Harrow northwest London as well. These attacks are becoming more common and I am afraid we will have to scare the foxes away from our gardens using whatever force necessary. I know what I will do to a fox if I see one in my back garden.
Its, 2 am and I am anxious about my 10 months old kitten who I have seen being attacked by a fox. Our neighbours pregnant cat had her legs eaten by a fox and killed as a result. This was in Harrow northwest London as well. These attacks are becoming more common and I am afraid we will have to scare the foxes away from our gardens using whatever force necessary. I know what I will do to a fox if I see one in my back garden.
We believe our cat was attacked by a fox on Wednesday- she had severe lacerations to her legs and feet, cuts all over her body and bite marks. One of her feet was bitten so badly she needed it to be re constructed.
This happened at about 9.30 pm – she’s lucky to be alive!
We believe our cat was attacked by a fox on Wednesday- she had severe lacerations to her legs and feet, cuts all over her body and bite marks. One of her feet was bitten so badly she needed it to be re constructed.
This happened at about 9.30 pm – she’s lucky to be alive!
I found a dead cat this morning in the garden which had been killed by a fox. It looked like a strong healthy young cat but had been ripped open. My neighbour told me her cat had been killed by a fox a couple of weeks ago as well as a couple of her chickens.
I’m afraid of letting my 3 cats out after dark now but they’re protesting about being locked in.
I found a dead cat this morning in the garden which had been killed by a fox. It looked like a strong healthy young cat but had been ripped open. My neighbour told me her cat had been killed by a fox a couple of weeks ago as well as a couple of her chickens.
I’m afraid of letting my 3 cats out after dark now but they’re protesting about being locked in.
I have just found what’s left of my cat, right next to the fox hole. I’m afraid in my books that’s damning evidence! She was a member of our family for 18 years, so some comfort that she did have a long and happy life. I know foxes only do what foxes do, but am having a hard time forgiving them at the moment. I can certainly see why farmers consider them vermin.
I have just found what’s left of my cat, right next to the fox hole. I’m afraid in my books that’s damning evidence! She was a member of our family for 18 years, so some comfort that she did have a long and happy life. I know foxes only do what foxes do, but am having a hard time forgiving them at the moment. I can certainly see why farmers consider them vermin.
I’m writing this whilst my small 7month old kitten is having surgery to rebuild her jaw, ear and have numerous stitches after a fox attack at 8am this morning… I heard noises in my garden and found the fox had cornered my cat behind my shed, as I shouted to scare the fox, it managed to get hold of my cats head and drag it over my neighbours fence and tried to drag her away. Luckily he dropped her. I can’t bare the think what would have happened had I not have heard the noises. It’s was really scary. I will certaining be taking extra measures to make sure my garden is fox free! However, more needs to be done in public areas, such as the allyways, to sure risks against pets are minimised!
I’m writing this whilst my small 7month old kitten is having surgery to rebuild her jaw, ear and have numerous stitches after a fox attack at 8am this morning… I heard noises in my garden and found the fox had cornered my cat behind my shed, as I shouted to scare the fox, it managed to get hold of my cats head and drag it over my neighbours fence and tried to drag her away. Luckily he dropped her. I can’t bare the think what would have happened had I not have heard the noises. It’s was really scary. I will certaining be taking extra measures to make sure my garden is fox free! However, more needs to be done in public areas, such as the allyways, to sure risks against pets are minimised!
My beautiful boy cat Ollie had to be put to sleep on May 3 2014 due to a fox attack early in the morning. Had I not witnessed this myself I would never had believed it.
Being 13+ years old his age was against him as the injury was so severe he lost the use of his hind legs. We suspect my neighbours cat was also attacked last year and had a facial injury, luckily he is now ok, but very wary of foxes.
My beautiful boy cat Ollie had to be put to sleep on May 3 2014 due to a fox attack early in the morning. Had I not witnessed this myself I would never had believed it.
Being 13+ years old his age was against him as the injury was so severe he lost the use of his hind legs. We suspect my neighbours cat was also attacked last year and had a facial injury, luckily he is now ok, but very wary of foxes.
I just read ur article about your cat Olli. I’m so sorry. I’m trying to keep my cat Bob in at night as we have so many foxes around its scarey. I think I have many sleepless nights ahead trying to get him to my way of thinking!
My dog has been attacked by a fox in our back garden 3 times in the past two weeks. On all occasions the attacks were in broad day light, whilst I or my partner were in the garden. We were sitting on the patio and the dog was just running or sitting in the garden and then all of a sudden the fox crept from behind a bush a pounced on our dog. The dog only stopped when we started shouting and threw stuff at him, but even then he/she stopped and stared at us for a few minutes before running off. What next our 3 and 4 year old kids whilst they are playing in the garden. Something has to be done about getting rid of these vicious animals from our back gardens. The council say they are non-threatening and will not attack pets or children – yeah right!!!
My dog was attacked and killed in u garden at 8,30 in the morning. My little Boysie was a handsome Yorkshire Terrior. I am heartbroken. He was only 5 years of age. I suggest people stop feeding foxes. I see lots of foxes and they and tried to walk towards me many times as I pick my little dog up. Not scared and me having to run tk a neighbours house as I was scared. They are becoming dangerous with babies and coming into people’s homes. I do such proplecwoukd stop feeding them and our country needs to act quickly in these animals. Please everyone look after your small pets and babies. I do not wish this on anyone. I am so heartbroken 💙
I totally agree with you… they’re NOT scared , they mean business, it’s not just at night time and I don’t know what we’re supposed to do…!!! ?
My dog has been attacked by a fox in our back garden 3 times in the past two weeks. On all occasions the attacks were in broad day light, whilst I or my partner were in the garden. We were sitting on the patio and the dog was just running or sitting in the garden and then all of a sudden the fox crept from behind a bush a pounced on our dog. The dog only stopped when we started shouting and threw stuff at him, but even then he/she stopped and stared at us for a few minutes before running off. What next our 3 and 4 year old kids whilst they are playing in the garden. Something has to be done about getting rid of these vicious animals from our back gardens. The council say they are non-threatening and will not attack pets or children – yeah right!!!
I have just been woken by the very loud noise of a fox outside in the road in the west end of glasgow. It had cornered a fairly large and healthy looking cat and was making every effort to have the cat for dinner. The fox did not move when I approached, shooing it and making as much noise as I could to frighten it away. Only when the owner of the cat arrived and threw her umbrella at the fox several times did I it finally back off. She said her cat is regularly attacked by foxes. I have no doubt what- so- ever that this fox meant business.
I have just been woken by the very loud noise of a fox outside in the road in the west end of glasgow. It had cornered a fairly large and healthy looking cat and was making every effort to have the cat for dinner. The fox did not move when I approached, shooing it and making as much noise as I could to frighten it away. Only when the owner of the cat arrived and threw her umbrella at the fox several times did I it finally back off. She said her cat is regularly attacked by foxes. I have no doubt what- so- ever that this fox meant business.
My sister has lost two 10 year old cats to a fox in the space of 8 days, she found one’s body bitten and scratched the other she only found the bloody collar and fur, the vet said that when they have young to feed they can take risks and attack cats. This was in Bushey herts.
My sister has lost two 10 year old cats to a fox in the space of 8 days, she found one’s body bitten and scratched the other she only found the bloody collar and fur, the vet said that when they have young to feed they can take risks and attack cats. This was in Bushey herts.
Just yesterday 29 march 2014 our cat was being chased down the garden by a large fox trying to grab and bite him. Thank god we saw it and made lots of noise to put him/her off. My poor old cat wouldn’t have survived an attack. This was in Harrow North West London.
I am living in Ottawa, Canada. My beloved middle-aged cat was killed by a fox on our suburban street 1 week ago. Foxes do kill cats.
Just yesterday 29 march 2014 our cat was being chased down the garden by a large fox trying to grab and bite him. Thank god we saw it and made lots of noise to put him/her off. My poor old cat wouldn’t have survived an attack. This was in Harrow North West London.
Writing this as my cat waits for an operation after being attacked by a fox in our back garden in West London.
He’s ten years old and I have seen him on numerous occasions nose to nose with foxes without any animosity or fear, even seen them playing together.
Last night his leg was shattered in an attack right outside our back door.
The fox retreated a few steps and sat staring as I delt with my cat.
I’m dealing with a situation this morning on my farm. I heard the fox and heard one of my barn cats. I opened my window an my cat went up the tree, the fox ran but he is back. I’m going to have a problem.
Writing this as my cat waits for an operation after being attacked by a fox in our back garden in West London.
He’s ten years old and I have seen him on numerous occasions nose to nose with foxes without any animosity or fear, even seen them playing together.
Last night his leg was shattered in an attack right outside our back door.
The fox retreated a few steps and sat staring as I delt with my cat.
Thanks for this…our cat was attacked last week – we think by a fox. Cat ended up with numerous bites and scratches, plus four deep cuts requiring 21 stitches.
Our last cat became a fox’s dinner – it was a particularly cold winter and we think the fox was desperate. And a neighbour had seen a parent fox teaching it’s cubs to hunt – they were circling her ancient moggy.
So it does happen…and at least this time, the cat survived…
We think a mother fox got our 7 year old cat there where 3 babies around but they did nothing to our cat now there gone and so is our cat we are so saddened by this 😟
Thanks for this…our cat was attacked last week – we think by a fox. Cat ended up with numerous bites and scratches, plus four deep cuts requiring 21 stitches.
Our last cat became a fox’s dinner – it was a particularly cold winter and we think the fox was desperate. And a neighbour had seen a parent fox teaching it’s cubs to hunt – they were circling her ancient moggy.
So it does happen…and at least this time, the cat survived…
I only came to this site because i was looking out my window in my bedroom and i hear a cat meowing (luckily not my cat) and a few minutes later i see fox go behind my flat and the meowing stopped (theres two more next to my place) we have a car park near us too and on occasions some cats will be there and i quickly go back to bed to type this
In the main, whilst a fox, like a dog will chase a cat, it will try and avoid fighting with the cat as it could end up with serious injuries. Owners of cats need to understand that’s whilst their moggy is a pampered part of the family indoors, once outside all the basic instincts of survival take over. To understand how dangerous a cat is to a dog or a Fox, my German Shepherd saw a cat in a hedge, lunged for it and the dog came off far worse needing 146 stitches as the cat got under the dogs belly and used it’s power back legs and claws to rip at the dog… just as they do in play with us!
We have this discussion in our expanded neighbourhood(Camden, Upper& Lower Holloway, Highbury) about foxes killing or hurting cats.There are some fox fanatics in the area who do feed foxes, even we do ask them not to!Our neighbours cat was hurt badly, but was screaming, luckily the owner was just in the kitchen and heard the noise and was able to rescue her fully grown 9 year old cat, who was fit and healthy: All the comments in our neighbourhood are frightening as we got a huge fox population, also due to so many junkfood chaines which of course attracts them:In our garden lives a whole fox family on our shed. Being a medical professional, having specialized also in tropical medicine and parasitology the cases with Echinococcus infections have increased rapidly over the years!Especially families with kids spend a lot of time in their gardens, having plots of vegetables, toddlers crawling on the gras etc. direct hosts…We as pet owners are legally obliged to have our pets injected yearly with the Echinococcus treatment. A lot of people are not even aware how dangerous this infection is!I have seen terrible results in young and old-it takes years to discover with fatal outcomes….I wish all these Fox- fanatics would be aware of this danger and would accept that the fox-population doesn’t belong to a big city’s”wonderful wildlife”Of course they have been driven out of their natural habitat, but they are an indirect danger to humans and especially cats. I wish naivety would be taken more serious and that we try to protect us and our beloved pets.
Really sorry to hear about your cat, I’ve just chased 2 foxes away from my kitchen door for the second time this week DEFINITELY chasing and hunting my cats who are 7 years old , I’m at the end of my tether now, I’ve secured the gaps that I can see in the fencing around my garden, my cats are always called in at night anyway ( I have no catflap and yes they do come in when I call, even if I have to call a couple of times) but the first instance this week was in broad daylight in the afternoon and this is MY garden… I’m exasperated with people being so blase about foxes and the threat they pose to our PETS ( and probably small children..) these foxes looked at me square on at first like I might not even be a threat til I picked up a broom screaming and yelling… ? any suggestions as to a product to deter them please help!!! I don’t want to harm them but I don’t want them in my garden hunting my cats!!!!!
Hi I came across this site while looking on line about Foxes attacking CAT’S….. I’ve had issues in my Garden with Foxes trying to attack my 16 year old Cat!!!! My cat put up a good fight and most time’s I was home & was able to get broom and chase off the Fox… I’m looking to see what advice I could get to stop the risk to my cat & how to prevent the Foxes getting in my garden…. I’m currently looking at building a bigger fence but how high will it have to be to stop Foxes jumping over..?????
Okay something weird happened a fox with no fur on its tail just acted as if he wanted to attract idk if it’s because he could smell the food I had or bc I was being friendly with him thinking it’s just a cute animal but no more friendly
Our much loved 5 year old very healthy though small cat was killed 2 nights ago by a fox in North London. Neighbours heard a cat screaming at 3am – not uncommon as there is often cat noise at night. She is a rescue cat and feisty and street wise. It was a warm night and she slept at the back of a border very well concealed by tall plants and was jet black. Her chosen spot is only a few metres from her catflap. In the morning she wasn’t there for her breakfast. The plants in the border were flattened – and we found her almost decapitated with clumps of fur everywhere at the end of the garden which is surrounded by a 6 foot fence. We wonder if she had been routed out while asleep and attacked and killed and the fox intended to jump over the fence with her to feed cubs, though couldn’t make the jump with the extra weight. I know this is the case when they attack chickens. They come back to try again but simply cant jump a fence with a heavy weight in their mouth. So no more cats for us as it will happen again unless we keep it in which I am not prepared to do. We are devastated especially as we are animal lovers and like to see foxes. Surely urban foxes must be desperate to predate on a carnivore.