For dogs, panting can be a natural reaction to exertion, heat, excitement, and fear. If the panting is excessive it may be a sign or symptom that something is wrong.
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So why is my dog panting?
Here are some of the most common, and normal, reasons for a dog panting;
If your dog is hot
Dogs don’t sweat effectively like humans so panting is the only real way they can lose heat. A thick coat, and a tendency to continue running around despite feeling too hot, doesn’t help. Your dog will pant to lose heat until their normal body temperature is restored.
In a hot environment, if panting becomes excessive, this may be a sign of heatstroke. Drooling, vomiting, diarrhoea, and restlessness may be other signs. Cease any activity, find a cool spot in shade, and give your dog water. If possible, shower them with cool (not cold) water. Always call your vet for advice if you think your dog may have heatstroke. It can be rapidly fatal without action.
If your dog is anxious
Panting can be a natural response to fear and anxiety. Your pet may pant in response to a visit to the vets, a thunderstorm or some other stressful event.
Although this a perfectly normal response, its a sign that they aren’t coping with their situation. A visit to the vets is a rare event (hopefully) and your pet’s panting should stop after the visit. Using treats and fusses to build positive memories around the building and people may help to ease your pet’s fears in the long run.
Sustained periods of anxiety in everyday situations, such as in the home or on walks, may require some treatment and/or behaviour modification. Anxiolytic (anti-stress) medications or natural products, such as pheromone collars and plugins or thunder shirts, may promote calm. Please speak to your vets for advice if you think your pet may be suffering with stress or anxiety.
If your dog is exercising
Panting is often a normal response to exercise or excitement.
If your pet is panting with minimal exercise, when they previously they wouldn’t have done, this may be a symptom. We call this exercise intolerance. Although there may be a simple explanation for this, it could also be a sign of a deeper issue so it’s always worth getting your pet checked by one of your vets if you notice this.
Different breeds of dogs and individuals within breeds may pant more or less often than others. It’s important for you to be aware of your dog’s ‘normal’ so you pick up subtle changes. Elderly and obese animals are more likely to pant due to heat, exercise, fear and excitement.
Your vet team can discuss your pet’s weight, and help with a weight loss program if needed. Short-nosed breeds (brachycephalics) such as boston terriers, pugs and bulldogs are more susceptible to heatstroke. They can pant and struggle more if anxious or exerted. If you’re worried about your dog’s breathing it is always best to get it checked.
Are there any illnesses that can cause my dog to pant?

It is very important to try to differentiate between panting and respiratory distress, which is extremely serious. With respiratory distress your dog may prefer to stand, with their elbows turned out, and their neck stretched out, as they may find it easier to breathe in this posture.
Their breathing may be faster and with more effort. Their gums may take on a dark or even purple appearance, with their lips drawn back and nostrils flaring. With this pattern of breathing it is extremely important that you take your pet in immediately. It may be a sign of serious heart or lung disease.
Panting due to pain
Pain can also cause excessive panting. There are a huge number of possible causes for pain, some more obvious than others. An elderly pet may pant excessively due to pain from joint disease, for example. There are usually other symptoms depending on the cause of the pain. Your vet can examine your dog to look for any evidence of pain causing panting, perform follow-up investigations, or suggest a trial of pain relief if appropriate.
Fevers as a cause
If your pet has a fever they may pant excessively to cool themselves down. Your vet will check your pet’s temperature and may want to perform further tests to find out the cause, or take a history to see if there are other symptoms to help determine the cause of the fever. Treatment will depend on the cause, or if the cause is uncertain, the symptoms are treated.
Hormone conditions
Certain hormone conditions can cause increased panting. One of the most common is Cushing’s disease (hyperadrenocorticism). Panting is usually not the only sign of this disease. Dogs commonly drink and urinate more, want to eat more, have a thinning coat with thin skin, and a pot-bellied appearance. This disease is usually caused by a benign tumour in an area of the brain called the pituitary, or rarely a tumour in the adrenal gland near the kidney. It is normally diagnosed with blood and urine tests. Panting can also be a sign of other, rarer, hormone diseases.
Blood pressure issues
Panting can be a symptom of high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is usually due to other conditions such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease and renal disease. Your dog would usually have other symptoms of these diseases. Hypertension can be medically treated but underlying causes would need to be investigated, diagnosed, managed and treated.
Medicines and painkillers
Certain medicines can cause excessive panting. Prednisolone, and other corticosteroids are commonly used and can cause side effects, including panting. Overdose of medications to treat thyroid disease (hypothyroidism) can cause increased panting, as can certain painkillers and sedative drugs such as diazepam and opioids.
If you are unsure whether your pet’s breathing is normal or not, it is always best to get them checked. Please call your vet immediately if:
- you think your dog may be in pain.
- the panting is constant and heavy.
- your dog’s tongue or gums appear blue, purple, or white. This may mean your pet isn’t getting enough oxygen.
- your dog’s panting starts suddenly.
You may also be interested in reading the following posts from the VetHelpDirect blog;
- Bringing a new puppy into your home – Dos and Don’ts
- Vet Panel: Dogs and puppies with diarrhoea
- What is Cushing’s Disease in dogs?
- Why do dogs hump?
- Why do dogs shake?
- Why Does my Dog Lick His Paws?
My boyfriends family dog (golden lab) is 12 years old and overweight… he struggles to walk sometimes but one night we came back and I’m not sure if its because they fed him food off their plate that’s poisonous to dogs; but, he collapsed a day ago and starting whimpering. He’s also making heavy panting sounds soon and off, not eating and drinking excessively. Also hasn’t moved from one spot and popping inside.
OK, there are lots of possibilities, but he clearly needs a vet ASAP!
I have an 11 month Golden. He is very active and hyper. He pants all the time bur I’m not sure if it’s from excitement, him being hyper or anxiety. I. Just worried that it’s something related to his trachea or anything like that. He will sometimes drink water and choke or cough.
I’d suggest a check up with your vet – it’s probably that he’s a slightly hyper adolescent (!) but he could have laryngeal paralysis, which it’s best to know about sooner rather than later.
My dog Tito is 6 and has diabetes. He gets insulin 2 times a day. He pants a lot for long periods of time. Is this an additional problem? He has a vet appointment next week and I will ask there, but thought I’d ask here now. Thanks
It could be a sign of another condition – Cushing’s Disease, for example, quite often occurs alongside Diabetes and can cause panting. More likely, it’s coincidence, but it’s a good idea to raise it with your vet!
I have a black lab that is a quarter pit. She about to turn four in May. She has bad breath whether I brush her teeth or not, and she is the gassiest dog I know. She burps and farts constantly and it smells god awful. In the past three days she has started panting heavily for no apparent reason. I’m not really sure why she’s doing this as this is not normal behavior for her. I’ve also noticed she’s been clinging to everyone and always wanting to go outside. This makes me very nervous. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Lots of things, unfortunately… If she’s entire, I’d be a bit worried about a pyometra; if not – could be anything! But I’d definitely recommend a vet visit to try and see what’s going on; I don’t like it when dogs suddenly start panting for no obvious reason.
My dog is a year old and slightly underweight She is a poochon amd I know they are fussy eaters but she doesn’t eat propey and is often sick. At present she is been sick and has diarrohea and very heavy breathing I am very command can’t afford vets bills at present can you offer me some advice as to what I can do or what it could be as I am deeply concerned.
Many Thanks Leah
I’m afraid that diarrhoea, being sick, and very heavy breathing usually means there’s something pretty serious going on, and that she needs veterinary attention: the heavy breathing is most commonly due to metabolic acidosis (her blood turning acid) because of dehydration and severe electrolyte losses from diarrhoea. Not seeking veterinary attention for her in that state is actually a criminal offence – so find her a vet ASAP! The RSPCA and PDSA will usually be able to help, either directly, or by directing you to another local charity clinic. Good luck!
My dog is continually painting but his not hot or dyhdrated what could this be because me and my partner are worried ?
Other possibilities would be anxiety, or certain medical conditions (such as Cushing’s Disease) which are sometimes associated with excessive panting. I’d suggest a vet check to rule out any medical issues!
I have a 1.5 year old pit. Katahulla. I had to leave for a little over a month. She weighed 75 80 pounds when I left her at a friend’s house when I came back she was skinny and now she is breathing heavily and fast. I gave her shots myself and she was a very healthy dog. I’m very worried about her. I have had her since the day she was born in October. Her mom seams to be ok please let me what I can do. I start a new job next week and I don’t have the money to take her to the vet at the moment. Someone please help me find out what is wrong with her
A dog of that age who has lost weight quickly and is now struggling to breathe is a dog who’s in real trouble and really needs veterinary attention, even if that’s in the form of a charity clinic or outreach program. Causes might include pneumonia, pleural disease, or potentially lung- or heart parasites (I don’t know what local nasties you have, but lungworm would be a worry here even without heartworms).
Again, it sounds like she really needs a vet.
My 13-14 yr old shih Tzu started have arthritis issues and and gained a lot of weight in the past year. Lately he has been panting a lot and I know it’s not because he is hot he is always cold. What could be causing him to pant so much?
Probably the weight gain, putting pressure on his lungs – although heart disease or primary lung problems are also possible. Definitely vet check to rule out underlying diseases, then get booked into your local vets for a weight clinic to help get the extra weight off him without overloading his joints!
My 15 year old has hip dysplasia. Taking anti inflammatory. Gotten worse last couple days and not wanting to walk. Added pain pills but now doesn’t want to get up and walk or go out to the bathroom. Does this get worse that quick. He is too big for us to get him out. Torn if it is time to let him go or possible he will feel better in a day or so and start getting up a little.
It can do but not commonly; usually it’s a slow and gradual decline, although there are often lots of ups and downs along the way. My gut call would be to say that this is likely to be a really bad couple of days and he might well improve, but I think you definitely need to talk to your vet about reviewing his pain control, as other options include side effects from the meds!
My dog is 13 years old a Lab, she has arthritis in both of her back legs. She’s panting lots and had bad breath. She’s on Rheumocam tablets. Is my little one still in a lot of pain
She might be, but it’s probably best to have a medicines review with your vet and see if it might be time to add some additional painkillers to her treatment plan.
My British bulldog has just had a c section yesterday she is doing fine with pups but won’t stop panting and eyes looking very big she is on anti biotics abs pain killers
Some degree of respiratory compromise is quite common in these breeds after surgery, however, I’d suggest a phone call to the vet: it might be she needs a little more pain relief.
I have an 11 year old large, mixed bread shorthaired bitch. She has increased urination and thirst, pants a lot and moans in her sleep. She has started licking her front paws and has lost muscle mass. Any suggestions?
Definitely time for a vet check – those changes suggest a significant underlying health problem. If she’s entire, it could even be a pyometra; however, hormonal issues such as Cushing’s or a thyroid disorder, kidney or liver disease are also quite possible.
oh i do hope she is okay!
I’ve got a springer spaniel coming up to 3 years old, over the past 48 hours he’s developed a barking cough, off his food, and panting more than usual, still bounding and eager to play, There’s been no change in his daily routine, other than being taken around for more walks, should I be worried? Or has he just picked up a bit of a cold?
That sounds very much like kennel cough – it’s very infectious, so I’d give your vet a ring and let them know, and see if he needs to be seen, or if there’s something else going on.
my mums dog is 4yrs old a westie, he tried jumping up on to the puffy banged his tummy he has been fine but when i came in he was panting like mad and lay on his belly sliding backwards anyone know what it could be?
Panting and abnormal stretching movements can indicate abdominal pain; it’s probably nothing, but could be a sign of internal bleeding or bruising, especially if in association with trauma to the abdomen. I’d be inclined to get a vet check.
My 8 year old Rottweiler is panting excessively and drinking a lot of water , could you give me advice
I realize this is late but for anyone reading this who might have the same question …when my Rottweiler was just under a year old I came home from work and my roommates said he had been out twice etc like normal nut he was drinking way more water than usual and breathing slightly heavier/panting with no exertion. I knew something was wrong and saw empty cellophane and rushed to the emergency vet. We were less than an hour from death from chocolate poisoning- he ate a brownie made with baking chocolate and the other forms. Vomiting was induced amongst other things and a ton of fluids were given. Just adding this to saythere are lots of reasons for any unusual behaviour but don’t ignore it if you have a feeling. I hope everything turned out well with your pup.
It might be overheating, but there are a number of other causes that should be investigated, including heart disease and Cushing’s disease; I’d also want to rule out diabetes, liver and kidney problems. I think it’s time for a check up and probably blood tests with your vet – good luck!
My boxer pants all night long and I can’t sleep. He also lays in front of fan too He sleeps during the day and he acts like he can’t walk on back legs too.Could it be hip dysplasia
It could be, but it could also be advanced heart disease or a number of other conditions – so I think he needs veterinary attention ASAP.
My my 10 year old dog has arthritis and blind he is panting puking and diarrhea
OK, get him to the vet ASAP – panting and vomiting and diarrhoea together suggest a serious metabolic or electrolyte problem, probably due to dehydration, which may well prove fatal without treatment.
My dog 10 but lately starting panting she eating fine not sure if she hot or something else it not to,fast but soon as she gets up she pants
Get her checked by a vet ASAP – at that age heart or lung disease is quite likely, and needs addressing.
My 3 year old shepherd loves to go for car rides. This week we went for a few rides (rides are only 3 miles or less) and she started breathing real heavy and fast when she got home (for at least 2 hours). The windows are 3/4 of the way down and she goes left to right in the back seat, sticking her head out each window. Is this too much air for her? Also, she never used to whine when we got in the car before and now she does. Seems like excitement or anxiety (more than usual). I carry water and a bowl for her in the car and water and potty is the first thing she does when she gets out of the car, so I don’t believe thirst is an issue.
Dogs should never be allowed to stick their heads out into the slipstream when driving – they can inhale particles which can damage the lungs, get eye injuries, or even suffer severe trauma from vehicles. I suggest a vet check to rule out other issues, but I suspect that the issue is whatever she has been inhaling.
I’ve got a 3 year old springer spaniel. Last night I heard some unusual sounds. I went to check on him and he was sitting down, nose pointed up and panting really fast. He seemed out of it. I know some Springers get rage syndrome, so I slowly started to pet him. No growling, no biting and his pupils were fine from what I could tell. He was just out of it for about 1-2 minutes. I gave him some food and water and he got back to 100% normal, just really weird. If this happens again should I take him to a vet?
I would – it sounds like some sort of seizure, and it’s probably best to get it checked.
My Dog is panting so much I am going to get him checked out for shore
My yorkiepoo 11 years old 2 nights ago started panting for a couple hours …. he had ct and enlarged heart …. the panting just came on suddenly and he seemed to be acting differently and didn’t eat his dinner …. then suddenly he just laid down on the floor and seemed to not be breathing … I tried to give him water and he couldn’t take it …. he’s tongue was blueish and seemed swollen …. he died a few minutes later …. I’m trying to figure out what happened to him ??? We didn’t have a chance to get him to the vet …. please try to tell me what could have happened to him ? I am so sad and feel guilty I couldn’t and didn’t help him …. poor little guy …. Thankyou
Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that…
The description seems to be consistent with an acute (sudden onset) worsening of his heart condition. To be certain, though, you’d need to get a post-mortem on his remains, to determine the exact cause.
The thing to remember is that although it’s rare, an “acute decompensatory event” is very fast, and in most cases is untreatable unless the dog is actually in the practice at the time.
Remember him, and your love for him: that’s what mattered to him.
My 12 yo westie has started to pant excessively for hours in the middle of the night. He sleeps on my bed. I turn the heat off hours before bed to see if this helped. He sits on the bed panting, shaking and staring at the window. He’s not sleeping more during the day. He has started hiding under the kitchen table during the day. He doesn’t have a cough. His exercise, food and drink are the same. The vet said it could be bronchitis or an enlarged heart. Though hasn’t done any tests.
There’s lots of possible causes, including Westie Lung, heart disease, or bronchitis. I think it’s time for some tests – have a chat to the vet about X-rays and any other tests to work out what’s going on.
We got a puppy who can never seem to settle. She has always antes. I notice when she lays down she doesn’t. Her breathing is shallow and rapid as if she just played all the time even when we are relaxing. The vet doesn’t know what’s wrong and says tests that may tell us nothing are about $1,000. I would pay if I knew it would help.
I have a 5 year old Rottweiler that I adopted from the shelter 2 weeks ago. He only pants when he stands up and walks. He’s fine when laying down. The shelter intake paperwork did say he’s very anxious. He’s definitely needy and wants to be close to me. He is getting more adjusted to the new environment, but typically follows me everywhere. Appetite is good.
If he pants at even mild exercise, while that might be a stress thing, it could also indicate serious cardiorespiratory disease. I’d strongly advise a full veterinary examination to check out his heart and lungs.
My dog has been calm up until five days ago. He started to pant and salivate very heavy. Then he began to climb on me and my mom if he isn’t on us he is trying to hide in the closet or under a bed to the point he is getting stuck. The backyard helps just a little bit but doesn’t fix his behavior. When in a dark room he calms down until he is let out. He has never been scared of thunder or any weather changes or strange sounds in the past. This is all new behavior. What is the best thing to try to calm him down so he is mangeable? We can’t go about doing anything when he acts like this.
This sounds like a serious anxiety problem – however, the first place to start is to get your vet to check him over to rule out underlying medical problems that could cause this sudden change in behaviour. Assuming he’s medically healthy, we would advise trying Adaptil pheromone diffusers. However, these problems often need a referral to a good qualified canine behaviourist – your vet will be able to recommend one.
My bitch has just come of season, my male dog was reacting the way any boy would, houling, crying, jumping at her trying to mount her, off his food, and panting, (they never mated)…but since she has finished being on heat, he has become quite low and slow movements, also dioreaha no firm poos for five days, eating small amounts, still drinking water as usual…is this the after affects of him being so horny and not being allowed to perform!…thank you x
I don’t think sexual frustration is likely to cause diarrhoea – although severe chronic stress might – so I think I’d suggest a vet checkup.
I dug her teeth removed and he has been panting for eight hours straight what is wrong?
There are a lot of possibilities, some of them quite serious, in a post-op dog, so I would strongly advise you to contact your vet as soon as possible.
My 16 year old jack Russel started panting in the summer so I obviously thought it was the heat, now in December nothing has changed. The vet has put her on meds for pain relief which is a nightmare to get her to take but she does not pant all the time usually when i put her on the bed at night. After a while she settles but wakes3 or 4 times in the night with same symptoms
It might be a sign of pain or, at that age, something like heart disease. I think another vet check would be a very good idea!
My Chloe – shep lab x – was acting, eating, weight etc absolutey fine but i noticed she was panting without a real reason or need except that since she wears a fur coat I thought it could be the warmer temperatures with the season change. Since all the other body processes were working properly, she was happy and had no distress i decided to observe her a day or two and see what info i could gather. While i was specifically “examining” her for injury and making observation i noticed her neck (under the ears and down toward the throat) felt different … i took her to the vet for evaluation. What I was noticing … the panting and lumps on each side of neck were lymphoma. The lymph nodes in her neck were growing and beginning to hamper her breathing. She also had many other enlarged nodes. I did not want to put either of us into a crisis situation such as her suffocating- which the vet felt COULD / WOULD happen in a matter of days and without warning as the nodes grew – and it is my responsibility to keep her safe and comfortable. Treating cancer was not an option and even If I could have afforded it the prognosis was not worth it … so I made the best decision i could FOR HER not for me … she fell asleep, and i was NOT IN THE NEXT ROOM … I WAS BESIDE HER.
Her panting was my only clue something was different. Yes, her passing is terribly sad but it was ONLY sad – it could have been a major / terrifying/ stressful crisis.
I have a diabetic dog with congestive heart failure. So he has twice daily insulin and cardisure and 3x 40 mg frusomide and moduretic.. tge panting happens when there is a fluid build up and he is struggling to breath.. he then needs more diuresis sometimes even a jab from tge vet and a spell in an oxygen tent
My dog was panting so much
Ended up being the dog food I was feeding her from global pets
That’s unusual – diet wouldn’t normally cause a respiratory problem unless it was contaminated; or unless the pet became severely obese. Do you know what the cause was?
The article does not mention that excessive. panting may also be caused by LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS. This is fairly common in older dogs but also happens to puppies.
Our 6 month old Briard was finally diagnosed with this very serious health problem.
Panting from laryngeal paralysis isn’t really a sign in and of itself; it’s more an issue of partial obstruction as the cartilages become inflamed an oedematous following normal panting. However, that usually comes under the “respiratory distress” category, as you’ve said; I hope your Briard is doing better now!
My 4 year old husky has suddenly (within the last 5 days) started panting heavily. He’s been able to go on normal walks (2.5-3 miles) without any sign of distress. He still wants to play and eat. He did throw up tonight but afterwards I gave him some rice and he ate it without any problems and has kept it down – about 5 hours now. I’ve noticed a small increase in the amount of water he’s drinking. It’s not that he’s drinking more frequently but he’s drinking way more than normal each time instead. He’s going potty normally. Including letting me know when he needs to go and running around marking things as always. He’s not trying to eat grass or anything. He seems balanced and stable when standing/moving around. I’m trying to see other symptoms but truly other than throwing up once and this excessive/heavy panting, there’s been nothing out of the ordinary. When he falls asleep, his breathing eventually slows down and it’s normal and the panting ceases. I counted around 28-35 breathes per minute. When he’s awake it’s around 100-110. I did recently change his food from blue buffalo wilderness to blue buffalo Carnivora. Could that be causing an issue? He always had a sensitive tummy as a puppy but once we got him on the wilderness food, all issues went away. And he’s been a foodie ever since.
I suppose I should mention that he’s not overnight, he’s at a good 62lbs. And he’s never had any health issues other than when he got his paws on some raisins and had to be at the vets for a few days on medication to reverse the beginning damage being done to his kidneys. He had a clean bill of health after that. After that experience where he had eaten raisins – seeing him shake, drink excessively, vomit profusely, unable to walk well to the eventual collapsing – I’m completely terrified of something similar going on again. I’m just confused on what to think since the panting is really the only sign of something unusual going on. It seems to be more prevalent at night time which is also an odd thing to me. I think a visit to the vets is basically a must do at this point. I’m just scared and can’t form a good opinion.
Hallie I’m curious F you found out What was wrong with the panting with your husky
There are a wide range of possibilities, and I’d strongly advise getting a vet to check him over, and perhaps run some blood tests. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to determine for certain what the cause is over the internet, or even whether it’s an emergency or something that will wait!
My 12 year old lab x started panting heavily last night and all day today. She is drinking but has gone off her food now. Normally she is in perfect health and on no medication. She did see the vet last week due to having a stiff leg but was told to test. Abviously if she’s like this tomorrow I will call my vet.
Heavy panting and going off food can be a sign of a stomach upset, or a more severe gastrointestinal issue such as an early bloat. Hope she’s doing OK!
Does anyone know if you can get pills for dogs with diabetes instead of injecting with insulin every 12 hours. Thanks
Hi Joyce. There aren’t any pills, but there are different forms of insulin, some of which don’t require twelve-hourly injections. It’s likely your vet has got your dog on the most appropriate treatment for them, however, so I’d recommend giving your vet a call to discuss treatment options if you have any queries at all. They will be more than happy to help and advise!
My dog is on cardisure, prednisone and fursomide for her heart ,she is panting heavily could this be due to the weather being so hot ,she is a mastiff
The heat definitely won’t be helping, but increased panting can also be due to heart problems, especially if they’re starting to deteriorate. Try and keep her as cool as possible, but if it doesn’t improve, I’d suggest you get a checkup from your vet.
I just started noticing the same in my male, beagle mix. Since getting fixed in 2013 when he was a puppy, (he’s a rescue and getting fixed is a requirement), he has gained weight. A few times he has overheated after being out walking in the summer heat. But tonight, after being inside and sleeping for 2 hours after running and playing, I just noticed he is panting while laying down. I noticed right then I too was a little stuffy, wearing a short sleeved tshirt and windbreaker jacket. Thermostat said 73. Outside is somewhere in the 50s. About 3 weeks ago he was diagnosed with diabetes. Has been drinking excessively and urinating excessively.
Panting is commonly seen in overweight dogs, and is pretty common in diabetics for various reasons. However, if its a new symptom, I’d strongly advise you get him checked out again by your vet.
My lab is diabetic and needs insulin injections twice a day. Tonight he has been panting quite heavy for the past 2 hours.
Take your dog to the Vet. That is your dogs way in telling you that something is not right with him or her. My dog doing exactly that. I took her to the Vet, and she was suffering from under active Thyroid. That is serious matter. Your Dog could collapse like my dog did. But you must take your dog to the Vet. Sooner the better. Good luck to you and your pooch. Please do not forget to take your dog to Vet.
I’ve had two dogs that experience heavy panting. One died of cardiac issues. The second died of organ failure. The heavy panting is a precursor to dire health. It’s like a 911 call for critters.
Without knowing more it’s impossible to say what the problem is; however, I would strongly advise you to call your vet for advice.
My 12 yo purebred mini poodle was diagnosed with diabetes last January. We have done a fructose amine test many times and gotten his levels are good numbers. He seems to be losing weight, pants excessively and is overall visibly uncomfortable about an hour after his insulin injection the doctor increased his insulin a small amount but it has not helped. I have tried testing his glucose levels after he eats but it is very difficult to do so and Not some thing I can continue to do. Any ideas as to what the problem is
Unfortunately, the only way to be sure is with a glucose curve – a series of glucose readings taken every hour for perhaps 8-12 hours after the dose is administered. Many vets will do this as an inpatient procedure – although it’s more reliable done at home in a more relaxed environment, like you many owners find it difficult to take the samples.
Possible causes include overdose and Sormogyi overswing, underdose, or unusually short insulin action duration.