Guinea pigs can make great family pets. They are small, affectionate and very chatty! They are interesting to watch as they have great personalities and show a number of unique behaviours. One of these behaviours is licking other guinea pigs and sometimes even their owners!

So why is your guinea pig licking you?

Guinea pigs often use licking as a way of showing affection. They lick their companions to groom and bond with them. When they have a strong bond with their owner they will lick them to show affection.

Should I stop my guinea pig licking me?

No! Unless your guinea pig is showing signs of being in pain or distressed, or you have any creams or substances on your skin which may be harmful to your guinea pig, then there is no need. Your guinea pig licking you is them showing you affection and that they are comfortable in your presence.

What can I do to improve my bond with my guinea pig?

Having a good bond with your guinea pig is an important part of their care. It helps them feel safe and secure in your presence and improves their quality of life. Guinea pigs are sociable animals who love the company of other guinea pigs. And in the right environment, humans can be fun companions too. Getting your guinea pig to trust you is extremely important in the process of building and improving your bond with your pet guinea pig.

Ways to improve your guinea pigs trust in you include:

  • Spending time in their environment – this can include sitting in their play area or run (if it is large enough) or just outside, so they get used to you being around and don’t see you as a threat
  • Hand feeding them their favourite foodstuffs so they associate you with a positive interaction
  • If you have long haired guinea pigs, grooming them regularly, as long as they are calm and relaxed, can also be a good way to bond with them

Are there any other reasons why guinea pigs lick things?

Yes! Whilst licking you or one of their companions is most commonly a sign of affection, there are a number of other reasons why a guinea pig may lick things. These include:

  • To taste – much the same as us, guinea pigs have highly developed taste buds on their tongues and use them to taste new foods. If it is something they haven’t experienced before they may lick it first to get the taste before committing to eating it.
  • To groom – like many other species, guinea pigs use their tongues to groom their fur and the fur of their companions.
  • To soothe themselves – if your guinea pig has a wound or injury they may lick the area to soothe themselves. If you notice your guinea pig licking one area a lot, it may be a sign there is an issue. They may be itchy due to a skin condition or external parasite, (you will likely see them scratching at the area with their hind limbs as well if this is the case/they can reach that area with them), or they may have a wound or injury. If you notice this behaviour it is important to get your guinea pig examined by a veterinary surgeon as soon as possible to check if there is anything wrong and get appropriate advice and treatment if needed.


  • Guinea pigs are often seen licking their owners, this is generally regarded as a sign of affection and seen as a positive behaviour 
  • Guinea pigs are inquisitive, social companions and building trust with them is an important part of their care 
  • They can lick things for other reasons including to taste things, to groom others or themselves, and to soothe themselves if they have an ailment or injury

Further reading: