Archive: Sep 2020

Best UK Vet Awards 2017 - the Results are In!
Best UK Vets
Best UK Vet Awards 2017 - the Results are In!
You may have seen quite a bit about the Best UK Vets Awards recently (especially if you follow our Facebook page!). What are the Best UK Vet Awards? It is vital for people to know which businesses offer the best custome…
February 15, 2017 • 105 shares
News and Comment
What the new Public Space Protection Orders mean for dog owners.
Public Space Protection Orders were first introduced by the UK government in the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They were intended to prevent anti-social behaviour in public places (a bit like the ol…
February 13, 2017 • 5 shares
News and Comment
I want to be a vet or a vet nurse… what should I do?
Working as part of the veterinary team - whether as a vet or a vet nurse - is a very demanding, stressful, and incredibly rewarding job. However, as a result, both jobs are pretty competitive to get into! So, here are ou…
February 1, 2017 • 30 shares • 2 comments
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