A quick update for everyone on the Best UK Vets 2017 Award – earlier this week, we held the Awards Ceremony for Penmellyn Vets’ St Columb Major clinic. The practice had gathered nearly 900 excellent reviews in the previous 12 months, and easily came out on top to win the overall Award! To recognise excellence in veterinary customer service, Susie Samuel (founder of VetHelpDirect, who sponsor the Awards) made the long journey down to Penmellyn in Cornwall. Despite the weather, she and some of our team were able to be there to present Penmellyn with a trophy, certificate and a specially commissioned cake.

In her speech, Susie congratulated the practice on their incredible result – “Penmellyn vets received 839 reviews, which is the highest ever number of reviews for any practice in the entire history of BestUKVets. This is a fantastic achievement and incredibly well deserved, it’s been a great day and a real honour to meet everyone and present the award”.

Penmellyn Vets are an independent practice owned by six vets, all based in Cornwall. They’re also one of the older practices in the country, being founded more than 130 years ago! Partner Philip Harris accepted the award, saying that it was “a real honour for Penmellyn Vets and I know that all the directors are immensely proud of the work that we do here. It really is thanks to all the hard work from our staff and the excellent care that they take of our clients and their pets every day.”

This was a double celebration too – as well as winning the Best UK Vets 2017, their equine team won the Best Equine Vets 2017! As she was in the area (!), Susie presented their Certificate, which was accepted by Director Ruth Varcoe.

The Best UK Vets Awards Ceremony, of course, needed an audience, and all Penmellyn branches closed (except for emergencies or ongoing care of inpatients) for three hours on Wednesday, so that as many of the team as possible could be there to celebrate! There were also clients invited, and everyone got a taste of the (really delicious!) celebration cake, plus nibbles and drinks.

More information about Penmellyn Vets can be found on www.penmellynvets.co.uk. More about the background of the awards can be found at https://vethelpdirect.com/best-vet/.