Archive: Sep 2020

Does Walking The Dog Count As Exercise?
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Does Walking The Dog Count As Exercise?
I think we all know, deep inside, that we should be doing more exercise. The NHS recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, but 40% of people are failing to meet that target. Activity is essential to prevent obes…
July 29, 2019 • 7 shares • 7 comments
Beware Summer Risks
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Beware Summer Risks
As the days get warmer (and warmer and even warmer! - Ed.) we all want to be outside enjoying the sun with our pets, whether this means going out and about on day trips, going on holiday or enjoying time out in the garde…
July 25, 2019 • 40 shares
What happens if my dog gets bitten by an adder?
What happens if my dog gets bitten by an adder?
Snake bites to dogs in the UK aren’t particularly common but they do occasionally happen. The only venomous snake native to the UK is the Adder (Vipera berus). They tend to live in sand dunes, rocky hillsides, moorland a…
July 12, 2019 • 937 shares • 1 comments
Why is my dog so hot?
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Why is my dog so hot?
There’s a profound misconception about heatstroke in the UK - and that’s probably because we don’t have heat waves often enough to have to deal with it! Basically, people think that dogs cope with heat the same way that…
July 9, 2019 • 226 shares
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