Archive: Sep 2020

Can People Catch Diseases from Animals? Part 1
Can People Catch Diseases from Animals? Part 1
Around 12,000 years ago, humans domesticated their first animal, probably the dog, with goats, chickens, oxen, and horses following soon after. Ever since then, human and animal lives have been intertwined, and you proba…
August 28, 2019 • 77 shares
Vaccines for pets... What, why and how often?
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Vaccines for pets... What, why and how often?
This is always a controversial subject… but sadly there’s a lot of misinformation out there. As a result, it can be very hard to find accurate data in an easy to read form. In this blog I’m hoping to take a brief spin th…
August 23, 2019 • 141 shares • 2 comments
Why is my dog scratching? He hasn't got fleas!
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Why is my dog scratching? He hasn't got fleas!
Dogs do occasionally scratch, but if it’s frequent, incessant or distressing then something is amiss. Some dogs will lick or nibble rather than scratch. Many do this in private so watch out for red, sore skin, bald patch…
August 19, 2019 • 496 shares • 13 comments
Introducing the VetHelpDirect 2019 Communications Survey
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Introducing the VetHelpDirect 2019 Communications Survey
You may remember that we ran a big survey here at VetHelpDirect in 2017. If you’ve been following us for a bit longer (and thanks if you have!), you might even remember we did one in 2015. So, you’re probably getting a f…
August 16, 2019 • 40 shares
Why Is My Cat Losing Weight?
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Why Is My Cat Losing Weight?
It can be very worrying when you notice your cat to start to lose weight, especially if they’re an older cat. Weight loss conjures up terrible thoughts and googling often makes things worse - a symptom as vague as weight…
August 14, 2019 • 66 shares • 1 comments
Laundry liquids - a hidden killer?
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Laundry liquids - a hidden killer?
We like our clothes and our bedding to be nice and clean, and smell appealing, so we tend to wash them very thoroughly. However, just soaking fabric in warm water does very little to remove stains and grease - so we use…
August 9, 2019 • 314 shares
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