Archive: Sep 2020

Could my pet have internal bleeding?
Life and Death
Could my pet have internal bleeding?
We know about external bleeding because we can see it; we know how severe it can be. But hidden bleeding on the inside of our pets can be much more difficult to spot and just as serious.
August 31, 2020 • 235 shares • 1 comments
How much insurance cover should I get for my cat?
Save money
How much insurance cover should I get for my cat?
Not every cat has 9 lives and those that do can cost a lot getting through them. Being prepared for accident and illness gives you peace of mind and the freedom to choose the best treatment for your cat when the inevitab…
August 29, 2020 • 16 shares
Why did the vet prescribe… antibiotics?
Why did the vet prescribe…
Why did the vet prescribe… antibiotics?
If there’s one thing that can make a vet cringe, it’s not blood, guts or abscesses. It’s the misunderstanding and confusion surrounding antibiotics. Antibiotics are one of the most common prescriptions we make, with the…
August 28, 2020 • 51 shares
Should My Dog Wear a Seatbelt?
Ask a vet
Should My Dog Wear a Seatbelt?
With more and more rules being brought in to make our roads safer, it might surprise you that there is no law about dogs wearing seatbelts… yet!…
August 27, 2020 • 195 shares • 1 comments
Do dogs think we are dogs? What we know about the Human-Dog bond
Do dogs think we are dogs? What we know about the Human-Dog bond
Humans and dogs have coexisted for thousands of years. In fact, some scientists believe that the co-evolution of humans and dogs is one of the things that allowed early humans to survive and thrive to produce the humans…
August 25, 2020 • 291 shares • 6 comments
Mass surge in UK chicken ownership
Best Pet
Mass surge in UK chicken ownership
It’s not just toilet roll that was running short at the beginning of the lockdown… some staple foods were quite hard to get hold of too, including eggs. And that might be why there seems to have been a massive run on reh…
August 24, 2020 • 54 shares
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