Archive: Sep 2020

Whose responsibility is it to remember dog and cat booster vaccines?
Controversial topics
Whose responsibility is it to remember dog and cat booster vaccines?
In the fast-paced modern world, it can feel as if your to-do list presses upon you from every single direction. From work to maintaining a house. To maintaining life in general and keeping stomachs full; it can be extrem…
October 28, 2021 • 38 shares
Is it fair to get a puppy before my old dog dies?
Is it fair to get a puppy before my old dog dies?
Are you thinking about adding a puppy to your family, with a senior dog already at home? A new puppy can help liven up your house and, hopefully, provide companionship for your older dog, making him more active and joyfu…
October 28, 2021 • 120 shares
Do rehomed cats ever make good pets?
Do rehomed cats ever make good pets?
While no one should ever have to consider giving away a member of their family, sometimes pet owners face several situations that lead them to needing to find a new home for their cat. But what happens next? How do they…
October 27, 2021 • 37 shares • 3 comments
Why do dogs get diabetes?
Common Conditions
Why do dogs get diabetes?
Currently in the UK, nearly 5 million people are living with diabetes – that’s around one person in every thirteen. But did you know that diabetes is also fairly common in our pet dogs with an estimated one in three hund…
October 27, 2021 • 45 shares • 1 comments
Is it wrong to give your dog cheap food?
Is it wrong to give your dog cheap food?
We’ve all seen the huge variety of dog foods that are available in pet stores, and the amount of choice can make choosing a pet food into a tricky decision. Food brands range from very cheap products, through to really e…
October 26, 2021 • 35 shares
Wildlife care – why do vets normally recommend euthanasia?
Wildlife care – why do vets normally recommend euthanasia?
Unfortunately, wildlife casualties are fairly common. Most veterinary centres are equipped with the ability to provide basic care to most types of wildlife. But fewer are set-up for the long-term housing or management of…
October 26, 2021 • 44 shares
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