Archive: Sep 2020

Can I Feed Leftovers to Chickens?
Can I Feed Leftovers to Chickens?
Feeding kitchen scraps to our backyard chickens seems like a great way to make the best use of our waste. Our egg-laying birds can potentially turn yesterday’s leftovers into the next morning’s breakfast egg. However, th…
May 31, 2022 • 102 shares • 2 comments
Is it safe to leave dogs in cars these days?
Is it safe to leave dogs in cars these days?
We are living increasingly busy lives, dashing here, there and everywhere – the school run, the weekly shop, the petrol station. A lot of people bring their dogs along for the ride. But then what do you do when you get t…
May 31, 2022 • 61 shares
Pamper Boxes for Cats - What's Out There and is it Worth it?
Pamper Boxes for Cats - What's Out There and is it Worth it?
It’s safe to say we’re a nation of animal lovers, and we love to treat our pets. In fact, we collectively spend almost 8 million pounds a year on our pets! The market for pet products is huge, and you can get almost anyt…
May 30, 2022 • 28 shares
How to house train a puppy
How to house train a puppy
Having a puppy can fulfil and enrich your life in so many ways. It is often said that a house is not a home without a dog. Albeit, a house is definitely less chaotic without a puppy! However, house training a puppy can b…
May 29, 2022 • 48 shares
Why should I feed an old dog a special diet?
Why should I feed an old dog a special diet?
As our dogs become ‘golden oldies’ their needs may change. They may need us to slow down slightly on walks; they will need lifting in and out the car; or they may need a little more time to rest - and their nutritional n…
May 28, 2022 • 28 shares
Should you make an insurance claim for a small vets bill or will it affect your premium?
Pet Insurance
Should you make an insurance claim for a small vets bill or will it affect your premium?
With all household energy bills rocketing, it is not surprising to see so many people trying to find different ways to save money. Insurance policies are worth comparing but always seek more information than the simple m…
May 28, 2022 • 13 shares
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