Search results for "vets own pets"

Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Cats develop cystitis for many reasons including infections, bladder stones and tumours. Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is the most common cause of cystitis in cats under 10 years. Idiopathic means that no cause is fou…
March 2, 2021 • 156 shares • 3 comments
Why Do Dogs Get Dehydrated?
Why Do Dogs Get Dehydrated?
Stop what you’re doing! Go take a drink. Drinking is important to avoid dehydration and keep us functioning at 100%. Of course this applies to pets as well. But why do dogs get dehydrated at all? Is it as simple as not e…
February 27, 2021 • 21 shares
How effective are puppy vaccines?
How effective are puppy vaccines?
With the rollout of Covid-19 vaccinations in full swing, vaccines are a hot topic. Quite rightly we are all taking more interest in how they work, if they’re safe and if we should be getting them.
February 23, 2021 • 24 shares • 1 comments
Do antihistamines work for atopy in dogs?
Common Conditions
Do antihistamines work for atopy in dogs?
Hmmm…This is a good question! It’s one as vets, that we often receive from clients. While antihistamines are effective for humans to treat allergies, do they work for dogs in the same way? Unsurprisingly, the answer isn'…
February 20, 2021 • 8 shares
How much insurance cover do I need for my dog?
How much insurance cover do I need for my dog?
Veterinary bills can range widely from hundreds to thousands of pounds and this can be a worrying prospect for many owners. Pet insurance is a safety net, helping cover unexpected veterinary treatment costs when pets are…
February 17, 2021 • 41 shares • 1 comments
What vaccines does my rabbit really need?
What vaccines does my rabbit really need?
With the human Covid vaccination being rolled out, we thought this would be a great time to talk about vaccination for our pets, too! So we’ve assembled a panel of vets from practice, academia and industry, to ask their…
February 17, 2021 • 66 shares • 2 comments
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