Search results for "puppy farm"

Should air guns be licensed?
Animal Welfare
Should air guns be licensed?
England and Wales are now the only UK nations where anyone aged over 18 can buy, own, and use an air gun without any licence. Sadly, cats and wildlife are frequently the victims of horrific air gun attacks, often sustain…
April 6, 2024 • 38 shares
How can I find a responsible dog or cat breeder?
How can I find a responsible dog or cat breeder?
Whilst veterinary professionals will always encourage those who want a new dog or cat to look at adoption first, sometimes it isn’t a suitable option. So what then - is it OK to buy from a breeder? How do you know whethe…
February 4, 2024 • 129 shares
Why does my dog take my shoes?
Why does my dog take my shoes?
Dogs have many interesting, quirky behaviours that often leave us scratching our heads wondering “Why do they do that?” Have you ever wondered why your dog takes your shoes? Perhaps they greet you at the door wagging the…
December 16, 2023 • 167 shares
How to stop your dog from pulling on their lead
How to stop your dog from pulling on their lead
Dogs pulling on the lead is a common stress of dog ownership. Our dogs are just so delighted to be out with us, they can’t contain their happiness! It is the highlight of their day after all. Outside is full of so many d…
August 9, 2023 • 828 shares
The Kennel Club - A Force for Good? Or Profiteers from Poorly Puppies?
Controversial topics
The Kennel Club - A Force for Good? Or Profiteers from Poorly Puppies?
Do the kennel club do enough to promote, encourage and ensure the welfare of the UK’s dog population? Or are they in it for the money?  According to their website, the kennel club was set up in 1873 to develop a consiste…
May 10, 2023 • 30 shares
How to check whether a pet rescue is genuine
New Pet
How to check whether a pet rescue is genuine
We all love the idea of rescuing an animal; being able to take on a dog or cat that has come from a bad background, a cruel start in life, and give them a loving and safe home. Being the one to turn their life around, al…
April 9, 2023 • 35 shares
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