Search results for "pet insurance"

Do any charities provide pet insurance?
Pet Insurance
Do any charities provide pet insurance?
Pet insurance is an absolute necessity, with some vet bills reaching well over £10,000. Pet insurance should always be taken out no matter what animal you have. From dogs to cats, rabbits to lizards, there is insurance a…
October 22, 2022 • 22 shares
What is meant by
Pet Insurance
What is meant by "actuarial risk" in pet insurance?
There is a wide choice of pet insurance policies on offer for our pets, including dogs, cats, and rabbits. Even birds and reptiles can now be covered by an exotic insurance policy. There is such a wide range of pet insur…
October 6, 2022 • 4 shares
Will pet insurance premiums rise with inflation?
Pet Insurance
Will pet insurance premiums rise with inflation?
We all dread the thought of our precious pets becoming ill or getting injured, and worrying about how to pay for expensive veterinary bills only adds to this distress. Many people very sensibly take out pet insurance to…
September 29, 2022 • 7 shares • 33 comments
What is a “pre-existing condition” in pet insurance?
Pet Insurance
What is a “pre-existing condition” in pet insurance?
Pet insurance is an essential cover that should be taken out when you have a pet. It is recommended to help cover the costs such as surgery, medications and advanced imaging. It could be said that it is relatively simple…
September 17, 2022 • 12 shares
Pet insurance - do you know who your pets are really insured with?
Pet Insurance
Pet insurance - do you know who your pets are really insured with?
Pet insurance can be a bit of a minefield when you start looking into it. There are so many providers out there claiming they have the best policies for our pets. But who are these people and are they reliable when it co…
September 8, 2022 • 11 shares
What small print do I need to check for my pet insurance?
Pet Insurance
What small print do I need to check for my pet insurance?
When choosing a pet insurance, you want to choose a company and policy you trust and believe will help you at a time when you feel you need it the most. With any policy, both parties, yourselves and the insurance company…
August 31, 2022 • 12 shares
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