Search results for "end of life"

Public liability insurance for pets - what is it and is it necessary?
Pet Insurance
Public liability insurance for pets - what is it and is it necessary?
Just when we thought that insurance couldn’t get any more confusing, have you ever heard of public liability insurance for pets? I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you haven’t (because I actually hadn’t either!).
June 6, 2023 • 10 shares
Pins, Plates and Screws – What’s the Vet Doing When They Repair Broken Bones?
Pins, Plates and Screws – What’s the Vet Doing When They Repair Broken Bones?
Veterinary care has come a long way since the days of old. Many injuries and illnesses that were previously difficult to treat are now routine. Orthopaedic surgery is a great example of this. However, orthopaedics is oft…
June 4, 2023 • 8 shares
How do canine weight control diets work?
How do canine weight control diets work?
Obesity is increasingly common in our let dogs. But just as in humans, simple diets are difficult to stick to, and often fail to keep the weight off. In this blog, we’ll be having a look at specialised weight loss diets,…
June 3, 2023 • 9 shares
Is mud dangerous for dogs?
Is mud dangerous for dogs?
Many of our dogs love mud – they love to run, jump, splash and even roll in it. Some may wonder, aside from the obvious cleaning issues, if this can actually be so healthy for our pets? So, let’s investigate if mud is ac…
May 29, 2023 • 8 shares
Do Chinchillas make good pets?
New Pet
Do Chinchillas make good pets?
There are a variety of small mammals that people decide to keep as pets, including hamsters, gerbils and even hedgehogs! However, what about Chinchillas? Chinchillas can make fantastic little pets and can be a great addi…
May 26, 2023 • 8 shares
Controlling a Flea Infestation - 5 Dos and Don'ts
Preventative Health
Controlling a Flea Infestation - 5 Dos and Don'ts
Fleas can be a problem all year round and even in the most spotless home or on the cleanest pet. Here is how to spot signs of fleas and how to treat your pet - and your home - to keep fleas away.
May 25, 2023 • 468 shares
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