Search results for "why does my cat"

Why do people get allergic to different types of dogs?
Why do people get allergic to different types of dogs?
With approximately one third of households in the U.K. owning a dog, managing a dog allergy can be challenging. The amount of people with allergies is also rising, with pet allergies affecting up to 20% of the global pop…
December 18, 2021 • 67 shares
Why does my pet insurance premium go up each year?
Pet Insurance
Why does my pet insurance premium go up each year?
No matter which insurance company you choose to use for pet insurance, you can nearly always expect a yearly increase in your payments. Most pet insurance policies will increase by a small amount each year... However, th…
December 17, 2021 • 41 shares
What does a cat REALLY want for Christmas?
What does a cat REALLY want for Christmas?
Christmas can be such a magical and exciting time! With all the colourful lights, cosy markets, delicious food, special time with our loved ones and, of course, giving and receiving presents, it is only natural that we w…
December 14, 2021 • 39 shares
Pergolide can cause your horse to lose its appetite- why this happens and how to help your horse
Pergolide can cause your horse to lose its appetite- why this happens and how to help your horse
Pergolide is widely prescribed to treat Cushing’s Disease in horses. However - it can have side effects, and some are very worrying to owners. In this blog, we look at one……
December 3, 2021 • 54 shares
Gold standard vet care isn't always the best thing for your pet - here's why.
News and Comment
Gold standard vet care isn't always the best thing for your pet - here's why.
Have you ever heard the term “gold standard” when referring to the veterinary care provided to your pet? It is a term that most of us vets are taught in vet school, and one which we are often told we should strive toward…
December 2, 2021 • 199 shares
National shortage forces vets to delay cat vaccinations
News and Comment
National shortage forces vets to delay cat vaccinations
If you have tried to book your cat in for his annual booster vaccination recently then the news of a shortage of cat vaccinations may have already reached you. This is a national problem and is affecting most veterinary…
December 1, 2021 • 113 shares
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