Dogs have quite poor vision, up to eight times worse than humans at seeing detail. Scientists think this is because dogs struggle to tell red and green apart, much like colour blind humans. Dogs only have two types of ce…
I hope everyone and their animals have had a great Christmas! Now, on Christmas Eve we posted a festive Quiz - so here, as requested, are the answers! If you haven’t answered the Quiz yet - give it a go here… and…
If you think about it, the Christmas stories we tell are full of animals. There’s the donkey carrying Mary in the Nativity story (cue “Little Donkey” from everyone who has fond memories of 1980s nativity plays!), sheep (…
An important question for 24th December maybe. A serious question too, as reindeer have become popular to keep for Christmas displays in the UK; looking after them, however, can be problematic... …
Christmas comes but once a year… but for many pets, that’s once too often! There always seems to be a rush at most practices over the Christmas period, from people who’ve forgotten to pre-order medication, to pets who’ve…
Does your dog have watery eyes, a runny nose, a cough, lack of energy and appetite? Is it like a human common cold? If yes, he or she may have a mild, viral infection like a cold, but not one we can catch or that they…