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Archive: Sep 2020

Seizures in an older dog
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Seizures in an older dog
Gail Looker-Williams asked: I have a 4th generation 13yr old Ridgeback girl (not neutered) who has had 3 occasions of panic & 2 seizures lasting under 1 min each time, these have all occurred in the last 8 - 10 month…
August 13, 2020 • 426 shares • 6 comments
Is my dog depressed?
Is my dog depressed?
The awareness of depression and mental illness in people is finally getting more attention. It is now being treated as a true medical ailment with huge impacts on those affected. We are also realising just how prevalent…
August 12, 2020 • 30 shares
Blood pressure problems in dogs and cats
Ask a vet
Blood pressure problems in dogs and cats
We know what pressure is, it's the feeling of being leaned on, or pushed on, by some external force. And of course, we know that blood travels in biological pipes called vessels.
August 11, 2020 • 49 shares
Going Back to Work? How to Help Your Dog Cope With the Changes in Routine
Going Back to Work? How to Help Your Dog Cope With the Changes in Routine
Well, the start of this decade has certainly been... unique... It feels like we’re slowly getting back to normal (or the ‘new normal’) and many of us are finally returning to work (or preparing to). Depending what your j…
August 8, 2020 • 144 shares
Does my hamster need the vet?
Small pet
Does my hamster need the vet?
Hamsters may be small, but they are full of character and often become an important member of the family despite their relatively short lifespan. As a naturally nocturnal prey species, they can be secretive when it comes…
August 6, 2020 • 30 shares • 2 comments
"Flank or midline? Should you care which way your vet spays your cat"
So, having bought or rescued a new female cat, you will find yourself with an array of bewildering decisions to make. You have:  Tackled the minefield that is settling on a name that reflects the personality of your…
August 5, 2020 • 511 shares • 2 comments
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