Archive: Sep 2020

Is skin disease in dogs inherited?
Ask a vet
Is skin disease in dogs inherited?
Within Veterinary Medicine it is well accepted that allergic skin disease in dogs has a hereditary basis. Or at least, there exists predisposition towards allergic skin disease with certain breeds of dogs. This underlyin…
September 30, 2020 • 47 shares • 7 comments
Does my cat have high blood pressure?
Does my cat have high blood pressure?
You might have heard of hypertension as it is a common problem in humans. Hypertension is high arterial blood pressure. It is also a common condition seen in cats, particularly older cats. Some cases of hypertension occu…
September 29, 2020 • 99 shares
Are all vets banning people from entering practice?
Life as vet - what its like
Are all vets banning people from entering practice?
A colleague of mine recently took her dog to the vet, after a long illness. At the vets, the nursing staff came to her in the car park, and took him away. The next she heard was the vet giving her a phone call, as she sa…
September 28, 2020 • 906 shares • 19 comments
Behind the scenes - dog dental
Behind the Scenes
Behind the scenes - dog dental
So, your vet has decided that your dog needs dental treatment. Many of you may wonder what will actually happen “behind the scenes” on the day of the procedure……
September 26, 2020 • 83 shares • 1 comments
Does my cat have heart disease?
Does my cat have heart disease?
Now there’s a good question! Albeit, not one with an easy answer… Firstly, we should remember that there is a difference between heart disease (a structural or functional change to the heart) and heart failure (a state w…
September 24, 2020 • 79 shares
Why does my dog smell?
Why does my pet
Why does my dog smell?
We all have our own smell and in every dog owning home there may be an undertone of furry friend. However, sometimes this smell can become a throat clenching, breath holding, eye watering fog. In this article we will loo…
September 23, 2020 • 221 shares • 3 comments
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