Archive: Sep 2020

Can dogs eat turkey for Christmas dinner?
Can dogs eat turkey for Christmas dinner?
The presents have all been opened, Christmas lunch is over and every family member is full of turkey. Except for one. Those big puppy dog eyes looking longingly at you over the leftover turkey, and asking for a Christmas…
December 25, 2020 • 1 comments
Managing stress in dogs and cats during a COVID-19 Christmas
Managing stress in dogs and cats during a COVID-19 Christmas
Stress can be highly infectious within a species, and it’s also thought pets may mirror our mental state. Humans and dogs, for example, have been living together for 15,000 years, sharing a unique relationship and bond.
December 24, 2020
What human food can dogs eat?
What human food can dogs eat?
In order for dogs to stay healthy, it’s important that they should get their daily nutritional requirement from a high quality, balanced pet food. Of course, every dog enjoys an occasional treat; but as their owners, we…
December 23, 2020 • 93 shares
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Have you just found your cat urinating on your new soft furnishings or in the bathroom again? Are you questioning your cat’s sanity? Are you getting fed up of worrying about whether your cat is going to urinate somewhere…
December 23, 2020 • 249 shares
What Christmas Treats Can I Give My Cats?
What Christmas Treats Can I Give My Cats?
‘Tis the Season! We all need some Christmas love, especially this year, so we’ll forgive you if you’ve already got the tinsel out and are basting the turkey! While the nation’s cats probably haven’t felt the effects of t…
December 22, 2020 • 44 shares
Are vets open in tier 4?
Are vets open in tier 4?
Well, as of yesterday, about 35% of the population of England went back into some form of lockdown - appropriately enough called “Tier 4”, matching up with Scotland’s system. However, this has all happened very quickly,…
December 21, 2020 • 338 shares • 2 comments
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