Archive: Sep 2020

Looking after elderly pets in the winter
Looking after elderly pets in the winter
Winter can be hard for elderly people, and elderly pets suffer more too.  Cats are considered elderly from 11 years of age, dogs at 7, but this depends on breed. Just as in humans, age brings changes: reduced smell,…
January 18, 2021 • 14 shares
Do cats need cat flu vaccines?
Do cats need cat flu vaccines?
Cats are susceptible to a range of infectious diseases, some of which can be protected against using vaccinations. Routine care including vaccinations have improved the welfare of cats and helped to prevent serious and s…
January 17, 2021 • 18 shares • 1 comments
Is my dog deaf?
Is my dog deaf?
Dogs are expert at reading us, and our behaviour. They can predict our actions from imperceptible signals. Seizure alert and diabetes alert dogs use these skills to protect their owners. This sensitivity makes it difficu…
January 16, 2021 • 44 shares
Vets are no longer
Vets are no longer "Key Workers" - what does that mean for pets?
As the UK’s “Lockdown 3.0” continues, in a blow to many veterinary practices, the government has this week (13th January 2021) decided to exclude vets and veterinary nurses from “key worker” status. This might seem a sim…
January 15, 2021 • 487 shares • 1 comments
Should I rescue a dog from abroad?
Animal Welfare
Should I rescue a dog from abroad?
As a nation of animal lovers, many of us are happy to provide a rescue dog with a second chance of a loving home. But are we causing more harm than we’re preventing by importing rescued dogs? Vet Sian investigates……
January 15, 2021 • 84 shares
Why does my dog have an ear infection?
Common Conditions
Why does my dog have an ear infection?
Disease of the outer portion of the ear canal (otitis externa) is one of the most frequent presenting problems seen, day to day, in first opinion veterinary practice. Representing inflammation of the cells that line the…
January 14, 2021
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