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Archive: Sep 2020

What does Addison's disease mean for my dog?
What does Addison's disease mean for my dog?
Addison's disease, otherwise known as hypoadrenocorticism, is an endocrine abnormality that affects dogs and, rarely, cats. It can be a bit tricky to understand, especially because there are various types. Essentially, A…
May 27, 2021 • 11 shares
Why do I need to vaccinate my rabbit?
Why do I need to vaccinate my rabbit?
You’ve got a lovely pet rabbit but did you know there is just as much care required to look after a rabbit as there is for a dog or cat? Yes, they do require vaccinations just like your pet dog and we will go through the…
May 27, 2021 • 21 shares
Vomiting in dogs – when is surgery needed?
Vomiting in dogs – when is surgery needed?
Vomiting is very common in our canine companions. The good news is that in most cases it is a short-lived problem and not caused by anything serious. Sometimes though, there may be a reason that your vet recommends surge…
May 26, 2021 • 16 shares
What is scurvy in guinea pigs and how is it treated?
Guinea Pigs
What is scurvy in guinea pigs and how is it treated?
Scurvy is a disease you may have heard of before. Usually associated with sailors hundreds of years ago who died on ships at sea when they had no access to fresh fruit or vegetables. So you may be surprised to learn guin…
May 26, 2021 • 36 shares • 21 comments
How long does puppy teething last?
How long does puppy teething last?
Puppies do not have any teeth present in the mouth at birth. Although, by the time they move to their new home from around 2 months of age, they will usually have a full set of deciduous (baby) teeth. Over the next few m…
May 25, 2021 • 10 shares
What is Cat Scratch Fever and how can you reduce the risk?
What is Cat Scratch Fever and how can you reduce the risk?
Many cat owners may have heard of a condition called Cat Scratch Fever, but you might not know much about what it actually is! In this blog, we are going to look at this illness, what causes it and whether or not you sho…
May 25, 2021 • 383 shares
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