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Archive: Sep 2020

What is Manx Syndrome in Cats?
What is Manx Syndrome in Cats?
Manx are a famously tailless breed of cat. While a lack of tail is their identifying feature (although some Manx cats have short tails and some actually have completely normal ones!), it is important to also recognise th…
May 20, 2021 • 202 shares • 3 comments
Can supplements help treat atopic dermatitis in dogs?
Common Conditions
Can supplements help treat atopic dermatitis in dogs?
Atopic dermatitis, otherwise known as allergic skin disease, is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disorder that causes itchiness in dogs. It is a complex disease that is influenced by genetic and environmental factor…
May 20, 2021 • 7 shares • 1 comments
Can cats get sunburnt and what are the signs?
Can cats get sunburnt and what are the signs?
Cats love to lie out in the sun, dozing in the warmth of the rays and watching the world go round with half-lidded eyes. But can this idyllic life in the sun cause problems? Cats, just like humans, are at risk of sunburn…
May 19, 2021 • 7 shares • 2 comments
Why is my puppy aggressive and what can I do?
Why is my puppy aggressive and what can I do?
Introducing a puppy to your family is wonderful. They bring a sense of purpose and joy into many households. However, with the warm cuddles, kisses and play can come undesirable behaviours that leave some new owners stum…
May 19, 2021 • 12 shares • 3 comments
Do cats get pyometra and what are the symptoms?
Do cats get pyometra and what are the symptoms?
‘Princess’ the cat is special and not like other cats… At least, that’s how Mrs Jones views her cat-child. This is plain to see as the vet has to immerse their entire upper torso into a ‘cat carrier’ that really would pu…
May 18, 2021 • 194 shares • 3 comments
Why lungworm is a threat to your dog
Common Conditions
Why lungworm is a threat to your dog
This post is sponsored by Elanco. For more information, visit their hugely useful UK map for lungworm cases. Lungworm, as a parasite, was hardly even being discussed a couple of decades ago. Yes, we knew it existed, and…
May 18, 2021 • 63 shares
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