Archive: Sep 2020

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What is "culture and sensitivity" and why did my vet bill me for it?
There can be a lot of information to take in when you are at an appointment with your vet. Especially if you are busy worrying about your poorly pet. One of the things that you may be a bit confused about is ‘culture and…
February 17, 2022 • 42 shares
Is there palliative care for cats?
end of life
Is there palliative care for cats?
In the majority of cases, it is inevitable that we as owners have to make the decision about end-of-life care for our pets. We hear about palliative care a lot in human medicine, but how can it be applied to veterinary m…
February 16, 2022 • 57 shares
When is ‘accident only’ pet insurance a good idea?
Pet Insurance
When is ‘accident only’ pet insurance a good idea?
With energy bills rocketing, you may be seeking different ways in which you can save some money on your monthly outgoings… could pet insurance be one of them? Having some sort of pet Insurance is always a good idea and s…
February 15, 2022 • 11 shares
Is Seresto safe?
Is Seresto safe?
Stateside in America, there has recently been a damning report regarding the use of the well-known, ectoparasite product, the “Seresto” collar. Seresto collars are commonly used within the UK and may well be included in…
February 15, 2022 • 167 shares
Spaying and reproductive health: What do vets choose for their own cats?
Spaying and reproductive health: What do vets choose for their own cats?
This Valentine’s day we’re looking at whether or not vets practice what they preach when it comes to cats and love… Do vets think that their own cats should be allowed a litter? Do they get their own cats neutered? Or is…
February 14, 2022 • 85 shares
Should you let your cat have one litter?
Should you let your cat have one litter?
This Valentine’s Day, our question is ‘should you let your female cat have a litter of kittens before they are neutered?’ You may have heard that this is a good idea for your cat. However, this is a common myth and a reg…
February 14, 2022 • 72 shares
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