Archive: Sep 2020

Why do sheep and goats have 4 stomachs? Ruminant digestion for the smallholder
Farm animal
Why do sheep and goats have 4 stomachs? Ruminant digestion for the smallholder
Sheep and goats are widely known as small ruminants; they are part of a larger group of herbivores who all possess a rumen and ruminate (or chew the cud). And that means their digestive process is quite unfamiliar to man…
December 27, 2022 • 22 shares
How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog?
How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog?
Working out how much to feed your dog sounds super simple - and it can be. But our pets are all individuals with different metabolic needs, so it's not always as straightforward as it sounds. Just like people, pets of di…
December 26, 2022 • 139 shares
Here’s to the Christmas Vets and Animal Carers
Here’s to the Christmas Vets and Animal Carers
Over the Christmas period, most people are able to take a break - even if just a few days - to celebrate (or not!), relax, and recharge. This year especially, I think we all need a few “down days” to escape the world and…
December 24, 2022 • 8 shares
How to Have a Pet-Friendly Christmas Day
Animal Welfare
How to Have a Pet-Friendly Christmas Day
Christmas advice from vets is normally quite a negative affair. We’ve written articles abound on the dangers of chocolate, mince pies and onions. And while these are important, this year we thought it would be fun to be…
December 24, 2022 • 29 shares
Why NOT to use hydrogen peroxide if your dog’s eaten something nasty
Why NOT to use hydrogen peroxide if your dog’s eaten something nasty
During this time of the year, we are faced with a huge increase in the number of ingested toxicities in both dogs and cats! Would you know what to do and how to respond if your dog ate something they shouldn’t? A quick g…
December 23, 2022 • 581 shares • 3 comments
Pet-safe Christmas decorations
Pet-safe Christmas decorations
Although we love to decorate our homes for Christmas, it can be quite dangerous for pets. Cats can be attracted to shiny Christmas decorations, which they then grab, causing the tree to be pulled over. If glass decoratio…
December 23, 2022 • 6 shares
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