We’re doubtless that you’re all very aware of the arguments for worming your cat regularly. But how much does it matter what you worm with? Our vet nurse blogger Robyn investigates…

Worms and your cat

The most common intestinal worms cats get in the UK are called roundworms and tapeworms.

You will be glad to know that most cats infected with worms do not show signs of having worms. However this does mean that you may not know they have worms if they are clinically well.

A heavy burden of worms can cause issues such as weight loss, vomiting and diarrhoea, irritation around the anus, and failure to thrive, especially in kittens.

Although worms can cause issues to cats, we also need to be aware that some worms can also be passed on to us. And on rare occasions they can be a cause of serious human disease. For these reasons, regular treatment of cats and kittens to prevent or eliminate worms is very important. As an example, some wormers that treat Echinococcosis state specifically that it represents a hazard for humans. As Echinococcosis is a notifiable disease to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), specific guidelines on the treatment and follow-up, and on the safeguard of persons, need to be obtained from the relevant competent authority (e. g. experts or institutes of parasitology).

Can I prevent worms?

Something you should know, because it causes confusion sometimes, is that unlike some flea and tick treatments where they are made specifically to repel or prevent the parasite, worming treatments usually treat the burden the cat currently has, and in between then and the next treatment the cat can in many cases be accumulating more (depending on how long the active ingredient remains in the body). This is generally why we like to treat on a schedule and according to specific risk factors for your cat. Some can be used for the prevention of heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) which is extremely rare in the UK unless found in imported animals.

Those cats that hunt and ingest wildlife, or have a diet of raw meat, are more likely to pick up tapeworms. These worms shed little segments called proglottids; which often are described by owners as ‘grains of rice’ in their pet’s poo or around the anus. For these cats, you may want to keep up regular tapeworm treatment; especially during the summer months when they may be hunting more. 

There are different types of worming treatment available:

Prescription worm treatments.

Prescription medications are proven and effective products, licensed for an animal to treat or prevent a certain issue, and they can only be prescribed by a vet. All veterinary medicines are subject to rigorous pharmacovigilance reporting. This is the practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs after they have been licensed for use. This includes follow-up requirements which mean suspected lack of efficacy (which could be due to resistance or other factors such as incorrect administration) are investigated and reported to the regulatory authorities. This is positive, as we know that efficacy (ability to produce a desired or intended result) is monitored closely; so we know these products work well.

If your cat is healthy and visits your vet regularly, your surgery may be happy to dispense prescription worming products without an appointment. Animals are required to be under a vet’s care; so if they haven’t been examined for a while you will (at the moment) need to book an appointment for them to be checked.

The positives of prescription products are that they are batch tested, effective, and given alongside guidance for your individual pet. Worms are not normally the only parasite you need to treat for. So looking into your individual pet’s ‘risks’ for other parasites such as tapeworms, fleas, ticks, and roundworms can help guide a more tailored parasite plan for you.

Non-prescription worm treatments:

‘Off the shelf’ treatments (Authorised Veterinary Medicine – General Sales List) are non-prescription products that can be bought ‘off the shelf’ in supermarkets and pet shops and without a prescription.

They tend to contain potentially less effective ingredients than prescription and NFA-VPS products. 

AVM-GSL – Authorised Veterinary Medicine, General Sales List are the least heavily regulated medicines. This is because, in general, they have the least capacity to cause harm, and may be sold by anyone so are easily accessible to you. You can often find them in supermarkets which is great for accessibility. But you need to be aware that they are often the least effective drugs on the market. They may not work as well as you hoped in a worm burden. 

What are NFA-VPS products?

‘NFA-VPS’ treatments are treatments that can be bought without a prescription, but are only available from locked cupboards in pharmacies, vet clinics and pet shops, sold by a vet, a pharmacist or an SQP (hence “VPS”!). NFA-VPS products tend to be more effective than ‘off the shelf’ products. And they typically ask for more in-depth information about your pet; for example you will need to know your cat’s weight to buy one. 

Benefits of prescription only

Before being placed on the market, all veterinary medicines undergo a detailed regulatory assessment by independent regulators; they consider the balance of the benefits provided from using the product, compared with the potential risks.

This includes looking at:

  • Benefit/risk assessment considering the product’s safety (including environmental safety)
  • Quality and efficacy
  • Determination of the product’s legal supply classification (who can prescribe/supply) 
  • Any warnings to be placed on the packaging or restrictions that should be placed on the product’s use

The benefits of getting a prescription only are you know they are licensed for use so have evidence to back up their claims.

As an example, they may say that they are for the treatment of mixed infections by immature and adult cestodes, and nematodes and they are likely to outline these species. This kind of information is useful, alongside the support and guidance of your veterinary team. And the fact we know these products are tested and regulated to a high-quality means that this is the type of treatment I would use for my own pet. And the type I would generally suggest to my clients as well. Having said that, there are also some fantastic wormers that owners can choose via NFA-VPS products that can work very well. Just chat to your veterinary team for more information.

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